JCool | Joined since 2013-06-01

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2013-09-05 17:36 | Report Abuse

Cherry... two rounds u stil not happy....

think u jz put ur money in FD.... dont let d poison eat u for too long... not good for ur emotional health. la ...

N why did u buy into tis counter in d first place?


2013-09-05 17:30 | Report Abuse

Citrine.... deep.... LIKE!


2013-09-05 16:23 | Report Abuse

Cherry... as promised.... one more round cos u asked for it..


2013-09-05 13:22 | Report Abuse

Mkt weakness???!!!??? Wat it has a beta of 30000 ka?! Any other more insightful views?


2013-09-05 12:57 | Report Abuse

firm.... n slowly getting solid..... nice...


2013-09-05 09:52 | Report Abuse

Tis counter has a more thn 30% drop from 4.60 as recent as three mths ago... Wat is wrong wit it?


2013-09-04 16:12 | Report Abuse

If assard really used chemical WMD it wld means he is really desperate.... n half dead... n d so called war wld b a quicky...


2013-09-04 15:54 | Report Abuse

Cherry...cherry... finally a little grin on ur face...... Ok la.... one more round.... quite an appetite u hv...


2013-09-04 15:41 | Report Abuse

Cherry.... Hope u hv bot at 1.77 - 1.79 n is in total bliss.... Cos tis looks like d last call for getting scable below 1.80


2013-09-04 14:46 | Report Abuse

Stil firm........


2013-09-03 18:01 | Report Abuse

Cherry.. u r stil holding scable but u posted... cannot trust rhb la.. wil never b 2.00 how to b 2.50 la... seller volume double buyer volume la... world is gonna end la...

wassup?!? Didn't get to buy when it went down to 1.78 or wat?! Interesting case.. trying ur best to talk down ur own counter...


2013-09-03 14:08 | Report Abuse

Ya d 2 projects wil start by 1 oct... n only for abt 24 months

So cherry... u r stil holding some too?

I hv profit now.... If 1.99 i wil make even more profit....


2013-09-03 13:45 | Report Abuse

No nid to wait too long term la.. Cos those 2 projects r short term... Wil c their impact on profit soon....


2013-09-03 13:42 | Report Abuse

So cherry... U so smart ass... When ppl were shouting fly fly fly... U sold off urs at wat price?


2013-09-03 13:34 | Report Abuse

EX BI..... price wld b better.... Cos by then there wil not b tis 2.33 tp is CUM or EX to confuse d blur ones anymore.... I m quite sure d actual ex wld b higher than d theoritical ex... as such got further profit...


2013-09-03 13:23 | Report Abuse

My woman.... U r breaking d heart of those who bot at 2+ leh.....


2013-09-03 13:21 | Report Abuse

Hv big projects n bi also on sales...how come??


2013-09-03 13:17 | Report Abuse

My man.... U r breaking d heart of those who bot at 2+ leh......


2013-09-03 12:37 | Report Abuse

Yes... CUM BI til 9 sep.... Few days b4 EX wil go up... EX wil go up again cos only 1.53 vs tp 2.33....


2013-09-03 09:42 | Report Abuse

Up up up up up..... a big.. hard... n long lasting one...


2013-09-02 17:34 | Report Abuse

Yeah..... bought again at 1.78 1.79........ at 1.78 d EX BI price is jz 1.48... compared to 2.33 tp.....

Betting my profit again......


2013-09-02 14:30 | Report Abuse

Anyway a lot of d projects announced b4 ge13 were never intended to b implemented soon..... jz pushed forward for d feel good factor... aimed to give u d high...... but tis project is NOT one of them.. sure on


2013-09-02 14:22 | Report Abuse

Stop tis project n najib can kiss d next ge14 goodbye.... sarawak d king maker nowadays..


2013-09-02 11:59 | Report Abuse

Oh.... d 2.33 tp is from ammb... then it is d EX BI tp...d tp after 9 sep.... Now CUM BI tp is 2.796... Reduced by 0.20 due to not d whole adward....


2013-09-02 11:49 | Report Abuse

Zhiyi.. Good work... D 2.33 tp is cum bi or ex bi?

Asoh.. Bad work...


2013-09-02 10:58 | Report Abuse

Does look like pressing down n collecting is going on.....

N those disappointed wit d fly fly fly r leaving....

N those worry to loose their pants too...


2013-09-02 10:46 | Report Abuse

Ya pestech has a rather large award relative to its share cap.... but it is not liquid... n it is giving more shares to its management n staf still... I wanted to buy... But look at d quotes...


2013-09-02 10:39 | Report Abuse

Blur ones.... sell sell sell now or go buy urself a pair sexy underwear... ; )


2013-09-02 10:33 | Report Abuse

Oh yeah.... Blur ones take note:... remember......price adjustment (ex-date) is on 10 sept..... loose ur pant if u dont sell now...


2013-09-02 10:26 | Report Abuse

ruslimz... oh yeah.... trying ur best to scare d shit out d blur ones....


2013-09-02 10:23 | Report Abuse

It is not like tis co has bin goreng to 3.00 to sell on fact now....


2013-09-01 20:57 | Report Abuse

Not d whole project.. so tp cant b 3.00... but 2 out of 3 at 600m.... can hit 2.28 at d least la.... more than 2.00 is for sure....


2013-09-01 20:51 | Report Abuse

cherry tomato... no one is here bcos of expectation of great quarterly result la.... it has always been abt d 500 kv project.... project is in d pocket now... why so blue?


2013-09-01 10:05 | Report Abuse

jjoker.. u too say yes tat rhb did mention d project on 8/4/13.... so d 2.00 tp then n d cum bi tp 3.00 at d moment both included d project... thn d question is where d extra 1.00 is from????????!!!!!!!!

bloody rhb is anything but clear n precise....

I tend to think d 2.00 is b4 d project.... ie mentioned but not factored in..... so d likely tp now is 2.00 + ur 0.44 = 2.44..... n co jv may not b 50:50... may b 30:70... or better so d tp may b 2.44 - 2.65....

or anyone hv any older tp?


2013-08-31 22:55 | Report Abuse

Any old timers here know if the following 2.00 tp was d tp b4 d 500kv project was ever mentioned.......

08/04/2013 1.51 2.00 +0.49 (32.45%) BUY AMMB


2013-08-30 19:18 | Report Abuse

It is ok... i m cool... i m cool...


2013-08-30 19:13 | Report Abuse

It is ok... don't b greedy... good tat it is finally in d pocket


2013-08-30 18:39 | Report Abuse

Oh as i hv expected..... 2 out of 3........ 

Posted by me............ Read in d news recently tis 500 kv project actually has 3 sub portions... quite sure scable wil get tis project but.... will it b smaller? May b 1 out 3... 2 out of 3... not d whole project... cos not nice la cm get everything....... bought some again today... if anyone can provide a bit or certainty.... jz a little bit wil do ... i wil buy even more..Stock: [SCABLE]: SARAWAK CABLE BERHAD Aug 27, 2013 05:41 PM | Report Abuse  

Dont want to say i m sharp..... but i m jz sharp!

Finally after d long wait... Not bad not bad....


2013-08-29 16:54 | Report Abuse

n i hv nice to look at profit again...... ; )


2013-08-28 16:43 | Report Abuse

Yes yes yes..... 1.84.. 1.84...... yes.... yessssss...


2013-08-28 16:35 | Report Abuse

Set d point of no return.... i m coming....

All or nothing... big entries big entries....

betting away all my profit....


2013-08-28 16:08 | Report Abuse

Wet..... d head is wet.... going to make a few more entries now.....
wet head first....

More entries if somebody can provide me d comfort tat i m seeking....


2013-08-28 14:14 | Report Abuse

Tot it good... n planned my entries at 15%.. 20%.. from d high........... turned out d plunge is much more tight n deep than expected.... almost takes my mojo away.....

Profit for tis co is now down to a few thousands....


2013-08-28 09:09 | Report Abuse

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks,You better run, better run, outrun my gun.

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks,You better run, better run, faster than my bullet.

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks,You better run, better run, outrun my gun.

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks,You better run, better run, faster than my bullet.


2013-08-28 08:48 | Report Abuse

Ya.. d war too... d new addition.... n it is not like d usa can afford a war at tis moment.... n talking abt spending... usa debt ceiling is due for a review upward soon... but dont count on d democrats n d republicans to hv a bipartisan solution..


2013-08-28 08:34 | Report Abuse

Market is always 6 months ahead of everything.... so market is actually rather late already... even if QE tapering is postponed to OCT DEC.... result is a disorderly crash.... vs a controlled soft landing...


2013-08-28 08:18 | Report Abuse

Yes.... never fight d market.... loads of uncertainties affecting d world markets... n no one can provide even a bit of certainty on scable.... wait n see is d way to go....


2013-08-27 19:59 | Report Abuse

Read in d news recently tis 500 kv project actually has 3 sub portions... quite sure scable wil get tis project but.... will it b smaller? May b 1 out 3... 2 out of 3... not d whole project... cos not nice la cm get everything.......

bought some again today... if anyone can provide a bit or certainty.... jz a little bit wil do ... i wil buy even more..


2013-08-27 17:41 | Report Abuse

Of course hold... Question is how much more to buy... n when? Anyone who can come up wit a bit of certainty wil decide it for me...


2013-08-27 15:59 | Report Abuse


This cant b good for malton.....

RHB put up stale TP n call it gem..... Guilty for d bloodbath here....