
Iamxuewen | Joined since 2017-03-10

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2020-05-10 18:01 | Report Abuse

Dk66 is a kind and honest man

Do not pusing him

You can pusing doesn't mean you are right

If pusing can make good money, Aseng already the richest man in i3.


2020-05-10 17:59 | Report Abuse


Your strength is the relative valuation you shared recently
Not the stupid IRR analysis

Your strength is your relative valuation
Not the stupid public portfolio that can't tell anything whether jaks is a good buy at current

Fucus on your strength
Talk only the power, what is the most reliable valuation technique

Why pusing-pusing until you yourself also kena pusing


2020-05-10 17:50 | Report Abuse

Brother DK66,

I have come back


2020-05-10 13:24 | Report Abuse

my good friends

I had helped to restore peace here

now is the time to say good bye for today

it is time to watch movie now



2020-05-10 13:21 | Report Abuse


DK66 is protected by Aeng mah.......


don't worry about Sslee ,
he is a strong man,
he has very strong defend mechanism
no one can hurt him
I am sure

elbrutus >>DK66 bro...i do noticed that this i3furker has not or rather dare not step into ur territory but more on sslee...I WONDER WHY ???
10/05/2020 1:03 PM


2020-05-10 12:44 | Report Abuse

DK 66,

i am just a satayman ,

nobody bother to tell me what I am saying is right or wrong

do you mind to tell me ?


2020-05-10 12:42 | Report Abuse

the power plant has not completed yet.
IB analyst still has not seen the profit contribution
they are not that stupid to construct their fair value now or TP based on forecast numbers
anyhow we are very happy , they are willing to adjust up their TP
that has clearly indicated that they do agree DK66 peer comparative valuation coupled with Icon8888 IRR analysis is a reasonable and reliable piece of work


2020-05-10 12:22 | Report Abuse

my good friends

Please lah....

do not make thing so difficult

DK66 relative valuation coupled with Icon8888 IRR analysis is no doubt the most useful and reliable valuation methodology to forecast the potential earning of a power plant for us to arrive at a good investment decision .

after such long a time , after so many arguments , after so many challenge from various parties , no one had successfully proven it is wrong or has doubts.

apa lu mau lagi????????


2020-05-10 12:12 | Report Abuse

macam in sharing information to tell Jaks is not a good buy at current price is too weak a solid fact or strictly under ISO compliancy requirements , is not acceptable at all
very misleading


2020-05-10 12:03 | Report Abuse


this information very vague lah...
doesn't convey any meaningful information

"The method of pricing an electricity power purchase agreement (PPA) is regulated under Circular 56 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) dated 19 December 2014, as amended (Circular 56/2014)."

how it affect the payment to Jaks ?
to what extend it is affect ?
not mention at all ?

i3lurker The method of pricing an electricity power purchase agreement (PPA) is regulated under Circular 56 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) dated 19 December 2014, as amended (Circular 56/2014). Circular 56/2014 will govern PPA of (i) power plants which are not multi-target strategic hydroelectric plants (nhà máy thủy điện chiến lược đa mục tiêu), independent BOT power plants, power plants using renewable energy, and (ii) power plants without a separate mechanism issued by the MOIT


2020-05-10 11:12 | Report Abuse

Sorry very sorry har...
If I am wrong
I am a very fast temper person
Do not need to talk so much about irr
Icon8888, Dk66 and probility had already talked a lot.

It better to focus on the Dk66 most reliable relative valuation . It is the most reliable methodology for power plant business, coupled with Icon8888 IRR analysis, no evil can destroy it.


2020-05-10 11:01 | Report Abuse

My good friends Ssee and i3lurker

Are you going to keep jaks for 25 years
Once the result is not far from what Dk66 said. The price will go as high as 5, 6 or even 10

You still dumb dumb hold for life?

You 2 great really too free lah...
Talk so much nobody know true or not true.


2020-05-10 10:44 | Report Abuse

Now is not even the first year and you talk about things 25 years later. If your boss willing to listen to you, he must be very free nothing to do, willing to learn something new.
Do not be so naive lah, not many boss know about IRR analysis if they have no accounting background. Talk to your boss about DK66 relative valuation, he will immediately pick up his phone and call Andy out for dinner.

Don't believe?
Ask OTB.


2020-05-10 10:36 | Report Abuse

Probability is very wise

He had understood very fast what I am trying to tell him and finally had made a right decision to buy while the price is still low


2020-05-10 10:28 | Report Abuse


I do not read their comments
I know what they are talking about even though I don't read.

Others than calling others as con man or spread the fear that the coming QR is bad, jaks local business, Andy is a bad guy and also the one I hate the most is the stupid IRR analysis which can be easily manipulated in whatever way you like.
Aseng dare to say loud and clear, without fear and favour, as a 100% honest and responsible forum participant, you recent peer comparative peer evaluation is most reliable.
So far no challenger had successfully proven it wrong or has doubt. I am very confident it is true and correct.

I repeat what I said earlier,

If you can not provide any material fact to prove DK66 calculation is wrong or has doubt, then the only RIGHT thing for you to do is BUY

Remember, we are here to make money, NOT kacau-kacau


2020-05-10 10:06 | Report Abuse


You must know, not everyone is deserved to win.
Here go the saying
It is not my cup of tea
but it doesn't mean it is not a good tea
In a most simple language,
He is not the God chosen one for jaks.
If he is not the God chosen one, then even though you explain a 100 times,a 1000 times to him, a goldmine is still look like a shit hole to him. He can't tell why, he simply can not tell why. Very desperate, very frustrated.

What a pitiful guys.


2020-05-10 09:54 | Report Abuse


Do not hope some who are obviously showing some kinds of mental disorders to come out with any material facts to challenge your recent most liked article

It is not your job to convince them or anyone


If one has no wisdom to tell whose calculation or valuation is more reasonable and reliable , then I) t is safe and better for him to put his money under his pillow. Why come here to tell us how desperate and frustrated whether to invest or not to invest.

You are too kind and too honest a man.
Not necessary for you to reply all the questions . Even God also do not do that. Sometimes remain silent can be the best answer.

When you are unhappy or lost in your direction
Aseng is always around to provide you some sincere advice from someone who are really care for you.


2020-05-10 08:27 | Report Abuse

when the cat's away, the mice will play?


2020-05-10 08:26 | Report Abuse

Good morning my good friends,


Apr 29, 2020 12:09 PM | Report Abuse

brothers and sisters

DK66 had worked so hard to help us to see the value of a good buy

it is hard to meet a sifu in i3 who is willing to share with us so generously without charging us a single cent

we must work equally hard to protect him


well done !


2020-05-08 16:01 | Report Abuse

probability ,


still too early to talk


2020-05-08 15:30 | Report Abuse

Sarifah, aku tak berepa faham soalan mu

apa maksud 10% profit projection, banding dengan data apa?

SarifahSelinder// DK66, Given ur profit projections10% ni kan dibeli at PE apa agak nya?


2020-05-08 15:18 | Report Abuse


DK66 >>Q1 results, whatever it may be, won't be able to suppress the price surge due to the optimism of COD.
08/05/2020 12:20 PM


2020-05-08 15:12 | Report Abuse


i never deny you are alway very smart and clever

hng33>> DK66, I will come back to Jaks after Q1 result release, the reason is Jaks in short term will face financial stretch due to pre- opening expense for its new pacific mall and new pacific office tower. Longer LAD and higher evolve mall and delay in IPP construction progress due to pandemic, all added burden to Jaks financially. I not only cover good prospect of its IPP in 2021 onward, but also take into account short term setback face by Jaks in 2020


2020-05-08 15:10 | Report Abuse

Probabability ,

i am very happy to come back to the boat again.

my good brother ,
no harm to be theoretical , too theoretical definitely not very good .


2020-05-08 15:07 | Report Abuse

no wonder you said JHDP is a banker to the Vietnam Government


2020-05-08 15:06 | Report Abuse


I read through your Mong Duong II peer comparative valuation

VINH tan 1 is more convincing

now i see the wonder of capacity payment

thank you


2020-05-08 15:03 | Report Abuse

a good reason to accept RM196M is safe and reasonable

DK66 //. Vinh Tan 1 is still using the old accounting standard. If JHDP is adopting the new accounting standard, It may be reporting higher profit than Vinh Tan 1.

DK66// vinh Tan 1 80:20 loan ratio

another reason to accept RM196M is safe and reasonable


2020-05-08 11:41 | Report Abuse

cash distribution is a very vague term
we got to get it right first


2020-05-08 11:39 | Report Abuse

thank you

i roughly know what both of you are talking about now .

thank you


2020-05-08 11:34 | Report Abuse

if not , i do not see both of you had set a clear footing to discuss.


2020-05-08 11:33 | Report Abuse


what is your definition of cash distribution?


2020-05-08 11:30 | Report Abuse

I am not well versed in accounting terms
please kindly enlighten me is your cash distribution means dividend
so that i can follow your discussion accurately

thank you


2020-05-08 11:22 | Report Abuse

probability ,

what is cash distribution ?
more specific do you mean dividend ?


2020-05-08 11:06 | Report Abuse

Good morning my good friends

Congratulation DK66
I am very happy for your success
especially your generosity and your kindness to share with us the best you know.
If you had chosen, not to share but to sell, then I do not think you will gain such a glory that no amount of money can not buy.

Am I right.

DK66// I m truly surprised by the number of visit to my article "Jaks Resources - The Most Reliable Earnings Guidance for JHDP" close to 8500 last count. Maybe the intense discussion here in Jaks forum has attracted many visitors.
07/05/2020 4:52 PM


2020-05-07 16:23 | Report Abuse


jangan marah
probability kawan baik Aseng
Aseng kawan baik lu

conclusion : probability kawan baik sarifah

ok ?

jangan marah har....

Ramadhan tau...

semoga semua sihat gembira.....


2020-05-07 16:20 | Report Abuse


I am very happy finally you understand what i wish to convey to you

you are one of the great sifu I follow closely you know

I am very happy .

I do not know how come sometimes I can be that clever one



2020-05-07 16:16 | Report Abuse


we are friend for so long , I know what you are talking about
you are trying to tell how the IRR changes when interest is excluded
but what I am telling you , you do not seem to understand
if we can find a more reliable valuation , then IRR will help to tell how correct is the first method

we must move in the right direction, if not , the readers here will be getting more and more confused.

DK66 ,

am I right ?

just a pasar malam man common sense .


2020-05-07 15:58 | Report Abuse

Probability ,

please tell me honestly

IRR analysis and Relative Valuation, which one is more reliable to forecast the profit of a power plant. I do not want to ask DK66 because I already know the answer.

you do not need to reply if your answer is same as mine. just quietly buy some is already good enough because I am very happy if we can huat together .


2020-05-07 15:37 | Report Abuse


very good!

go and read all the comments made by Aseng , Hng33 , DK66 and OTB this morning

then come back to discuss with me .

ok ?


2020-05-07 15:35 | Report Abuse

we settle this thing first
before I explain to you why the differential on the net profit CAN NOT be 18%


2020-05-07 15:31 | Report Abuse

don't tell me the management told you .
the management also told OTB JHDP has better design than VINH TAN 1.


2020-05-07 15:29 | Report Abuse

how about Vinh TAN 1?

can it be subcritical also ?


2020-05-07 15:19 | Report Abuse

my good friend
i sincere hope we can make some money here together
do not be that theoretical
why emphasize so much on IRR analysis which can be easily go wrong anytime because of too much assumptions .
why not come to real life analysis DK66 had presented to us
the peer comparative valuation

By the way , who told you JHDP is subcritical ? we are very curious to know . where is your source?

probability>> @aseng, the problem is Vinh Tan 1 achieved that with a Project IRR of about ~16% (under exceptional dry season and 95.8% load) and JAKS management is only promising 12% (since they have subcritical plant unlike supercritical Vinh Tan 1 considering practical utilization rate)

Understand how one derives Earnings based on FCFF worked back from given project IRR.

I would lean on Vinh Tan 1 earning figures if JAKS say they can obtain 16% Project IRR


2020-05-07 15:03 | Report Abuse

Aseng sincere and honest advice,

just stick to DK66 peer comparative valuation

that is most reliable

sifu Aseng : if you already have the best , but you are still asking for a better , you are killing a good opportunity to make big money


2020-05-07 14:59 | Report Abuse


if you talk to KYY about IRR analysis , then he will tell you, cut it short , just tell me the future earning growth is good or no good , don't make it too difficult for me .

SarifahSelinder Tapi

SarifahSelinder Peer comparison wit Vinh Tan 1 is DK66 best work

07/05/2020 2:45 PM


2020-05-07 14:46 | Report Abuse

Vinh Tan1 net profit of RM652m for the year 2019 is real

the amount is after deducting interest expenses

if exclude interest expense , the net profit will be definitely higher

what is the problem ?

why we need an IRR analysis to prove otherwise



2020-05-07 14:24 | Report Abuse


I do not think icon8888 calculation is wrong
JHDP borrowed money from the bank is real
JHDP pays interest expenses is real

why must you insist we should exclude the interest payment . that is not reasonable and fair .

our calculation must be fair mah.....


2020-05-07 14:13 | Report Abuse

my good friends ,

many bosses of list companies, do not quite understand what is irr analysis, they only read the last figure prepared by their investment accountant. but if you present to them the peer comparative figure done by DK66, they are more happy, and most of the time their investment decisions are made based on this methodology .

believe or not ?

may be may good friend OTB can provide you a better answer .


2020-05-07 14:01 | Report Abuse

probability ,

i think DK66 had already answered you question

if there is no problem with my reading skill , what i can understand is that you are trying to tell us these points
1. FCF-E(equity), that is a calculation involves interest expenditure
2. FCF-F(firm), that exclude interest expenditure

I don't find there is any problem.

icon8888 calculation indicate an potential earning of 300M ,a FCF-E(equity)calculation
if FCF-F(firm) exclude interest , then the earning will be higher

DK66 peer comparative earning is just 200M

Am I right ?

Posted by probability > May 7, 2020 1:24 PM | Report Abuse

Not sure what you mean. If you exclude the interest and make the FCF-E(equity) Icon had used and replace with FCF-F(firm), you can then work back on the required FCF-F to make the IRR 12%, you can then determine the FCF-F.

With the FCF-F, you have to then deduct the interest to obtain the Earnings.

This way, the earnings cannot exceed 160M. However its quite sensitive to the time frame/intervals between cash outflow and inflow used.

Posted by DK66 > May 7, 2020 12:58 PM | Report Abuse

Don't you find Vinh Tan results more convincing ? If interest is excluded from Vinh Tan, what would the project IRR be ? More than 30%?