
Dividendplayer | Joined since 2021-03-13

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2022-01-02 13:20 | Report Abuse

1 million case a day could also be pointing to vaccine resistant strain. If so , everyone is in trouble. Ask yourself how many people you know has been infected recently. And how many of them were vaccinated/ booster. Be optimistic all you want. But I would suggest being careful first before being too optimistic.


2021-12-08 17:19 | Report Abuse

This khatu dude really scary. I LMAO , but still scary.


2021-10-12 13:36 | Report Abuse

I must say, the difference in quality and class of the comments found here is like night and day. Compared to the circus at the other gloves i3 forum. Commendable truly. Dont be disheartened, perhaps some opportunity cost for now for some but eventually prices will and must reflect value.


2021-10-07 23:21 | Report Abuse

Seriously buddy. Get a dictionary. Improve yourself.


2021-10-07 23:15 | Report Abuse

Really no words to reply. How on earth to debate with the retarded? So I'll drop this chain of nonsense. By the way, I was just asking about someone else, Mr HoHo. How was I supposed to know that Mr Haha and Mr HoHo was the same. Oh and also, I've bought and sold TG so many times since March, I've lost count. Dont assume my average price, because its much much lower than you think. Also, learn to spell please. Quite sad honestly.


2021-10-07 22:42 | Report Abuse

So this means ? Mr HaHa and Mr HoHo same person. Pathetic .


2021-10-07 22:15 | Report Abuse

So biggest question of all. Whatever happen to Mr HoHo. Santa Claus murdered him?


2021-10-06 20:47 | Report Abuse

This EPF the sneakiest. Lend shares to short sellers, collect 5 to 7% interest. Then short sellers push the price down to this level. Then EPF buy like hell till total over 500 million shares again. At this low price, they buy and successfully average down their price significantly plus earn good interest. Now when short sellers close position , price goes up and EPF gain again. Everyone who thought EPF dumb, help shorties demolish their investment, better think again. EPF winning in every way. Tan Sri on EPF board correct? LMAO.


2021-10-02 15:58 | Report Abuse

Why argue so much with the shorties keyboard warriors. Take advantage of this price manipulation. While still getting the dividends, we can use their comments as trend indicators. This way I dodged the latest 30% loss and brought my average price down by 1.20 and now just over 3.00. A very comfortable position compared to before. Parking like FD doesn't work if under attack. Instead of fighting , use their BS to your advantage. This is what EPF is doing clearly. Just an idea. Godspeed.


2021-09-28 17:37 | Report Abuse

Can do us all a favour and omit the ho ho from every post. It doesn't strengthen your stand or comment . Besides Santa Claus wants back his catch phrase. Honestly, Mr Ha Ha left and now got Mr Ho Ho. Really? Mr Hu Hu coming next?


2021-09-12 05:12 | Report Abuse

Just to highlight something. On Thursday shorties dumped slightly below 5 million shares and as expected price drop 18 cents. On Friday, after news out on the lifting of the ban , short sellers dumped 17 million shares (more than 3 times more shares) and price instead of crashing down but went up 3 cents. Just saying.


2021-09-06 21:32 | Report Abuse

@ MoneyMakers Already no banana because missed the estimate by 500 million, but still here talk down none stop. Many times people ask but never explain once. Why on earth still come here kepoh ? Not investor but so busy body for so many months. Please enlighten us, maybe then people may listen to your BS. Enjoy getting curse everyday is it? Pitiful.


2021-09-03 19:32 | Report Abuse

@singor. EPF Also dumped millions of shares of MBB,PBB,Tenaga,Inari, Time , CIMB and others. So how? Getting out of banks too? Maybe EPF buying crypto now.


2021-09-02 20:20 | Report Abuse

Must be fast to read these glove haters posts. Because soon, poof be gone .... kikikikiki


2021-09-02 19:47 | Report Abuse

So if post removed still get paid or not? I'm so curious. Hehehehe.


2021-08-28 07:24 | Report Abuse

@rr88 In Air Asia forum yesterday you say Covid will never go away. Sell. And here you say covid virus will dissappear so sell also. I'm confused. Buy what then? All your comments advise people to sell, everything. Put FD ?


2021-08-27 00:20 | Report Abuse

Sharks and whales will want your tickets. Almost certain they will push down price to scare traders, contra ,margin and retailers to collect . As volume is very low, they can easily control the price. Hopefully FF will buy aggressively to mitigate. The usual mantra "sell on news" perfect smokescreen. I'll buy more if price drops .


2021-08-25 18:34 | Report Abuse

Assuming results good .


2021-08-25 18:32 | Report Abuse

When lah this QR result out. Market yesterday 30 points up. Today 16 points up. If release either of these 2 days , sure fireworks , tidal wave wash out to sea the shorties.


2021-07-15 14:15 | Report Abuse

@wolfbroker . We will be last to know if ban get lifted. Price will reflect that news already by then. Insiders , whales and even the sharks will know first and act.


2021-07-15 12:47 | Report Abuse

RM 4 coming soon ! Waited few weeks to say this. Lol.


2021-07-10 21:39 | Report Abuse

@finfreedomp. They don't have to wait. They can push up price easily , just like how easily they push down . Now they collect cheap and eat force sell shares. Let the game play out. Hopefully they are almost done and will continue trend up.


2021-07-09 13:47 | Report Abuse

@mlike. DickyMe teams target was 4. They achieved it, made their money and move on already. Probably change ID and attacking elsewhere. Banks will be my bet.


2021-07-08 14:05 | Report Abuse

Cant do anything here. RSS is closing position and price still dropping. They made their money . Their timing was perfect. Ringgit crashing so foreign funds exiting like escaping burning building. Tan Sri also not buying, he knows klci heading to the toilet. Of course he will wait for cheaper price. EPF protecting maybank only. If can afford to hold, you should recover, eventually. If on margin, good luck friends.


2021-07-08 01:46 | Report Abuse

Interesting. Shorty gang dissappear here as well? Supermax as well......

Tomorrow the show start? Very interesting. No chance get 3.50 I think. Well, never know. See Tomorrow.


2021-07-06 11:49 | Report Abuse

"U needed it more than us" us , who is us?? Admit that your in a group ? Us means more than one.


2021-07-06 11:41 | Report Abuse

@Amazonboy. They are buying back what? Buying from the left hand and perhaps from some traders that they throw to last few weeks. Thats why they keep asking people to cut loss and exit quickly on rebound. There's no volume to buy. No doubt, sentiment is bad and foreign funds staying out . Thats not going to solve the issue. Not enough shares to close position without huge increase in price.


2021-07-06 10:14 | Report Abuse

Tan Sri not interested in short squeeze, if he was, done already long time ago. I dont think short squeeze will ever happen, unless foreign funds start buying. But, they still have a problem. Very little volume. Not enough selling, so how to cover the short without price shooting up ? All the while , they paying interest and we lose opportunity cost. They need to get more retailers to dump. Thats their only way out now.


2021-07-06 10:03 | Report Abuse

Soon all will come out say trap lah , blah blah. Dead cat lah blah blah. Just wait.


2021-07-06 04:30 | Report Abuse

@GlovesOff . I'm actually quite impressed that you remembered my trading profit in April , March and approximately the range I first bought. Is there like a room of well dressed k-pop looking folks sitting in some room somewhere , like that Korean Drama Scam ? This like high level coordination and tracking.


2021-07-06 03:59 | Report Abuse

@GlovesOff . Dont know who anand is but your quite right . I've bought at 4.79 in fact and all the way down . About 22% down already . Not boasting, never did obviously cant now as well. Merely stating facts. Never cutting loss . Last buy perhaps at the price you keep promising. Coming soon right?


2021-07-06 01:00 | Report Abuse

Hahaha , comrade GlovesOff ,Investmalaysia3333, moneymakers and even citadel mouth kena cellotape here. So lucky you all here. Why at Tg chat they never kena cellotape? Tell us your secret , maybe we can shut them up over there also.


2021-07-04 15:54 | Report Abuse

@Maxsuper. " So unwilling to let go at LOW " Are you really saying its LOW now? Are we suppose to sell at LOW ? Since you say its LOW, I guess I'll buy some more. Thanks.


2021-07-03 20:41 | Report Abuse

Got such thing as force buying or not? If got , wouldn't it be great.


2021-07-03 01:33 | Report Abuse

@OldWiseMan100. Well , never know. Perhaps your friends friend made 8 million last year.


2021-07-02 20:46 | Report Abuse

Because shark and whale become friends already and they want your shares with big discount. Ikan bills will always be swallowed, like usual.


2021-07-02 18:10 | Report Abuse

Even the hard-core naysayers not AS negative as before. Scary right. Oh gosh.


2021-07-02 17:34 | Report Abuse

Also bought more at 4.03 Couldn't resist. But preparing cash for 3.50 in case reach. Who knows , maybe they can really push that low. Anything is possible at this point.


2021-07-01 17:44 | Report Abuse

Anyone calculate how much div Tan Sri and family going to get? If you're them, you prefer to buy at what price ?


2021-07-01 17:33 | Report Abuse

@finfreedomp. No idea how this game plays out. Never expected shorties to have the power to reach this point. Cant surmise the bottom, thats clear. Having said that, I dont think we need to wait till Sept to see the direction. 8th of July , a lot of cash will be available. How that cash is deployed will give further sign of direction.


2021-07-01 16:17 | Report Abuse

@ular. Relax friend. If you are Tan Sri , would you spend your many millions of div to buy at 4 or at 3.50 ? Why defend the price, when you can gain more buying at lower price. Let the big funds have their way, cant stop them anyway. If your long, everything is fine. Your TP is 0.50 cents div this year. I think that's fairly certain.


2021-07-01 15:43 | Report Abuse

@MrHaha. Your just noise. No one here listening to you or your predictions. Even naysayers, IB warriors don't read your post. I wish got ignore function here so won't see your rubbish. Even though many here have significant paper loses this 2 months. Many here still net positive position. You on the other hand, have made nothing during the drop. Thanks for the laughs.


2021-07-01 15:36 | Report Abuse

@DickyMe. Yes, your TP almost here. After that what? You never said. Care to share?


2021-07-01 01:20 | Report Abuse

Ok, forgive my ignorance. But just need to ask. Didi means little brother in some dialect? And used often referring to , I mean . Many here have offered to cut their didi . Only yesterday in fact. So what am I missing ? No one finds this hilarious?


2021-06-30 23:56 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow up lah. Always happen what you don't expect. Watch and see.


2021-06-30 20:08 | Report Abuse

@Bullrunrun. Actually , they have covered some. I think its under 248 mill now. But they're quite brilliant.Instead of shorting TG, they shorted supermax and harta. As all the gloves move in tandem, all goes down . Then they cover TG. Got to hand it to them . They're winning. Nothing we can do but ride it out and buy if you are brave and have excess funds. Government have bigger problems to solve. For example, sourcing diarea medication.


2021-06-30 16:45 | Report Abuse

@MrHaha . Didn't think I needed to explain this but here goes. Please reread my post you simpleton. Or perhaps ask a smarter colleague. In my post above , I was sincerely showing concern for you. Never once did I consider it myself. I know that language is difficult for you, but you really misunderstood my concern. I only wish the best for everyone, because I truly believe in karma. Take care, and I mean it.


2021-06-30 16:34 | Report Abuse

@MrHaha. Relax lah bro, this isn't my day job. Just pocket money and to buy tech toys. I'm not some retiree betting my retirement funds. If you must know, my salary is in USD and tax free. I think I will survive, no matter how low this one stock go. Geez.


2021-06-30 16:15 | Report Abuse

So caring. I won't, not to worry.


2021-06-30 15:15 | Report Abuse

Quite right , don't really know why I come here. Perhaps for the laughs. Perhaps I enjoy sparring with the exceptional language . Or perhaps to gauge what the other side is doing . No clue really.