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2018-01-27 17:13 | Report Abuse

HY love to pay taxes like PetronM
Very good, I want to know Chinaman company more, but Apple also is a Chinaman company, it basically hire all Chinaman, but Apple don't want to pay taxes, what is the catch?


2018-01-27 17:09 | Report Abuse

Just pray hard HY will not end up like BAT
Pay LHDN until down all the way to zero!
Pray hard I say, don't stop praying.


2018-01-27 17:06 | Report Abuse

HY can survive and pay taxes?
Apple also don't want to pay a single cent!!
Apple is so big compare to HY.
Apple got $38bil tax bill to pay in eight years
And Apple is the biggest blue chip in the world!


2018-01-27 16:59 | Report Abuse

HY can contribute to our annual tax revenue target: last year gst revenue is RM 42 bil, not so bad I think, but it is not enough, we need double it next year, 2018 budget is very tight, need a lot of money, you know what, erection want money, we are not Donald Trump can save a lot of money in erection, we spend like Clinton campaign, very costly, HY can show their support and pay the taxes.


2018-01-27 16:49 | Report Abuse

Which company like to pay taxes?
I want to tell LHDN
Just give me the name so that I can report to LHDN so they can donate all their money to contribute to the tax and benefit everyone.


2018-01-27 16:48 | Report Abuse

HY love to pay taxes??
Tomorrow I go report to LHDN
Tomorrow is Sunday but LHDN also work on Sunday
You think we so free like western country?


2018-01-27 16:45 | Report Abuse

Which company like to pay taxes?
I want to tell LHDN
Just give me the name so that I can report to LHDN so they can donate all their money to contribute to the tax and benefit everyone.


2018-01-27 16:41 | Report Abuse

Malaysia company all wait to pay tax until bankrupt.
All listed company wait to die only


2018-01-27 16:40 | Report Abuse

Other country bank interest so low.
Why BNM want to impose higher tax??


2018-01-26 15:43 | Report Abuse

Naked Shorting

What is 'Naked Shorting'
Naked shorting is the illegal practice of short selling shares that have not been affirmatively determined to exist. Ordinarily, traders must borrow a stock, or determine that it can be borrowed, before they sell it short. Due to various loopholes in the rules, and discrepancies between paper and electronic trading systems, naked shorting continues to happen.

BREAKING DOWN 'Naked Shorting'
With naked shorting, an investor sells shorts associated with shares that they do not possess and have not confirmed their ability to possess. If the trade associated with the short needs to take place in order to fulfill the obligations of the position, the trade may fail to complete within the required clearing time because the seller does not actually have access to the share. The technique is seen as very high risk, regardless of its associated legal entanglements, but has the potential to yield high rewards.
While no exact system of measurement exists, most systems point to the level of trades that fail to deliver from the seller to the buyer within the mandatory three-day stock settlement period as evidence of naked shorting. Naked shorts may represent a major portion of these failed trades.

Naked Shorting and Liquidity
Naked shorting can affect the liquidity of a particular security within the marketplace. In cases in which a particular share is not readily available, naked short selling allows a person to participate within the associated activity even though they are unable to actually obtain a share. If additional investors become interested in the shares associated with the shorting, this can cause an increase in liquidity associated with the shares as demand within the marketplace increases.

Regulation Regarding Naked Shorting
The practice of naked short selling was banned within the United States in 2008 after the financial crisis of 2007/2008, as such activities contributed to the downward economic trend by allowing manipulators a chance to force stock prices down without regard for normal stock supply/demand patterns. The ban applies to naked shorting only and not to other short-selling activities.

In 2007, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) amended Regulation SHO to further limit possibilities for naked shorting by removing loopholes that existed for some broker/dealers. Regulation SHO requires lists to be published that track stocks with unusually high trends in "fail to deliver" shares. Some analysts point to the fact that naked shorting, albeit inadvertently, may help markets stay in balance by allowing the negative sentiment to be reflected in certain stocks' prices.

Participants in naked illegal short selling activities can be charged with a crime based on the SEC regulations. In 2014, two Florida State University professors were charged with participating in the illegal practice that resulted in approximately $400,000 in revenue. Ultimately, the accused agreed to a settlement with the SEC in the amount of $670,000.


2018-01-26 02:49 | Report Abuse

pitchbend• Sep 22, 2017, 8:54 AM
Naked short selling is unrelated to bitcoin markets. It's something that happens in stock markets where stocks take 3 days to settle after the trade, it's when a trader shorts a stock he doesn't have, so the trade might fail is he isn't able to deliver to the buyer.

On bitcoin spot markets settlement is instant and the exchange doesn't allow you to short without borrowing first the BTC you are about to short.


2018-01-26 02:33 | Report Abuse

This is why you can’t win the professional because they can naked short selling.

Naked short selling
Page issues

Schematic representation of naked short selling in two steps. The short seller sells shares without owning them. He then purchases and delivers the shares for a different market price. If the short seller cannot afford the shares in the second step, or the shares are not available, a "fail to deliver" results.
Naked short selling, or naked shorting, is the practice of short-selling a tradable asset of any kind without first borrowing the security or ensuring that the security can be borrowed, as is conventionally done in a short sale. When the seller does not obtain the shares within the required time frame, the result is known as a "failure to deliver". The transaction generally remains open until the shares are acquired by the seller, or the seller's broker settles the trade.[1]

Short selling is used to anticipate a price fall, but exposes the seller to the risk of a price rise.

In 2008, the SEC banned what it called "abusive naked short selling"[2] in the United States, as well as some other jurisdictions, as a method of driving down share prices. Failing to deliver shares is legal under certain circumstances, and naked short selling is not per se illegal.[3][4][5] In the United States, naked short selling is covered by various SEC regulations which prohibit the practice.[6]

Critics, including's Patrick M. Byrne, have advocated for stricter regulations against naked short selling. In 2005, "Regulation SHO" was enacted; requiring that broker-dealers have grounds to believe that shares will be available for a given stock transaction, and requiring that delivery take place within a limited time period.[4][7]

According to data compiled by the SEC and Bloomberg, naked short selling of the shares of Lehman Brothers may have played a role in the North American markets crisis of 2008.

As part of its response to the crisis, the SEC issued a temporary order restricting short-selling in the shares of 19 financial firms deemed systemically important, by reinforcing the penalties for failing to deliver the shares in time.[8] Effective September 18, 2008, amid claims that aggressive short selling had played a role in the failure of financial giant Lehman Brothers, the SEC extended and expanded the rules to remove exceptions and to cover all companies, including market makers.[2][9]

A 2014 study by researchers at the University at Buffalo, published in the Journal of Financial Economics, found no evidence that failure to deliver stock "caused price distortions or the failure of financial firms during the 2008 financial crisis" and that "greater FTDs lead to higher liquidity and pricing efficiency, and their impact is similar to our estimate of delivered short sales."[10]

Some commentators have contended that despite regulations, naked shorting is widespread and that the SEC regulations are poorly enforced. Its critics have contended that the practice is susceptible to abuse, can be damaging to targeted companies struggling to raise capital, and has led to numerous bankruptcies.[6][11] However, other commentators have said that the naked shorting issue is a "devil theory",[12] not a bona fide market issue and a waste of regulatory resources.[13]


2018-01-21 18:24 | Report Abuse

America shut down
All exporters in bursa can go home.


2018-01-21 15:58 | Report Abuse

The worst crooks in this world is banker.
Don’t believe me?
Good luck
They are worse than drug lord.


2018-01-21 15:56 | Report Abuse

So many lies told by banker and analyst
Investor are just sheep to be slaughtered.


2018-01-21 15:54 | Report Abuse

Most investors here don’t even know what taxes business are paying.
They just know what banker want them to invest into.


2018-01-21 15:52 | Report Abuse

I don’t think most investors here understand what Robert Kuok want to tell you.
He want you to know how gov is killing every business.
Get it?


2018-01-21 15:31 | Report Abuse

You know why stock market is created?
Because the last time company don’t want to pay taxes, they create something to store the value, so they create stock market, money laundering used to be rampant in stock market because government don’t own any of the wealth, so gov now want to regulate it, to share the profit from the stock market, you don’t heard many money laundering in stock market anymore, you know why? Because there is no loop hole to do so anymore, people are getting smarter, they create new loop hole, create new vehicle to store their wealth from government, Apple is smart, they abuse the loop hole like no ones else.


2018-01-21 14:31 | Report Abuse

You know why stock market is created?
Because the last time company don’t want to pay taxes, they create something to store the value, so they create stock market, money laundering used to be rampant in stock market because government don’t own any of the wealth, so gov now want to regulate it, to share the profit from the stock market, you don’t heard many money laundering in stock market anymore, you know why? Because there is no loop hole to do so anymore, people are getting smarter, they create new loop hole, create new vehicle to store their wealth from government, Apple is smart, they abuse the loop hole like no ones else.


2018-01-21 14:27 | Report Abuse

Want run butt fat also know bitcoin
If you believe what he say he don’t own bitcoin and buy any.
You must be better believe in fundamental analaysis too


2018-01-21 14:23 | Report Abuse

Yes, stocks are up. But 80 percent of the value is held by the richest 10 percent.

(Michael Nagle/Bloomberg)

In a recent piece for this page, I focused on how well the stock market’s been doing since President Trump was elected. Although explaining market movements is a bit of a fool’s game, especially as bull can turn to bear awfully quickly, I asserted that there’s something rational going on. Market participants are bullish on Trump because they believe that, despite some rhetoric about helping the middle class, he’ll cut taxes for the wealthy and for corporations, cut back on market oversight, and spend more on defense.

I suspect the political barriers to achieving this agenda are higher than either Trump or market participants are pricing in, but even so, the whiff of investor-friendly policies is surely behind the rally.

There is, however, an important question I neglected to cover in that last piece: Who benefits from the increase in stock market wealth? Thanks to the work of economist Ed Wolff, who has been compiling such data over many years, we can answer that question.

First, there’s a bit of a myth that through indirect holdings, like holdings of stock in a pension fund, the stock market has become democratized, and everyone’s all in. Not so. Wolff’s data shows that while stock ownership has increased over the past few decades, in 2013 (his most recent data point), less than half — 46 percent — of households owned stocks, either directly or through their holdings in some sort of fund (e.g., a retirement account). Contrast that with the 94 percent ownership rate of the top 1 percent.

But even that 46 percent ownership rate gets misunderstood, because it doesn’t differentiate how much stock is owned by different income classes. Less than a third of all households hold at least $10,000 in stocks, compared to 93 percent of those households in the top 1 percent.

The figures below show that, since the late 1980s, about 80 percent of the value of the market has been held by the top 10 percent. Within that top 10 percent, the share of stock wealth held by the top 1 percent is about equal to the share held by the 90-99th percentiles; both groups’ shares are twice as large as the share that the entire bottom 90 percent holds.

Source: Ed Wolff (

The deeper problem here is the fact that wealth concentration is even more skewed toward the rich than income concentration. The median net worth (income + assets including homeownership – debt) of white households was about $117,000 in 2013. For African American households, the comparable figure is just under $2,000. In other words, black net worth is less than 2 percent that of white net worth.

When Billie Holiday sang, “them that’s got shall get, them that’s not shall lose,” this may well have been what she was thinking about. If you start out with wealth, you don’t have to be a financial genius to tap the miracle of compounding and end up with real money. If your income is your paycheck … well — “God bless the child.”

Policy can make a difference in this space, but for all policymakers’ talk about helping out the middle class, all I’m hearing about is repealing Obamacare — a highly progressive program supported in part by taxes on high incomes that provide subsidies for those of more moderate means — cutting Medicaid, and paying for regressive tax cuts by cutting spending on programs that support those with lesser incomes, like housing support, Head Start, college assistance and much more.

Look, it’s great that the market is hitting new highs. That’s much better than the alternative. But let’s keep it real in terms of who benefits.


2018-01-21 14:12 | Report Abuse

Every business I want to do
I need to know if I have any tax incentive, business friendly, and also easy to get loan.
Now I don’t think I can find any in this country, gov want to tax every business to hell, company running away from this country, young gen also run away, tech company also run away. What is the advantage to do business in this shit hole country?
Do you know how to do business?
Analysts and banker know business?


2018-01-21 14:08 | Report Abuse

Cold eye or KYY
I do not know if they own any bitcoin
But I can tell you, they are too old to understand technology,
May be they are just happens to share the same philosophy like the old gen want rent buy fat or bull get, they made money in the last market boom, and they only don’t believe win bitcoin.


2018-01-21 14:05 | Report Abuse

Investing itself is all about fighting the government.
A good investment is the one that can fight the government and taxes.
A bad investment is the one that cannot escape hefty taxation.
It has been proven a good investment,
Apple is the company that pay the least taxes, because all of their money is off-shored, and Apple is the biggest business in the world.
KLCI company all useless company need to pay tax everyday until bankrupt.


2018-01-21 14:04 | Report Abuse

If you invest in a country where politician basically control all the business, you are digging on your own grave. All the banker all the analyst are telling lies after lies, investors are not smart enough to understand this, because they don’t do business.


2018-01-21 14:01 | Report Abuse

Why bitcoin is the best investment in the world?
Because government cannot tax this business! They can’t even know who own bitcoin!
The worst enemy to any investment is the politician!
Robert Kuok agree no businessman can fight and win any politician, they can only try to escape from politician, they cannot destroy them.


2018-01-21 13:59 | Report Abuse

All the fundamental bull crap technical analysis crap is also made by useless analyst to trap innocent investor and steal their money.


2018-01-21 13:57 | Report Abuse

Investing itself is all about fighting the government.
A good investment is the one that can fight the government and taxes.
A bad investment is the one that cannot escape hefty taxation.
It has been proven a good investment,
Apple is the company that pay the least taxes, because all of their money is off-shored, and Apple is the biggest business in the world.
KLCI company all useless company need to pay tax everyday until bankrupt.


2018-01-20 18:19 | Report Abuse

It seems as if the talk of “the people’s currency” has started to sting the ears of those who traditionally have a monopoly of money, banks and governments.

Recent negative statements by big banks, and governmental crackdown on digital currencies and ICOs can be seen as fightbacks by these institutions to the growing popularity of Bitcoin.

Bitcoin always has had the potential to be a new currency free of control by big banks and governments, but as adoption has spread, the threat has become real.

Limiting its potential
It should not be seen as surprising that banks, such as JP Morgan, are spilling vitriol and rhetoric about Bitcoin being a ‘fraud’ Bitcoin reaching mass adoption and succeeding spells the end for big banks and traditional financial institutions.

The same goes for governments. A decentralized currency takes a huge amount of power out of the hands of the government who look to keep tabs on currency within their borders. Taxes and regulations of money is a powerful tool for governments.

There has even been talk about how Bitcoin is the most crowded trade, indicating that traditional trading is clearly taking a hit.

The concerns for the traditional
With a successful digital currency, big governments will lose seigniorage income—the benefits derived from printing money, and they will lose the ability to control the economy.

For the banking sector, losing the ability to handle the money that flows between central banks and the economy is at the core of the banking business and the very existence of the monetary economy.

Baseless fears?
These fears may well be a little too strong although Bitcoin flies in the face of a traditional monetary economy, and it is a decentralized system, there is an understanding that it can be supplementary rather than an undermining technology.

Apostolos Pittas, adjunct professor of economics at LIU Post, has said:

“Digital currency, as is the case with Bitcoin, helps to smooth the lending process. Recall what happened in 2007-2008 during the financial crisis. Credit dried up as banks stopped lending, and the markets froze. With a digital currency like Bitcoin, lending is decentralized, or peer to peer, and as a result, lending may continue, allowing money to reach those who need it."


2018-01-19 00:49 | Report Abuse

ICO for today Qtum, Lisk, Omisego, Dash, IOTA, TRX, EOS, XLM, XMR, XEM


2018-01-19 00:36 | Report Abuse

Time to buy Bitcoin
Next ICO to focus: KuCoin, Binance, Neo, ETH, ADA, XRP, XVG, ONION, LTC.


2018-01-19 00:09 | Report Abuse

Bitcoin support 9000 well absorbed.
Fund manager is back, Wall Street is back, want long butt fat secretly buy bitcoin


2018-01-19 00:06 | Report Abuse

Bitcoin correction is over!
Now it is show time.
:) TP 99999


2018-01-19 00:05 | Report Abuse

Bitcoin bull is back, buy now before it go for 999999


2018-01-19 00:03 | Report Abuse

Bitcoin ready to go for 30k
Fasten your seatbelts!!


2018-01-19 00:02 | Report Abuse

Buy Bitcoin now!
Next TP 30k, 40k, ..., 99999, 100k!!

News & Blogs

2018-01-17 22:41 | Report Abuse

Many will probably think Bitcoin is going to drop to zero and ask everyone to sell and cut loss now. They are the people who miss out to buy when Bitcoin crash to $1700, and second time crash to $3000, and they will most likely miss out to buy the dip now at $9000, because they think it will drop to 0!!

News & Blogs

2018-01-17 14:14 | Report Abuse

After the future contract, BTC will head to 30k, 40k, ...100k, 1m, ...

News & Blogs

2018-01-17 14:11 | Report Abuse

Now is the good opportunity to buy more Bitcoin
CBOE contract expired on 17/1
CME contract expires on 26/1
Wait for this two day to accumulate more BTC


2018-01-17 12:54 | Report Abuse

GST may go to 12% after election.
Our GST so low compare to any developing country.


2018-01-17 12:51 | Report Abuse

Lhdn need to achieve target GST revenue value 5m per person, BAT become the sweet honey pot to them, they are gonna drain BAT to dry.

News & Blogs

2018-01-17 12:37 | Report Abuse

Let me teach you how to use Bitcoin loop holes:
1. Borrow a lot of money from the bank, USD is low interest right now, you can borrow as much as you want
2. Put all money into Bitcoin.
3. Declare bankruptcy and bank cannot seize any of your asset, because there is no physical asset to be seized
4. Run to other country and enjoy the wealth you have accumulated in Bitcoin.

The last time rich people use loop hole on stock market and property market, but now it is no longer working, the new toy for rich people now is Bitcoin.

News & Blogs

2018-01-17 12:27 | Report Abuse

Holding Bitcoin make me happy
Just like gold, I hold gold and I feel super happy, I don’t care about the price is low or high!
Everyone love Bitcoin, only banker hate it.

News & Blogs

2018-01-17 12:25 | Report Abuse

If you follow banker wants and buy stock market for long terms.
You are crazy!!

“We’re on the edge of cliff right now. When you’re investing for the long term in the stock market where there is no connection between stock price and reality, you’re crazy.” The gap is growing between the rich and the poor. The rich don’t work for money. F you went to school and got a job, and you’re saving money and investing in the stock market today, you’re going to lose.”
Robert Kiyosaki, author of “Rich Dad Poor Dad”

News & Blogs

2018-01-17 12:18 | Report Abuse

Bitcoin make more millionaire than any other asset class.
It is the only wealth creation market that banker hate the most.
Banker do not want you to be richer than them.

News & Blogs

2018-01-17 12:16 | Report Abuse

Bitcoin is good, full of loop holes.
Rich people love loop hole.
Stock market is lousy, all loop holes are patched by regulator.

News & Blogs

2018-01-14 12:24 | Report Abuse

Dividend yield only 8% per year?
I use computer to mine Ethereum
Three month can mine one ETH
And one ETH is worth $1500!! With ZERO money down!!
Anyone with smart enough financial literacy will agree dividend yield is lousy return.

News & Blogs

2018-01-13 23:15 | Report Abuse

This quote “You have been taught how to fish, as well as given some fish to eat.” Is the biggest lie.
Everything is free why should we pay for it?
We can just take it for grant.
Airdrop is free, no body want to take.
Stock market need money, everyone tell you to buy it with hard earned money.
And land is free too, why should we pay for it??
We don’t need to fish any food, because it is free too.

News & Blogs

2018-01-13 13:04 | Report Abuse

This is the technology that worth to SIALANG compare to all the stock pick selected by the so called value investor/ analyst/ banker who invest nothing of their saving.

News & Blogs

2018-01-13 13:00 | Report Abuse

You will ask if it is too late to invest in bitcoin?
It is not late at all. The collapse of banking will be the beginning of crypto currency.
The current stage of bitcoin is experimental, it has never go mainstream, the real market cap of bitcoin is unknown due to most of the coin are lost and unrecoverable, or the owner throw it away. It could be 20% less the market cap