
DreamConqueror | Joined since 2014-07-19

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2014-10-18 17:44 | Report Abuse

We had a former leader, a fairly competent one administratively, who fell simply because he adhered too much to the 'silence is golden' rule.


2014-10-18 17:42 | Report Abuse

'Silence is golden' does not work for me. Especially not when facing attacks from so many sides. Attackers hv to be counter-attacked and beaten back. Way to go.


2014-10-18 17:37 | Report Abuse

Nope. A forum is for talking. Not for silence.


2014-10-18 17:36 | Report Abuse

Dudes like OptiMouse, DickyMe MeDicky SundarJie and their multitudes of clones, like HappyTradingz, TruthSeeker, MusangFoxKing, DreamShhitter etc. etc. etc.


2014-10-18 17:33 | Report Abuse

It's the dudes that are not holding any Suma, or holding little, or holding it with shaky hands, that are normally saying the worst things about it, 86868.


2014-10-18 17:16 | Report Abuse

Conventional oil, 86868. Shale oil is difficult and expensive to produce, and it's only available in big enough quantities at a limited number of places, I believe.


2014-10-18 17:13 | Report Abuse

Yes. Hopefully next run up will play out at a different level. Maybe 70 to RM1.


2014-10-18 17:11 | Report Abuse

The question is, why did IFBM gv that stupid directive when Suma was already playing at peak. They should hv done it ages earlier, maybe before last year's RI. Bunch of idiots.


2014-10-18 17:08 | Report Abuse

Itu DickyMe MeDicky SundarJie pun tak nampak muka ini hari. Awal-awal lagi dia sudah low profile.

Hari Isnin ni, klu bukak aja dah 35, tak nampak satu minggu la dia punya muka, kurang-kurang. Gi nyorok kat gua mana-mana. Sudah tau punya, dia punya style.


2014-10-18 17:04 | Report Abuse

Mana sudah lari sembunyi, itu OptiMouse ah. Sudah tak mau cakap lagi. Dia sudah takut la tu.

Dia ingat Suma nak turun aja manjang sampai ke 5 sen kut. Dia ingat dia pandai sangat. Dia ingat dia dah dapat nujum punya power. Ha, hari Isnin ni, baru la dia tau.


2014-10-18 16:59 | Report Abuse

It will still be profit. But probably not up to projected value, with low oil price etc.


2014-10-18 16:54 | Report Abuse

Ala, Ring. Tak kan la itu pun kau takut. Dia orang whack pakai rotan besar ka. Rotan manau ka rotan melaka, atau rotan duri.

Klu kena whack pun bukannya ada rasa sakit. Okay, klu dia orang whack kau, aku whack dia orang balik.


2014-10-18 16:49 | Report Abuse

Sudah takuuut, itu OptiMouse. Sudah takut serupa mouse jugak dia sekarang.


2014-10-18 16:45 | Report Abuse

60 sen at end year only ah, Ring. 80 sen la, I reckon. Or maybe RM1. Which was a figure many of us - including SJ, Strategist, LooiKS, Nooraini, MarBoroMan, LuoLi, Focuz, StoneNut, AyamTua, myself and many others - were seeing until mid August, when some frekkin investment banks flip-flopped on some margin financing policy, and totally unhinged everything.


2014-10-18 16:34 | Report Abuse

OptimuMous is scared shhittless now. Coz he's sold his all at 31 on Thursday, thinkin that he could buy it back at 28.5 on Monday.

But he's not gonna get it, coz it's gonna hit 35 at opening bell on Monday.

No pocket money next for you, OptiMouse dude.


2014-10-18 16:28 | Report Abuse

Ring, well done.

Now, that is one bright optimistic dude. Too many pessimistic pirate-raider-marauder types going around all over the place these days.


2014-10-18 16:26 | Report Abuse

With a few good swings, and a good run up by Suma, 10M in 2018 would be pretty doable. But not for you, OptiMouse.


2014-10-18 16:22 | Report Abuse

Had less that 20k in savings in 2012, OptiMouse. Became 70k with some stock gains in 2013. Then became 560+k in mid August, less 150k outstanding to the bank for personal loan.

10M in 2018? Pretty doable. No big deal.


2014-10-18 16:18 | Report Abuse

Well, OptiMouse, that would be more than enough. For a puny minded mouse like you.


2014-10-18 16:17 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow evening I'll be going to meet my beautiful, hot dancer friend in that club, Optimouse. And you?

Searching for and thinking about which forum to go bikin shhitt and bikin acau-kacau, I guess.


2014-10-18 16:13 | Report Abuse

My 'fantasy' was worth over half M in mid August, OptiMouse. One of these days, with a bit of luck, effort and skill, it's gonna climb to 10M. You must hv a big problem with that, I know.


2014-10-18 16:11 | Report Abuse

Why pitiful. I'm doing something I love. Monitoring my wealth and assets. And defending them from pirates, raiders an marauders like you and you and your gang.


2014-10-18 16:07 | Report Abuse

Awkward situation, to say the least. Coz market price only 33 on Friday. Hmmmmm.


2014-10-18 15:59 | Report Abuse

Yup, next qrtr earnings announcement a month away. Would be another profitable quarter.


2014-10-18 15:56 | Report Abuse

Fooohh. Heaaavyyyyy or what. Or what.


2014-10-18 15:50 | Report Abuse

Get what.

WomanX. You hv an issue about something. To shut up or not to shut up, to take holiday or not to take a holiday, is my prerogative and mine alone.

I am ending this conversation with you, which I initially thought was a friendly one. It seems I was wrong.

So, that's it.

I will still be posting. That is everybody's right. But I won't be directly engaging with you, you do not hv worry about that.


2014-10-18 15:23 | Report Abuse

Why. You should thank me for helping you to relieve yourself of stress.


2014-10-18 15:16 | Report Abuse

Well, you said you just wanna break even. I can only take that on face value, that you'd made some losses and you now want to regain the portion of your money that you had lost.


2014-10-18 15:10 | Report Abuse

'negative mounted dudes' = 'negative minded dudes'



2014-10-18 15:07 | Report Abuse

You will, WomanX, if you keep believing and trying to the best of your ability.

I had accumulated total investment losses of RM120k up to 2013, if I include the gains that I had made and then lost, along with my original capital.

I had even thought seriously about quitting from investing permanently, thinking that I was just 'not fated' to 'make it' and succeed. Fortunately, I got tempted again just before GE13, making the assessment that it was as good a time as any to come back in.

Took a personal loan of 150k to top up on my own 70k, 20k of which was gains made in the first month after GE13. Took up RI offer in late October last year. The rest is now history.

When Suma WB was doing 55 sen in mid August, my holdings had exceeded 560k in worth. There ya go.


2014-10-18 14:57 | Report Abuse

Don't concern yourself with Nay Sayers, Doubting Thomases, Sceptics-Cynics and other similarly negative mounted dudes who just cannot or do not want to contemplate you succeeding and becoming much better than them.

Just leave them where they prefer to remain, while you yourself keep moving ahead toward achieving your own ambitions.


2014-10-18 14:53 | Report Abuse

That's okay, LuluCF. Start with something that you're comfortable with first.

Then, once you're well on the way there, you might want to think about adjusting and resetting your goals on to a higher level.


2014-10-18 14:44 | Report Abuse

So Dicky must be a very funny guy, becoz he is constantly trading in and out with 500 small lots of a stock based on snake oil.


2014-10-18 14:43 | Report Abuse

86868. No need to worry about somebody else's cynical-sceptical answer or statement, and be constrained by them.

You just go by your own belief. Everyone is free to pursue what he wants by his own strategy.


2014-10-18 14:39 | Report Abuse

In 1976, Arnold Schwarzenegger was an absolute NOBODY. But he had total, absolute belief in himself. Even when noone else did at that time.

In his mind, he was convinced that he he could rise to #1 in Hollywood, then later #1 in politics, as well as building ginormous wealth from absolute scratch. Practically everybody he knew was laughing at him then.

Eventually, he did rise to #1 action movie actor, married a Kennedy offspring and rose to governor of California, while building up wealth to a few US$billion worth via stock and property investment.

I am now using the same methods and strategies that Arnold once did, to vault himself up into super wealth, super stardom and super power.

I would not want to say RM1 bil is within my reach. That would be pushing the envelope a bit. But RM100 mil is NOT beyond the realm of the possible, and RM10 mil is certainly possible. Depending also on luck and the unfolding of events, of course.

Some dudes might hv a problem with contemplating very high achievement. I say, why not. If it is something that is not physically impossible, then it is definitely worth pursuing and aiming for.


2014-10-18 14:25 | Report Abuse

Paper loss = only on paper. You don't sell, you don't lose. Why so scared.


2014-10-18 14:08 | Report Abuse

Good work, CYCTailor.


2014-10-18 14:03 | Report Abuse

But shale oil is substantially more expensive to produce that conventional oil. So it will never beat conventional oil for price.


2014-10-18 14:02 | Report Abuse

What Is Oil Shale?

The term oil shale generally refers to any sedimentary rock that contains solid bituminous materials (called kerogen) that are released as petroleum-like liquids when the rock is heated in the chemical process of pyrolysis. Oil shale was formed millions of years ago by deposition of silt and organic debris on lake beds and sea bottoms. Over long periods of time, heat and pressure transformed the materials into oil shale in a process similar to the process that forms oil; however, the heat and pressure were not as great. Oil shale generally contains enough oil that it will burn without any additional processing, and it is known as "the rock that burns".


2014-10-18 13:54 | Report Abuse

Google is my friend. My friend is Google.


2014-10-18 13:54 | Report Abuse

Don't worry, 86868. Someone has to be defending Suma from kiddy pirates, raiders and marauders.

DreamConqueror does not go around pickin a fight with every Tan, Din and Hari. But if someone comes in, regularly badmouthing Suma and constantly trying to make it crash, you can depend on DreamConqueror to take that dude head on and put him back in his proper place.


2014-10-18 13:49 | Report Abuse

They suddenly pop up on the board together, and they're off on their bike together. Clones.


2014-10-18 13:38 | Report Abuse

At least I'm a laudable, commendable Conqueror of Dreams, as opposed to a disgusting, despicable Shhitter of Dreams.


2014-10-18 13:36 | Report Abuse

Posted by dreamshitter > Oct 18, 2014 01:21 PM | Report Abuse

Happy -enjoy your weekend

I will visit later and I guarantee this dreamer will still be writing here

Of course. Why not. This is a public lounge and I love it here. And I'm defending my assets and wealth from pirates, raiders and marauders too. So, whenever I got the time, dude.


2014-10-18 13:28 | Report Abuse

Hey, HT/DS. Stay cool, all right. Don't go bangin yer head against the wall or something.

I know your head bone is not that tough. Unlike mine.


2014-10-18 13:26 | Report Abuse

Now clone DreamShhitter is getting angry and unhappy too.

Becoz he and HT are just different clones of the same one dude.

Once one clone gets upset and angry, the other clones just can't keep up a pretense of being okay, hunky dory and happy slappy. They get upset and angry too.


2014-10-18 13:22 | Report Abuse

Unlike me, who is always happy. Becoz I cultivate calm, poise, peace and serenity.


2014-10-18 13:21 | Report Abuse

Only his name is 'happy', whereas he himself is always angry and unhappy.