
DreamConqueror | Joined since 2014-07-19

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2014-10-20 21:42 | Report Abuse

Posted by 86868 > Oct 20, 2014 09:22 PM | Report Abuse

I am waiting for some feedback for tomorrow from any analyst...... Is sumatec going to Die or dying or on life support or still alive...

What kind of pessimistic question is that.

Come on la, dude. Don't be so pessimistic la. How to play if like that one, cannot play la.

Besok punya hal mana ada orang dalam dunia ini yg boleh tau punya. Semua pun agak-agak juga.

But Suma got no debts now, no gearing. All debts paid up already. So why you so scared.


2014-10-20 21:29 | Report Abuse

Now he's playing the flagging game again. That poor kid.


2014-10-20 21:27 | Report Abuse

That's why la, 86868. You're not supposed to be playing saham with baby-milk money, but only with spare money.


2014-10-20 21:25 | Report Abuse

SaadHalim, I've been visiting some cool club in KL. It has a hot, beautiful exotic foreign gelek dancer.

I've been eyeing her for some time. But in such a subtle way that she has not noticed it yet. Well, maybe she suspects it, but she can't really confirm it. That is always my favourite tactic. But I missed my trip this weekend. Too busy.

Anyway, I have not got to first base with her yet. Maybe I will, maybe I won't. But it won't be for lack of trying, for sure.


2014-10-20 21:16 | Report Abuse

86868, you hv to understand the kid DreamShhitter's mind. He just HATES my guts. He just cannot stand my courage, daring and boldness, even during extreme adversity.

So he feels that he has to attack amd destroy my every post. Poor kid.


2014-10-20 21:13 | Report Abuse

SaadHalim, really. Naaaah. You must be imagining things.

'Herself'? Now, if I were a 'she', I would be posting vids of belly dancing men, wouldn't I?

Anyway, the main objective is to create a chill ambience and bring good positive investing mood.

Now, that is certainly not DreamShhitterr's way, is it? All he likes to do is to spread fear and anxiety around to make prices collapse and crash.


2014-10-20 20:54 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-10-20 20:49 | Report Abuse

Posted by dreamshitter > Oct 20, 2014 08:47 PM | Report Abuse

One more hurdle to go, 40 broken , 35 broken - 30 soon - you have fun while it last ok liar. Enjoy your space while others have a meaningful life.

It's people like you who really deserve it and it's people like you who deprive the rest here who are sincere with essential knowledge. That is the sad part - so be it.

Again, I just hv one thing to say to that.



2014-10-20 20:46 | Report Abuse

Posted by dreamshitter > Oct 20, 2014 08:43 PM | Report Abuse

Let me share with you something BOY - the counter is going down and it is going below 30 cents and

If it's really, really coming, like you'b been saying for so many donkey's years, then let it come. Bring it on.

But you sound so angry with it, and one just wonders why.


2014-10-20 20:43 | Report Abuse

That's right. I said 'can' break 40. And I said this week, not tomorow. You must hv your own liar's definition of 'lying'.


2014-10-20 20:40 | Report Abuse

Who's fighting. Not me. Flirting is better.


2014-10-20 20:39 | Report Abuse

Posted by connie > Oct 20, 2014 08:13 PM | Report Abuse

DC ... different people different game plan !!! i respect yours 'no cut no loss' and i deserve the same from u about mine .... I TRADE with a cut loss plan !! this is my own preference and i do NOT judge anyone with an otherwise plan ... u know what i am saying ????

Hey, relaxxx. Go on. You need a cool can now. Heh heh heh.


2014-10-20 20:34 | Report Abuse

He's running scared already. Oh, come on, Shhitterr kid. We won't do anything vicious to you, you know.


2014-10-20 20:33 | Report Abuse

No, I didn't say 40 tomorrow. You can't read properly. Maybe you hv a focusing problem. Like short attention span, perhaps.

I said, maybe 40 next week. BTW, you sound kind of worried. One wonders why. Maybe you sold yours at 31. Of course you did, thinking it was going down to 28.5 sen. Right?

Right? Right? Right?


2014-10-20 20:29 | Report Abuse

Posted by dreamshitter > Oct 20, 2014 08:19 PM | Report Abuse

It's people like DC who brings bad karma to this stock as rubbish in rubbish out. PERIOD!!!

Angry young man. Or perhaps, that should be angry young clone. I only hv one thing to say to that.



2014-10-20 20:24 | Report Abuse

See, WomanX. See just how 'great' his opinion is of you. Well, now only you know.

Time for you to wise up now. Start learn to be a better judge of character.


2014-10-20 20:22 | Report Abuse

Wow. Our good friend. The great Shhitterr of Dreams. He's back. Whoa!!!

But you can't be condemning Suma so much today, dude. Coz it's on a recovery path already. Poor dude.

I know he just enjoys thrashing Suma. But this week ain't gonna be such a fun week for ya. Dude.


2014-10-20 20:16 | Report Abuse

Posted by woman_x > Oct 20, 2014 08:00 PM | Report Abuse

You can keep dreaming about your 10 mil and 100 mil in private we are dealing with just surviving here you understand?

Since you're now talking about understanding, let me now give you something that you really, really need to understand.

You don't play stocks with money you urgently need for sheer survival. You play stocks only with money you can spare. Even if it's bank personal loan, that is okay as long as your monthly budget can accommodate your monthly intalment payment.

But not with Ah Long Loan. No, No, No.

The less you can spare that money you're playing with, the more likely you will be playing in hasty, panicky ways, and the less likely you are going to make profit. This is a golden rule of investing, if you like.

So, take my advice. Don't play, unless it's with money you can spare. I don't mind if you wanna take up OptiMouse or DickyMe MeDicky as your investment mahagurus. What do I care.

But don't go around blaming anyone else when your judgement does not turn out so good. Or when you can't keep your own self-control and jump up and down like a cat on a hot tin roof, when market is bad.


2014-10-20 20:03 | Report Abuse

LittleSnake, I hv only one question for you.

If you play a game, any game, would you rather be playing with constant fear and anxiety, or with limitless courage, boldness and daring?

Next question.

Which would be the better and more powerful way to play, especially in the long term?

Hints: Think Real Madrid. Think Barcelona. Think Chelsea. Think Manchester City. Think Manchester United.

Now, I rest my case.


2014-10-20 19:57 | Report Abuse

Woi, OptiMouse, sudah la tu. Lagi main bendera juga. Sekarang Suma sudah on recovery path, dia sudah tak boleh condemn lagi la. Lagi main bendera juga la.


2014-10-20 19:52 | Report Abuse

Woi, OptiMouse. Lagi main flag ah. Haiyyaaaa, lu ah. Butui macam kichit budak lagi la.


2014-10-20 19:50 | Report Abuse

Posted by optimusx8888 > Oct 20, 2014 07:08 PM | Report Abuse

the least possible person to cut loss already done so..
connie i dont expect u to cut loss since u always very confidence of yourself.

OptiMouse. Banyak pandai main ah, lu ah. Selalu butut punya. Tak pernah salah punya.

Klu harga jatuh, lu cakap lu sudah juai harga tinggi. Klu harga naik, lu cakap lu sudah bili harga banyak murah.

Wow. Lu butui sudah capai nujum busat punya standard la hor.

Wa mau tanya sama lu sikit ah. Lu ada pegang apa stok ah. And each stock ah, lu ada simpan berapa bijik busat punya ah. Please share la ah.


2014-10-20 19:43 | Report Abuse

Conn, you know what. You've been putting too much faith and thought into the words of dudes like OptiMouse.

You listen to guys like him ah, habis la. Kejap ingat mau cut loss, kejap ingat mau chase balik. Kejap ingat mau cut loss balik.

Hancur la, ini macam main.


2014-10-20 19:39 | Report Abuse

Conn, for me, I hv only one rule. No sell, no loss.


2014-10-20 19:36 | Report Abuse

So, it seems even Cool Connie has been joining in with the cut-loss gang also.

Hmmm, Conn. I don't know what to say.


2014-10-20 19:31 | Report Abuse

Ini minggu got chance to break 40 la, ini minggu. Tomorrow also can touch 38 oredy.


2014-10-20 19:28 | Report Abuse

Ha, sekarang mana ada nampak lagi, itu kiddy pirate-raider-marauder punya gang itu. itu MusangFoxking, itu HappyTradingz, itu TruthSeeker, sama itu Doraemon-DreamHunter pencuri-peniru orang punya nama itu.

Semua pun bukannya 4 orang pun, tapi satu orang saja bikin 4 clone. Ataupun mungkin5 clone, including OptiMouse. Budak-budak punya permainan juga ini.


2014-10-20 19:21 | Report Abuse

Tu la. Kan gua sudah cakap, since Friday evening lagi. Ini minggu Suma dancing at different level oredy. Kan sudah proven, kan?

Kan? Kan? Kan?

Tak da mari bikin shhitt bikin kacau lagi lor, itu kiddy pirate-raider-marauder punya gang itu.

Dia orang punya chief clone dua orang lagi juga ada mari lagi, pura-pura support pulak, dah tukar tune pulak, bila dia orang tengok Suma macam dah nak recover balik. Itu DickyMe MeDicky sama itu OptiMouse itu la. Dua-dua pun chameleon investor juga.

Ada pulak tg terpedaya dengan klentong dia orang tu, sampai cut loss pun rugi besar bukan main banyak lagi. Kalau dia hold aja pun bukan ka lagi senang, kan. Ini tidak, kejap nak run ke sana, kejap nak run ke sini, kejap nak run ke atas, kejap nak run ke bawah. Pasal dia caya sangat dengan cakap itu OptiMouse sama itu DickyMe MeDicky itu la.

Continuously running around here, there and everywhere, like a headless chicken, balik-balik tak sampai mana pun.


2014-10-19 12:36 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-10-19 12:22 | Report Abuse

From hopeless basket case, HS, CD, CMY & Co. hv nursed Suma back to good health, making profits every quarter, and exiting PN17. Even making Mother peak at 62 and WB peak at 56 along the way.

If anyone really, really, deep down in his heart, believes that Suma is a done goner, then that dude is just wasting his own not-so-precious time hanging around and lounging around in Suma room.

He should just save his own time and that of others and migrate somewhere else.


2014-10-19 12:07 | Report Abuse

Don't worry. In the long term, Lady Suma will always be beautiful. And long term is always the best, safest and wisest way to play.


2014-10-19 11:58 | Report Abuse

Okay, sorry, I can't recall precisely now, whether the 'hovering' price just before RI 2013 offer closure deadline was 50 sen or 36 sen. Maybe someone could help me with that.


2014-10-19 11:55 | Report Abuse

Around June to August 2013, Suma Mother was extremely volatile, ranging in price from around 25 in mid June to 80 sen in mid August.

Then it started falling again, hovering around the 50-sen mark just around the closure deadline of the RI 2013 offer.


2014-10-19 11:44 | Report Abuse

Posted by sushi7 > Oct 19, 2014 10:57 AM | Report Abuse

if I remember correctly, someone has compiled the movement of Suma prices before & after WA & WB issued, but I cant find it now.....

I can tell you the price trends of Suma WB from my personal experience of Suma RI 2014.

WB was given free, yes, absolutely free, to RI acceptors on the basis of 1 free WB Warrant for every 4 Rights Shares accepted and purchased, including Excess Rights Shares that anyone could apply without owning any existing Mother shares.

On completion of that RI exercise and the shares and WB warrants coing on stream, WB came out at about 13 - 14 sen, IIRC. While Mother first came out again at about 22.5 seb.

So, if anyone bought early post-RI, they would hv got Mother at 22.5 and WB at 13 - 14. WB went up to about 22 at first, then started falling, so I sold my first FREE 134 big lots at 18.5 sen. But it went up again after that up to 28.5, then started falling again.

Seeing that WB was moving up and down with more energy and agility than Mother, I sold all the Mother that I had collected at average about 24.5 previously, sold it at 30.5 and bought WB at 21.5 sen.

As you might know, both Mother and Warrants started spiking up strongly around late June this year, with Mother peaking at 62 and WB peaking at 56, around mid Augusr 2014.


2014-10-19 02:27 | Report Abuse

Someone who's realistically looking at 1M, then 10M, then 100M has to give himself lots and lots of creative space for his constantly effervescent mind to play and dance around.


2014-10-19 02:08 | Report Abuse

Maybe you're scared shhitty about what is very likely gonna happen next week.

Looks like things are going to go the opposite way to the one you and your entire clone gang hv been saying all around.


2014-10-19 01:58 | Report Abuse

You sound really upset and uptight about something really small matter. One just wonders, why on earth.


2014-10-18 18:28 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-10-18 18:27 | Report Abuse

Then, fair weather will take over. Again.


2014-10-18 18:26 | Report Abuse

The global turmoil, or rather the fear of global turmoil, will soon run its brief course. It was all just a false storm in a teacup.


2014-10-18 18:10 | Report Abuse

Dia orang semua sudah takuuuuuttt. Itu bikin shhitt bikin kacau punya gang itu. Hari Isnin nanti kena la, semua dia orang tu.


2014-10-18 18:07 | Report Abuse

Time for a smoke. BRB.


2014-10-18 18:06 | Report Abuse

Sama itu MusangFoxKing-HappyTradingz-TruthSeeker-DreamShhitter punya gang.


2014-10-18 18:02 | Report Abuse

Ini hari Isnin, klu bukak terus 35, habis kena goreng hangit la, itu OptiMouse sama DickyMe MeDicky punya gang.


2014-10-18 17:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by optimuss > Oct 18, 2014 04:15 PM | Report Abuse

So silly... u think u cam defend sumatec price or any counter jus by spam.

Silly or not silly, spam or not spam, we shall see.


2014-10-18 17:56 | Report Abuse

'No' = 'Now'



2014-10-18 17:54 | Report Abuse

Posted by ozzie75 > Oct 18, 2014 05:38 PM | Report Abuse

Indeed, and as evidenced from prior posts, investors who subscribed to the sumatec's business proposition have been perceived as an 'odd lot'.

Still the same simple gospel:

confident, invest
Not confident, don't invest

No I'm going to paraphrase Ozzie's great advice.

Ada caya, pegang. Tak da caya, buang.


2014-10-18 17:48 | Report Abuse

She had her pompous post removed. Just says it all.