
Johnchew123 | Joined since 2023-03-31

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1 month ago | Report Abuse

Bad QR today ,cabut fast , see u RM 4 by END SEPT


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Bad QR expect appear , see u 31 sen in 10 trading day


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Court case 2 ,3 year only have result , SPSETIA Sue ppl ,why drop ., Pellk betul , not ppl Sue SPSETIA , if other Sue SPSEtIA consider bad news ,
Market sentiment should turn to good after 2 sept , small cap counter start plunge 5 August ,
Hantu kacau all small cap counter since 5 August , Chinese calendar bulan 7 start 4 August is bulan hantu ,bulan hantu going finish 2 sept , all small cap plunge like hell because on bulan hantu
Let * see 3 Sept , how market sentiment
Probably Rotate turn goreng up contruction n property


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Celender Chinese , bulan 7 , bulan hantu , hantu kacau all small cap ,bulan 7 , 3 more day finish , small cad all plunge like hell ,hantu kacau ,since 5 August , bulan hantu going finish 2 Sept , expect small cap turn goreng effect 3 Sept


1 month ago | Report Abuse

QR today announed will determine direction ,net loss again = see u 31 sen ,( Fibonacci Retracement 50 % Retracement )
Net profit announed , see u 50 sen within 15 trading day


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Insider know something , QR report leaking , strong report net profit should announed by today


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Last hope on QR August 28 , if net profit count in land disposal ,QR August should be showing , investor will treat this as good news , market sentiment should turn good next week onward slowly after Powell confirm rate cut on Sept
TP = 50 sen within 15 trading day after QR August announed ( QR August need come net profit )


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Sell Genting now ,buy in YTLPower , 5.40 will appear again , next week u will see Genting 4.20 again ,once announed decrease net profit , see u next week 4.20


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Iwcity going to suspend n close shop soon , 1 more month to go , botak sudah headache ,will affect this parria Ekovest movement , up side also limited , expect 50 sen saja , once JS-SEZ sign official agreement on SEPT

IWCITY close shop , merger also koyak


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Selling should be finish this week , fund manager change portfolio , dispose contruction n utilities stock , buy in bank stock ,already 2 day since yesterday , Tomolo if bank stock plunge n side way until this month end ,turn contruction n utilities stock move up


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Banker loss , volume below 20 k , sideway
Left 2 factor this parria Ekovest , shot again to 61 sen
Factor 1 ) QR August need come with net profit , if this cannot make it
Final hope , JS-SEZ sign officially agreement on SEPT ,more detail will be annnone ,JOHOR theme play gurantee appear again


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Budget noting can affect market ,every year also same , contruction stock theme play will appear again ,once official JS-SEZ sign official agreement on SEPT , JS-SEZ will be announce more detail


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Worst n parria stock = Ekovest , KLCI 5/ 8 plunge 74 point , from 1614 , now 1612 ,left 2 point recover ,
This parria from 42.5 sen ,plunge 37.5 sen , today close 39 sen , really worst + paria contruction stock year 2024 ,
Only recover 1.5 sen ,fuxx off


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Parria stock = Ekovest , KLCI 5/ 8 , plunge 74 point , until today already rebound 66 point , this parria 8/ 5 close 42.5 sen , plunge 37.5 sen ,today only rebound 2 sen , 39.5 sen worst of worst

MRCB 5/ 8 , 57.5 sen plunge 47 sen , yesterday already recover up 58.5 sen ,
Today close 56.5 sen

MRCB will be bintang star stock , follow WCT ,once QR AUgust annonced


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Rebound slow , worst n Paria contruction stock Year 2024 = Ekovest , The day ( 5/ 8 /24 ) KLCI plunge 74 point , MRCB from 57.5 sen plunge to 47 sen , now 58 sen ,

MRCB will be potential stock , shoot to 90 sen or RM 1 , , will it follow WCT !!!
let see after QR August , MRCB , EPF hold 36 %


1 month ago | Report Abuse

80 sen selepas JS-SEZ sign official agreement on SEPT , EPF hold 36 % , mesti push above 80 sen


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Last hope on SEPT , JS-SEZ once officially sign agreement , JOHOR THEME PLAY May appear again , this stock
So paria n slow , worst performance contruction stock , last hope sept , see can pass through 61 sen on Sept

Worst n parria , performance contruction stock YEAR 2024 = Ekovest


1 month ago | Report Abuse

This Ekovest so parria , MRCB rebound faster , monday plunge lower 47 sen , now 57 sen ,
Paria stock plunge 37 sen , now 41 sen


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Play contra ,du kena , this stock cannot eat KFC , also cannot play contra ,a lot Ikan bilis here take this stock play contra
Wanna contra ,ytl power syok , YTL POWER yesterday swing 3.92 to 4.44 , 50 sen ,ini syok ,
Every day can contra , every day can eat KFC


2 months ago | Report Abuse

U see …..u seee , u see …morning ask u Buy YTLPower RM 4 ,now RM 4.32 , can cabut eat KFC + Burger King ,earn fast money , u see … u see ……u see lah


2 months ago | Report Abuse

This Ekovest cannot use , if wanna invest ,better BUY MRCB , EPF hold , rebound quickly , this year higher 73 sen ,now 52 sen , Ekovest is worst n paria , contruction counter ,contruction index this year alomost up 50 percent ,
Paria Ekovest performance negative return , only this paria stock , all with positive return, u chose any small cap also with positive return , Gadang ,inta , Fajar , Econbhd ,Sendai ,wct , although yesterday plunge , it still positive return ,if u buy last year 31 / 12 / 2023


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Anson938 ,BUY YTLPOWER ,du mau earn fast money , why , no cock ?, scare ,hahahahaha , eat KFC ,no problem


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Anson938 ; buy YTLPower now , still cheap , higher 5.40 , now RM 4 only , du mau earn fast money , now go in


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Rebound will be quickly , oversold , once market sentiment turn bullish ,


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Offer ,offer ,offfer ,everywhere offer ,GOOD , jualan Murah ,Murah ,Mari ,Mari ,Mari ,offer
30 peratus discount ,bagus


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Fibonnaci ratio 40 sen already touch , oversold , following will be rebound ,by this week Friday , probably 45- 46 sen


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Fibonacci ratio 40- 41 sen may touch ,then rebound quickly , oversold


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Bottom is 43 sen , all trader already know ,trap apa ? Down is limited
Fibonacci ratio , is 40 -41 sen


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Look like consolidate level , May take 1 to 3 day , Pump n dump , now consolidate level ,before it move upward 50- 52 sen , Follow SOP better , ,pump , dump , consolidate


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Unclefolllwer , are u sure can plunge 38 sen ? Let bet ? , 43 sen magic turnaround so many time , all trader already know 43 sen is turnaround point


2 months ago | Report Abuse

As I know some margin account , bank give T + 8 , sudah sampai masa , no top up , Force SeLL, this round kena teruk , i think is margin account , this pump n dump , Volume daily high every day since first day pump , should be use margin account play ,


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Use margin account play Ekovest , teruk u , margin give u T+ 5 , du hold 56 to 58 sen , margin call sudah Kena teruk , du 56 to 58 sen , all force selling by Bank today , look Volume still a lot , Ekovest already down 7 day till today , once Bank clear al force sell with margin account , Ekovest rebound will be quickly ,

Let see this Friday close , wa expect close between 50 to 52 sen , not believe , wait n see


2 months ago | Report Abuse

This kind of pump n dump , 45 sen lower today , either following. 1 to 3 day consolidate 45 sen to 48 sen, or quickly rebound to 50 - 52 sen by this week Friday


2 months ago | Report Abuse

7 thousand share Q BUY 45.5 sen remove out all suddenly , look syndicate wanna flush u Ikan bilis n contra player out , T + 3 force selling 1 mil share today


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Wait 43 sen in dream , unless KLCI PLUNGE below 1600 , 1 round pump 46.5 sen to 58 sen , 1 round dump 58 sen ,now to 45 sen is lower , Tunggu 43 sen n buy , du Tunggu slowly , following rebound back 50 sen by this week
, du Tunggu 43 sen lagi , sendiri tunggu


2 months ago | Report Abuse

No think so can down further , pump n dump counter , finish 1 round , now either consolidate or rebound to 50 -52 sen this week
43 sen impossible touch


2 months ago | Report Abuse

As see Syndicates take 6 trading day pump from 46.5 sen to 58 sen , dump also take 6 trading day from 58 sen to 46.5 sen

Let see next week , expect rebound should at between 50 to 52 sen closing whole week ,

43 sen , i don’t think so can touch , either rebound to 50- 52 sen or consolidate 46 sen to 49 sen


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Focus on QR August now , and JS- SEZ detail announcement on SEPT
Ekovest need cross over 60 sen , QR August need come with net profit at least 20 mil


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Extend again merger , babbbi , finish story , next story n next topic
Now left 2 factor Ekovest to go up 60 sen
Factor 1 ). QR August need come with net profit
Factor 2 ). JS- SEZ officially sign agreement on SEPT , this very interested , more detail annomement. ,
Jan sign MOU JS -SEZ Notting tell , investor will find story goreng again JOHOR THEME play stock ,once all clear picture appear


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Ppl give u hint already , if merger exxcuted , price did it plunge like that , insider already know something already , leaking info 3 day ago , they dump first , the day 1 day plunge 7 sen , already give u hint ,

Now waiting officially announedmemt termination


2 months ago | Report Abuse

2.6 mil today T + 3 force selling ,contra player ,bad dream for u ,afternoon 3.30 pm start , after 5 closing , official annoncement out ,Termination merger. , next week 43 sen
Probably touch 40 to 41 sen , is Fibonacci ratio


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Next week gurantee touch 43 sen ,once official merger termination announed ,
Lower probably 40 to 41 sen , Fibonacci ratio


2 months ago | Report Abuse

T+ 3 force selling Tomolo , 2.6 mil history volume + bad news announcement ,contra player bad dream


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Albukhary holding power so good , can become long long term investor , holding TOPGLOVE RM 27 , holding Hengyuan RM 15 , TOPGLOVE n Hengyuan awarded BEST OF BEST LONG TERM investor


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Termination merger + force selling Tomolo , by next week , see u 43 sen


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Left 2 day termination merger announed , 27 July 2024 , previously if ask for extend ,1 week before already inform Bursa , Friday see u 43 sen ,once official announcement , , yesterday high volume 2.6 mil , all panic selling this Friday , come on 43 sen , strong support


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Mau masuk , wait T+ 3 force selling only go in ,yesterday 2.6 mil higher volume change hand , this Friday force selling , merger termination should announed anytime , see price action already know , 100 percent merger termination , 43 sen strong support