JCool | Joined since 2013-06-01

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2013-09-14 23:03 | Report Abuse

sephiroth.... u supreme moron... u r riding on a liquidity boom now u moron.... all counters wil go up..... ya i have made a lot of money im Malton... n i hv noticed u almost got ur self burnt there n hv to bullshit tat u hb sold off at high... u freaking liar.. freaking moron... retard


2013-09-14 21:57 | Report Abuse

Invest88 u go to sleep cos u haven't a cue wat is going on... but better double check those counters u bot based on xxxx valuation..... good nite hope u can sleep


2013-09-14 21:35 | Report Abuse

Invest88... u r showing ur ignorance now.... anyone who know will tell u there is a big different between deemed n direct interest....

It was a trick question ok... stuepic


2013-09-14 21:22 | Report Abuse

Bullying youngsters la... it wat wat u r old men do..huh?


2013-09-14 21:20 | Report Abuse

N i hv never called anyone asshole.. yet u wanted to flag me.... tak malu ke?


2013-09-14 21:11 | Report Abuse

Hafiz u n ur bullshits... u hv said must trust professional bank analyst.. now u different tune.. flip flop is ur orher name is it?

Your posts:

fruit lar...Blog: Stock Pick and Trading Challenge 2013 2H for i3 members Aug 30, 2013 08:37 PM | Report Abuse 

So are you trying to tell everyone here you much smarter that whole Malaysians bankers? Is that what you trying to say Saturn?

Blog: Stock Pick and Trading Challenge 2013 2H for i3 members Aug 30, 2013 08:36 PM | Report Abuse Can you see Saturn? Knock knock knock on empty head...Saturn I already got my portfolio..where's yours!Blog: Stock Pick and Trading Challenge 2013 2H for i3 members Aug 30, 2013 08:34 PM | Report Abuse Do you want to tell the rest of forummers here you are much smarter than them Saturn?Blog: Stock Pick and Trading Challenge 2013 2H for i3 members Aug 30, 2013 08:33 PM | Report Abuse Good luck on Tropicana...

you didn't even bother to check PROFFESIONAL LOCAL FUNDS RECOMENDATION...wah you really smartasshole...even funds only come out to RM2.13..where got margin?


2013-09-14 20:58 | Report Abuse

Kcchongnz... uncle... lets stop d childish name calling cos i m JCool not kuching kurap....

Uncle seriously.... really la... it is now obvious to me tat u hv not done even d most basic of facts finding before u came up wit ur valuation n going on n on abt how good MFCB is... cos as jackk1 pointed out... d fact tat d two IPP concessions, which by ur own account contribute 76% of MFCB income, r coming to an end by 2017 is clearly stated in MFCB OWN WEDSITE... if u hv checked u wld hv known...

Asking u to put a disclaimer is for ur own good... cos based tis MFCB case it seems u hv copied d valuation method from a book n jz proceed to fill d blanks without checking...

Tis is dangerous cos jz imagine someone putting all his money into MFCB based on ur valuation n in 2016 realized too late tat d two IPP concessions wld end next year n MFCB profit n hence share price wld drop by 76%... all his life saving wld b gone... how can u sleep knowing tis...

Uncle u can stil publish but do put a disclaimer


2013-09-14 20:40 | Report Abuse

Hafiz... hv u read wat i hv posted or not? Which part is offensive tell me? Or u jz another one of his blind love... HaHa


2013-09-14 19:23 | Report Abuse

Ya u r clearly totally on top of d... Feel good abt urself league... u r d man


2013-09-14 19:19 | Report Abuse

HaHa old vain stubborn kuching kurat kcchongnz..... uncle i hv clearly pointed out d flaw.... n wat i m saying is wat u r doing is good im d sense tat it is soft of like community service... but it is dangerous cos u dont hv full facts...

Uncle if u find urself kept telling ppl.. i hv never recommended u to buy... u know ur valuations.. love thm to dead tat may b... hv their limitations... i hv nicely.. for ur loves sake... i hv asked u to put a disclaimer on ur writeups... wat is wrong wit tat.. but u r jz too vain


2013-09-14 18:55 | Report Abuse

Old kuching kurat kcchongnz..... uncle FYI nobody can do a proper valuation of a company without a visit to d company management.. a site visit.. a factory visit..a power plant.. a look into d detailed accounts etc etc etc for facts finding n gathering...... anything short of this approach is jz simply armchair bullsit... o.. with due respect tat is previously wat u r doing o...


2013-09-14 18:30 | Report Abuse

kuching kurat?? Calling other ppl name...

kcchongnz... firstly i think u deserve all these...... siok sendiri lah, useless lah, copy and paste lah, tipu-pusing lah, bullshit lah, liar lah.....

Old man must show good example la..


2013-09-14 17:59 | Report Abuse

Kcchongnz... I hv pointed out why ur valuation may b too high... u jz refused to listen...ok one more time.... As jaack1 posted above d IPP concessions of 21 22 year will end soon by 2017.... but d balances u used for discounting r from last year... by using last year balances u hv actually made d assumption tat for all d coming years till perpetuity ie forever d balances from MFCB wil b nice like last year... but since d concessions wil end by 2017... so after 2017 d balances would not b as high as nice like last year cos d contributions from d concessions wil not b there anymore... understand?? If u use 2018 balances to discount d valuation wil b lower understand?? Tat right way wld b u may use last yaer balances to discount upto 2017 then plus use 2018 balances to discount from then on.. understand?

It is not d valuation methods... uncle... it is your inputs.. d balances u used tat r questionable

HaHa..... copy and paste lah, tipu-pusing lah, bullshit lah, liar lah.... looks like it is not jz all love love o... uncle.... ; )


2013-09-14 15:44 | Report Abuse

HaHa more love love...


2013-09-14 14:53 | Report Abuse

HaHa I know a thing or two abt shares valuation la.... Bt jz like u jz dont know d full facts abt MFCB... I refrained from doing d valuation u didn't

I bot MFCB after d land concessions cos I trust MFCB management to know a good deal whn they c one.... u on d otherhand is not consistent.... praising d management for good job n invested ib MFCB... thn at d same time questioning if thy know rubber or nit... know Combodia or not... make up ur mind or r u out of ur mind??

Putting a disclaimer is for ur own good n ur loves good la


2013-09-14 13:16 | Report Abuse




Ok la u r doing some soft of community work here.. tat is good.... but do put a DISCLAIMER in every ones of ur write ups


2013-09-14 11:56 | Report Abuse

Kcchongnz.. Ok simple First d serious flaw.... if MFCB independent power producer IPP concessions were to end, take an extreme scenario, by say 31-12-2013 would ur valuation of MFCB stil b d same??

In tis scenario d cashflow would stop by 31-12-2013 so u can't stil discount d cashflow stil coming after 31-12-2013 cos there wouldn't b anymore cashflow... right? U cannot keep counting d eggs to d end of time n say u r rich when d hen lying d eggs is going to give u jz 3 more eggs n stop cos its time is up.... So ur valuation of MFCB assuming d IPP would last forever would b seriously over valued

I don't know d specifics abt MFCB IPP concessions tat is why I m just shouting 36-25-35 n at d same time asking a professional bank analyst to do d valuation....
Cos I know doing a valuation without knowing all d facts and u have admitted tat u dont know too is very very dangerous.... so I refrained.... I now realised u hv so many loves here blind loves lots of them ...so u hv big responsibility u should b even more careful cos $$$ involved....

Know d big names is good.... coming up wit half baked valuation is not..... n it is even more foolhardy to publish it... If u r doing wat u do wit medicine.. choolooi could well b in d hospital now...


2013-09-13 22:41 | Report Abuse

To tell d truth... I bot MFCB solely bcos it got d land concession in Combodia for rubber plantstion n I was hoping its price will move up...

I dont care much for MFCB existing biz cos being IPP everybody knew it was a biz which is very very dull....

Since there is so much love manly love for u I have finally taken a look at ur write up...n I think there is a flaw in ur valuation HaHa. . dont b vain hear me out....

Normally IPP concessions r for a fixed period of time.. I don't know may b u can tell if ur valuation has made assumption tat d cashfow wld b forever... if it is in fact forever but then in reality MFCB IPP concessions only hv like 5 more years to go n thereafter hv to hand over d plant to d government (BOT) then u wld hv seriously OVER valued MFCB... dont b vain $$$ involved...take a look again ..


2013-09-13 19:38 | Report Abuse

Community service is good... being vain is no good


2013-09-13 15:03 | Report Abuse

Your recommendation also totally useless

asriruslan have to look the trend knm trading today>if they still support still have chance to break 0.4413/09/2013 08:48X

JCool Someone recommended i take a look here.... wat is hot here?13/09/2013

ipomember the ass is hot, all are long term investor here, sitting too long so ass become hot already. whether they plan to sit for so long or not is unknown. hehe13/09/2013 14:58


2013-09-13 15:02 | Report Abuse

time wasting long analysis with 0 impact....


2013-09-13 14:57 | Report Abuse

Someone recommended i take a look here.... wat is hot here?


2013-09-13 14:55 | Report Abuse

HaHa I jz shouted 36-25-35... which took 3 minutes.... steupid is d one who tried to shout wit a so call analysis which took days weks months....


2013-09-13 14:36 | Report Abuse

HaHa! This a totally dead counter.... I hv shouted a bit but looks
like my shouting n cheering together wit d long analyst of ur ar going down d drain Totally useless..


2013-09-13 12:45 | Report Abuse

Singapore Cordlife is only buying 19+%... no compulsory general offer at 0.60 for u n me here.. only d 2 docs get at 0.60

N wat stemlife has tat cordlife doesn't hv More likely just eyeing stemlife cash pile... Buy jz 19+% but can control cash pile no t bad.


2013-09-13 11:16 | Report Abuse

36-25-35...... 36-25-35.... Nice n sexy figures Nice n sexy figures.... MFCB has nice n sexy figures... Take a look... Take a look


2013-09-13 11:09 | Report Abuse

BONUS ISSUE............... MFCB can have a bonus issue at this moment or not? Anyone


2013-09-12 08:55 | Report Abuse

I LOVE U! I LOVE U! I TRULY DEEPLY LOVE U MAN !!! More expression of love Fine wit me I m cool wit tis as it makes MFCB made the front page... take it as cheering n shouting....

It is d..... Please be more patience to wait for durian to drop. My man life is short Mkt boom is even shorter Waitttt waitttt wait.... n Fed QE tapering wld pour cold water on d mkt... n d waitttt waitttt wait wld get even longer...

Yo MFCB ever heard of if u hv it flaunt it... why so low profile... hv press conferences big advertisements talk to d bank analyst quick. .


2013-09-11 21:04 | Report Abuse

.... If these people can forecast the target prices, all of them would have been millionaires by now.09/09/2013 16:19

Wah inwest88... from your above post it would look like u totally despice people who would go on n on about how they valued a counter... but different tone now...

Our posts in scable.....

JCool Tomoro cheaper but less number of share... Tp 2.33 cos rhb says so cos scable won 600m of contract like 7 days ago09/09/2013 16:14

inwest88 Suggest people do their own study and analysis and not just listen or follow prices given by others. If these people can forecast the target prices, all of them would have been millionaires by now.09/09/2013 16:19

JCool Yes... Damn RHB bank... I hv always tot their tps r too low.... Haha09/09/2013 16:22

N i was actually quoting a bank valuation... yet you cant take it... yes you like analyst all right..


2013-09-11 17:07 | Report Abuse

So tat means d SPA stil CONDITIINAL.... d other newspaper report now they hv filed with bursa... tat is all Stil conditional

Tat is why i asked doctors goreng shares or not?


2013-09-11 16:25 | Report Abuse

HaHa I m here for d $$$$$ u r going for d i love u bro.. really trully love u.. muack muack.... let's go for laksa.... Luv Luv.. : )

That is precisely d problem... That is why MFCB never moved.


2013-09-11 16:11 | Report Abuse

Anybody know difference between DEEMED interest here n direct interest?


2013-09-11 15:02 | Report Abuse

sale and purchase agreement dated 3 September 2013 STILL CONDITIONAL ISTNT

Circumstances by reason of which Securities Holder has interest

Deemed to have an interest in the shares through the execution of a conditional sale and purchase agreement dated 3 September 2013 between Cordlife Group Limited as the Purchaser and Dato' Low Su-Shing and Dato' Lim Oi Wah as the vendorsNature of interest

Deemed Interest


2013-09-11 14:34 | Report Abuse

Doctors goreng shares or not??


2013-09-11 08:09 | Report Abuse

HaHa If only 3 4 persons know MFCB is a good counter, how is its price going to go up? Kindly tell

Remember wat i said, d boom came n going but MFCB never moved

Dont tell me u invest not to make profit but only want to read ur own analysis for siok sendiri?


2013-09-10 23:01 | Report Abuse

Well... it did look like d luv is gone a bit...

But u never know.... good time is rolling everywhere now.... tomorrow morning u may find d urge n desire strong again....


2013-09-10 20:06 | Report Abuse

MFCB needs promotion publicity a PR team a cheerleader! Haikeyila i hv set my eyes on tis counter for some time now too, great minds think alike U got a nice profile pic y dont u do us a favour.. do a bit of cheering n shouting for MFCB here in i3 n everywhere... ; )


2013-09-10 17:17 | Report Abuse

So was it good for everyone......


2013-09-10 10:02 | Report Abuse

New shares issued under RI BI r slowly moving tis co closer n closer to its true value.... Per RHB TP 2.33... abt 0.75 to go


2013-09-09 16:51 | Report Abuse

Ppl rushing to buy at d last minutes.... Going to hv further profit to make tomoro.... ; )


2013-09-09 16:28 | Report Abuse

Errr... U r a few mrhs late for d rights at rm 1....

But buy now stil get bonus share free...


2013-09-09 16:22 | Report Abuse

Yes... Damn RHB bank... I hv always tot their tps r too low.... Haha


2013-09-09 16:14 | Report Abuse

Tomoro cheaper but less number of share... Tp 2.33 cos rhb says so cos scable won 600m of contract like 7 days ago


2013-09-09 15:58 | Report Abuse

Janicelove love... I say.. I m trying to remind not to confuse.... Anyway today stil cum bi... But d very last day.... In fact d very last hour to get d bi...

Tomoro ex... U buy now u get d new bi shares but d price wil adjust to abt 1.51 tomoro... Compare 1.51 to tp 2.33 isnt it a good deal


2013-09-09 15:41 | Report Abuse

Going to b 5pm.... Remember.... Tp 2.33 wef tomoro...


2013-09-08 21:48 | Report Abuse

ex 1.50 vs d tp 2.33.... a 35% discount... tat is way way too deepppppp.....


2013-09-08 13:37 | Report Abuse

Who wrote this? Long analysis..... must have spent days weeks or months on it but jz siok sendiri n waste of time Totally useless n no influence on d share price at all

Really hope an influential bank wil cover tis counter soon... as mkt boom came n going now... but tis counter never move even after getting land concession in combodia..


2013-09-06 13:40 | Report Abuse

Naim went beyond 4 previously due to its 33% unit dayang's big o&g contract wins n whn o&g was all d rage... as punters played it as a proxy to dayang as such making it also a o&g play... due to sell on news dayang price dropped n naim followed.. 10% off its price to abt 4...

Whn bnm etc announced measures to cool down property prices... naim was hit as it is in d property industries... 10% more off its price..

N due to effects of loss by fiji unit petronas revision of o&g projects qe tapering war etc... 10% off...