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2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Pemberhentian oleh Pos Malaysia berpotensi meningkatkan harga saham Pos Malaysia dan DRB-HICOM kerana ia dapat mengurangkan kos operasi, meningkatkan keuntungan, dan memulihkan keyakinan pelabur. Tindakan ini juga boleh mempertingkatkan kecekapan operasi dan memberi fokus kepada bidang yang lebih menguntungkan seperti logistik e-dagang. Selain itu, sokongan DRB-HICOM terhadap penyusunan semula ini boleh memperbaiki persepsi pasaran terhadap kedua-dua syarikat, menjadikannya lebih menarik kepada pelabur. Secara keseluruhan, pemberhentian dapat meningkatkan prestasi kewangan dan prospek jangka panjang, yang seterusnya dapat meningkatkan harga saham.
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Retrenchment by Pos Malaysia could potentially boost the share prices of both Pos Malaysia and its parent company, DRB-HICOM, for several reasons:
### 1. **Improved Financial Health**
- **Cost Reduction**: Retrenchment helps reduce operating costs, particularly labor costs, which have been a major burden for Pos Malaysia. Lower operational costs can improve profitability, making the company more attractive to investors and potentially leading to an increase in its share price.
- **Restoring Investor Confidence**: By taking decisive action to address financial issues, such as retrenchment, Pos Malaysia signals to investors that it is serious about turning around its operations. This can restore or boost investor confidence in the company, positively affecting its stock price.
### 2. **Strategic Restructuring and Efficiency Gains**
- **Focusing on Core Business Areas**: Retrenchment can enable Pos Malaysia to focus its resources on more profitable areas, such as e-commerce logistics, and streamline its operations. This strategic shift can lead to better long-term growth prospects, making the company more appealing to investors.
- **Increased Operational Efficiency**: A leaner workforce can enhance efficiency and agility, allowing Pos Malaysia to adapt more quickly to market changes and competition. Investors typically reward companies that can operate more efficiently.
### 3. **Market Perception of DRB-HICOM**
- **Parent Company’s Stake**: DRB-HICOM, as the parent company of Pos Malaysia, stands to benefit from the improved financial outlook of Pos Malaysia. If retrenchment leads to better performance by Pos Malaysia, this could positively affect DRB-HICOM’s overall portfolio, boosting investor sentiment toward DRB-HICOM as well.
- **Long-Term Value Creation**: Investors may view DRB-HICOM's support for restructuring and cost-cutting initiatives in Pos Malaysia as a smart move to increase long-term shareholder value. This could result in increased demand for DRB-HICOM’s stock, raising its share price.
### 4. **Optimizing Workforce for Growth**
- **Streamlining for Future Growth**: Retrenchment could also be part of a broader strategy to re-skill and retrain employees in line with the company's digital transformation. If the retrenchment is seen as part of a growth-oriented restructuring, it could boost investor perception of Pos Malaysia’s ability to grow in the future.
### 5. **Positive Market Reaction to Tough Decisions**
- **Signals Management Strength**: Markets often reward companies that make tough but necessary decisions, such as retrenchment, to improve their financial standing. Investors may view the retrenchment as a sign of strong leadership and strategic direction, which can positively affect the stock prices of both Pos Malaysia and DRB-HICOM.
In summary, retrenchment by Pos Malaysia could improve its financial health, streamline operations, and strengthen market perception, potentially boosting its own share price as well as that of DRB-HICOM, its parent company. Investors may see it as a positive step toward better profitability, efficiency, and long-term growth prospects.
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Pos Malaysia telah menghadapi kesulitan kewangan sejak 2019, terutamanya disebabkan oleh penurunan jumlah surat, persaingan yang semakin meningkat, dan gangguan digital. Walaupun pelan transformasi telah dilaksanakan oleh CEO baru pada 2021, syarikat belum melaksanakan pemberhentian besar-besaran. Menjelang 2025, pemberhentian mungkin menjadi langkah yang perlu atas beberapa sebab:
1. **Pengurangan Kos**: Kos buruh yang tinggi, digabungkan dengan automasi, memerlukan tenaga kerja yang lebih cekap untuk meningkatkan keuntungan.
2. **Kesihatan Kewangan**: Kerugian yang berterusan mungkin memaksa pengurangan tenaga kerja untuk memastikan kelestarian dan memulihkan keyakinan pelabur.
3. **Penyusunan Semula Strategik**: Fokus Pos Malaysia kepada e-dagang dan logistik memerlukan tenaga kerja yang sejajar dengan bidang ini, mengurangkan keperluan untuk peranan tradisional.
4. **Tekanan Persaingan**: Dengan persaingan yang semakin meningkat, pengurangan kos dan peningkatan kecekapan adalah penting untuk kekal berdaya saing.
5. **Moral Pekerja**: Penyusunan semula boleh meningkatkan moral dengan memberi tumpuan kepada tenaga kerja yang lebih tangkas dan berkemampuan.
Pemberhentian pada 2025 boleh menjadi langkah strategik untuk meningkatkan kedudukan kewangan dan daya saing syarikat dalam pasaran logistik yang sedang berkembang.
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Pos Malaysia has faced financial difficulties since 2019, primarily due to declining mail volumes, increased competition, and digital disruption. Despite a transformation plan initiated by a new CEO in 2021, the company has not implemented significant retrenchments. By 2025, retrenchment may become necessary for several reasons:
1. **Cost Reduction**: High labor costs, combined with automation, require a leaner workforce to improve profitability.
2. **Financial Health**: Ongoing losses may make workforce reductions essential to ensure sustainability and restore investor confidence.
3. **Strategic Realignment**: Pos Malaysia’s focus on e-commerce and logistics requires a workforce aligned with these areas, reducing the need for traditional roles.
4. **Competitive Pressure**: With increasing competition, cutting costs and improving efficiency is vital for remaining competitive.
5. **Employee Morale**: A restructuring could improve morale by focusing on a more agile and capable workforce.
Retrenchment in 2025 could be a strategic move to improve the company's financial position and adaptability in the evolving logistics market.
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Buy pos, anak drb to keep; next pasti retrenchment; dah rugi sejak 2019; Ceo british joined 2021; 2025 retrenchment; the only choice left je 😎😎😎
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
If pemberhentian kerja is the satu-satunya pilihan yang tinggal, it suggests that Pos Malaysia might be facing severe financial or operational challenges, leaving no other viable alternatives. Here’s how this situation might be addressed:
Keadaan Satu-satunya Pilihan: Pemberhentian Kerja
Apabila pemberhentian kerja menjadi satu-satunya pilihan yang tinggal, ia biasanya berlaku apabila langkah-langkah lain seperti penjimatan kos, pengurangan gaji, atau penstrukturan semula tidak lagi mencukupi untuk memastikan kelangsungan syarikat. Dalam situasi ini:
1. Kewajiban Majikan:
• Memastikan pemberhentian kerja dilaksanakan secara adil, dengan mengikuti Kod Amalan untuk Keharmonian Perindustrian dan undang-undang buruh.
• Memberikan pampasan sewajarnya kepada pekerja yang terlibat, termasuk faedah pemberhentian (severance benefits).
2. Peranan Kesatuan Sekerja:
• Memastikan Hak Pekerja Terjamin: Kesatuan perlu memastikan bahawa semua proses dijalankan dengan betul, termasuk pampasan dan peluang penempatan semula.
• Bekerjasama Dengan Majikan: Kesatuan boleh membantu dalam mencari penyelesaian seperti pemotongan kos alternatif atau penempatan pekerja ke bahagian lain dalam syarikat.
3. Menghadapi Realiti:
• Dalam situasi ekonomi yang sukar, kadang-kadang kesatuan dan pekerja perlu menerima hakikat bahawa pemberhentian kerja mungkin tidak dapat dielakkan untuk menyelamatkan syarikat.
Jika pemberhentian kerja adalah satu-satunya pilihan yang tinggal, baik majikan mahupun kesatuan sekerja perlu bekerjasama untuk memastikan proses ini dijalankan dengan adil, telus, dan memberi sokongan kepada pekerja yang terjejas. Kesatuan perlu menerima keputusan ini sekiranya ia jelas merupakan langkah terakhir untuk menyelamatkan syarikat dan mengekalkan pekerja lain.
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
If pemberhentian kerja is the satu-satunya pilihan yang tinggal, it suggests that Pos Malaysia might be facing severe financial or operational challenges, leaving no other viable alternatives. Here’s how this situation might be addressed:
Keadaan Satu-satunya Pilihan: Pemberhentian Kerja
Apabila pemberhentian kerja menjadi satu-satunya pilihan yang tinggal, ia biasanya berlaku apabila langkah-langkah lain seperti penjimatan kos, pengurangan gaji, atau penstrukturan semula tidak lagi mencukupi untuk memastikan kelangsungan syarikat. Dalam situasi ini:
1. Kewajiban Majikan:
• Memastikan pemberhentian kerja dilaksanakan secara adil, dengan mengikuti Kod Amalan untuk Keharmonian Perindustrian dan undang-undang buruh.
• Memberikan pampasan sewajarnya kepada pekerja yang terlibat, termasuk faedah pemberhentian (severance benefits).
2. Peranan Kesatuan Sekerja:
• Memastikan Hak Pekerja Terjamin: Kesatuan perlu memastikan bahawa semua proses dijalankan dengan betul, termasuk pampasan dan peluang penempatan semula.
• Bekerjasama Dengan Majikan: Kesatuan boleh membantu dalam mencari penyelesaian seperti pemotongan kos alternatif atau penempatan pekerja ke bahagian lain dalam syarikat.
3. Menghadapi Realiti:
• Dalam situasi ekonomi yang sukar, kadang-kadang kesatuan dan pekerja perlu menerima hakikat bahawa pemberhentian kerja mungkin tidak dapat dielakkan untuk menyelamatkan syarikat.
Jika pemberhentian kerja adalah satu-satunya pilihan yang tinggal, baik majikan mahupun kesatuan sekerja perlu bekerjasama untuk memastikan proses ini dijalankan dengan adil, telus, dan memberi sokongan kepada pekerja yang terjejas. Kesatuan perlu menerima keputusan ini sekiranya ia jelas merupakan langkah terakhir untuk menyelamatkan syarikat dan mengekalkan pekerja lain.
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Mengapa Kesatuan Sekerja Perlu Menerima Jika Pos Malaysia Mengumumkan Pemberhentian Kerja
Di Malaysia, majikan seperti Pos Malaysia mempunyai hak untuk menyusun semula operasi mereka, termasuk melaksanakan pemberhentian kerja (retrenchment) atas sebab-sebab perniagaan yang sah seperti masalah kewangan atau perubahan teknologi. Namun, hak ini disertai dengan tanggungjawab undang-undang untuk memastikan keadilan dan ketelusan, terutamanya terhadap pekerja dan kesatuan mereka.
Rangka Kerja Undang-Undang dan Rundingan Dengan Kesatuan
Kod Amalan untuk Keharmonian Perindustrian menekankan kepentingan rundingan awal dengan wakil pekerja atau kesatuan sekerja sebelum melaksanakan pemberhentian kerja. Majikan dinasihatkan untuk membincangkan sebab-sebab pemberhentian dan mencari langkah untuk mengurangkan jumlah pekerja yang terjejas.
Walaupun kod ini bersifat panduan dan tidak mempunyai kuasa undang-undang, kegagalan mematuhinya boleh mempengaruhi penilaian Mahkamah Perusahaan terhadap keadilan proses pemberhentian. Oleh itu, melibatkan kesatuan sekerja adalah langkah penting dalam proses ini.
Hak Majikan dan Niat Baik
Majikan mempunyai hak untuk menyusun semula perniagaan mereka, termasuk membuat jawatan tertentu tidak diperlukan lagi. Namun, ini mesti dilakukan dengan niat baik dan bukan sebagai alasan untuk memberhentikan pekerja tertentu tanpa sebab yang sah. Mahkamah Perusahaan akan menilai pemberhentian untuk memastikan ia wajar dan dilaksanakan dengan betul.
Peranan dan Penerimaan Kesatuan Sekerja
Kesatuan sekerja memainkan peranan penting dalam mewakili kepentingan pekerja semasa proses pemberhentian. Mereka dijangka terlibat dalam rundingan dengan majikan untuk merundingkan syarat dan mencari alternatif bagi mengurangkan kehilangan pekerjaan. Walaupun kesatuan boleh mencabar pemberhentian yang tidak adil, mereka juga perlu mengakui hak majikan untuk menyusun semula operasi atas alasan perniagaan yang sah.
Secara ringkas, walaupun Pos Malaysia mempunyai hak untuk melaksanakan pemberhentian kerja atas keperluan perniagaan yang sah, ia terikat untuk berunding dengan kesatuan sekerja serta mengendalikan proses ini secara telus dan adil. Kesatuan sekerja perlu terlibat secara konstruktif dalam proses ini, dengan mengimbangi perlindungan hak pekerja serta mengiktiraf hak majikan untuk menguruskan perniagaan mereka dengan berkesan.
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
In Malaysia, employers like Pos Malaysia have the prerogative to restructure their operations, which may include retrenchment (layoffs) due to genuine business needs such as financial constraints or technological changes. However, this right is balanced by legal obligations to ensure fairness and transparency, especially concerning employees and their unions.
Legal Framework and Union Consultation
The Code of Conduct for Industrial Harmony emphasizes the importance of early consultation with employees’ representatives or trade unions before implementing retrenchment. Employers are advised to discuss the reasons for retrenchment and explore measures to minimize workforce reductions. 
While the Code serves as a guideline and lacks the force of law, non-compliance can influence the Industrial Court’s assessment of the retrenchment’s fairness. Therefore, engaging with unions is a critical step in the process.
Employer’s Prerogative and Good Faith
Employers have the right to reorganize their business, including making positions redundant. However, this must be executed in good faith and not as a pretext for dismissing specific employees without valid reasons. The Industrial Court scrutinizes retrenchments to ensure they are justified and conducted properly. 
Union’s Role and Acceptance
Unions play a vital role in representing employees’ interests during retrenchment exercises. They are expected to engage in consultations with the employer to negotiate terms and explore alternatives to minimize job losses. While unions can challenge unjust retrenchments, they must also recognize the employer’s right to restructure for legitimate business reasons.
In summary, while Pos Malaysia has the authority to implement retrenchment due to genuine business needs, it is legally obligated to consult with unions and handle the process transparently and fairly. Unions must engage constructively in this process, balancing the protection of employees’ rights with the recognition of the employer’s prerogative to manage its business effectively.
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Retrenchment in pos anytime to save both pos & drb; 6 tahun rugi; ceo mat salleh joined 2021; cun2 4 tahun; tahun ke5; retrenchment; the only option left; semua mati or save partially$$$
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Retrenchment is pos would save ibu drb & anak sama sekali 😇😇😇
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Waiting for happy ending with the last move, checkmate sellers; namely retrenchment ... Unions pun dah faham dah😎😎😎😎
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
2019-24 6tahun gaji buta staf surplus, melebihi drp cukup hadibawang😂🤣
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Pos retrenchment is essential, ibu drb pun mau mampus kini 😅
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
dark horse 2025; hari ni announce retrenchment; esok fly nonstop... Keep some yay; nothing is certain except death & tax hehe
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
mat salleh ceo 2021 + transformasi, etc till 2024; 2025 retrenchment besar-besaran major cost cutting move to bring the share price back to rm1 & higher
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Retrenchment is unavoidable; last puzzle to make share price fly back to rm1 & above. Hold your breath
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Last move is retrenchment to make it fly. 2025 a breakthru
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Tutup Post office yg Rugi, kurangkan staf… jualkan hartanah yg tak berhasil, dll
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Revival 2025 for POS; retrenchment besar-besaran, dah 6 tahun meanings, 2025 langkah survival , tiada 2nya🤗🤗🤗
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Retrenchment satu2nya Kaedah bagi selamatkan POS kini😰just do it
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Tunggu retrenchment announcement fly punya, pasti🤗
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Pemberhentian untuk Pos Malaysia adalah Penting, Kenapa?
Pos Malaysia, penyedia perkhidmatan pos nasional, menghadapi cabaran besar dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, termasuk penurunan jumlah surat akibat pendigitalan, persaingan yang meningkat dalam sektor logistik, dan kerugian kewangan. Faktor-faktor ini memerlukan penstrukturan semula organisasi, termasuk pemberhentian, untuk memastikan kelestarian syarikat.
Penurunan Jumlah Surat
Peningkatan penggunaan komunikasi digital telah menyebabkan penurunan ketara dalam penggunaan surat tradisional, yang secara langsung menjejaskan sumber pendapatan utama Pos Malaysia. Penurunan ini memerlukan penilaian semula kapasiti operasi dan keperluan tenaga kerja.
Persaingan yang Meningkat
Industri logistik dan kurier di Malaysia semakin kompetitif, dengan banyak pemain tempatan dan antarabangsa. Pos Malaysia perlu merampingkan operasi dan mengurangkan kos untuk kekal berdaya saing, yang mungkin melibatkan pengurangan tenaga kerja.
Prestasi Kewangan
Kerugian kewangan yang berterusan memaksa Pos Malaysia melaksanakan langkah penjimatan kos, termasuk pemberhentian, untuk menstabilkan kedudukan kewangan dan terus menyediakan perkhidmatan penting.
Pertimbangan Undang-Undang di Malaysia
Di Malaysia, pemberhentian pekerja dikawal oleh Akta Kerja 1955 dan Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan 1967. Majikan perlu memastikan pemberhentian dilakukan dengan niat yang baik, alasan yang sah, dan mematuhi keperluan undang-undang, seperti memberikan notis yang mencukupi dan pampasan yang adil kepada pekerja yang terlibat. (
Sebagai kesimpulan, pemberhentian di Pos Malaysia dianggap penting akibat penurunan jumlah surat, persaingan yang meningkat, dan cabaran kewangan. Langkah-langkah ini bertujuan untuk menstruktur semula organisasi bagi kelestarian jangka panjang sambil mematuhi kerangka undang-undang Malaysia untuk amalan pemberhentian yang adil.
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Pos Malaysia, the national postal service provider, has faced significant challenges in recent years, including declining mail volumes due to digitalization, increased competition in the logistics sector, and financial losses. These factors have necessitated organizational restructuring, including retrenchment, to ensure the company’s sustainability.
Declining Mail Volumes
The rise of digital communication has led to a substantial decrease in traditional mail usage, directly impacting Pos Malaysia’s core revenue stream. This decline necessitates a reevaluation of operational capacities and workforce requirements.
Increased Competition
The logistics and courier industry in Malaysia has become highly competitive, with numerous local and international players. Pos Malaysia must streamline operations and reduce costs to maintain competitiveness, which may involve workforce reductions.
Financial Performance
Persistent financial losses have compelled Pos Malaysia to implement cost-cutting measures, including retrenchment, to stabilize its financial position and continue providing essential services.
Legal Considerations in Malaysia
In Malaysia, retrenchment is governed by the Employment Act 1955 and the Industrial Relations Act 1967. Employers must ensure that retrenchment is conducted in good faith, with genuine reasons, and in compliance with legal requirements, such as providing adequate notice and fair compensation to affected employees. 
In summary, retrenchment at Pos Malaysia is considered essential due to declining mail volumes, increased competition, and financial challenges. These measures aim to restructure the organization for long-term sustainability while adhering to Malaysia’s legal framework for fair retrenchment practices.
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
2019-2024 - 6 yrs rugi yearly... justify retrenchment due to such losses... need to cut labour cost, the biggest cost factor hindering profitability.
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
No. Name of Shareholders No. of Shares %
245,750,751 31.39
172,997,399 22.10
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Segment Risk Mitigation Strategies
Segment -
• The Group recognises the continued risk
digital transformation and technological
advancements have on replacing physical
letters and the risk this poses to the Group’s
revenue and profits.
• Continued focus on diversifying the Group’s
product portfolio.
• Regular annual review of pricing, specifically
for unregulated products.
• Utilising world-class automation to drive
productivity, efficiency and cost reductions.
• Merging mail and parcel networks.
Segment -
• The Group recognises that the parcel sector
is becoming more and more competitive, with
limited regulation, more and more foreign
carriers and the slowing of online volumes
as consumers return to brick-and-mortar.
• Continued focus on diversifying the Group’s
product portfolio.
• An accelerated approach to acquiring parcel
market share.
• Establishing an approach to the international
parcel market.
• Merging mail and parcel networks to lower
cost of production.
Segment -
• The Group recognises that the existing retail
footprint, with 631 locations and more than
2,000 employees is and will continue to be
a loss-leader.
• Continue with the Retail transformation
programme, which includes sub-letting
available space, attracting third-party
operators to use available space and opening
more Pos Shop convenience stores.
• Review existing locations and migrate to
franchise where a ‘turnaround’ is unlikely and
after agreement with the regulator.
• The Group recognises that the 3PL market
is subject to potential stagnant economic
growth and declining consumer good sales,
and the impact that may have on its primary
logistics sector Automation.
• Continued focus on diversifying the industry
dependency, targeting new sectors and share
• The Group recognises the risk associated with
the dependency on one airline for its in-flight
catering product line.
• Continued focus on diversifying the Business
Unit’s product portfolio.
Segments -
• The Group recognises the ongoing challenges in
securing adequate funding to fuel its expansion
• Seek external financing through investors
and loans. Expansion into new areas will help
enhance market reach and revenue.
Segments -
• The Group recognises that the Datapos
business is a “sunset” business.
• Outsourcing low-volume jobs to business
partners, ensuring cost certainty and
preserving profitability without compromising
service quality.
Segments -
Pos Digicert
• The Group recognises that Pos Digicert is reliant
on a few customers.
• Continued focus on diversifying the Business
Unit’s product/customer Portfolio.
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Pos Digicert champions the Group’s mission to foster
trust and connectivity, delivering cutting-edge digital
security solutions, including digital identity and
PKIaaS. As a trailblazer in Malaysia’s digital realm
since 1998, our innovations such as Cloud Signing,
eCredentia, and Digital Certified True Copy have
secured digital identities in crucial sectors.
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
As Malaysia entered the endemic phase and economic activities
reignited, Datapos saw a promising start to the year. We
responded to the evolving preference for digitalisation among
our customers by strategically enhancing our ePresentment
and digital solutions offerings, providing modern alternatives
to traditional services.
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
The business thrives on the dynamics of gold prices and capital
availability for customer reimbursements. Serving a broad
customer base, Pos Ar-Rahnu caters to immediate financial
needs through its pawnbroking services.
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Pos Malaysia actively embraced digital
transformation, recognising its impact on the postal and retail
sectors. Adapting to the changing consumer behaviours driven
by the digital trend, Pos Malaysia innovated to stay competitive
and relevant. This approach helped navigate digitalisation
challenges, such as those from the Road Transport Department
or JPJ, and leverage shifts in the e-commerce landscape. As
e-commerce growth stabilised and physical retail returned,
Pos Malaysia’s strategic digital initiatives ensured it could meet
evolving customer demands.
Our Strategic Response: Responding to evolving market
dynamics, Pos Malaysia embarked on a technological leap forward
by implementing the following strategic initiatives:
Cloud migration and digital enhancement
• Migrated core applications to the cloud.
• Upgraded data analytics capabilities.
• Modernised technology stack.
• Transformed the customer journey digitally.
Website and app revamp
• Redesigned website and Pos Mini App.
• Deployed AXIS, an advanced Parcel system.
• Launched digital initiatives for enhanced customer
experience, revenue growth, and operational efficiency.
Retail’s digital pivot
• Launched an online insurance portal to tap into new online
Courier business strategy
• Focused on exceptional service for B2B, B2C, and C2C using
digital platforms for flexibility and competitive pricing.
Datapos’ digital shift
• Transitioned to ePresentment and digital solutions, moving
away from traditional services.
Pos Digicert’s global expansion
• Aiming for international growth with global technology
frameworks and strategic partnerships.
Launch of Scintila
• Introduced a technology consultancy to lead in digital
strategy, design, and software engineering with a SaaS
Enhancing digital capabilities
• Strengthening AI and Machine Learning for digital products.
• Investing in robust infrastructure maintenance
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Outlook: As we venture into 2024, Pos Malaysia aims to enhance
customer service by integrating AI and data analytics for
predictive insights and faster issue resolution. We are focused
on improving our omnichannel experience for seamless customer
interactions across all platforms and planning internal reforms
for a customer-centric approach. Our goal is to develop a user-
friendly platform that allows customers to effortlessly address
their needs, elevating their experience with Pos Malaysia.
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Navigating the Market Landscape
Diversification for topline growth
• Enhancing revenue through a diversified portfolio focused
on higher-return margin-led businesses.
• Utilising Pos DiSini for real estate leasing of available
retail space.
• Launching Pos Shop “convenience” outlets.
• Launching Pos Fulfill to allow customers to place
products closer to customer and leveraging existing
warehouse space and our delivery network.
• Launching redlyexpress, an asset-light, digital
international product.
• Launching Scintila, providing technology SaaS solutions
and consultancy services.
Network integration
• Integrating Mail and Parcel networks for economies of scale,
cost reduction, and improved service.
Effective cost management
• Implementing strict expense management and profitability
• Strategies include contract renegotiations, route
optimisation, CAPEX prioritisation, in-housing services,
optimising air transport, and renting out excess space.
• Exploring workforce rationalisation by redeploying staff
and centralising support functions for cost efficiency.
Customer-centric revenue growth
• Enhancing systems and processes with a customer-centric
• Leveraging technology for better engagement and
introducing online bill payments and marketing automation.
Better cashflow management
• Investing in AI and predictive tools for credit management.
• Considering asset rationalisation and refinancing for better
financial terms.
Regulatory engagement and expert consultation
• Maintaining continuous dialogue with regulators and seeking
expert advice to navigate market challenges.
Outlook: We will continue to enhance efficiency by optimising
our network and workforce, strict management of cost, a focus on
growing market share and accelerating our margin-led businesses.
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Background: In 2023, Pos Malaysia actively embraced digital
transformation, recognising its impact on the postal and retail
sectors. Adapting to the changing consumer behaviours driven
by the digital trend, Pos Malaysia innovated to stay competitive
and relevant. This approach helped navigate digitalisation
challenges, such as those from the Road Transport Department
or JPJ, and leverage shifts in the e-commerce landscape. As
e-commerce growth stabilised and physical retail returned,
Pos Malaysia’s strategic digital initiatives ensured it could meet
evolving customer demands.
Our Strategic Response: Responding to evolving market
dynamics, Pos Malaysia embarked on a technological leap forward
by implementing the following strategic initiatives:
Cloud migration and digital enhancement
• Migrated core applications to the cloud.
• Upgraded data analytics capabilities.
• Modernised technology stack.
• Transformed the customer journey digitally.
Website and app revamp
• Redesigned website and Pos Mini App.
• Deployed AXIS, an advanced Parcel system.
• Launched digital initiatives for enhanced customer
experience, revenue growth, and operational efficiency.
Retail’s digital pivot
• Launched an online insurance portal to tap into new online
Courier business strategy
• Focused on exceptional service for B2B, B2C, and C2C using
digital platforms for flexibility and competitive pricing.
Datapos’ digital shift
• Transitioned to ePresentment and digital solutions, moving
away from traditional services.
Pos Digicert’s global expansion
• Aiming for international growth with global technology
frameworks and strategic partnerships.
Launch of Scintila
• Introduced a technology consultancy to lead in digital
strategy, design, and software engineering with a SaaS
Enhancing digital capabilities
• Strengthening AI and Machine Learning for digital products.
• Investing in robust infrastructure maintenance.
Outlook: Pos Malaysia is poised to build on its digital transformation
success, focusing on customer-centric innovation and strategic
partnerships to navigate the digital era. Our dedication to sustainable
growth and quality service positions us as a leader in the evolving
digital landscape.
Background: Pos Malaysia has navigated evolving market
dynamics that have tested our financial resilience, impacting
revenue streams and profit margins. However, our strategic
response turned the tide in the second quarter of 2022, ending
15 consecutive quarters of losses and marking a significant
return to profitability. In 2023, we continued this positive
trajectory, effectively reducing our Loss Before Tax by 17%,
demonstrating our ability to overcome challenges and enhance
financial performance, even amidst a 5% reduction in revenue.
This progress highlights our commitment to innovation and
adaptability in response to market changes.
Our Strategic Response: Our turnaround is anchored on financial
sustainability, marked by significant strides in reducing costs,
optimising our network, and focusing on key customer segments.
Enhancements in product offerings and operational efficiency,
alongside technology adoption, are driving our progress. We
are leveraging these strategic measures to ensure a profitable
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
in addition, we are engaging with
government and regulatory bodies to
promote a fair and sustainable market
environment. this includes initiatives such
as establishing minimum pricing policies for
parcels, combating the “masking” practice
by e-commerce platforms, enhancing
governance in courier licensing, serving as
the key link between government services
and malaysian citizens, and amending the
universal service license fee structure.
our subsidiaries will continue to play a
pivotal role in our growth story. Pos aviation
is poised for growth, buoyed by escalating
demand in air travel, ground handling
services, and in-flight catering. Pos logistics
is strategically realigning its focus towards
the automotive sector, third-party logistics,
and warehousing, ensuring its relevance
in a rapidly evolving market. additionally,
we anticipate significant growth in our
islamic pawnbroking business and plan to
accelerate and expand our margin-led new
business, and specifically our asset-light
international business, Pos fulfill, and our
much-loved convenience store, Pos shop
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
to further diversify our revenue streams
and reduce dependency on traditional mail
and parcel services, we are implementing
five key margin-led initiatives:
Via Pos disini we aim to lease
out 1.1 million square feet of
space at competitive rates;
though our Pos shop expansion,
we will be adding 40-60
convenience stores in 2024;
Via Pos fulfill we will be
expanding fulfilment services
in Peninsular and east malaysia,
utilising existing warehouse
space to allow brands to place
products closer to customers,
while leveraging Pos laju for
the best and fastest last-mile
leveraging the redlyexpress
international service, we will
strengthen our international
presence across key e-commerce
trade lanes including oceania,
asia Pacific, north america, the
european union, and the middle
through scintila technology
consultancy, we will offer
integrated strategy, design, and
software engineering services
to businesses and postal
organisations worldwide.
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
moving forward, we will maintain a laser
focus on improving financial performance
and business and cultural transformation,
optimising margin-led initiatives,
implementing stricter cost control, and
enhancing sustainability measures.
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our people
We are passionate about
building trust to connect
lives and businesses for
a better tomorrow. our
employees embark on a
transformative cultural
journey, exemplified by
our innovative certified
Wira Programme, as we
endeavour to cultivate
an environment that
fosters highly motivated,
engaged, and safe
our network
We have an unparalleled
last-mile reach, delivering
more than 324 million
letters and more than 26
million parcels, reaching
more than 11 million
addresses across the
nation, a network of more
than 3,500 touchpoints,
and over 700 post offices
and Pos laju branches
our service
our service level for
parcel next-day
on-time delivery rose
from 46% to 94%, mail
on-time delivery from
55% to 96%, and retail
net promoter score
exceeded 86.1 in 2023,
solidifying our reputation
as industry leaders in
service excellence and
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
We are passionate
about building trust to
connect lives and businesses
for a better tomorrow
Our Guiding Principle
Strive to deliver great results, without compromising on respect
Our Customer Promise
We deliver
We connect
We improve lives
Our Values
Own It • Build Trust •
One Team • Drive Innovation •
Move Fast • Delight Customer
Highly Motivated,
Safe Employees
Delivering a
Delivering A
Great Service
and Delighting
Our Customers
Leadership and Culture
Digital Technology and Data
Environmental, Social, Governance
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Biz 2023:
• domestic mail and parcel
• international mail and parcel
• retail services, including bill
payment, license renewal,
and insurance
• Ground handling
• cargo handling
• in-flight catering
• aircraft maintenance and
• meet and Greet services
• Project logistics
• e-commerce logistics
• supply chain management
and logistics
• Vehicle shipping services
• haulage services
• Warehouse and
distribution services
• air freight services
• sea freight services
• pos Ar-rahnu – Gold centre
and islamic microfinancing
• pos Digicert – licensed
digital certificate authority
that offers creation of
digital identities using
digital certificates
• D at a p o s – m a i l i n g
solutions unit that offers a
dynamic range of services
including data processing,
enveloping, bulk mail
services, and delivery
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Mat salleh CE0 joined pos: in 2021, Pos malaysia embarked on
a transformation journey, aiming
to deepen connections and foster
trust. embracing technology
and sustainability, we’ve seen a
significant shift, highlighted by a
96% delivery success rate amidst
challenges. our journey is ongoing,
with a steadfast commitment to the
community and a greener future.
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Pos in 2016: acquired drB-hicom
Berhad’s 100% equity stake
in Kl airport services Group
of companies by issuance
of 100% new shares. raised
drB-hicom Berhad’s stake in
Pos malaysia Berhad to 53.5%
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Pos Malaysia is Malaysia’s national post and parcel
service provider with the sole mandate to provide
services, under the universal service obligation, for
Malaysia. With a proud history of over 200 years,
the group has diversified beyond the traditional
provision of mail and parcel services to offer end
to end logistics solutions, and diversified products
through our Aviation, Retail, Logistics, and Digital
services. From the first letter that was sent from
Penang, Pos Malaysia has pivoted from a mail
company that also delivers parcels, to a parcel
delivery company that also delivers mail.
Pos malaysia has an unparalleled last-mile reach,
delivering to more than 11 million addresses across
the nation and with a network of more than 3,500
touchpoints. Pos malaysia connects the rakyat
within malaysia and globally.
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD (a substantial shareholder) disposed 1,000,000 shares on 02-Dec-2024.
EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD (a substantial shareholder) disposed 120,600 shares on 02-Dec-2024.
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
DRB-HICOM became the largest shareholder of Pos Malaysia in April 2011 by acquiring a 32.21% stake from Khazanah Nasional Berhad for RM622.79 million, equivalent to RM3.60 per share.  This stake increased to 53.5% in September 2016 after DRB-HICOM injected its logistics assets into Pos Malaysia.
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Privatise pos (ugly to let the public see) then problem will be solve.. Apa susah aduii..
Bank sales up.. Aerospace pun up.. Automatic sector expected to be up when launch proton first EV car ( E Mas)
Pls hear our 2 cents of opinion la crony tycoon oh tycoon.. Haha
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
why GLC will never ever make good profit?? u have all those good resources...big cable connection still making shit damn...speechless bolehland
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
**Pemberhentian oleh Pos Malaysia berpotensi meningkatkan harga saham Pos Malaysia dan DRB-HICOM kerana:**
1. **Peningkatan Kesihatan Kewangan**
- **Pengurangan Kos**: Menurunkan kos buruh dan meningkatkan keuntungan.
- **Memulihkan Keyakinan Pelabur**: Tindakan tegas meningkatkan keyakinan pelabur.
2. **Penyusunan Strategik dan Peningkatan Kecekapan**
- **Fokus pada Bidang Utama**: Fokus pada logistik e-dagang untuk pertumbuhan jangka panjang.
- **Kecekapan Operasi**: Tenaga kerja yang lebih kecil meningkatkan kelincahan dan kecekapan.
3. **Persepsi Pasaran terhadap DRB-HICOM**
- **Manfaat kepada DRB-HICOM**: Prestasi Pos Malaysia yang lebih baik memberi kesan positif kepada saham DRB-HICOM.
- **Penciptaan Nilai Jangka Panjang**: Sokongan terhadap penyusunan semula meningkatkan nilai saham DRB-HICOM.
4. **Mengoptimumkan Tenaga Kerja untuk Pertumbuhan**
- **Penyusunan Semula untuk Pertumbuhan**: Pemberhentian sebahagian daripada strategi untuk transformasi digital.
5. **Reaksi Positif Pasaran terhadap Keputusan Tegas**
- **Kepimpinan yang Kukuh**: Pasaran memberi ganjaran kepada keputusan sukar yang memperbaiki kewangan, memberi kesan positif kepada harga saham.
**Kesimpulannya**, pemberhentian meningkatkan kesihatan kewangan, kecekapan, dan prospek pertumbuhan jangka panjang, yang seterusnya berpotensi meningkatkan harga saham Pos Malaysia dan DRB-HICOM.