Blog Posts
2024-11-01 15:58 | Report Abuse
sudah pecah RM 8 next resistance 8.50
2024-11-01 15:50 | Report Abuse
the dividend of 22c this quarter is the highest since Oct 2022, so its a 2 year high..if the financials of the company are reversing, then the long term stock price should be on a reverse too from downtrend to up
2024-11-01 15:45 | Report Abuse
well this stock isn't some penny stock that retailer can manipulate/ its up to the fund managers how much they like that juicy dividend and up to what price will they buy up the in for the ride
2024-11-01 15:39 | Report Abuse
wow strong move looks like above RM 8 is possible by end of today
2024-11-01 12:19 | Report Abuse
BAT-C33 looks like good volume, expiry in February 2025, strike price 7.90 and premium 5.6% as at writing..if mother share continues to be bought up by fund managers due to anticipation of this big dividend and better future earnings..this warrant might be a good hold mid term
2021-10-10 13:22 | Report Abuse
congrats to all who managed to join the train !!! a whopping gain on both mother shares and warrant on 8th October 2021 !!!
winners will talk, losers will the end, community will only care about winners
2021-10-10 13:20 | Report Abuse
congrats to all who managed to join the train !!! a whopping gain on both mother shares and warrant on 8th October 2021 !!!
winners will talk, losers will the end, community will only care about winners
2021-10-10 13:18 | Report Abuse
check out my writeup on KLSE : ESAFE :
2021-09-27 19:49 | Report Abuse
2021-04-19 16:17 | Report Abuse
moved..close gap price at 27c am monitoring whether able to break out above
2021-04-19 15:07 | Report Abuse
I'm looking at NATWIDE as one of logistics sector laggards..currently a lot of logistics sector stocks start moving like TASCO, COMPLET, HARBOUR, MAYBULK..watching this closely
2021-03-13 12:48 | Report Abuse
congrats all those who held on to SAUDEE..all nay sayers/losers, better luck next time finding a good gem
2020-06-21 13:12 | Report Abuse
check out my write up on SYMLIFE below:
2020-05-16 14:36 | Report Abuse
check out my write up opinion on ULICORP:
2020-05-02 20:53 | Report Abuse
Thank you for the appreciation
2020-05-02 18:03 | Report Abuse
Thank you..ghosts creating extra username just to flame my post..tq for the spam
2020-05-02 17:56 | Report Abuse
Thank you for your comment @cumcumshot (even your name sounds lowly)
I saw that you wrote 0 articles, so what do you know about writing? Guess nothing. You’re just a lazy bum going around trolling other people.
2020-04-26 08:39 | Report Abuse
@FoolsGold - yes brilliang idea !!! Hope the management can work on something like this to cater to changing market demand
2020-04-26 06:17 | Report Abuse
The covid19 cases are reducing in Malaysia and business will be back to usual for this company soon enough
Before things are back to normal, this is where you get bargain price..if you like to chase high, then wait for economy to reopen, the price won’t be so cheap anymore (applies to most industries affected by covid19)
2020-04-19 20:02 | Report Abuse
sad spammer..pity..can someone help this guy? maybe sudah loss too much, wana go to Tanjung Rambutan
2020-04-19 12:17 | Report Abuse
@Legend - smart comment..if the market good u shud be making more friends not enemies..these haters probably are either in contra loss or holding no position, so they will shoot down on other people’s opinions..they got nothing to lose..
Mr Market will decide the direction..not these clowns :>
2020-04-18 22:51 | Report Abuse
Thank you for stopping by again
2020-04-18 21:53 | Report Abuse
Thanks for the comments, even though not helpful or beneficial to the community in anyway, helped jumped up the article to no 1 on i3..
2020-04-18 13:49 | Report Abuse
Check out my opinion article on DBHD:
2020-04-09 18:57 | Report Abuse
Check out my opinion article on Scope:
2020-03-03 18:51 | Report Abuse
2020-02-23 16:43 | Report Abuse
@Sslee..yep Petronm and Hengyuan are in similar sector, except that Petronm also has a retail petrol section which Hengyuan does not have
I believe that with improving crack spread, crude oil prices & strengthening of MYR against USD, both Hengyuan and Petronm share prices will benefit..both will move hand in hand..
2020-02-23 15:54 | Report Abuse
@ Philip & @probability..i can say 100% that me and Bursamaster are 2 different people..if you think same style writing, colour and etc are same makes us same person, then i think your imagination is way too weak..
i really got no time to waste by creating multiple identities..anyway the content shared in the article are all the facts and figures, all links provided..there are no fake news created or shared..
at the end of the day, the market shall decide which direction a stock moves..not you,,not me..
2020-02-23 15:49 | Report Abuse
@probability..i think we shall let the market to decide..i best believe that market trades on future prospect and not past..coronavirus is temporary and wont last for Malaysia locally, our PM is announcing stimulus package on 27/2/2020 which might potentially see also oil & gas sector as a beneficiary..
2020-02-23 15:49 | Report Abuse
@probability..i think we shall let the market to decide..i best believe that market trades on future prospect and not past..coronavirus is temporary and wont last for Malaysia locally, our PM is announcing stimulus package on 27/2/2020 which might potentially see also oil & gas sector as a beneficiary..
2020-02-23 12:54 | Report Abuse
@probability..i think your comments..are too speculative..the article above had provided all charts on the reasons that might support the price..eventhough there is temporary effect of coronavirus..
my question to you is..what proof do you say market demand is increasing and refinery is in excess capacity? please provide me any news link that might backup this comment..
2020-02-23 12:54 | Report Abuse
i feel the need to defend myself as some newbs have mentioned my name in their comment
dompeilee is a famous do-nothing-but-diss-other-people-stock kind of can see, he doesn't write anything article..the only thing he does is go around, talk bad things and talk big on certain counters as if he made big money..
i don't think people like Bursamaster will feel the need to entertain or reply to your comment..even HENGYUAN you are calling pump and dump when the market volume has been consistent for a few days..the above sharing is really beneficial to market readers compared to your worthless comment
again i reiterate, that i do know Bursamaster in real life..i respect people who are putting effort trying to share facts with the market..rather than useless people who do nothing and are toxic to others..wish you the best to you and the cave you live in, mr dompeilee
2020-02-23 12:54 | Report Abuse
@probability..i think your comments..are too speculative..the article above had provided all charts on the reasons that might support the price..eventhough there is temporary effect of coronavirus..
my question to you is..what proof do you say market demand is increasing and refinery is in excess capacity? please provide me any news link that might backup this comment..
2020-02-23 12:51 | Report Abuse
i feel the need to defend myself as some newbs have mentioned my name in their comment
dompeilee is a famous do-nothing-but-diss-other-people-stock kind of can see, he doesn't write anything article..the only thing he does is go around, talk bad things and talk big on certain counters as if he made big money..
i don't think people like Bursamaster will feel the need to entertain or reply to your comment..even HENGYUAN you are calling pump and dump when the market volume has been consistent for a few days..the above sharing is really beneficial to market readers compared to your worthless comment
again i reiterate, that i do know Bursamaster in real life..i respect people who are putting effort trying to share facts with the market..rather than useless people who do nothing and are toxic to others..wish you the best to you and the cave you live in, mr dompeilee
2020-02-22 21:38 | Report Abuse
@newbie911 - i really can’t stand newbs like you making empty comments without any proof..plz can you tell me how did you deduce eps down and where is the proof saying plant maintenance?
I checked the latest company announcements and never found any mention of plant downtime except for minor damage on its Single Buoy Mooring (SBM) which was repaired within 1 week and company said that they had took necessary measures to ensure no supply disruption to customers
If you really have no intellectual comment to make then plz don’t make any comments..
2020-02-02 10:20 | Report Abuse
@sensonic - thank you for the least there are some happy readers out there who appreciate my sharing
2020-02-01 20:50 | Report Abuse
Thank u for posting comment..with no brain..
2020-02-01 19:40 | Report Abuse
@Phillip - thx and duly i mentioned in my previous comment, i am just highlighting the info and facts about a stock at a particular time and situation..
Whether i am right or wrong, is up to the market to decide..but i will continue writing and highlighting what i feel necessary..i will not give in to those trash talkers and negative naysayers..
2020-02-01 19:11 | Report Abuse
@newbie67890 - how should I know why you are still here and spending time at my article reading and replying comments? you said you shouldn't waste time with me..but you keep coming here to flame me personally for some reason (maybe you missed the boat)
as for stock pick..i dont really need any justification from you or anyone whether it is "good" or not..because I am merely highlighting info and facts (all the links are given) about a counter, at the current situation and circumstance..the market will then decide whether the info is valuable or not..
as for your 'kind heartedness' always saying you dont want other newbies sent to heaven..then rather than flame me personally..why dont you give constructive feedback and comment on the content..your opinions on the material..lets see
2020-02-01 19:05 | Report Abuse
@ Sslee - thanks for the constructive comment..but the situation now is that, due to the virus outbreak, people have halted logistics into or out of it is not so easy for outside company to increase export to China..
2020-02-01 18:52 | Report Abuse
i think people out there..can see who is lacking the education here..because like i said before..if you are educated, then why are you going around to hantam people 'personally' and not even a single constructive comment about the content of the article itself?
as for going back to school..its just a figure of speech..what i mean is please upgrade yourself and make constructive comments which would be more beneficial to all of the readers..
you were wrong about Comcorp..and i respect you that you apologized..but now that you are again flaming without reason..i lost my respect for sorry but if you really dont like me personally so much..please just ignore the articles and stop poisoning others
2020-02-01 18:32 | Report Abuse
lol I never acted like guru..what i wrote are facts and figures from newspaper articles and from the company a highlight to the community is that a "minus" value to community? COMCORP..before i wrote it had no volume and interest..price was 9c..but after highlighted, the value rose up as people appreciate the info that was shared..
THHEAVY..when I wrote my article was 5.5-6 cents..i highlighted the potential to uplift from it is trading at 13c
i just asked that if you comment on the article is better on the content rather than you flaming me personally for no reason..
if you hate me so much (personally), please just dont read my article and spread poison acid to all those looking for genuine info in the market..
i really feel pity..for you..with such a school kid name, going around flaming others..i think the community can see who you truly are..
2020-02-01 18:17 | Report Abuse
really sad that there are people like you..when article at bottom you say the counter trash and no good..when article at high you say people wana unload shares..when article at middle price u say no trend..
you really..add no value at all to the community..if you are so good, please go and do your opinion article and let's see how many people read..
2020-02-01 18:11 | Report Abuse
@newbie67890 - if nothing constructive to say i think you better shut up..don't make yourself look stupid..
2020-02-01 17:39 | Report Abuse
haha..funny comment from a joker with school kid name..
2020-02-01 17:27 | Report Abuse
please look at the live figure of virus, Shandong has 202 cases, therefore as explained in my article, I opine that the citizens in Shandong would also take cautious approach towards the virus and stock up food at home (instead of eating out)..
please note that I used the word "Might" benefit, which implies a POTENTIAL and not a CERTAINTY..i merely explained my opinion and circumstances which would back it up
2020-02-01 16:56 | Report Abuse
@JensenChin - all news link provided above..please watch your words and do not simply accuse
2020-02-01 16:50 | Report Abuse
check out my opinion article on HBGLOB which might be beneficiary of recent virus out break in China:
3 weeks ago | Report Abuse
clean out all the short term contra and weak hands then can bounce up..not sure how low it though thats the issue right