
Jeffreyteck | Joined since 2016-11-26

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2018-08-26 10:43 | Report Abuse

If you think Raja is able to give $400 (current price) to you in the coming 10 years, by all means hold for long term. Otherwise, just speculate and take the fluctuations risk. Next episode may be the south America investment turns sour etc. but the entire management continue to withdraw more than $70 million a year as no one can stop them from doing that. Our watchdog is just a redundant body, as the name given, barking only.
Good management case study for MBA:" Where management is too greedy, what is next?"


2018-08-25 10:49 | Report Abuse

Believe if in US, SH may able to take class action on numerous things. Of course, that will never happen in this country under Bursa regime. More speculation is better for Bursa bottom line. So why Bursa bother? Good luck everyone.


2018-08-25 09:38 | Report Abuse

Never support company with management who is taking care about their own pockets and asking more $ from SH to fuel their very deep pockets. This is integrity issues. If you think you could receive dividends of $300 over the next 10 years from this crooks, you may go ahead to invest. Otherwise just speculate.


2018-08-24 23:51 | Report Abuse

Management and BOD should be penalized for the poor outcomes but believe they will still reward themselves with big pays. That is life, KPI only for kaki and tangan but not for kepala.


2018-08-24 23:42 | Report Abuse

Right issues to pay for the greedy CEO and smart BOD remunerations for the coming years. Biggest joke of Bursa. Malaysia boleh.


2018-08-24 20:36 | Report Abuse

Right issues to pay for the greedy CEO and smart BOD remunerations for the coming years. Biggest joke of Bursa. Malaysia boleh.


2018-07-26 20:32 | Report Abuse

10 years not allowed to resign as a CEO, haha, biggest joke in the lending industry to put this as a condition. Is this clause valid as it restrict a person from moving? Investigate banks too whether it is a norm for such a condition. If he can't perform, all other SHs will suffer as he will continue to be the boss for many years.


2018-07-23 10:28 | Report Abuse

Hopefully below 50 soon as rationale investors should not make individual rich by earning more then 70 million a year, it is similar to daylight robbery. Management integrity is utmost important for LT investors, excessive remunerations suggests diminished integrity. Future revenue remains uncertain especially contracts in highly corrupted countries, unstable currency.


2018-07-19 06:30 | Report Abuse

Let market drops faster, better, as a wake up call for a better regulatory regime. No one seems to be able to stop all these excessive payments or unjustifiable payments. Bursa? SC? Watchdog? All mostly withdrawing high pays but minimum contribution. Good luck everyone.


2018-07-18 23:46 | Report Abuse

Daylight robbery, EPF etc, regulators, watchdog, all useless. This is not the only one withdrawing high pays when performance is bad. CEO 70 million, that shows the integrity, believe Mexico deal etc will soon facing problems. Managed to escape this round. Poor regulatory regime. Let market drops faster, better, as a wake up call for a better regulatory regime.


2018-07-18 11:12 | Report Abuse

TP 1.10 MT.


2018-07-16 08:20 | Report Abuse

New management, takes turn to empty the company? Bad performer yet management remains fit n proper n taking good pay.


2018-07-12 10:59 | Report Abuse

TP remains 38. Est lower revenue and profit for the coming 2 years. Unless management plans for another good move, story will be different then.


2018-07-12 10:36 | Report Abuse

TP1.00 amid absence of positive themes and assuming investors will receive $1000 dividends over the next 10 years. Otherwise just join speculators.


2018-07-12 10:32 | Report Abuse

If you think the company can give you $200 dividends over the coming 10 year, may worth to take the risk. Otherwise just join speculators for the excitement.


2018-07-12 06:25 | Report Abuse

Bad news, big fine. TP 32.


2018-07-11 17:21 | Report Abuse

TP 45 MT. Both revenue and profit should be down for this financial year and next year amid weak market conditions.


2018-07-11 17:17 | Report Abuse

Still well supported. TP 2.50 MT unless PH stops price cutting push.


2018-07-11 08:43 | Report Abuse

Other than EPF, other funds keep on selling as reported. Low DY does not support the current level. TP 1.80.


2018-07-10 11:58 | Report Abuse

Since no dividends is expected within 2 years, let others hold it first. Personally don't think local people are willing to pay 120 per ticket. TP MT1.10.


2018-07-10 11:50 | Report Abuse

TP2.20. DY remains low.


2018-07-10 11:48 | Report Abuse

So quiet here. TP1.80, est both revenue and profit will drop and DY remains low.


2018-07-10 08:31 | Report Abuse

Wonder why treasury shares were sold on 29 June but Lim family is accumulating? What messages are they trying to tell? Company short of cash so to sell treasury shares but Lim family is cash rich despite downfall of its shares? Confused. Anyway, this is just a license casino where most people can gamble.


2018-07-06 20:19 | Report Abuse

Set to deep further as price cutting is for sure. TM has been overcharging with poor service, time to pay back. The only thing is why EPF invested so much? TP2.50 LT.


2018-07-06 10:28 | Report Abuse

Unlikely to sustain it past few quaters performance. Nonetheless, low price is the selling point for ST speculation.


2018-07-06 10:25 | Report Abuse

If able to sustain dividends of 4% quarterly, TP2.80.


2018-07-06 08:40 | Report Abuse

IB used to set TP above 3 long time ago, but looks like 0.3 is the reality.


2018-07-06 08:34 | Report Abuse

TP3.20 amid weak market conditions and sentiments.


2018-07-06 08:30 | Report Abuse

Unlikely that it can sustain DY amid market conditions, rising electricity cost etc. Just be patient. TP1.50.


2018-07-05 12:48 | Report Abuse

"there can be no guarantees that prices of rice will fall when the domestic rice market is liberalised...." but for sure the guy said this will have less works, please lower his pays accordingly. Never think outside if box of course no positive solutions.


2018-07-04 12:43 | Report Abuse

TP 75 assuming profit cum 1.5% dividends.


2018-07-04 09:26 | Report Abuse

DY remains unattractive even at this price, revenue and EPS and profit margin are expected to go south. Shares buy back is a mistake. MT should be 3 times of NTA.


2018-07-04 07:35 | Report Abuse

Can it sustain EPS and dividends this year? Answer will determine its price movement.


2018-07-04 07:33 | Report Abuse

Rightfully will down further.


2018-07-04 07:29 | Report Abuse

Forever cutting TP, let IBs funds hold it. Can't find a positive theme to enter other than looks cheap.


2018-07-02 22:40 | Report Abuse

Can't recall which financial year it did well, may be real business is not the management competencies or its concerns. The only truth is management and bod remunerations is ongoing but not the returns for minority. Whatever committees established would only diminish shareholders value, at least till now. Anyway, this is not the only one stock discounted 50% from early last year. Cheap price may be good for speculation.


2018-07-01 11:07 | Report Abuse

When management remuneration is not linked to performance and not regulated, this is the outcome. Toy r Us is under bankruptcy proceedings, management took multi millions but not the retrenched staff. Moral of the story: most of the management are greedy, anywhere in the world. Minority just gamble their luck. Good luck.


2018-07-01 10:55 | Report Abuse

Bagged 100 million lake titiwangsa project from Dbkl, no idea to what extend it can beautify but really doubtful about the costs as it is just a lake park and nothing so complicated. Wish PH could look into it and monitor it, perhaps at least a deliverables output should be displayed.


2018-06-30 15:59 | Report Abuse

Wish new price announcement ASAP, sure will terminate the existing plan as unwanted channels are bundled in and treated as if it is given free. Good to see below 2.50 as it has been enjoying what it wanted. FMs of EPF keep on buying and selling, that shows FMs are having different views on its prospects. Gambling, anyway.


2018-06-30 11:45 | Report Abuse

Tempted to jump in now but above mentioned est drop of 20% demands, hold on for another 10% drop then.


2018-06-30 11:42 | Report Abuse

Other than "looks cheap" price, really can't find positive investment themes for LT, anyway, best for speculation.


2018-06-30 11:36 | Report Abuse

100 salary increment for labors will cost extra 30 million a year, this is nothing compared to management remuneration in view of the huge number of labors. Nonetheless, management will rather pay themselves higher despite extremely poor performance and badly managed.


2018-06-29 09:53 | Report Abuse

Believe will drop to past low before news on M&A as industry and market remain weak.


2018-06-29 08:26 | Report Abuse

Doubt it is looking for improving business but $ for own pockets. Eg. Kenny Roger outlets, some hardly got business but continue its operations, no idea who they rent the properties from. Impairment should be a periodical provision instead of "out of sudden" nature in a particular quarter unless due to accidents, but market regulators and accounting professionals are still sleeping. Anyway, good for speculation like in the casinos. Good luck everyone, and Selamat Berjaya.


2018-06-28 21:31 | Report Abuse

Berjaya, you made it, Berjaya to make losses. Great.


2018-06-28 21:26 | Report Abuse

If registered profit, minimum dividends does not help as management most likely will earn the most. Abandoned. TP75.