
DreamConqueror | Joined since 2014-07-19

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2014-10-18 00:13 | Report Abuse

Gua nak tengok satu benda ja, Victor. Gua nak tengok itu thamby dey DickyMe MeDicky SundarJie tu tukar dia punya tune lagi satu kali bila Suma fly back up lagi satu kali. Biasa la, chameleon investor macam dia tu.

He's really funny when he does that. Like he did the first round Suma started flying.

He will be fawning like a female kitten, giggling like a little girl, and apologising away like a shameless convict. Again. You just wait and see, Victor.


2014-10-18 00:02 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Oct 17, 2014 11:57 PM | Report Abuse

KAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKA.....There you have it guys from the LIAR'S mouth itself. Anyway, I know you won't do it. Next time be humble and don't try to be nasty if you have different opinion.

Sikit-sikit humble. Sikit-sikit humble. Konon nya dia tu humble benar la, konon. Macam dia tu benchmark or reference standard for humility la, konon. Po dah la, thamby dey.

Dia yg narcissistic, keturunan pure Narcissus, lagi nak tuduh orang yg narcissistic pulak.


2014-10-17 23:55 | Report Abuse

Ai, dah nak cabut ka DoraeMon. Cam dah gerun aja. Dah takut la tu.


2014-10-17 23:54 | Report Abuse

Doraemon @ HappyTradings @ MusangFoxKing @ TruthSeeker @ DickyMe.

Hu hu hu hu. Ho ho ho ho. Heh heh heh heh. Hi hi hi hi. Ha ha ha ha.
Hix hix hix hix. Haka haka haka haka.


2014-10-17 23:52 | Report Abuse

Eh, DoraeMon pun sebut 'Jari Kudung', DickyMe pun sebut 'Jari Kudung'. Orang yg sama jugak ka. Laaaaa, baru la gua tau.

Tu diaaaaaa. Bertambah banyak lagi la dia punya clone.


2014-10-17 23:49 | Report Abuse

Dia rindu kat kau tu kut, Victor. Itu Doraemon @ HappyTradings @ MusangFoxKing @ TruthSeeker tu.

Hu hu hu hu. Ho ho ho ho. Heh heh heh heh. Hi hi hi hi. Ha ha ha ha.
Hix hix hix hix. Haka haka haka haka.


2014-10-17 23:40 | Report Abuse

Aik, napa pulak tiba-tiba mengaku laki ni. Tak confident kut.


2014-10-17 23:39 | Report Abuse

Hek eleh, tak habih-habih nak berlakon warak. Po dah la, woi. Orang tau kau punya menyamar la woi.


2014-10-17 23:37 | Report Abuse

Ha, tengok aja la tu. Condemn-maki orang teruk-teruk, sampai meludah-ludah. Apa jenis punya orang dia tu ah.

Confirm la, gua tau apa dia punya masalah. Tak yah cakap la kan, klu jeinis orang cam tu. Faham-faham aja la kan.


2014-10-17 23:35 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-10-17 23:29 | Report Abuse

Kau tu tau apa, Doraemon. Waktu Suma fly up from 28 through to 62 kau kat alam mana.


2014-10-17 23:26 | Report Abuse

Ha tu la, gua kan dah cakap. Gua punya extra-sensory perception (ESP) kira okay gak tau. Sekelibat ikan di air, terus gua tau jantan betinanya.


2014-10-17 23:23 | Report Abuse

Macam dia tu ada sikit unsur-unsur anti-pompuan kan? Ataupun anti- laki regular yang suka pompuan, layan pompuan, kan.

Hu hu hu hu. Ho ho ho ho. Heh heh heh heh. Hi hi hi hi. Ha ha ha ha.
Hix hix hix hix. Haka haka haka haka.


2014-10-17 23:20 | Report Abuse

Cakap karut, cakap busk, maki-condemn sama orang. Sama ja dia punya style, dia punya pattern.

Gua tau la apa dia punya masalah. Nak cakap ka. Tak yah lah. Faham-faham aja la, kan.


2014-10-17 23:18 | Report Abuse

Dudes, just go thoroughly through all the posts by Doraemon, MusangFoxKing, HappyTradings and TruthSeeker, and analyse every post very, very carefully and objectively.

They all hv the same style, the same style, the same maki-condemn features. And what can ya all conclude from that? I'll leave it to ya all to decide.


2014-10-17 23:14 | Report Abuse

Masih nak berlagak warak lagi pulak tu. Bab maki orang, dia la champion, tapi nak berlagak warak lagi tu.

Ai, warak apa cam tu bro. Tu tak genuine punya warak tu. Berlakon punya warak jugak tu.


2014-10-17 23:12 | Report Abuse

Dia ada satu orang ja, tapi ada banyak nama, menyamar macam dia banyak orang. Dia ada masalah tu, gua tau apa dia punya masalah.

Tapi gua tak nak la cakap depan orang ramai-ramai, kan.


2014-10-17 23:10 | Report Abuse

Orang tak agree ngan dia ja, dia panggil arrogant, itu budak karut baru belajar yg perasan hebat satu orang tu.


2014-10-17 23:08 | Report Abuse

Gua besok malam gi itu tempat lagi, nak tengok itu exotic foreign dancer. Ai, bila gak nak dapat tackle dia ni. Entah dapat entah tidak.


2014-10-17 23:03 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-10-17 22:57 | Report Abuse

Don't worry, show coming.


2014-10-17 22:56 | Report Abuse

So you should change your strategy to buy at low, sell at high.


2014-10-17 22:54 | Report Abuse

Oh Cassy, oh Cassy. You should wean yourself of the habit of liking to buy at high.


2014-10-17 22:52 | Report Abuse

CassyEE, insane or sane is subjective. When it hits RM1, someone will be calling you a genius for buying at 55 sen.

But when it's down at 30, another dude will be calling you a nuthead for buying at 55.


2014-10-17 22:48 | Report Abuse

Show coming soon. How soon? Guess.


2014-10-17 22:44 | Report Abuse

CassyEE. 55 berani, 30 tak berani. Hmmmmmm ...

Okay, teruslah hidup sentiasa dalam ketakutan.


2014-10-17 22:40 | Report Abuse

Ini budak mentah baru belajar DickyMe MeDickyMe SundarJie ni, itu time tahun lepas, tak habis-habis dia condemn Suma, kata tak bagus la, hopless scounter la, PN17 la.

Tapi bila dia tengok Suma fly first round, baru dia faham. Baru itu jam nak join sama, baru itu jam dia mengaku kalah, sampai dia pun dia jadi cheerleader itu jam.

Ha, bila down, mula la dia buat perangai balik. Ini chameleon investor satu orang thamby dey ni.


2014-10-17 22:35 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Oct 17, 2014 10:31 PM | Report Abuse

@cassyee, RI is NEVER a GOOD thing. RI is a way of soliciting money from shareholders for whatever plan, simply because the company has no fund or failed to get bank loans. The moment RI is approved price sure will drop like stone.

Ha, tu dia. Memang confirm la kau ni budak mentah baru belajar.

Memang la price tu ada downward adjustment. Tapi bagi RI acceptors, dia orang dapat averaging down, post-RI. Pas tu dapat free warrants lagi. So on nett basis dia dapat profit tau.

Kau tu budak mentah baru belajar, apa yg kau tau. Perasan hebat, berlagak hebat jugak manjang, tak habis-habis.


2014-10-17 22:29 | Report Abuse

Apa pulak gua nak jealous, DickyMe MeDicky SundarJie, thamby dey. Lu baru ada 500 lot kecik. Gua dah ada 1,010 lot besar. Siapa yang jealous.

Dia yg narcissistic, kata orang pulak narcissisitic. Kau ni betul-betul keturunan pure Narcissus kut.


2014-10-17 22:23 | Report Abuse

Hek eleh, baru main 500 lot kecik, dah nak persan hebat, nak berlagak hebat.

Po dah la lu, thamby dey.


2014-10-17 22:21 | Report Abuse

Siapa pulak yang kata price naik after RI, ha, DickyMe. Cepat nar nak melenting kau ni, apa masalah kau ni ah? Macam la dia tu hebat sangat.

Baru belajar main Suma baru dua tiga bulan. Orang lain yg dah main Suma bertahun pun tak da pun perasan hebat berlagak hebat macam dia.


2014-10-17 22:17 | Report Abuse

Macam la dia tu humble sangat, itu DickyMe MeDickyMe SundarJie tu.

Woi, thamby dey, klu itu orang genuinely humble punya orang, dia tak ada tepuk dada snediri, angkat bakul sendiri, pukul canang sendiri, kasi tau sama semua orang dia humble punya orang tau.

Ha, thamby dey, lu ada faham ini hal ka.


2014-10-17 22:14 | Report Abuse

Gua narcissitic ka, apa ka, ada rosak lu punya liver or kidney ka, DickyMe. Ada kasi rosak sama itu organs ah.

Klu itu macam, bagus la. Gua lagi narcissistic la, itu macam.


2014-10-17 22:10 | Report Abuse

Posted by woman_x > Oct 17, 2014 09:59 PM | Report Abuse

The capt hinted maybe no RI not sure why he left that passing remark..

How about ... ummm ... ohhhh ... errrr ...

Got RI, no fly. No RI, got fly.


2014-10-17 22:05 | Report Abuse

Exactly, Woman X. The best time for me to switch back from WB to Mother would hv been when WB was 56 and Mother 62. Now, that would hv been neat stuff.

Of course, even neater would hv been selling at 55.5 and buying back at 20. Would hv enabled me to be holding 2,800 big lots now. But I did not hv a crystal ball. Maybe next time. Life goes on.


2014-10-17 21:55 | Report Abuse

RM6.7 mil profit for Q2, 2014 still not good fundamentals ah. Come on, Ring, don't be so pessimistic.

Even someone as huge as DRB only made RM10.7 mil in Q1, 2013, dude.


2014-10-17 21:51 | Report Abuse

Very likely, in the situation that I am, I shall be giving RI a pass. Maybe next time. It's not favourable for me where I am right now.


2014-10-17 21:48 | Report Abuse

Timing, WomanX. If I sell out of WB and shift to Mother now, the ratio is like 23/33, i.e. about 7/10. A substantially poorer one than 56/62, i.e. about 9/10.

So, I would rather keep holding until things 'normalise' again, post-RI. IF a RI does happen.


2014-10-17 21:37 | Report Abuse

It's not about my intention, WomanX. I cannot will or wish WB's price to move the way I want it to. If I had that kind of power, I would be a billionaire in 3 months.:-P

It's more about observation. The several weeks before 19 August, it WAS moving almost head to head with the Mother (Mother 62, WB 56, around mid August), beginning with a starting position about 2/3 the price of Mother (Mother 30, WB 20, around March).

Whether it would or could repeat a similar performance another time, your guess is as good as mine. I guess, whether or not Suma proceeds with another RI, and if it does, on what warrant-mother ratio basis and at what price, would very likely be major determinants.


2014-10-17 21:26 | Report Abuse

Pasal itu AMBZ tak kasi muka sama dia la tu, kut.


2014-10-17 21:23 | Report Abuse

Gua ni kan orang lama, XXXXX. Kata orang, sekelibat ikan di air, sudah gua tau jantan betinanya.


2014-10-17 21:19 | Report Abuse

Gua tau, ini HappyTradingz, MusangFoxKing, TruthSeeker, Doraemon ni, semuanya orang yg sama ja. Menyamar ja macam banyak orang.

Gua tau apa dia punya masalah, gua ada extra-sensory perception (ESP) power punya. Jangan main wor.

Klu dalam Glotec forum dia ada lain nama lagi tu, beberapa nama lagi. Gua tau la. Tak yah la gua sebut, kan.

Tak yah la gua cakap kan. Klu siapa yg pandai agak cam gua gak, mungkin la boleh teka kut.


2014-10-17 21:13 | Report Abuse

Lu tu, tak da wang mau invest. Masuk forum bikin shhitt bikin kacau juga.


2014-10-17 21:11 | Report Abuse

Apa nak sakit pulak. Gua tak macam lain orang yang mudah terikut lu punya provocations suruh cut loss.

Gua tak da jual, tak da loss. Lagi pulak gua punya starting average price 21 sen. Belum even paper loss pun. Lu tau kira ka. Lu novice newbie apa yang lu tau, woi.


2014-10-17 21:06 | Report Abuse

Dia punya nama pun sudah berapa puluh kali tukar. Cacam tukar dia punya pampers jugak.

Sebab selalu kena suspend la tu, sebab dia banyak kuat bikin shhitt bikin kacau dalam forum. Itu kicik budak HappyTradingz tu.


2014-10-17 21:02 | Report Abuse

'dah buta' = 'dah buat'



2014-10-17 21:01 | Report Abuse

HappyTradingz ni hari-hari claim dia buat prediction betul. Habis kau dah buta berapa ratus ribu profit, woi, kicik budak. Kasi tau la.

Cakap saja. Bikin, sikit habuk pun tadak.


2014-10-17 20:54 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-10-17 20:45 | Report Abuse

It's not about falling in love or lust. It's about seeing the real potential of vast wealth in short time. The possibility is definitely there.

It's the timing that one has to master. As well as having the stamina and staying power when one's timing is far less than perfect, which is something normal just par for the course for most investors. The fantastic claims of some sensationalist kiddy investors notwithstanding.


2014-10-17 20:40 | Report Abuse

The thing with penny stocks, Ring, is that when they fly, they fly like a rocket. But when they dive, they dive like a rocket too.

So when one gets caught, either one cuts losses at substantial losses, or one stays as cool as ice, just goes into cyborg mode, and wait for things to turn.