
DreamConqueror | Joined since 2014-07-19

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2014-10-22 01:13 | Report Abuse

You went through all that CON MAN effort, just to prove to the world that I'm such a big liar?

Wow! You must hv such great, grudging respect for me. Thank you. But there will be no payment for that.


2014-10-22 01:08 | Report Abuse

Now you're not gaining more respect now, OptiMouse-Doraemon. You're losing even more respect. Your remaining little morsel ofcredibility is going out of the window fast.


2014-10-22 01:07 | Report Abuse

If I really hv 2,000+ big lots now, like what you're accusing me of just to make me look bad, wouldn't they be respecting me even more for skilful play?

Just think deeply, for one moment, OptiMouse-Doraemon.

If you hv that capability.


2014-10-22 01:03 | Report Abuse

Not that good, OptiMouse-Doraemon. You flatter yourself.

They know that was just bluff talk. Coz I admitted the bluff soon afterwards.

And even if it was not, let's just say for one moment, big deal?

You can keep trying, with all your CON MAN talents, OptiMouse-Doraemon. But the old time regulars know the difference between you and me. It's a vast difference.


2014-10-22 00:58 | Report Abuse

It hurts you, OptiMouse-DoraeMon. I know, it pains you so much, to see someone not as easily scared of market fluctuations as you are. And not as cowardly and pessimistic as you are.


2014-10-22 00:48 | Report Abuse

OptiMouse-DreamS(Ass)Conqueror-Doraemon, thank you for propagating my ideas, philosphy, and strategies.

But you'll hv to keep working for free. I know you enjoy it.


2014-10-22 00:44 | Report Abuse

Posted by ozzie75 > Oct 22, 2014 12:42 AM | Report Abuse

@DC: i remain vested in sumatec to-date. Cheers, bro.

Good lad.


2014-10-22 00:42 | Report Abuse

No prob, Strategist. Dia dah nak bantu gua promote gua punya philosophy and strategy pulak dah. Bagus la cam tu.

Dia dah habis modal nak argue & debate sama gua la tu.

Itu dikkhead kicik budak OptiMouse-DreamS(Ass(Conqueror-Doremon tu.


2014-10-22 00:39 | Report Abuse

Plenty of upside left, Ozzie. No fear. The game is only beginning to unfold. Just ignore the dikkhead naysayers.


2014-10-22 00:28 | Report Abuse

Posted by DreamsConqueror > Oct 22, 2014 12:20 AM | Report Abuse

All night long just talk crap here.

It must be painfully toxic to you. That's goooooddd.


2014-10-22 00:24 | Report Abuse

Posted by DreamsConqueror > Oct 22, 2014 12:20 AM | Report Abuse

Oh yeah! It rocks for me. All night long just talk crap here.

Now, who's the one talking crrappp then, OptiMouse-DreamS(Ass)Conqueror-Doraemon. And behaving like crrapp too.


2014-10-22 00:22 | Report Abuse

Posted by L2 > Oct 21, 2014 10:18 PM | Report Abuse


For those who might hv missed this innocuous looking site, but one of ginormous importance to a serious Suma investor. Especially a long term one. Read it again.


2014-10-22 00:19 | Report Abuse

Don't worry, SJ. HS has got it all planned out. To absolute perfection. Just as he always has.


2014-10-22 00:15 | Report Abuse

Oh yesss! It still rocks for me, that movie. Even to this day.


2014-10-22 00:13 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-10-22 00:10 | Report Abuse

Plot (continued):

Durga is given a sign of this when her photo of her sons falls. She rushes to the temple and prays. Vijay and Ajay suddenly stop fighting. Saxena tries to shoot Vijay but Ajay stops him whilst shouting for Arjun to run. This is something that Ajay had said to Vijay in their previous births when they were being attacked by Durjan's men. Ajay is sent to prison while Vijay escapes. Vijay is confused about the incident, mostly because he had dreamt of somebody saying those exact words to him. Sonia is forcibly taken to Durjan's house to marry Suraj. She writes to Vijay begging him to come and rescue her.

Vijay and his friend travel to save Sonia. Everybody who sees him is stunned and calls him Arjun. He finally remembers his past life and reunites with Durga. Vijay saves Ajay and explains the whole situation. Ajay refuses to believe, but when Durjan's brothers-in-law attack Durga, Ajay is also convinced. Durjan hears about Karan and Arjun's return but refuses to believe it so his brothers-in-law attempt to bring them before him. In the process, they are killed and Durga places the garlands they gave her over their dead bodies.

At the village temple, rituals are held for Sonia and Suraj's wedding. Karan and Arjun frighten Durjan by convincing him that they are back. Soon, Saxena and Durjan have a fallout, after which a fearful Saxena tells Sonia to run away with Vijay. Sonia meets Vijay, but just as everybody is helping them, Durjan and Saxena arrive, making them realize that it was a ruse. Ajay succeeds in creating a diversion, letting Vijay and Sonia escape. Vijay kills Suraj, upon which Durjan kills Saxena in a fit of rage.

After all his henchmen are killed, Durjan attempts to kill Karan and Arjun. They overpower him until he falls on his knees. He runs to Durga and begs her for forgiveness. However, she orders her sons to kill him for revenge. They do so and Durga places the garland he gave her over his dead body, fulfilling the promises she made to him. Later, Arjun marries Sonia and Karan marries his love Bindiya, after which Durga places the bangles her sons gave her on her daughters-in-law's wrists, as she promised Karan and Arjun 20 years ago.


2014-10-22 00:09 | Report Abuse

Dudes, I woud like to recommend something cool for Deepavali. An awesome Bollywood action thriller from 1995, Karan Arjun, starring Raakhee, Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Amrish Puri, Kajol, Mamta Kulkarni and Ranjeet.

Now, religious themes aside, it is simply awesome.


Durga Singh is a poor woman raising her two beloved sons Karan and Arjun. Her sons give her bangles, which she says she shall give to the women they marry. Later, when the Munim of an aging Thakur comes to talk to Durga, Karan and Arjun learn that their father is dead. Durga reveals that their father was the Thakur's son, who had married her against his father's wishes. Durjan Singh, a servant of Thakur, killed Durga's husband to prevent him, Durga or their sons from inheriting the Thakur's estate. Karan and Arjun learn from her that the dying Thakur wants to give his estate to his grandchildren before dying.

Durjan kills his master when he learns this. He then brutally murders both Karan and Arjun in front of Durga. Durga cannot accept that her sons have died and prays to bring them back. Miraculously, Durga's prayers are heard and her sons are reborn but into different families with no knowledge of their past lives - Durga is unaware of this miracle. For 20 years she keeps persuading the people of her village that Karan and Arjun will come back. Durjan and his family mockingly give her garlands to put on her picture of Karan and Arjun - Durga vows to place the garlands over their dead bodies.

Arjun is reincarnated as Vijay. He falls in love with Sonia but neither knows that Sonia is to marry Durjan Singh's son, Suraj. Karan is reincarnated as Ajay. He soon works for Saxena, Sonia's father and Durjan's partner. Karan and Arjun still have nightmares about their deaths in previous lives, and don't know why. On learning about Vijay, Suraj attempts to kill him. However, at Sonia and Suraj's engagement party, Vijay arrives and attacks Suraj. Ajay is sent to kill Vijay and the two start fighting.


2014-10-21 23:58 | Report Abuse

Musashi, best go talk face-to-face to your remisier. He will explain everything to you in better detail. Just belanja him teh tarik with two pieces of roti canai, and he will tutor you like Aristotle tutored Alexander.

For an unfamiliar investor, somehow I don't think even someone like Strategisst will be able to explain properly with a few sentences on screen.


2014-10-21 23:44 | Report Abuse

Posted by strategisst > Oct 21, 2014 11:32 PM | Report Abuse

@elle, if that situation occurs then the underwriter would have to swallow the bitter pills as noone with their right mind going to subscribe the RI... :)

Well, there are some cases where one buys something, on certain occasions and in certain circumstances, at a price far higher than the available outside market price.

Like a glass of Coca Cola for RM25 in a cool gelek dancing club, for instance.

But then one would be paying for not just the drink, but also for the music, the ambience, the chill, the chance of chatting up some hot female dancer or patron, etc. etc. etc.


2014-10-21 23:34 | Report Abuse

Well, just make sure ya don't don't get yourself dined on by a hungry stray cat in a dark alley, OptiMouse-Doraemon-Dreamhunter-DreamS(Ass)Conqueror.


2014-10-21 23:31 | Report Abuse

Dream-Conqueror has hit 1320 posts.

DreamS(Ass)-Conqueror has done 17 posts.

No prizes for guessing which one is the original, and which one is the pathetic, shameless, characterless FAKE PHONEY.


2014-10-21 23:27 | Report Abuse

And he's been 'studiously' watchin those dance vids I posted too.

While still studiously, steadfastly, absolutely denyin any interest in such 'corrupt' things then, I guess. FAKE PHONEY.


2014-10-21 23:23 | Report Abuse

Posted by DreamsConqueror > Oct 21, 2014 11:15 PM | Report Abuse

No problem dude - if you stay awake up to 5 am I can entertain you with some belly dancers tunes!

Really. Well, how smart of you.

So then you could name us some cool dancers off the top of your dikky dikk's head then. How about it.


2014-10-21 23:16 | Report Abuse

Exactly, Strategisst. And that Attention Requiring & Seeking Syndrome (ARSE) or Attention Seeking Syndrome (ASS) Doraemon-Dreamhunter dikkhead kid really, really still seems to think he's gonn get very far with his CON game.

He's losing every bit of every little morsel of credibility that he's still got left, even as he continues posting his CON posts.


2014-10-21 23:10 | Report Abuse

Posted by strategisst > Oct 21, 2014 10:50 PM | Report Abuse

@Musashi57, I have never seen RI being priced above MP .... It is a sure failure and no underwriter(s) going to underwrite such exercise....

Well, that would be like the stadium managers at Bukit Jalil trying to sell FA Cup Final tickets at RM40 when one could get them same things on the open market outside at RM30. Not much of an idea.


2014-10-21 23:03 | Report Abuse

Ha ha. Nice try, FAKE PHONEY Doraemon-Dreamhunter-now-posting as-DreamS(Ass)-Conqueror.

Well, if someone between two similarly sounding names is a FAKE PHONEY, which one would it be?

The one with 1315 posts, or that one with 9 posts? We'll just let the right minded people make their own judgement, shall we?


2014-10-21 22:55 | Report Abuse

Now, readers BEWARE. Another SHAMELESS, CHEAP-SKATE, COPYCAT, RIP-OFF of Dream-Conqueror has just appeared.

With his name DreamS-Conqueror, spelt with an 'S' (Ass). Very likely that same arse who wrote under the copy-cat name Doaremon-Dreamhunter a few days ago. LOL

Wow. He even copy-pasted my avatar picture, this time. He's good, one has to give him that. A good CON-MAN. Now then, he must be really DESPERATE now.

But he will still fail, for sure. Becoz regular Suma loyalists and supporters are wise and smart enough to spot a FAKE PHONEY fast enough.


2014-10-21 22:47 | Report Abuse

Ha, jual la lagi. Murah-murah pun, jual aja> Mudah aja nak jual murah, kan.

Misti la ramai orang yang nak beli, kan. Pasal murah sangat, kan.

Jual aja murah-murah. 30 ka, 28 ka, 26 ka. 24 pun boleh jual, klu geram sangat nak jual.

22 pun boleh. 20 pun bolehhhhh. Apa nak susah, kan?

Kan? Kan? Kan?


2014-10-21 22:39 | Report Abuse

Harold Hamm's comments (Part 3):

And although there remains some low-hanging “easy oil” to be harvested in Iraq and Iran, most new supplies will require sustained high oil prices to justify investment — prices higher than the $100 or so that we’ve seen in recent years.

American drillers in Texas, Pennsylvania, North Dakota and Oklahoma, have shown how horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing can unleash a supply boom. Hamm’s Continental Continental is on track to hit 200,000 bpd this year, up from 37,000 bpd five years ago. And soon, says Hamm, the Saudis and other OPEC nations will have to follow suit as their easy oil dries up.

The world should frankly be shocked that $100 oil hasn’t unleashed a supply boom anywhere outside of the U.S. Take Venezeula, for example. That country depends entirely on oil revenues to keep afloat and supposedly has the world’s biggest recoverable reserves, at some 500 billion barrels. And yet in the past decade Venezuela’s output has slid from 3 million bpd to 2.5 million. Sure, Venezuela is run by buffoons, but you’d think that with the survival of their regime at stake, they would have figured out how to at least keep oil output flat. That Caracas is not squabbling with Kuwait and Abu Dhabi and Algeria over who should get more room under the OPEC member quotas to sell $100 crude to the world indicates that maintaining, let alone expanding, crude supplies isn’t as easy as they’d like us to think.

Indeed, Hamm doesn’t believe the oil industry dogma that the Saudis maintain an extra 2 million bpd of spare capacity they could turn on to meet a supply disruption, says Hamm. “They Saudis don’t have the capacity. They are wide open.”

In time, the Saudis will need to start their own horizontal drilling campaign like we’ve been doing in the United States, says Hamm. But they don’t want to, because it would be expensive to ramp up, and the margins are much slimmer than what they derive from supergiant fields like Ghawar and Manifa. Such a move would indicate that even the Saudis had run out of cheap oil to exploit, thus requiring a structurally higher oil price for the Kingdom to balance its long-term finances.

With this latest effort to jawbone oil prices down, the Saudis “have OVERPLAYED their hand,” says Hamm. “It will be increasingly challenging for them to simply talk down oil prices.”


2014-10-21 22:36 | Report Abuse

Harold Hamm's comments (Part 2):

Indeed, the U.S. government’s Energy Information Administration estimates that global oil consumption (91.5 million bpd) has kept pace with supply growth (91.8 million bpd).

And although fossil fuel demand is stagnant in developed nations like the U.S. and across Europe, it continues to surge in developing nations, with China’s daily demand increasing by 370,000 barrels in each of the past two years, according to the EIA.

“We need more supply. It’s crazy to think that China and India won’t continue to demand more oil,” Hamm says. “Even if overall economic growth slows, oil demand will grow, because they want something other than a bicycle; they want to farm with a tractor instead of oxen.”

What’s more, the oil industry is constantly fighting against natural production decline rates. Worldwide, output from the average oil field declines by about 5% a year. Declines are much steeper in the big new U.S. fields like the Bakken and Eagle Ford, where a well might come on line at 1,200 bpd, but lose half of that within four months. Even with technological advances to get more oil out of old fields, drillers need to bring on about 4 million barrels per day of new volumes, just to keep world production flat.


2014-10-21 22:34 | Report Abuse

Posted by DreamConqueror > Oct 21, 2014 10:01 PM | Report Abuse X
It's just one brief, temporary period of market insanity, KimKowLee. And these pathetic, kiddy pirate-raider-marauder types are making a vast meal of it.

You can bet your last piece of roti canai that sanity and common sense will eventually return and prevail.

So, the Conqueror of Dreams has eventually been proven right. Again.


2014-10-21 22:30 | Report Abuse

Great stuff, L2. Keep u da good work.

Now, lemme just shove the most pertinent bits of Mr. Hamm's comments in the face of that pathetic, disgusting, kiddy pirate-raider-marauder gang, the one led by OptiMouse and DickyMe MeDicky and staffed by their scores of stinking clones.

Coz they're probably too pathetic and lethargic to even click on a site.

Count Harold Hamm, the billionaire CEO of Continental Resources Continental Resources, as one oil man not worried about the plunge in crude prices to $82 a barrel.

“Notice how it happened all at once,” he says, starting off our phone call. The suddenness of oil’s plunge followed the Saudi assertion a week ago that oil was in oversupply, they could live with $80 oil for a couple years, and didn’t plan to cut their own output.

Empty talk, not market fundamentals, moved the price, says Hamm. ”It’s not supply-demand related.” On the contrary, “this is one country, the Saudis, attempting to dictate world oil prices.”

And it’s not going to work, he says. If the Saudis really want to send oil prices lower — as a method of applying political pressure to Russia and Iran — they’ll have to back up their jawboning by adding more barrels to the world market.

OPEC would like to grab back market share from U.S. drillers, but neither the Saudis, nor any other OPEC producer has any excess production capacity with which to push aside American barrels. So the hope is that they can slow the American oil boom by just talking prices lower, below the break-even point for drilling tight oil out of shale.

“The market is not in glut,” says Hamm. “It’s a case of the emperor has no clothes.”


2014-10-21 22:01 | Report Abuse

It's just one brief, temporary period of market insanity, KimKowLee. And these pathetic, kiddy pirate-raider-marauder types are making a vast meal of it.

You can bet your last piece of roti canai that sanity and common sense will eventually return and prevail.


2014-10-21 21:52 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-10-21 21:42 | Report Abuse

Posted by woman_x > Oct 20, 2014 08:37 PM | Report Abuse

@DC I am going to explain it to you one more time it is not about trusting or judge of character my position remains as is I am merely trying to make you understand that every time you appear these characters will appear and mess up the whole forum .. all I am asking is for you to take a step back

Fat chance.

Nope, I don't need any favours from pirate-raider-marauder types constantly trying their darndest best to make Suma's price crash. And I don't need to make any peace with them.

And you must hv a really convoluted sense of perspective. If they're the ones messin up the forum, then you should consider giving advice to them instead, rather than me.


2014-10-21 20:45 | Report Abuse

Sweating so much ah


2014-10-20 23:07 | Report Abuse

Naaaah. GorengAddict just copy-pasted that from somewhere. Big deal.


2014-10-20 22:58 | Report Abuse

If you know what the word 'whiner' means, then you should listen to your own advice. Grandpa.


2014-10-20 22:56 | Report Abuse

LimElson, he just needs to lob some cruise missiles over to a couple of Saudi oil refineries or oil ships. Then oil will rocket (pardon the pun) up to US$200, and Suma will soar up to RM1.50


2014-10-20 22:50 | Report Abuse

Only on your first post? Oh dear.

And you stay cool too, GrandFather.


2014-10-20 22:47 | Report Abuse

AyamTua mana sudah pigi terbang ah. Banyak kurang nampak dia sekarang leh.


2014-10-20 22:45 | Report Abuse

Oh dear. I've said doh svidania twice already. Okay, now it's the third and final doh svidania.

Bye bye W .... X. Whoops, I mean NICL. Stay cool.


2014-10-20 22:36 | Report Abuse

And your poetic writing style reminds me of someone familiar. Her name is ... suspense, suspense ... ding dong, ding dong ...

... starts with W ... and ... ends with X ...

Hix hix hix hix ... Haka haka haka haka ...


2014-10-20 22:32 | Report Abuse

Ding dong between 30 and 15? Of course. And RI will still proceed at 40. Of course. Would be genius economics.


2014-10-20 22:18 | Report Abuse

Now, doh svidania for real now, dudes. Happy investing.


2014-10-20 22:16 | Report Abuse

Now then, that might also be becoz I hv the appetite of a horse.


2014-10-20 22:12 | Report Abuse

Ummm, yum yummy. Even plain white rice is tasting so yummy.


2014-10-20 22:09 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow opening 36.5 lor. Ooooh la la.


2014-10-20 22:03 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Oct 20, 2014 09:01 AM | Report Abuse

Sumatec opening bell trade 27500 lot @0.345

And didn't I say yesterday that it was gonna open Monday at 35? Well, pretty close then.

While you were saying on Friday that it would be falling to 28.5 sen.

So, we know who's the better nujum now.


2014-10-20 21:44 | Report Abuse

Time for dinner.

Doh svidania, dudes.