
Karlos | Joined since 2018-07-13

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2021-11-17 11:38 | Report Abuse

Insiders or their proxies must have been dumping in last few days! Just look at the chart.


2021-11-17 11:19 | Report Abuse

Technically looks horrible since last few days.

News & Blogs

2021-11-17 10:38 | Report Abuse

Normally used in junk foods and drinks

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2021-11-17 10:22 | Report Abuse

HFCS is considered bad as it is high in fructose


2021-11-17 10:14 | Report Abuse

Be extra careful. Just take a look at the no of EPCC contracts for hydro projects won all over the places within so short a time period. Make your own independent assessments and judgement. Using only common sense is enough. Too good to be true? Judgement is yours!


2021-11-17 10:01 | Report Abuse

Kun Faya Kun
Good thing will come for those who are patient

News & Blogs

2021-11-17 08:38 | Report Abuse

Yes squatting is much better than sitting for health reasons. It is the natural ways. Just look at animals and we can learn a lot from animals. But unfortunately nothing animals can learn from us.

News & Blogs

2021-11-17 08:34 | Report Abuse

We were created to move and use what ever natural ability given to us. Sad to see the majority Malaysians nowadays hardly hardly use their limbs to move around. Our cities are designed for vehicles with hardly any consideration for pedestrians.
Even our commercials buildings are not only designed to minimise the use of our legs or walkings and on top tend to be fully air-conditioned and with poor ventilation, sealed off from natural environment.

News & Blogs

2021-11-17 08:20 | Report Abuse

@beinvested; Excellent point of view and I fully agree with that philosophy.


2021-11-16 20:38 | Report Abuse

The biz model and the scale of Cypark are very different to those of Solarvest and hence the capital structures and cash flow patterns are not similar and comparable.


2021-11-16 19:52 | Report Abuse

PM and Agong are both from Pahang


2021-11-16 19:51 | Report Abuse

PA can be converted 1 to 1without paying any additional cash


2021-11-16 11:25 | Report Abuse

No worry. Net asset, which consists mainly sea fronting lands, per share is 56 sen. On top more reclaimed land yet to be recognized as revenue. It worth nothing that the company has relatively very little total borrowings, less than RM 100 m only.
Any change in shareholders will definitely not a bad thing. Just be patient.


2021-11-16 08:06 | Report Abuse

There must be a good reason why WZ!-PA is trading at the discount and the big insiders are aggressively buying the mother shares. Logically PA should trade at a premium instead of at a discount to mother share as it is more senior and have 3% coupon yield based on it issue price.
Just be a little patient, a good thing will come out later?


2021-11-13 10:17 | Report Abuse

Cypark biz is good but continuous issues of discounted new shares at the cost to other minority shareholders will keep on depressing the price.


2021-11-12 15:10 | Report Abuse

Thank you very much @In_Sight for your good effort and intention to make misunderstandings and confusions about Air Asia biz clearer for some people.
As I repeatedly mentioned, very unlikely AA will go out of business going forward. After all if AA can not survive, then which other airline can? There is uncertainty but little or no risk in investing in AA.


2021-11-10 09:00 | Report Abuse

Syabas to FamilyMart and QLR for giving employment to locals instead of getting "cheap" foreign labour like many other local companies. We should support such companies that invest here to provide employment to Malaysians not just to exploit cheap labour and some companies had learnt recently that so called cheap labour have unwanted ramifications.


2021-11-09 11:30 | Report Abuse

The income for the the IPP is basically guaranteed provided of course it can guaranteed the minimum required plant availability through out the PPA duration of 25 years. The return of the investment is at the least 12 percent per year virtually guaranteed by the Vietnam utility and the government of Vietnam. The deal obtained for this project is extremely good and not likely be given to any future IPP in Vietnam.
We can of course easily estimate how lucrative the return for the equity investment by the IPP owner say assuming the debt equity ration of 75/25!
As far as the investment in the Vietnam IPP is concerned, we can definitely agree that it was an excellent undertaking.


2021-11-09 11:08 | Report Abuse

Banning on construction of coal power plants in the coming future will not have any effect on Jaks IPP in Vietnam which has been completed and already in commercial operation.
The PPA contract between the IPP and the Vietnam utility for 25 years will not be altered at least without the consent of both parties. Anyhow the IPP will get most of its payment from the plant availability and not so much from the power generated from the plant. The cost of producing the power is basically passed through and the IPP may make some money if the plant is efficient and lose money if its efficiency is below expectation.


2021-11-09 09:27 | Report Abuse

Nothing much to worry about SCIB compared to SD. Although both counters are being suspended and have connected shareholders, the underlining issues are totally different.
SCIB failed to produced it's annual audited account on time due to unexpected or unplanned change of it's auditor, an reasonable and fair excuse.


2021-11-08 09:59 | Report Abuse

Kun Fayakun: what should happen will happen!
Those who understand airline biz especially Air Asia and not losing their heads and have patience will be well rewarded, sooner or later.


2021-11-07 17:59 | Report Abuse

Any change of the controlling shareholder can't be a bad news. This counter seems to be much unappreciated and hence undervalued. It's net asset per share alone is 56 sen. Mind you, most of the assets are lands obtained from the land reclamation jobs.


2021-11-07 17:47 | Report Abuse

No more government cash injection for Malaysia Airlines. This could likely be a good news for Air Asia as it has one less competitor do deal with.


2021-11-04 13:56 | Report Abuse

Yes definitely at current price level KPJ is highly undervalued than is why EPF is accumulating the shares. Privatization would only be a big bonus for EPF!


2021-11-03 09:02 | Report Abuse

EPF continued buying up KPJ shares. Is the proposed privatization of KPJ by Johor Corp coming any time soon after completion of taking Damansara Realty private?


2021-11-02 09:13 | Report Abuse

EPF which had been disposing KPJ shares most of the time, now turned to buying the shares. KWAP too is accumulating the shares.


2021-11-01 17:04 | Report Abuse

"Khairy launches healthcare travel blueprint to boost Malaysia’s medical tourism post pandemic"
KPJ will definitely benefit from such initiative being the largest operator of Malaysian hospitals with a long track records in running hospital and related services in the country. On top KPJ has hospitals in Indonesia, Thailand and Bangladesh.


2021-10-29 09:23 | Report Abuse

More relaxation on foreigners entering Malaysia from November 1, 2021. Sooner or later most restrictions to enter or leave the country would likely be removed as the world is opening up. This will definitely good for air lines especially those that catering to holiday and leisure travels.
Just like what happen to crude oil and other fuels that surge once demand increases while supply had been curtailed during the pandemic. Who can predict crude oil will jump to current high
levels where as it was trading below zero in the spring of 2020.


2021-10-28 21:21 | Report Abuse

A principle officer of SCIB bought both shares and warrants yesterday at 29 sen and 10.5 sen respectively. Nothing to worry at all as there is nothing wrong with the company account per se but delay in submitting the annual audited financial account due to change of auditor.
Just need to keep our mind clear and not losing our heads. OK just let others losing theirs' !


2021-10-28 09:52 | Report Abuse

If the tranche 4 of PP shares were successfully subscribed at 43 sen but later the company choose to return the money, then it indicates that there is nothing wrong with the company financials. The issue is only the delay in producing audited account. The delay is fully expected due to change of auditor otherwise no body will buy the shares in the 4 tranches of PP.
The previous trances of PP were quite recently completed too with prices varying from 38.39 sen to 58.23 sen compared to the aborted tranche 4 at 43 sen.
If these recent issues of shares via PP are successful it indicates nothing wrong with SCIB, unlike SD which have totally different issues with accounting. Mind you these people who had subscribed to these PP are not ordinary bilis. They are normally well informed and have done thorough due diligence prior to putting their money.


2021-10-27 11:06 | Report Abuse

SCIB is totally a different entity from Serba and has separate and different biz area. Serba has its own accounting issue, not related to SCIB. Need to keep our heads clear otherwise we will succumb to irrational emotions.


2021-10-27 10:46 | Report Abuse

At current price level may be a good opportunity to buy. After all the insider Director had been buying very recently albeit in small quantities.


2021-10-21 09:23 | Report Abuse

Another tranche of Private Placement price was fixed at 95 sen. Private placement is unfair to other shareholders as they are not given the opportunity to subscribe to cheap discounted shares. For the connected few that get chance to subscribe these cheap shares can make easy gains very quickly without risk.


2021-10-20 21:24 | Report Abuse

The external auditor for Tanco has expressed an opinion that the company may not be able to continue its business as the company had suffered in the last two years of consecutive losses and negative cashflows in addition to having its current liabilities exceeds current assets.
Another unfortunate news for Tanco in addition to controversial issues regarding the proposed land reclamation job in Melaka. A real double whammy !


2021-10-18 10:18 | Report Abuse

At the current prices, KPJ is very much undervalued. So nothing to worry about KPJ with or without privatization!


2021-10-18 09:52 | Report Abuse

Johor Corp is now in the process of acquiring shares to privatise Damansara Bhd. Is the offer to take KPJ private is comping any time soon? Johor Corp has already declared its intention to take KPJ private just before Covid 19 pandemic.
KPJ owns and operates a very large and strategic set of assets i.e. hospitals.


2021-10-18 09:30 | Report Abuse

What an unfortunate turn of event for Tanco which has just been awarded the contract to reclaim approximately 120 acres at Mukim Tanjung Kling, Daerah Melaka Tengah, Melaka. Now the state government has been dissolved and general state election will determine the next state government in Melaka.
What would be the implications on the proposed project especially the issue related to the reclamation has become controversial.


2021-10-11 11:49 | Report Abuse

@perx135305, you are absolutely spot on, on the level of thinking and interpretation of data !


2021-10-11 09:21 | Report Abuse

Just as I was expecting for some time ago! Well done to those who understand the airline biz and its temporary impacts by Covid 19 pandemic and not losing their heads while some lost theirs'!


2021-10-10 23:58 | Report Abuse

Taking listed companies private is nothing new or unusual for Johor Corp. In fact Johor Corp had been very active in taking its listed subsidiaries or companies private. In 2011 it had taken both QSR and KFC private and later on Kulim in 2015.
The market believes that when Johor Corp has mentioned its intention to take KPJ private it was done with real serious intention as now it is the best time to do it. The share price of KPJ was depressed until very recently due to its poor current financial performance thanks to Covid 19 pandemic.


2021-10-10 12:43 | Report Abuse

@Thinkcarefully, it may not be true that does not own any hospital. In the latest financial statements KPJ did own free hold lands and buildings amount to RM 260.714 m and RM 1,528.257 m. respectively where as the total value of all hospitals under lease by KPJ was only amount to RM 1,051.172 m. In addition KPJ also owned RM 337.748 m. of investment properties.


2021-10-06 10:19 | Report Abuse

Taking private or not is not an issue directly concern the company but it is something that solely within the rights and purview of the company shareholders only. The company job is to run and operate the biz as usual and therefore it will only have knowledge about say taking the company private after it has received notice from the shareholder that intend to take the company private via whatever means.


2021-10-06 09:01 | Report Abuse

Just keep your head while others are losing theirs'.......
You will do well !


2021-10-06 08:57 | Report Abuse

Finally now AA has good things coming in its favor. Those who understand AA business and willing to wait will certainly be very well rewarded.


2021-10-05 12:32 | Report Abuse

Nothing to worry, keep cool and be patient


2021-10-05 11:32 | Report Abuse

humbleisland: I am in line with your thinking and argument. Air Asia has lost large amount of money in putting fuel hedges earlier.


2021-10-05 09:29 | Report Abuse

Air Asia will likely make a very good gain this year as the fuel prices has shot up, assuming Air Asia has continued its fuel hedging strategy as it normally did in the previous years.


2021-10-04 10:09 | Report Abuse

It was never the intention of Johor Corp to sell KPJ to TPG but to keep KPJ under its control, may be in partnership with TPG. After all Johor Corp now only owns less than 36%, so saying that KPJ must be owned wholly by a bumiputra mandated company is not quite true. The only possibility Johor Corp can not sell what it owns now, less than 36%, to nonbumiputra entity. Privatization can still carry on.


2021-10-02 17:05 | Report Abuse

Yes definitely better than putting money in bank deposits.