
RJ87 | Joined since 2016-05-05

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2018-07-05 13:03 | Report Abuse

@apolloang, Ur friend make NOOB judgement doesn’t mean it’s a con stock...

I buy all the way down to 0.3...if everything materialise correctly, true good QR should be QR 3.

It’s up to the market to assess the prospect and buy in first. Else, u can wait until it’s really out and make some money from the momentum.

If u expect 7 days for result, hmmm, out of 100 bet, it’s lucky if u only lost 70bet.


2018-07-05 00:10 | Report Abuse

I do acknowledge the inability of Armada to finalised The acceptance. It’s kinda crappy...

Back to my initial question, how did armada drawdown on its large debt so fast?

Do u keep track of what’s their debt breakdown and terms? I’m not good at assessing loan and leverage...

That’s why my largest holding in my portfolio are small and mid cap...this one one quart of my portfolio...


2018-07-04 23:58 | Report Abuse

Is this guy delusional? He lost so much until ki siao dy...



2018-07-04 14:27 | Report Abuse

Nope, confident 0.75-0.9 in 9-12months period...if u think it’s bad capital period analysis, better buy FD...

Company balance poised to make more money. Still figuring, why did the margin is reducing. Maybe new paymaster is squeezing his balls.


2018-07-04 12:56 | Report Abuse

Tec fast, Making 4x less profit, Trading about 5x it’s NTA!

Given same outlook of tecfast on vis, then vis should be trading at RM1.00.


2018-07-04 12:51 | Report Abuse

Tecfast PE 33 already...at 0.60, PE will be 41. Not much changes in the balance sheet. Why the market would trade at 0.6?


2018-07-04 10:11 | Report Abuse

If it reportsRM25mil revenue and 5mil profit...RM2...guaranteed


2018-07-03 16:33 | Report Abuse

"“Know what you own.” You must understand the stock and why you own it, other than the perception that it will go up. People do hours of research when buying a car or refrigerator, but not when buying stocks. They’ll hear a simple stock tip then put thousands of dollars into it. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy why the public does so badly – they don’t believe that a little effort can make a big difference." ~ Peter Lynch

Ini kebodohan of some malaysian investors. Until now, non of the naysayer can actually come back with facts to support their claim. Bodoh like shit.

This is a good read and maybe you can grow abit of grey matter between your eye.

and I bet 10% of people who see this click the link. 10% of the 10% read to the end. And 10% of the 10% of the 10 percent digest it. 10% of the 10% of the 10% of the 10% start to search for fact and put them into excel sheet. And the only 0.00001% will actually call lionind and ask personally what's going on with their transformer. And they are often the winner.

How sore of a loser a person can be depends on which level 90% he is in. It appears that here are stupid level 5.


2018-07-03 09:46 | Report Abuse

Hating deceit, greedy and tyranny is good. Hating without a valid reason is dumb.

Koon Bee system is a type of syndicate. You either stay out or grow a brain to beat them.

Crying like a beaten is useless.


2018-07-03 08:37 | Report Abuse

U r so childish...that’s an argument of a 5 years old makes...”no one say must use real name loh”. I’m sure no one say you can’t be stupid loh.

Anyway, what’s the donkey relation between using real name or not has anything to do with if he lied? But it does prove there’s is nothing between your eye.


2018-07-03 00:57 | Report Abuse

U have evidence for such claim?How do u know?

I will be interested about your source. Please don’t quote some blogger that’s not anywhere less dumber than you.

If it’s a fact, I will agree with you.


2018-07-03 00:52 | Report Abuse

What’s the point of calling someone liar without evidence?


2018-07-03 00:51 | Report Abuse

Guys guys...if really got people that buy and sell because OTB said so...He really deserves to lose money and stay poor...

The reason is the person got no brain.

Learn to take personal accountability for your wrong judgement and you might learn something...

I’m still looking for, which part that OTB wrote was a lie? How u feel about the future does not equate evidence that he lied. You lose money Bcos u entered the wrong time doesn’t mean he lied. You dislike doing research and fact check or generally pessimistic on the future. FD is a good place.


2018-07-02 15:50 | Report Abuse

OTB, sailang!!!

Eh, why u guys monitor ur stock daily? Nobody knows how’s the plants are operating. I mean Quarter report comes out quarterly, but why the trade is done daily?

Do u ever wonder why u buy and sell daily?


2018-07-02 00:07 | Report Abuse

Everyone go bet on World Cup instead of KLSE....so far,whose analysis n bet has been making money?


2018-06-29 12:44 | Report Abuse

Who is guilty?

What’s going on?


2018-06-28 14:26 | Report Abuse

something is going on with the warrant, feels like someone is loading up on the warrant.

Why does anyone wanna do that?


2018-06-27 21:10 | Report Abuse

If OTB tapao all SSteel and annjoo Too...I Wonder what u clowns gonna say...=D


2018-06-27 10:32 | Report Abuse

Support vs skeptics...support wins...

Skeptics based their argument on personal attack instead of facts. Making reference to Heng Yuan has nothing to do with Lionind and quite dumb actually.

If skeptics wanna win, come back with statement that along this line, “margin from HBI decreases with increases electricity bills, and electricity is projected to increase by 10% in Q3”.

At least, I can do a quick fact check on what probability put here. But I can’t do shit with what skeptics put on the table here.


2018-06-27 00:29 | Report Abuse

Today didn’t drop there...tmr won’t...

Bcos what happen is if people that think it’s a poor result, they would hv sold everything today...

Today can sell at 0.46 also didn’t sell, what’s the logic to sell at 0.4 tmr? That means there are a lot of people who believes in vis and not willing to sell low.


2018-06-27 00:26 | Report Abuse

I said... explain losses...but not profit...

U do business, it’s normal to generate revenue and profit. I won’t expect them to explain how they make their money...but I do expect them to explain losses.

I will overlook if they don’t explain or announce good news. At least, it’s shows that they aren’t grandiose like others. In process of getting LOI talked as if they hv finalised a deal and they hv actually profit from the contract. That’s a poor reflect of future earnings and it’s true value. I mean it’s good if you plan to exit at high at its inflated value.

Else, it shouldnt really bother u...unless derives peace from relatively high paper value.

But I’m really interested on how they reduce their debt so fast...any idea?


2018-06-26 20:01 | Report Abuse

Are u new to stock? That happens all the time...I got burn so many times...

They only need to report quarterly manner as required by SC. Not daily. And Armada

Definition of “major” is subjective. And PC isn’t compulsory. It’s a reflection of good management to explain imminent loses although not compulsory. But definitely, not compulsory for them to explain every dime n penny they make, on daily or weekly basis.


2018-06-26 15:29 | Report Abuse

lai, 3 more sen then i can call myself so clever liao. =D


2018-06-26 10:46 | Report Abuse

How does irrational market has to do with the Management? Only way to protect investors value is continue generate revenue and profit. That’s written in QR. If it’s in growth trajectory Trading at good discount, buy. Technically, Trading should only happen 4 times a year.

But for some reason, Trading is done in every millisecond. I bet RM100 that those trade between QR neither knows the reason they buy or sell. That’s more like a fool selling to another fool buying. One hope it goes up when he buys, and the one selling hope it doesn’t. Hope, keeps u coming back but doesn’t win u money.


2018-06-26 10:29 | Report Abuse

It’s not irrelevant. If u hv a strong cash position to last 10 years, why would u give a damm if the good news is announced year 1 or year 9. It will reach ur TP anyway.

If u hv a weak cash position, which for example can only last T+7, do u think it’s the Armada’s responsibility to make ur life better by announcing news that they hv just installed one additional bolt than yesterday?

How does individual circumstances relates with a companies management performance? Now that really irrelevant.


2018-06-26 01:41 | Report Abuse

As for Management not answering question; Read this.


This kinda news affects momentary sentiments. When the news of it’s fully accepted don’t matter. What’s important is they are committed to get it accepted. It only matter contra players. I’m the project leader, I wouldn’t bother to tell when it’s announced


2018-06-26 01:29 | Report Abuse

Do u think any retailer has the cash position and the nerve to outlast the FF or institutions? When it’s over priced, retailers think it can still go higher. When it’s under price something must be wrong. Sigh.

That’s How retailers always lose to FF or institution. Like i always say, if nobody sells low and buy high, market stalls.

For some reason, retailers nvr seem to run out of cash to lose.



2018-06-26 01:07 | Report Abuse

Chl1989, do u think sifu KYY will come tell u he is selling before he sells?

Common sense would tell u he won’t either. The key point is, make ur own research and judgement if it’s a right time to enter or exit based on facts.


2018-06-26 01:05 | Report Abuse

When got people sapu when there is a sell down...time to hold tight...

Just remember if nobody sells low or buy high. The market stalls.

@star8888, how do u know?

If Heng yuan rise from 7 -19...that’s a good 2.5 increase. I’m not greedy. I get 1.75 enough.


2018-06-26 00:42 | Report Abuse

@maurice, tmr price will come down to about 42sen before shooting up to 0.6 above. Because bad market sentiment and reduced profit from same quarter last year. Might shoot up bcos 500% increased from previous quarters.

I guess I just hv to accept the people in the market are stupid especially those holding ace counter that’s not covered by mainstream market analyst. Don’t simply assume that if it comes down means it’s bad. That’s a poor assumption.

I don’t know, let see. The way I see it, the company is expanding. Read point 10 on segmental information. Sales in North Asia has been growing steadily. Who knows where is North Asia? And how big is their market share?


2018-06-25 23:11 | Report Abuse

@PrimeInvestor, https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/inventoryturnover.asp

I will confirm and get back to u guys.


2018-06-25 18:42 | Report Abuse

Revenue increased proportional to the increased expenses and inventories


2018-06-25 17:51 | Report Abuse

Inventories turnover got so fast? They rushed their machine so fast ar? I know their admin expenses went up 3X, inventories to revenue turnover drop from 180 days to 90 days? So geng?

Yeah, I think they outsourced quite alot of job...Trade payable increased 3X...It's possible to cash in sooner. I don't think new staff can start delivering revenue so soon...


2018-06-24 07:02 | Report Abuse

Anyway, the truth is simple, the act is tough. The most universal truth about market is “it’s a Zero Sum game”. So, out of 10 players, 9 losers to support 1 winner. Hence, technically all you need to do is do the opposite of the other 9. Now, that’s the real challenge. Will you buy when everyone sells? Will sell when everyone buys?

Just saying.


2018-06-24 06:43 | Report Abuse

Truth about market is it’s NOT efficient. It’s filled psycho! Filled with psycho that use irrelevant 2015 news as reference.

Let’s talk about hindsight based on YOUR common sense, about 7 quarters ago, when armada claire contract was breached, the price fell from RM1.1 all the way down to 0.51, based on your logic, “it shouldn’t be that cheap, something isn’t right”. You missed the golden opportunity.

Based on my common sense, I failed to collect at 0.51 but 0.56. The reason I buy was Armada Claire’s CAPEX are without debt and there is a compensation about RM1.5B to collect from woodside. Last time without claire’s Bad news was RM1.1. Now, with Kraken good news, it should at least go back to RM1.

Now, there are two good news that I’m waiting. Australian court fines Woodside. Armada Claire recommissioned elsewhere. I doubt the current price has factored that in. Current price is only reflection of poor market sentiments that index has fell below 1700pts from high of 1850pts. To me, that opportunity. But to you with assumption that market is efficient, then there is never a right entry point. FD is a good place for you.


2018-06-22 02:06 | Report Abuse

I think u bought the wrong counter dy.


2018-06-22 02:06 | Report Abuse

1 sen contra gain on 0.9 counter, enough to pay tax ka? =D

I think u hv bette chance with fintec or perisai.


2018-06-22 01:46 | Report Abuse

If u r not comfortable with the risk. Feel free to go Yinson. It’s decent. But definitely not Trading at what’s its worth if compared to armada.

How low can company making 600mil revenue go at 70sen, 20sen below its NTA if compared to a company trading at RM4.65 with 250mil revenue trading at 2.6x its NTA.

What are the odds? Which one has a limited downside and which one has better upside. Use common sense please!


2018-06-22 01:30 | Report Abuse

I follow since 2015. The balance sheet and cash flow statement is so much better if compared 6 quarter ago. When it paid 1.2 billion in impairment and report crazy losses.

I doubt if you know what to look for from a QR. All you know is go read people’s blog instead of having any of your own thinking ability and make reasonable judgment based on fact. Sad part is 2016 write-up still referred in 2018.

People get over their shit storm and moved on liao la brother. Now revenue above 600million for straight 4 quarters. Higher than 2012-2014 when it was trading at above 2 bucks. That’s a FACT. Not opinion.


2018-06-21 12:56 | Report Abuse

For price to come down, it only means there are people who buys at low price. Why he buys at low price? Bcos he believes he can sell high price later.

Now you! Why would u wanna sell at low price le?

The truth is if nobody sells low or buy high. The market stalls. This is a psychological game. Now, I’m waiting people who get uneasy and sell low at 0.7, 0.6, and as low as 0.5 and wait to sell to lanjiaolang at RM19.


2018-06-21 11:39 | Report Abuse

一起赚 Is not possible. This is a zero sum game. A Ponzi scheme of different variant.

Even KYY said, no one counter will go up forever. That’s the prove there is 一起赚.

Just handful 一起赚 la. We still need majority to lose. That’s life. To be a winner, we need losers.


2018-06-21 01:55 | Report Abuse

Unlike lionind, study for weeks also can’t figure anything out. Only know it’s PE is low, earning is strong.

The book smells fishy. But dumb dumb hold since it’s uptrend.


2018-06-21 01:40 | Report Abuse

1700 PTS, more to FD...play tan gu gu...


2018-06-20 20:07 | Report Abuse

@lanjiaolang, please let history repeat n make sure it hits RM19 k?

Love u loads...


2018-06-20 17:23 | Report Abuse

I only found one proof. pearlwhite is really stupid.

Who on Earth will hv one statement says
and then say

By right, if proof 3) is correct, then proof 2) is incorrect.

That just proved how bodoh pearlwhite is.

And why would EPF support le? Bcos, it's gonna be profitable soon and it's good entry point.
Anyway, pearlwhite, what's ur entry price. I follow you. *wink.

It just prove pearlwhite wants a better entry point. So, it's up to reader to decide if you wanna sell to pearlwhite low and buy back from him at higher price later.


2018-06-20 16:22 | Report Abuse

Last QR reports 30% in administration expenses, 50% increased in trade payable, 50% increased in inventories.

If capital turnover is 60 days, real result will appear in QR3. Revenue increase by 50%, it should trading above 0.8.


2018-06-20 11:27 | Report Abuse

It will rally all the way until QR out. Then, it will drop regardless of performance. If it’s good result, rocket all the way to Rm1 after the drop.


2018-06-13 21:05 | Report Abuse

Let’s talk about where last quarter EPS 9sen comes from where and if it will continue, if next quarter come out another EPS 9 despite cancelled project; can’t imagine if those project continue. EPS 12?


2018-06-08 09:51 | Report Abuse

@targetinvest, that’s a fact. That’s why I hop on the wagon


2018-06-08 01:21 | Report Abuse

If u r still holding, what would u say? =D