
RJ87 | Joined since 2016-05-05

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2018-07-22 02:52 | Report Abuse

Having that said mike, wouldn’t the best strategy is to push the price down lower, and only release all the goodies after they hv secured those free shares?

That would mean additional 20% gain if it reaches 90sen. Equivalent of additional 1 million share worth.


2018-07-21 23:59 | Report Abuse

Lagi gek sim...

I write and buy no one care.
U write and buy up few cent.

Faster write and buy more. Thank you.


2018-07-20 21:57 | Report Abuse

How many is that?

Maybe that’s why, 50 lots 5 times won’t do shit unlike one shot 250...


2018-07-20 21:16 | Report Abuse

How much total lot that u collect?


2018-07-20 17:37 | Report Abuse

Wa pia...I hold for more than 1 yr to make that 5%. Superpanda hold for few days already make 5%. Damm unfair...


2018-07-19 23:58 | Report Abuse

Wanna buy then just buy...mai talk 3 talk 4 and cock.


2018-07-16 01:08 | Report Abuse

world cup over liao...investor will start focusing on KLSE....


2018-07-13 00:54 | Report Abuse

Funny le, they issue so much shares under incentive plan. What’s the point of having lotsa shares trading at price next to toilet paper.

Two possibilities, 1) is executing ditch protocol and cash out. 2) Lock n load preparing for bull run.


2018-07-13 00:34 | Report Abuse

The one dollar is the carrot for the employees to drive the revenue up. And the market will respond accordingly as the market has no memory of this ESOS few months later.

The smart thing about this move is, they don’t increase company expenses to reward the staff. They get to keep the money and the market will pay the staff fat bonus.


2018-07-13 00:16 | Report Abuse

Mneo, to reflect how stupid are,why not wait at 5 Sen? If it has potential to fall to 5sen. 1 sen also I don’t want.

Basically, what u will do after u collect at 0.50 is scream lionind is gonna be lion king la correct? That time I’m gonna come here say collect at 25sen just for sake of being stupid like you. Lol.


2018-07-12 16:48 | Report Abuse

If go up, one side will talk shit. If go down, the other side will talk shit.

conclusion is, this thread is full of shit. =D


2018-07-12 16:29 | Report Abuse

Cilaka...GKENT hit limit up...dammmmmm

30% from my inaction


2018-07-12 13:08 | Report Abuse

If a solid breakout, then where does it go?


2018-07-12 12:32 | Report Abuse

Market wanna collect cheap before pushing it up?


2018-07-12 10:04 | Report Abuse

Superb99, chartist TP set how much? Resistance broken. Next support dimana?


2018-07-12 09:30 | Report Abuse


Discovered something funny with VIS. They literally not working between Nov-Jan and collect debts for revenue. They buy inventories but they don't use them. It's only start converting inventories in Feb to Apr. And seriously do work between May - Jul, and start to slow down again in Aug-Oct before totally stop working in Nov-Jan.

Based on the graph, they worked alot harder in Feb-Apr if compared to other Q1.


2018-07-12 00:42 | Report Abuse

The inventory turnover is highest between Feb- Apr. QR2 should be pretty good.


2018-07-11 19:00 | Report Abuse

@mikekim, i'm not an account or auditor.

Can you explain further on how market capitalization affect loan approval?
Do u mean listed company are allowed to use market capitalization as collateral?


2018-07-11 18:26 | Report Abuse

I think there is a monkey trying to create panic sell...Not very successful I see...

I'm gonna queue at 95sen and see if i can intercept a few of his share.


2018-07-11 18:24 | Report Abuse

Need to learn abit of TA, so that can take advantage difference between weekly high and low...
The thing is, trying to time the market statistically doesn't perform very well...

tsaihoo, if he guai guai hold from 0.45 he would hv made addition 0.005 and save some transaction fee...That's well documented in Intelligent Investor.


2018-07-11 16:54 | Report Abuse

Superb99 Short term TP how much?

I’m not TA fella, don’t know how to set TP


2018-07-11 12:28 | Report Abuse

TA for near short term trading. FA for long term.

If FA can project 5X increase in revenue, price confirm go up. But TA will decide how far.


2018-07-11 09:51 | Report Abuse

U mean profit? Hard to tell...

If awesome earning prospect, PE 18-20...that’s probably already priced in future earning.

Okok prospect should fair around this price.

Not so good prospect like MMSV now, PE about 10ish...


2018-07-10 23:52 | Report Abuse

And I suspect those warrant are from the bonus issue... he is probably holding 4million shares in Visdynamics...

That’s 2.4% of total market cap...


2018-07-10 23:48 | Report Abuse

I don’t know if I’m reading this right...

After disposing 100lots, he still hv 1100lots...

If he had collected them at 13sen low...
Damm... he is rich...


2018-07-10 17:38 | Report Abuse

Just difficult to identify current PE is how far forward it is into future earnings. If current price has priced in it's future earning, then better QR won't increase the price alot. But if current price has not price in current account receivables to revenue in coming QR. Market might get over excited and push all the way up.


2018-07-10 17:34 | Report Abuse

Difficult to say la...Conservatively 0.65...But I think it all depends on the market...
If market willing to trade VIS like how they trade MMSV, easily RM1.2. Because account receivables of VIS now is higher than account receivables for MMSV. The combine account receivables and revenue of VIS are almost equivalent to MMSV in Mac 17 performance and MMSV was trading at RM1.2 before shooting up to RM 2.

In this business, there are connection between Revenue, Total Inventories, Account Payables, and Account Receivables. It's something like Revenue, Account Receivables = F(Account Payables, Total Inventories). Just abit more mathematics and should have better picture of the business dynamics.


2018-07-10 14:40 | Report Abuse

I made a quick comparison between MMSV and VIS.


let me know what variables in QR that you think can predict revenue of this company.
To me, MMSV and VIS hv similar business dynamics. It's just at different phase. Hopefully, VIS will rocket like MMSV too.


2018-07-10 13:25 | Report Abuse

Because what it's worth is very subjective my friend...

A dollar made by Armada isn't worth the same as a dollar made by anybody else.

It's the same as how come your one hours of your used to do the same job isn't worth the same across each company.


2018-07-10 11:12 | Report Abuse

WB should be 29c liao...faster!


2018-07-10 11:05 | Report Abuse

u enter at what price?


2018-07-10 09:26 | Report Abuse

Lai lai lai...0.60 today, 0.7 end of this month h, 1.10 end of this year...


2018-07-09 23:56 | Report Abuse

Anyway, any of u interested with any other counter let me know...I will squeeze it through my script and put them into chart for u...

Maybe I can also learn a thing or two. Thanks.


2018-07-09 23:54 | Report Abuse

so far my method pretty good in making stories in ind-prod. Cos inventories turnover is 90days to 180days....so, is reduction in inventories normally followed by reduction in trade receivables and revenue...good to know if it’s time to cut loss...haven’t develop a method to identify when it will go up or when it’s over priced. That one need to study TA.

This one abit tough. Cos, the revenue depends on how much they pump out and charter rate. These things are not reported in QR.

I wonder what’s Armada’s plan with their OSV.


2018-07-09 13:58 | Report Abuse

What lesson can you share qqq3?

Buy high PE stock so that you can lose more money? That's awesome lesson.


2018-07-09 13:50 | Report Abuse

@mikekim, is there any data that you might be interest in relating?

Try to come up with a script that can identify the dominant controlling data to predict revenue and earnings.


2018-07-09 13:13 | Report Abuse

I will set volume trigger, I might be 3-5 sen late but it should give me better investment period.
can hv a look on GKENT...It does really look oversold


2018-07-09 08:47 | Report Abuse

Contra players get ready...market set to rebound...easy quick money...


2018-07-09 00:03 | Report Abuse

I spent 2 hours to come up with some simple script to summarize 12 QR. Decide for yourself if it's good time to enter. My reason is it's Operating Income is 15X it's interest expense.


Yes, it has financial difficulty last year but it quickly pay it's current liability with long term loan. Yes, it does shrink it's profit abit. But if the price should be bashed down by 75% from its high in 2014 is warranted or not is different story. In fact, it's revenue is 25% higher than its peak in 2013-2014.

I will compare with Yinson. We can get a feel about how market feels about gearing. Armada's gearing is pretty high.

P.S. I'm not paid to do this. I will explain at my convenience. I welcome people to discuss intellectually. Most terminology is based on investopedia. I strongly suggest you learn the importance of each terminology and what does it mean.


2018-07-08 18:31 | Report Abuse

EPF collects so that they can sell low at 0.5c to pearlwhite. Yeah right. hahhahahhaha

I know you counted the list. But what you didn't realize is Kraken is not yet listed in there.
That shows you "cincai" you do your research. And how biased you are.

I don't bother to point how "cincai" you do your research how "untruthful" in your writing.


2018-07-08 14:01 | Report Abuse

Better way which is? Buy a crystal ball?

The best “predictive” way is to study the facts and figures to predict what’s next.

U r saying WC is making investment to lose money. That doesn’t make sense. But I do think buying megasteel at a discount is a good move.

Chinese FDI capex of 3billion in steel sector is evidence and fact that steel demand is still there. Else, what’s the point of investing in them. And between the new company and lionind, lionind has a head start. 12 years head start. Fact!

As for margin, then probability has pointed out its profit margin and strong EPS for straight 4 QR.

Naysayer says the profit is unsustainable. Now, support ur claim with facts! Personal attack have no value here.


2018-07-07 23:51 | Report Abuse

The market bash down its price expecting bad result Bcos of all the above.

Assuming all the bad news above is right, current price has priced in. What? Drop another 15%?

Can u imagine types of return u get if market is wrong? And often is...don’t forget versa vice applies. And it hurts multiple times more investing in high PE stocks.

Peter Lynch said, “I mean the stomach is the key organ here. It’s not the brain. Do you have the stomach for these kinds of declines?“.


2018-07-07 01:13 | Report Abuse

Risk to much we must not.
Fall in love we must not.

The dumb version of master Yoda in the house or what?

MichaelWong, +1.
High PE expecting good result won’t go higher. Priced in liao.
High PE suprised with bad result will definitely gap down.

It falls back to facts and figures. We can only try extrapolate from last QR to estimate next QR. I hope people here can discuss objectively.

OTB, 0.3 last year shoot all the way to 1.6 with 2 good QR after turning around. That’s time the PE was as high as 8-10. It would be useful if anyone can share how they could identify strong turnaround from previous QR.


2018-07-06 15:19 | Report Abuse

Tom, 炒家炒的股票. After 炒家炒that股票, and if it's not worth what it is? What happen to the 股票, the retailers will kill themselves and start selling down lo. And what you 炒家 do? Buy low again and 炒 again lo.

The people that you guys should stay away aren't OTB or KYY. People you should stay away from are 炒家. They will never tell you to buy low. They will never tell you to buy at low PE. They will only tell u to buy at high PE so that they can sell high. And if everybody understands the importance of PE, nobody buys high EVER, then 炒家 kam mo lan dy.


2018-07-06 09:21 | Report Abuse

U r saying, everytime you buy in, it goes up 1% up. Wanna tell your story on what happens if it doesn't? U sell also mar. It's called cut loss. Why buy and why you sell le? It is only backed by monkey logic.

share with me what's ur win percentage. Out of 100 bets, u win how many and how many %..
We can easily verify this. Every morning u check in with a counter you buy and at what price, I give you benefit of doubt to claim your own selling price (*very likely it's something like bought at the next lowest and sold at the next highest each time, *rolleyes ). We do this for 30 days and we count the winning of your bets.

I wanna extrapolate see if Malaysia hv Oracle of I3 and when he is gonna beat Buffet or Soros. I will be proud of you.

I think you have better luck understanding your GF during her time of the month than understanding market's psychology. Understanding a business and understanding market psychology is two different game. You should know by now how difficult it is to understand ur GF. Market is worse.


2018-07-06 09:03 | Report Abuse

qqq3, OTB can only cari makan if people are willing to pay him.

Use abit of your common sense, if his assessment is incorrect, don't you think the market have the brain to stop paying him for his analysis nor listen to his opinion? His story 700% C AGR can last how long if his analysis is wrong and keep losing? He deliberately challenge anyone to exchange their portfolio. So far, no contender from the naysayer. Don't you think that you have indirectly validates that he pretty damm good and you are just jealous?

As for the $3Billion, I assume it will be fully operational by 2030. There few points to address here.
1) Can samalaju steel plant competes with Lionind. Because Lionind has 12 years head start.
2) There will be revenue dilution in the steel sector no doubt. Not just Lionind will be affected. All steel industries will be affected.
3) Alliance steel is 5x smaller than samalaju steel plant. What's its capacity and who are his customer?
4) If those are inevitable, then player in steel have 2 choices. i) is tapao and change business and ii) Do something about it and stay in business. I guess, lionind is trying to do something.

Samalaju cost RM12Billion, Alliance cost RM4Billion. Megasteel sold at RM600million?
Did Lionind bought Megasteel by 85% discount or what? How did that happen?


2018-07-06 00:26 | Report Abuse

qqq3, people serve u shit...u eat ar?
People ask u eat shit u eat shit mer?
No brain to think one mer?

Everybody is responsible for his own action.

Now if OTB literally ask his follower to eat shit, and if they choose to eat shit. What can u do? If u wanna be useful. Start bringing in facts. How megasteel is gonna negatively influence Lionind and it’s revenue. If possible show calculation.

Back to your previous comment on low PE means market knows smtg bad is happening. That’s why low PE right?

Between a counter Trading PE 5 expecting a bad news and a counter Trading at PE25 expecting good news. If the market is wrong, which counter has better protection for my capital? Common sense would hv told u stay away from PE 25. If the news is right, most mar PE 27. But if it’s wrong. Gap down right away. Wanna cut loss also no buyer.

Another counter that I KIV is GKENT, I think the market has misplace its price. If the market is wrong, and it’s revenue isn’t affected, or they start play golf with Uncle Lim. U wanna


2018-07-06 00:07 | Report Abuse

Like u gonna come report the 50 times u are forced sell at 5% loss.

Anyway, wish u best of luck and more to come. I hope u can come report 2% gain daily and beat the F up Warren Buffet. I morally support you! *wink


2018-07-06 00:02 | Report Abuse

tonyfuk, yeah yeah...go tell Warren Buffet u beat him too...

No point telling me that. don’t waste my time.