
RJ87 | Joined since 2016-05-05

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2020-04-28 17:00 | Report Abuse

kaki goreng vis got bullet. this is to trap newbie...


2020-04-28 16:32 | Report Abuse

then use the access cash to buy OnG then...


2020-04-28 15:12 | Report Abuse

100K shares tak sampai...wanna create a panic selldown also invest abit more la...


2020-04-23 01:18 | Report Abuse

volume has been unusually large...if compared to the selldown during panic...

I wonder why?


2020-03-23 19:49 | Report Abuse

Yep...too many other counters undervalue and safe...
KIV banking, and few Ind Prod that less likely to be affected by recession/first to recover from recession...

This oil price battle has just begun. Anchovies will get crushed.
When weak global demand coupled with extra production...It's not gonna look good...

at the moment, it's just too high risk. My estimates last time was based on oil price 50USB per barrel. Not 25-30 USD per barrel. At price price, most oil contract at risk when Armada's customer went bankrupt or contracts being impaired.

Need to see how this CEO and CFO steer Armada. Will come back when I see evidence of Armada able to survive.

bullrun1985 Ran Jao 87 already given up, he might go to another counter


2020-03-19 21:54 | Report Abuse

Gathering cash. good to know that i'm still credit worthy...Thanks for asking.

Now alot of things I would wanna buy last time is on discount. I will focus of that first...

I know my mouth is nasty during the good times. Cos people can take it. These days, I see my friend that I used talk shit about his holding getting into depression. No point to rub it in. Across the board, no one is winner including IDSS. Maybe PDT that can short more than few weeks. Other than that, alot of people at the brink of hanging themselves. I don't know who else you talk shit to; but be abit kinder with ur choice of words. They are really at their edge already. This shit is real man. I already made peace with fella from ARBB. I shall offer same generosity for you bullrun. I'm alright if that's what you are asking.

It's a good time to start applying credit facilities if u have income. But on standby. The selldown from the real big taikor has just begin. U can see large cap tanking. Should witness another round of massive sell down at the magnitude of dayang and airasia. Everything is hitting reset button.

If u have genuine question; I will reply accordingly.

P/S. I can still talk shit if you want me to. But, I don't know how's ur condition. I would mind my words to not accidentally push u over the edge. You really OK or not? We can always continue shit talking when this crises is over.
bullrun1985 Ran Jao 87, where are you now? still busy applying loan ?


2020-03-18 23:09 | Report Abuse

Bungee jump from 36sen to 12sen liao...u want it to bungee again from 12sen to 4.5sen...

Don't alang2, just PN17 and delisted la.


2020-03-18 16:54 | Report Abuse

Yes. It will rebound...just 3-5years later if it hasn't bankrupt yet...

Now, looking at cash rich OnG sector that can ride through this storm....

bullrun1985 Panda, you still don't understand their mindset. a ppls who suffer a big loss always keep a big rebound hope if they still able to hold the shares. the situation is like this now


2020-03-18 16:50 | Report Abuse

this i agree also...keep queuing at 8 sen, try sell at 10sen...become like IK...

bullrun1985 Ran Jao 87, its your time to buy back below 10c


2020-03-18 16:48 | Report Abuse

You are playing my role this time...


See next 2 quarters how first...if armada can survive, enter after Q4 is not too late...
It might be trading at 20sen or more, but at least we know armada in better shape...

Wanna see how Gary deal with this...If he suddenly resign, then bye bye liao lo....

apanama ..your money your call..i am not a promoter..i am just to give my humble opinion..everyone of u have your own right and methodology to buy and sell stocks..

i am still optimistic regarding oil and gas stocks because the dynamic of market will change soon..

lets go back to history..both oil collapse stop at 26 dollar..dont expect below 26dollar..its already two times within 14 years oil collapse and stop at 26 dollar..so the price of oil is already at bottom ..just waiting time to swing upwards..


2020-03-18 16:38 | Report Abuse

Bcos I agree with u too....That's why I don't bother to say anything anymore...


bullrun1985 agree with Panda, you dont need to explain to those nonsense


2020-03-17 20:28 | Report Abuse

very smart apanama...now oil price drop USD 30....have to see if anymore lease receivables impairment...

See next 2 quarters how...if the management still run the company prudently, can sailang again even if USD25-30 per barrel...


2020-03-17 19:33 | Report Abuse

Monkey wants his banana...

"Nah, one banana" =P


2020-03-16 17:50 | Report Abuse

And so, it becomes PE2 when u think PE3 is low...


2020-03-16 17:44 | Report Abuse

why u guys sell VIS to hiong?


2020-03-16 17:06 | Report Abuse

Already did that...If u wait until now....Too late liao...

This is good entry...Enter 12sen...Oil price rebound 35usd, can sell 15sen. Easy money.

Still don't short. IF next morning Brent drop, opening price is already low. You short, then if brent price recovers, u lose money even price is droppping.

bullrun1985 Ran Jao 87, to protect your capital, please sell and wait for price below 10c. tomorrow possible lock down


2020-03-16 16:55 | Report Abuse

lose another 0.150 to get the 0.02sen

==>> add more at 0.78? now 0.60 lose 0.12 sen get back 0.02 sen still lose 0.10 sen.....LOL :))


2020-03-16 16:19 | Report Abuse

U see the double top?

Shark exited the first top...retailers tot will go up further and chased the 2nd top...

the end..


2020-03-16 16:17 | Report Abuse

U see the BOD...each throw 2-3mil to sapu...F*cking rich...


2020-03-13 16:18 | Report Abuse

This one unlikely...

Russia plan is to make Shale bleed out....shut down and reduce production, won't settle until 6 quarters later like 2014-2015 oil crash.

IDSS must be in disbelieve to lose money on a bad market...U see, when open that time was 14.5sen. Short short short, until up 16.5sen. Bad market IDSS also lose money...that's why, I don't really like playing IDSS. Open already low. And if u short, u r hoping it goes lower. What are the odds in goes lower and not rebound? Remember, if u can't hold; that's a big problem.

once crude break USD 40..confirm USD 70 back..lets invest in Oil and Gas stocks..buy when other people scared to buy..:)


2020-03-13 12:59 | Report Abuse

Pak tua, what’s the point proving to banggang the truth where they gonna call it fake anyway.

I have proven bullrun a banggang so many times that I decided to stop wasting my time.

P.S. Monkey’s here...this is ur banana for the day.... Economy no good, no time to give u banana...


2020-03-13 08:57 | Report Abuse

It's a gonna be a good day for short seller...


2020-03-10 17:11 | Report Abuse

I would be lying if I say I made money...but I would say I lost a lot less with my strategy.


2020-03-10 17:10 | Report Abuse

I think shale is gonna bleed out before Brent.

This come back will take a year or more.

Xtrade mode on...


2020-03-10 17:08 | Report Abuse

If u ask me, this while blardy thing could orchestrated by Russian. They have no intention to keep the oil price above 40usd to benefit the shale.

They need the capital to keep the price high. Once they can stabilise themselves, they don’t need to keep the price above to benefit the Saudi’s with budget of USD 85. And shale of usd 35. Keep below USD 30. Not enough money then die la. Less man more share.

Now is the time to test survival of the fittest.


2020-03-10 17:04 | Report Abuse

I know those bought 12.5, 13, 14, 15, 16,17sen still winning. I don’t know what wrong with u...u r not interested in buying, u have nothing to sell. And u say u have no interest in how much I hold.

Isnt it very banggang for u to still be here?

I will be nice to come once a day to drop u a banana. U know, monkey need his banana to stay alive.


2020-03-10 14:59 | Report Abuse

See how u see lo...The one selling at 12.5sen felt scammed lo. The one buying at 12.5sen mar laughing to the bank lo. Why don't u say anything about those that bought 12.5 to 18.5sen? Why? Because you are a piece of shit la. There more to discuss with people like you.

Who is the one buying 12.5sen, who is the one buying 15sen? Who is the one buying 17.5sen? If up 20.5sen, u also dunno who scammed who? U scammed ALL that sold from 18.5sen to 12.5sen. It's YOUR fault. I don't buy ur shit. I buy and sell when opportunity arises.

Hahahaha...Take some personal accountability, if u read the bull shit here to buy or sell; that's YOUR FAULT to listen to people like bullrun and lost the opportunity to reduce ur losses. By right the moment u queue to sell 20.5sen, u have to queue 14sen, 15sen and 16sen. But you are in so much pain; can u remain calm and do what's best to reduce ur losses? Can you?

I can still laugh...Sooooooo...upto u to digest the whole thing.
Here's my final words, the fire sale just about to start.

@RJ87, I think you are still young and easily cheated by ppls. why? Paktua mentioned that he cut lost at 0.28-0.26, yesterday the opening price was 0.23 and further down to 0.125, how he able to cut lost, think with your coconut before you going to trust a person. Last friday you matched 0.28 and this is the last price deal on friday, 0.26-0.275 no trade at all. all scammers here, haiz


2020-03-10 13:43 | Report Abuse

Don't say I don't say good things about ARBB.

Can start sailang at this price even ARBB.

P.S. That fella can stop wasting his time talking shit. Good time to find good counters to buy in.


2020-03-10 13:42 | Report Abuse

Inilah perjalanan sebagai traders....

Terperangkap dlm satu selldown, sapu habis semua untung sebelum ini.

RJ87 Banggang Darjat Utama.

now paktua back on good position..
latest reloaded at 0.13-0.14
then throw back big some due heavy burden..
now still hold balance share avrrge 0.14

on previously hold paktua troop was cut lost at 0.285-0.26..lost almost rm2.6m on platoons(each troops lost rm23+k)

after sold some even earn big but still not absorb on previous loser..

tut tut
dah rugi ttp rugi..
walau orang kata "alaa tu untung yg lepas bertimbun rugi sesekali xberbekas.."
tapi..rugi ttp rugi..


2020-03-10 10:54 | Report Abuse

see next quarter how first...Likely further impairment due to renegotiated charter rate....


2020-03-06 17:00 | Report Abuse

Brent oil break USD49 a barrel....talk what value, what fundamental also no use...

Time when people a most pessimistic, don't bother to tell them it's opportunity...Everything ono discount, but they won't buy one. That's why it's cheap.

Audaces Fortuna Iuvat.


2020-03-06 16:51 | Report Abuse

matched 28sen


2020-03-06 16:48 | Report Abuse

RJ87 xtrade mode on.


2020-03-06 16:34 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-03-06 16:34 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-03-05 19:11 | Report Abuse

Sardin81, yes...u said that many times already. What about the Rm1.15 Bil going out le?

Can you give breakdown for the 1.15Bil going out. How much is fixed expense? How much in the red of revenue drops?


2020-03-05 15:02 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-03-05 15:01 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-03-05 15:01 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-03-05 14:40 | Report Abuse

U should ask urself how u could be wrong. This is where people like truesight is useful.

I said like truesight, not truesight himself. That fella, believe system collapse, just shame and cry only.

I wonder in his world what else is it that he strongly believe can’t happen...i think it’s better to find of if things are possible and capitalise from it.

I never know people can walk away with billions of billions of tax payers money just like that, surprise surprise! Don’t be so sure about things u think you know.


2020-03-05 14:36 | Report Abuse

Sardin sardin...u know what’s the scary part? The scary part isn’t when you are right; the scary part for u is when you are wrong!


2020-03-05 13:38 | Report Abuse

When DEBUNKED on smtg an idiot says can nvr happen which happens all the time. His believe system collapse!

Upon collapse of his believe system, he resorts to shaming turns himself to 5 years old.


2020-03-05 13:28 | Report Abuse

Very big mouth...how much u hv collected from proxy account? how many more to go?

Types of accounting stunts has a lot to do with types and who is the owner.

Now, that’s not smtg u can put a number to...
It has value, but u can’t put a number


2020-03-05 11:56 | Report Abuse

You should be mad at yourself how little you know...I'm not paid to waste my time to search the data and evidence to educate you.

Save the name-calling to yourself. It suits you better.


2020-03-05 11:53 | Report Abuse

What am I looking for in nestle, airasia, melewar QR? If u know how to read, I DIDN'T disagree with you that ONE of the place you know it could appear. No point for me to go over. You need to go over Hibiscus because you seemed to be oblivious where else it could appear which is the root to our disagreement. So, who is the ignorant noob here?
revaluation doesnt go into PnL or debt, it goes into f*cking OCI reserve.

Hahahaha...u buy a commercial for RM2mil. Last years, property above RM1mil dropped by 16%. Your property just lost RM320K. Woahhhh...u peed in ur pants because of it? Really?

what's there to understand genius! Do tell how auditors/market assessment on the PPE valuation affects ur business and cash generation. I wanna see how "genius" you are. I'm anticipating VERY WEAKKKK IF NOT STUPID REBUTTAL.

For me, I don't give a shit if the property is rented to CIMB bank that on leasing contract that worth 10mil. I don't f*cking care even KPMG comes tell me it's worth -RM10mil. Can u understand which one is more important? The lease/contract or NBV of the property?

depreciation, impairment or any other non cash item does not bother u , cause u struggle to understand!

You are more noob than I thought. All the rubbish you spews are either baseless easily DEBUNKED with an eye closed. I know what I'm talking. YOU DON'T. YOU NEED TO READ MORE!

Yes, it turns out that Armada is my grandfather company. I'm gonna ask Ananda Krishnan to write back RM479mil in 2020.


P.S. Ananda's only son is a monk. This bu*llshit can't sell. U get the gist.

no, commodity price drop is not a factor for ppe impairment. no it hasnt happened in malaysia or anywhere in this world. u made me laugh again. yaya, impair and writeback impair and writeback, again i need to quote my previous reply, this is not your dad's gorpis store.. why am i so angry with incompetent and clueles people like u.. maybe i am just dissapointed that malaysia's equity trader quality is that low..


2020-03-05 09:58 | Report Abuse

U say money is siphon out of the balance sheet and later grow business unit in the company...I don’t really buy that...

500k asset sold for 130mil. It could be just and over depreciated asset sold at its fair value.

The accounting depreciated value has little to none to do with its sale value.


2020-03-05 09:53 | Report Abuse

This I hv to agree with truesight, what kinda management spends all his time moving money around?

Nothing better to do is it?


2020-03-05 09:27 | Report Abuse

Sardin81, what u r betting on is a hope one day KNM gets the wisdom to be honest and starts rewarding investors like u...

U r not wrong, as long as the operating cash and cash and equivalents keep growing, u hv better chances of being rewarded if compared to company that has no ability to generate cash. But u hv to decide if this is a management that will reward their investors...


2020-03-05 08:19 | Report Abuse

Bro, yes...EPS is very basic...but in the end of the day. What u care about is how much money left to be distributed for share owner after all the squirreling and squandering...if nothing left to share, what’s the point of investing?