
MM78 | Joined since 2017-10-25

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2019-09-05 11:55 | Report Abuse

@ ckca Seriously I sometimes also kesian all those ikan bilis got con into this to help me make money from IDSS. But dont blame me, you buy at high price because you listen to those promoters.. want to blame, blame them, I did not caused you to buy at high price. I am here to collect my IDSS money only.
05/09/2019 11:41 AM

Crocodile tears shedding with baseless claims of kNowing EPF buying limit, old ship failing fears , ex CEO runs away fearing suit by EPF........... now sobbing stories of “young children” conned by promoters of Armada. Arya, this forum is also filled to the brim with well informed adults investing base on good fundamental. You will be challenged for your pretence to be saviour of the ignorant investors but this is an adults only site, all children play fire at their own risk.


2019-09-05 11:34 | Report Abuse

Ckca , as I expected they cant read. I already posted you not yet read or dont know how to read ? Generator failure.. you know what is a generator or not ? When machine needs more power to fight a rough situation... they put generator into high stress.. and if failed. Of cos now they repaired.. now no storm yet, when storm hit again, see what will happen to it.
05/09/2019 11:17 AM

I certainly know what is a generator on onboard ship as I operated and service them before, and you can’t assume Kraken has no spare generators , obviously you simply shoot from assumptions. Generally a ship would have 3 or 4 generators , running 2 or 3 with at least 1 standby for any emergency. During rough weathers, all generators run simultaneously to prevent main engine tripping should any generator/s tripped and in case of FPSO, it is anchored I believed during the operation .
Correct or not ? I stand to be corrected , Chief ckca , sir.


2019-09-05 11:16 | Report Abuse

I suspect you are almost done........ run


2019-09-05 11:12 | Report Abuse

Come on ckca, we are all waiting for your expert answers on the ship’s operation failures in rough sea ( video if u like ) and authoritative statements on EPF trading limit , sir/ madam. We are such eager students of your catastrophic stories of Armada failing, it is going to be quite entertaining , I hope .


2019-09-05 11:08 | Report Abuse

@ LeslieGoh ckca and moneykj1the comment same like pearl white, all from shorties group.
05/09/2019 11:05 AM

I have the same impressions of your suspicions


2019-09-05 11:02 | Report Abuse

ckca, I am still waiting for the answers on your claims the FPSO Kraken can’t operate in rough sea and likely to break down and you know EPF daily trading limit.

I want to believe you if you can provide credible answers, may be even with due respects for your deep know how and know who .


2019-09-05 10:53 | Report Abuse

One can’t invoke the name of any God while doing values destruction of IDSS sin.


2019-09-05 10:39 | Report Abuse

Looks like the IDSS traders are the chicken soaked in the rising tide, trying to make morning calls.


2019-09-05 10:12 | Report Abuse

I am ready to buy more should it slide back ......... my past buys on the dip help me a a lot , though I rather enjoy the price rising more than the dip as I know many others will enjoy the profit together. IDSS traders are on the reverse , they try to make profit by fear mongering at value destructions. You can decide which way is sinful and bad karma creation.


2019-09-05 10:00 | Report Abuse

@ckca Kraken in the rough North Sea... engine will fail anytime
05/09/2019 9:47 AM

Apparently you do not know how ships are designed and can operate safely in rough seas. It makes me wonder if you would shit your pants if you really sail in North Seas or Pacific Ocean during winter time.
You also talked like you run EPF, knowing it’s daily trading limit. Please tell us what is your way of knowing EPF ‘s trading limit.
Again, you just talk to spread fear to short it.


2019-09-05 09:48 | Report Abuse

EPF’s 6.1 million share purchase could not impact much on yesterday Armada share movement , it is small versus the overall traded volume. Armada is on rising tide , IDSD traders’s pissing may drown themselves if ,any other small traders don’t buy their fear mongering stories such as old ships, rough seas and declining oil demands base on alternative energy. We have yet see ships, trucks, big aeroplanes run on battery power yet, not for a long time. The so call plug in hybrid cars still need electric tribal charging generated from power plants.
ckca , you are apparently fear mongering , for entertainment or now for pure profit agenda ( as you admitted you are shorting ) even at others’ suffering when the share is talked down.


2019-09-05 09:32 | Report Abuse

@ ckca” I have to admit, it is a Armada is still an excellent counter to make money, this time is not for contra gain but by shorting it because it is on its way down. Charts says over-bought 05/09/2019 7:42 AM“
Finally you have admitted your intention is to short Armada hence talking negatively about Armada .
As for the rough sea video, good try , to scare those who have not gone out to the deep seas. It is norm especially it is norm during the winter time sea can be very rough but all ocean going ships are designEd to face those challenges. I have been there and seen that many time over . As said this site is meant for adults who can not be conned by your intention.
You have no credibility as a IDSS trader to assess Armada base on its fundamental. Your mind is full of profit at destructions and fear mongering. Time will proof that and karma shall follow.


2019-09-04 13:39 | Report Abuse

@ SuperPanda moneykj is experience guy in trading, have respect on him but if he can express his opinion in a manner way, i would respect more
04/09/2019 12:13 PM

Being experienced does not entitle one to be abusive of others , judging from his bad mouthing of so many forumers and his intrusive and abusive behaviours here within a short span of time, one wonder what type of person with such bad manners.


2019-09-04 12:04 | Report Abuse

we can put them in the right place


2019-09-04 11:23 | Report Abuse

Moneykj1, we never reject contrarian views at this site but we reject abusive and repeating outdated postings with outrageous claim of “bad “ situations. Saying ex CEO ran away fearing sued by EPF is just misleading at best and calling fellow forumers by all sorts of names can cause unnecessary squabbling . If you and CKCA are so convinced Aramada is a sinking ship , why bother to fight so hard here? Just divest if you hold Armada share and buy other share, get some life elsewhere if you don’t have a Armada share. Din’t ckca says he loves watching us loosing as entertainment ? Hence I see both of you are fear mongering exceeding normal contrarian views giving. I understand you have many other postings in other forums creating similar phenomenon ?, ( John Chew, is your real name ? )


2019-09-04 10:56 | Report Abuse

Every one invests at their own risks and rewards appetite , for large stock base share like Armada, a few millions share is a drop in the ocean. Small investors directions can’t do much impacts , hence I am not here to trap anyone .
Investments are meant for well informed adults not for few fear mongering IDSS to create panic.


2019-09-04 10:32 | Report Abuse

MoneyKJ1, you continue to use vulgar words and spreads contempt in this site , calling people animals in your response. It shows how low are you in your up bringing .


2019-09-04 10:22 | Report Abuse

@Mabel “ As I said earlier Armada has gone into a little bit of trouble largely due to the poor oil price since 2015.

Bumi Armada has two main core, the first which is OSV or Offshore Service Vessel and the other FPSO which stands for Floating Production Service Offload”

5 stars to Mabel for sharing good business insights with great analysis of Armada.

Thanks for your great effort.


2019-09-04 10:12 | Report Abuse

If one claims to able predict share price accurately enact trading day, he does not need to argue here , just buy when it is lower than predicted price and sell when the shares price go up higher . The forum here is not for childish daily challenges of price predictions for ego purpose or hidden agenda but for adults to respectfully share insights in investment of the share. We don’t have to feed badly behaved children with more sweets just because they make enough irritable noises here.


2019-09-04 09:47 | Report Abuse

Moneykj1, as a long term and diversified investor , I sleep well most of the time , share price fluctuations are norm for me. As said before, I bought Armada as high as 71 cents and as low as 15.5 cents ( and you said you are not interested to know ) , a few cents fluctuations every now and then is not my main concern. I believe in fundamentals of the share more than the toxic spilling postings from you and CKCA with outdated reports trying to scare people off a rising share like Armada. Name calling of those who disagree with you not only discredit you in the eyes of others but it would work like a bad karma to you as you claim you believe. It is clear as day light , you are exceptionally hard working to spread fear and contempt here. You have hidden agenda with the aggressive postings here within so short time after the latest Armada report is out, the same as CKCA on his RM 10 billions stale story. As both of you are so negative, just divest and invest in other shares ,why bother if we are going to “loose” money in Armada ?


2019-09-03 16:03 | Report Abuse

It looks like these ckca and MoneyKj1 are full time naysayers of Armada, as they aggressively rebuke like a pair of Siamese Twin on any positive assessment of Armada. Their aggressiveness and frequencies speak volume , I cant rule out IDSS syndicated effort.


2019-09-03 14:50 | Report Abuse

A seng
We have perhaps seen the worse of Armada with the largest cost incurred with impairment due to Kraken underperforming in year 2018. I like Armada’s high operating margins which is able to pay for the finance costs while potentially some of the impairment may be written back as Kraken performance improves. So the old story of former CEO run away is exaggerated maliciously , indeed I see it is good to have a change for a new CEO who can turn around the Kraken situation and improve the OMS division. It is your own money, you invest base on your business decision and risk appetite.


2019-09-03 12:10 | Report Abuse

Hi CKCA, we are aware of the RM 10 billions debt and the share price has long reflected the market concerns on this for a long time, it rebounded back from the low price of 15 sens since. The market confidence determines the price and it is on uptrend reflecting better situations for Armada . It is good the former CEO resigned as he was under performing as far as investors are concerned.
To say you are here enjoying seeing those people who don’t agree with you loosing money as entertainment is at best wicked but by right is not your business unless you are part of IDSS trying to talk down the price. Move on and live some life.


2019-09-03 11:40 | Report Abuse

MM78 It is apparent Armada share price is on up trend and some short sellers are desperate to talk down despite the situations turn better. Many long term investors may resist these IDSS syndicate constant negative talks better than those who want immediate gratification from their buy low sell high. Let us keep our faith base on rationale and ignore those who tried all ways including abusive postings to intimidate those who do not succumb to their tricks..Indeed , we also need to beware of the on going trade war between China and USA, currently impacting world trade but Trump may just change course to save his Presidential re-election. Recession may come sooner or later is anyone’s guess.


2019-09-03 05:45 | Report Abuse

It does not matter how much anyone owns a particular share but we all want to be alert against the hidden agenda of persistent negative postings by some on Armada and yet remain active in this particular forum . Logically if one is so negative about Armada, one would divest and move on to other share .


2019-09-02 17:59 | Report Abuse

We want to avoid name calling in this forum lest it descend a squabbling site just like in SAPNRG. Contrarian views are not prohibited but let us tempered with care instead of keep pouring the same. Suspect some just want to disrupt this forum as they maybe linked to IDDS activities. Let us keep it civil here, make money and enjoy the profit from our chosen pathway.


2019-09-02 13:09 | Report Abuse

RJ 87, I agree to ignore those wet blanket attention seekers ....


2019-09-02 12:50 | Report Abuse

Moneykyj1, it is alright if you can’t grasp the meaning of keeping faith in long term investment in a good potential share. I don’t pretend to know all anyway but encourage others to ignore some noise makers of constant negativities . It is a contrarian views to wet blanket type.


2019-09-02 12:08 | Report Abuse

Superpanda, I am glad we do have investor minded forumers here like Mikekim. Mabel, yourself, stockraiders and many others who take time and effort to analyse the Armada business situations and share insights . This helps to keep faith of many in investing instead of mere speculating and resist those who have continue to talk down the market sentiments . Thanks to all for the real sharing.


2019-09-02 11:43 | Report Abuse

I had an initial batch of 71 sens average price and continue to invest till the level of 15.5 sens to average down to less than 30 sens base on my faith that Armada is under value . I believe Armada would rise up given its FPSO has gone through its teething period and Kraken is getting up to its performance level plus OSV utilisation level has improved to 51 % and may get even better in future and Claire court case pending decision by Nov/ Oct.
I have had my up and down but choose not to be a wet blanket or else I would have divested this particular share instead. I vote with investment instead of talking negatively on my initial mistakes. . I am glad I stick to the faith otherwise I would have to wait till it is beyond 71 sens level.


2019-09-02 11:05 | Report Abuse

At potential PE of less than 5 at the moment and net cash flow of around RM 300 millions at last quarter profit level at moment, BA is a good bet. Once Kraken is supposedly making progress, so why so skeptics about Armada ? I am not here to satisfy my ego but to make profit,. ...


2019-09-02 10:55 | Report Abuse

Wongws, simple common sense tells me a potential EPS of more than 4 cents per year plus potential Claire court case win is making Armada TP of no less than 50 cents by financial year end. No need lengthy repeats of what have been written here before. It is not a chicken-out case but no need to fight egoistic arguments to descend to the level of SAPNRG forum whereby most of the postings are calling names of each other repeatedly like children squabbling .


2019-09-02 10:03 | Report Abuse

There are enough FA and TA analysis posted here, you make your own conclusion , Moneykj1. I have no intention to add further , you invest or divest at your own risk. As said a contrarian views are not prohibited here but a repeating wet blanket adds no further purpose .


2019-09-02 09:35 | Report Abuse

Some people just want to make contrarian comments versus the market trend of a particular share ; they become hyperactive to make negative comments to hopefully talk down the confidence of retailers for whatever purpose. Common sense tell us if they are so negative they can invest in other shares.Occasional contrarian views can be useful for alerting the risks and rewards of investing in a particular share but not constantly wet blanket. One has to earn credibility through good analysis both in FA or TA and proven reliably correct , some times. Not simply shoot and quarrel in the forum. Hopefully the Armada forum does not fall into a quarrelling SPRNRG level.


2019-08-30 23:03 | Report Abuse

Many still don’t get comfortable despite Armada has done well hence cash out so early, fearing it may drop back. Can’t one accept Armada is bound to have turning point after so long in the negative ? Indeed it is heartening to see OMS vessels achieved 51 % utilisation rates , it may even improved further next few quarters. Armada may achieve beyond 4 cents EPS in this FY 20 hence 50 cent price target is not unreasonable and isn’t the Claire court case expected to be concluded by Oct 2019 ?


2019-08-30 16:53 | Report Abuse

Too early to sell after waited so long.


2019-08-30 12:05 | Report Abuse

Mikebill, what does code word 100 mean ?


2019-08-30 11:43 | Report Abuse

Trending up with momentum , looking good. Can be an exciting afternoon. Don’t miss the boat


2019-08-30 07:32 | Report Abuse

Hockben, I was often irritated by IK’s consistent inconsistency or attention seeking antics here., but decided not any more.Any attempt to tell him to restrain himself is futile and he seems proud of that achievement. We are here to share what we know and make money while beware of the attempts of market manipulative influence by some.


2019-08-22 06:29 | Report Abuse

Just ignore IK, he is attention deficit . Don’t quarrel but make this site worth participating.


2019-08-14 16:24 | Report Abuse

SYChan, Please do not bring in racial stereotyping here, it does not help anyone. There are idiotic people in any race except whether more or less. We want to have more meaningful postings here related to the stock. We can choose to ignore IK who tends to boast and show off his so called predictive skills.


2019-08-14 12:15 | Report Abuse

SYChan, if you continue to repeat pasting same posting, you are no different from IK


2019-08-09 20:01 | Report Abuse

Zhihern 98 ,

Agreed with you , let us just ignore IK.


2019-08-09 17:53 | Report Abuse

I don’t think IK is stupid but has hidden agenda to talk cock here despite we reminded him he can be a nuisance with his egoistic talks here.


2019-08-09 12:52 | Report Abuse

IK dont talk cock that you pushed it higher , it is a bad joke . Prove it you can push it higher than 24 sens, we can salute you.


2019-08-01 08:43 | Report Abuse

IK you are really pissing many off by posting so many numbers repeatedly. You have become quite a nuisance. Have some self respects, will you. Post something useful


2019-07-30 20:04 | Report Abuse

IK, is just a boasting investor who keep talk rubbish , making inconsistent stands from time to time .


2019-07-29 15:43 | Report Abuse

His objective is to talk down the share price among those who listen to his baseless assumption.


2019-07-29 15:42 | Report Abuse

IK is just an attention seeker with boastful predictions, doubt if he/she really hold so much Armada share from his ever changing price target to buy .
29/07/2019 3:41 PM


2019-07-26 19:13 | Report Abuse

I give up on IK anyway .