DK66 | Joined since 2016-08-26

Investing Experience Advanced
Risk Profile High

I have quit i3 and will not comment in i3 anymore





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2020-05-11 13:27 | Report Abuse

elbrutus, Thanks for your first "like"


2020-05-11 13:26 | Report Abuse

Sarifah, I never met Andy or anyone from the management and none of my articles were validated by the insiders. I hope it is crystal clear to you now.

SarifahSelinder DK66

1Q: Do u know for 100% certainty the 12% IRR is project (100% equity IRR) or only the Equity IRR in 25:75 basis?
11/05/2020 1:18 PM


2020-05-11 13:21 | Report Abuse

Philip said I should do so but sarifah said I shouldn't. Who do I please ?

Aseng said honesty first. I think that is the answer.

Sarifah, I don't think there is anything egoistic in the article. You said many are relying on me for guidance. Shouldn't I made cleared of myself to them first ?

SarifahSelinder If u hv to ask then Sarifah is worried......
11/05/2020 1:14 PM

News & Blogs

2020-05-11 13:13 | Report Abuse

You can ask OTB about insider information. He should know very well.

News & Blogs

2020-05-11 13:12 | Report Abuse

smilingmosquito, you are right. If Andy wishes to do it, he would have done it himself. If it is only revealed to me, it is insider information and I know where i will end up to be.
smilingmosquito Andy cant do that personally! it will be inside info!!!!
Andy can call a meeting that reveal to all, then ok!


2020-05-11 13:09 | Report Abuse

Sarifah, what have I done wrong ?
SarifahSelinder DK66

OMG now u hv a big ego now it is all abt u u u
11/05/2020 1:04 PM

News & Blogs

2020-05-11 13:08 | Report Abuse

Sarifah, no, I did not


2020-05-11 10:06 | Report Abuse

Sarifah, This is not entirely true. Even though OTB assisted to get information from the management, I do not want the readers to have the idea that my articles are "validated" by the insiders. This is not true.

In fact, my latest article is a relative valuation with Vinh Tan 1's results. It contains no insider information or management guidance.

Sarifah, it is dangerous to fully rely on anyone in i3. I m sincere but I might be wrong. That is why I avoided giving personal projections and only analysis based on facts and figures.

However, I promise to inform when i sell.

SarifahSelinder DK66

When it comes to Vietnam IPP u hv an advantage over tat i3lurker sbb u ada met team Andy n stil getting updates from team Andy via OTB

Jadi u punya calculations n projections mesti more accurate

Kita semua kat sini place100% reliance on u DK66 cos u verified ur details wit team Andy

Kita caya u will not let us down

8000+ visits all trusting u
11/05/2020 9:38 AM


2020-05-11 09:49 | Report Abuse

Dear OTB, thank you for your support.

OTB I believe DK66 is very nice and kind gentleman in this Jaks forum.
I have a lot to learn from him.

I hope all attackers in this forum must be fair to him.
He just expressed his honest knowledge to guide us.
I am very disappointed with a few attackers to describe DK66 as a con man which is not fair at all.
DK66 did not force anyone here to believe 100% of his postings.
He also did not force anyone here to buy Jaks.
He is sincere and posts his articles here with good deeds.
I hope he will do well in his investment in Jaks.
Thank you.
11/05/2020 9:20 AM


2020-05-11 00:39 | Report Abuse

I forgot to address this question but I must in order to be fair to Jay. Triplc has changed its name to Pimpinan Eshan Berhad (PEB) after selling all its assets to Puncak.

I learned form Jay's article and I bought at 1.50. Triplc returned RM1.95 about a year later to its shareholders and now I m waiting for the balance about RM1 to be returned to me with interest.

I thank Jay for that.

FYI I am not challenging anybody with results. If you do not wish to show your portfolio results, then there is no reason to push, because you yourself bought triplec based on writings by jay back then.

I too used to follow many sifu who wrote beautiful articles. Where is triplec now?


2020-05-10 22:03 | Report Abuse

Aseng, I have a lot to learn from you
Aseng Elbrutus,

It is not difficult to defeat your enemy
It is more difficult to win a friend
10/05/2020 9:56 PM


2020-05-10 22:00 | Report Abuse

Aseng, identical valuation refers to exact same price. For example, the price for HONDA CRV2.0 is the same for every HONDA CRV2.0 sold in malaysia.

Relative valuation is like comparing HONDA CRV2.0 and NISSAN XTRAIL2.0. They are very similar in specifications but different technologies. Their selling price will be similar but not exactly the same.


2020-05-10 21:39 | Report Abuse

elbrutus, Thank you
elbrutus ok that case i shall go with d flow provided he/she does no further stepping on ..without solid facts n figures...i did promised to watch your BACK !!!


2020-05-10 21:34 | Report Abuse

elbrutus bro, harmony is priceless. No need to mind face.

elbrutus DK66 bro...u dont need to apologise to this pucker...u did no wrong shud be d other way round me he is n always will be an extra piece of S H ..ONE ..T !!!
10/05/2020 9:31 PM


2020-05-10 21:27 | Report Abuse

Yes, it makes me very happy. Thank you
i3lurker No worries.
Apologies are not necessary, but if it makes you happy then of course it's accepted.

Cheers. Bottoms Up.


2020-05-10 21:06 | Report Abuse

I want to be at peace with everyone especially those in Jaks forum and that include you, i3lurker and qqq3. I want everyone here to be happy. Would you accept my reconciliation ? I apologize for being rude and harsh.


2020-05-10 20:50 | Report Abuse

Aseng, I m sure you understand relative valuation is not identical valuation, right ?


2020-05-10 20:43 | Report Abuse

Aseng, elbrutus, thanks for your support.


2020-05-10 20:42 | Report Abuse

Jaks makes up 90% of my portfolio was announced to the world long time ago. Only you don't know.


2020-05-10 20:29 | Report Abuse

Philip, I appreciate your advice.

Me too, Jaks makes up 90% of my portfolio and that is known to everyone including my average price as well as my recommended buying price. And I promised to inform everyone if I decided to leave. Maybe you are not aware of my promises.

What actually triggered my defense system was when a reader asked me to tell him nothing more than BUY and SELL. He doesn't want to read. He is exactly those targeted by the fear mongers.

When the reader asked me the simple question, I sensed that he placed his trust on me. I felt responsible and thus I blasted loud.

In fact, I didn't argued. I just proved all of his points wrong.

I m who i m. I can't help being emotional. Anyway, I m beginning to feel that burden of being relied upon. I would seriously think twice after I finished off with Jaks.

Thank again for your advice.

Philip ( buy what you understand) Exactly why I am very very careful about writing articles.

In any case, I usually only write articles in which I have a stake in, and I am honest upfront about my portfolio position and purchase price so everyone knows that if a bad recommendation is made, when I sell everyone will know it immediately.

Unlike some individuals who buy LCTITAN at 4.15 and quietly comment "I sold" when it dropped to rm2, while leaving the disclaimer choice to buy is yours. I'm not held responsible if you lose money.

But the fact is: you writing articles is not wrong at all, and totally appreciated.

But why pull yourself down to their level and fight trolls like i3lurker? Just let time prove him wrong.

Just the way I prove GDEX boy i3lurker WRONG with his egoistical comments by showing smart trading investments in STAR.

Investing is like watching paint dry. Let time prove your investments right.

Then you can laugh and make fun of trolls like i3lurker. You know and I know that he has zero credibility.

Why argue further with trolls?


2020-05-10 16:53 | Report Abuse

Anyway, philip, sorry for the harsh attitude. I do value some of your comments. Thank you.

I wish to stay in good term with you.


2020-05-10 16:50 | Report Abuse

correction :The latest article was only possible when vinh tan 1 results was announced recently. So, I should NOT write because I have written enough ?

correction : Sorry, I can't keep quiet when someone is providing wrong info on jaks, or I should NOT defend and let them be misled because it is none of my business ? Defending is arrogance ?


2020-05-10 16:47 | Report Abuse

elbrutus bro, thank you for being around.

I still have high regards toward philip, he standby firmly on his pe50 stock. That much i respect but to prematurely judge someone's article as irresponsible is something I can't accept.


2020-05-10 16:41 | Report Abuse

Philip, what would you do if you made a wrong recommendation, beside saying sorry ?


2020-05-10 16:39 | Report Abuse

My articles are written when there is new information. They represent different perspectives. Please tell me which of my articles are repetitive. I will take it down.

I m a responsible person, I said I will share all I know and that I m doing all the time.

The latest article was only possible when vinh tan 1 results was announced recently. So, I should write because I have written enough ?

Sorry, I can't keep quiet when someone is providing wrong info on jaks, or I should defend and let them be misled because it is none of my business ? Defending is arrogance ?

I really need a guideline in sharing.

Jaks is my first stock in i3 sharing. Sorry, I don't have any result to impress you.

I saw the comments in QL forum and saw you defending yourself. I thought that was the right thing to do.

Philip ( buy what you understand) I repeat, you are not wrong or right because people say you are. You are wrong or right because your results say you are.

Why keep writing so many articles? Is it because a large part of your networth is in JAKS and it is to your best interest to keep writing articles using assumptions and estimations and FORECASTING without a PROFIT GUARANTEE from JAKS management?

Let's face facts: if you have invested in JAKS unprofitably for the last 3 years without dividends or share buybacks or increase in share price value, then your IRR must be bad. So if you need to write articles then go ahead.

But you do not need to be so argumentative. Just provide your points and move on.

Let people agree to disagree.

If you want to step on their necks, please provide portfolio results to show that you are right and they are wrong. Articles and charts alone are useless if they do not CORRECTLY FORECAST THE FUTURE.

This is an investing forum, not an engineering forum.

and since results is just around the corner, why don't you just wait for results to justify your investment thesis, rather than fighting with everyone around you?

FYI, I know exactly how you feel. You can read my comments on QL forum arguing with everyone on why I am still holding a pe50 stock. But today none of them are in QL forum anymore (except for sslee), probability, stockraider, icon8888, choivo, Ricky yeoh, kcchongnz.

The reason was simple. I was right and they were wrong. While their stocks cratered to 10 year lows in their low PE high dividend etc strategies, my pe50 stock kept going up in price and stayed steady during the crisis.

That is how you build a reputation. By being right.

Agree to disagree.


2020-05-10 16:26 | Report Abuse

I do not wish to offend anyone and make enemies here. But I always been personally attacked. Why? I thought I m nice enough not to create troubles, but troubles always come to me. Just because I shared my writings ??


2020-05-10 16:23 | Report Abuse

Trial and error is to on IRR discount rate to get NPV to zero, not estimates. Please be informed.

I don't share empty articles, I always put up my computations so that readers may do verification.

If my sharings don't work out, beside saying "sorry", what else do you suggest I should do ? Are you suggesting I shouldn't share at all.

Perhaps the IBs should stop writing too ?

I suppose you are against the concept of sharing.

Philip ( buy what you understand) Only those without results look on it as arrogant to check credentials.

In the internet world where everyone hides behind a mask, isn't the right thing to do is to compare what you say with what your investment returns.

This is why everyone buys subscription from OTB, because of his past results.

In the same vein, you have admitted what everyone knows, that your calculations and articles are based on comparisons and estimates and trial/error because your returns just cannot be CALCULATED, but iterated.

This is already a red flag for me, especially when you do not have real cash flow data to work with.

FYI I am not challenging anybody with results. If you do not wish to show your portfolio results, then there is no reason to push, because you yourself bought triplec based on writings by jay back then.

I too used to follow many sifu who wrote beautiful articles. Where is triplec now?

There are many Warren buffetts in the world. But only one we listen to, why? Because his "sharings" come with a legendary portfolio.

Seriously, I have no issues with you and your sharings.

But the fact is, if your sharings don't work out, all you can do is say I'm sorry or stop posting.

Which does no good to investors who bought and loss based on your sharings.


2020-05-10 16:08 | Report Abuse

Philip, I m not a superman, I spent all my time in the last 3 years on Jaks. Please do not task me with other jobs. It is like saying "if you can't do this, then you must be wrong"


2020-05-10 16:06 | Report Abuse

Philip, if you have a better evaluation method, I would appreciate if you can share it here. I m doing a task that so far no one is doing better in Jaks - trying to FORECAST the future earnings of JHDP.
Please take note of the word "FORECAST"

If you can do better, I will take down my article and everyone including myself shall follow your article.

You may make comments on the article and point out its weaknesses but to totally invalidate it with just a few words, sorry, I m not convinced.


2020-05-10 15:59 | Report Abuse

Obviously, you do not believe in sharing. Not me, I stay in a small town with a lot of loving people.


2020-05-10 15:58 | Report Abuse

If sharing a good article is offensive and arrogance, I m speechless.


2020-05-10 15:55 | Report Abuse

Philip, how do I appear arrogance to you ? By putting up a challenge ? Are you speaking for yourself too, challenging everyone with results ?


2020-05-10 15:53 | Report Abuse

Yes, perhaps philip is the most reputable man by his own standard.
elbrutus DK66 bro point asking these queries cos writing can be tedious n v time comsuming...if they r not into Ms JAKS territory no pen will be lifted no point asking them ...just keep to ur own belief n time long though...will tell !!!
10/05/2020 3:47 PM


2020-05-10 15:50 | Report Abuse

Trying to predict the future cash flow, by an outsider, for 25 years is quite an impossible task without making some wild assumptions.


2020-05-10 15:48 | Report Abuse

In reality, you need to forecast your future cash flow including the initial outlays, then you can find the IRR (by trial and error) until NPV reaches 0. What we are doing is actually working backward, not the right way, but an attempt to forecast the cash flow pattern, if IRR is the only information we have.


2020-05-10 15:44 | Report Abuse

Relative comparison is a far better evaluation method than IRR for JHDP given the similarity between Vinh Tan 1 and JHDP.


2020-05-10 15:42 | Report Abuse

I prefer practical than theoretical.


2020-05-10 15:41 | Report Abuse

Philip, can you then estimate the profit of JHDP given 12% IRR ? I just want to know how far off is his from icon8888's.

Thank you


2020-05-10 14:25 | Report Abuse

This is also in the circular

Slippage rate = inflation

Components of fixed price for operation and maintenance according to major repair costs and other costs The base year is ... (VND / kWh);

i: Slippage rate of components of the fixed price for operation and maintenance by other expenses is 2.5% / year (or as prescribed in the Circular providing methods of determining generation price, order of checking conformity electricity trading);

l: Ordinal number of payment year starting from the base year ( for base year l = 1) .


2020-05-10 13:58 | Report Abuse

I gave him a simple challenge to remove his obstacles and he can't do it.


2020-05-10 13:50 | Report Abuse

OTB, I merely asked them to prove themselves. Nothing else. In order to arrive at 26 cents on 12% IRR, they must have already done the spreadsheet. No more works needed just present it.

Are you saying that they spoke out not nothing ? no calculation ?

OTB Posted by DK66 > May 10, 2020 1:41 PM | Report Abuse

Aseng, I gave my challenge, and the gang are not taking up the challenge. What does that mean ?
They have no ball to take up the challenge.
They are just too lazy to do their homework to work out the figures.
They give sweeping statement will attract a lot of supporters to back them up.
Why bother to do the homework ?
All homework are detail and it is hard work.
They always take the easy way out. It is their way.
10/05/2020 1:46 PM


2020-05-10 13:46 | Report Abuse

elbrutus bro, it is not you that I am protecting. I just realised that there are those who don't like to read articles. These are the vulnerable ones.


2020-05-10 13:44 | Report Abuse

elbrutus, I am a man of honor, I gave my words and I will not take it back !

Do you think they can do it ???

elbrutus DK66 bro ...let me summarise this episode ...UNTIL THESE GUYS PROVED OTHERWISE THERE IS NO NECESSITY WHATSOEVER FOR YOUR GOODSELF TO REMOVE YOUR HARDWORK ie articles from Ms JAKS FORUM shud be d other way round !!!
10/05/2020 1:38 PM


2020-05-10 13:41 | Report Abuse

Aseng, I gave my challenge, and the gang are not taking up the challenge. What does that mean ?


2020-05-10 13:33 | Report Abuse

qqq3, is it also your opinion that 12% IRR is only 26 cents ??


2020-05-10 13:29 | Report Abuse

I will also withdraw all my articles !


2020-05-10 13:27 | Report Abuse

It is very easy to shut my mouth with disgrace. Just show the spreadsheet on IRR and prove that 12%IRR only meant JHDP is worth 26 cents in valuation to JAKS and I will quit Jaks forum and never speak a word again !


2020-05-10 13:18 | Report Abuse

elbrutus, you are not his target but there are folks that do not like to read articles.


2020-05-10 13:11 | Report Abuse

Aseng, remember I told you that the 12%IRR is based on Capacity payment alone ? The IRR has not considered the Energy payment. That is precisely the reason why Vinh Tan 1 has achieved 16% IRR as pointed out by probability.

Fixed Capacity Price is a fixed number which is pre-determined throughout the entire economic life of the project. Fixed Capacity Price is calculated so that the internal of return of the power plant project will not exceed a regulatory rate (i.e. 10% or 12% depends on each case).