Investor holds stock, Traders ride the wave! - Don't chase the running horses - Buy high on higher - Don't get emotional and fall in love with stock - Rather lost Opportunity than lost money :-p Buy into deep, Sell at the pop
Blog Posts
2019-07-02 16:13 | Report Abuse touched 9 sen, next week,kena 10 sen la..
2019-07-01 22:24 | Report Abuse
real bottom already...
2019-07-01 12:08 | Report Abuse
buy anything below 25c....this is a good company.
2019-07-01 12:06 | Report Abuse
slow and steady ler... no need to rush towards 10 c
2019-06-28 11:59 | Report Abuse
got plenty of contract over sea, so that top management can always fly abroad ..going for lavish holiday, while doing business konon....visiting site, meeting, etc.. all at the expense of investors money
2019-06-28 11:56 | Report Abuse
sure can win billion dolllar worth of contract, ..but what about the profit margin?? ... slim or no profit !!... stupid CEO using that strategy to fool investors... enough la with this guy
2019-06-26 00:44 | Report Abuse
already got projects bigger than its market capital amount ..
2019-06-25 01:10 | Report Abuse
be wont take that long
2019-06-25 00:49 | Report Abuse
The Edge with its recycle news about Scomi ..clearly they are the one who lost in direction..huhu
2019-06-24 16:18 | Report Abuse
the real value is in its WB..still 4 more years to go.. your investment might produce thousand % profits.
2019-06-24 16:15 | Report Abuse
suda untung banyak, apa mo lari, especially when every where stocks tumbling no end in sight ??
2019-06-24 12:56 | Report Abuse
donno how to end up with that 20c calculation, what is important, Scomi up, alive and running strong...for loyal investors..congratulation !..
2019-06-24 12:14 | Report Abuse
when govt want to buy over toll highway, ppl claim that kills !..that one to please voters la..weii.. Gamuda still got contract here and there, and still the giant construction company in malaysia..
2019-06-24 11:54 | Report Abuse
hope to fly la.. .got new project my opinion, Putrajaya should have one ..sooner or later je.
2019-06-24 09:24 | Report Abuse
cash is good for ecrl, hsl, property, lrt project la.. and perhaps.other mega structure project.
2019-06-20 13:16 | Report Abuse
ya...we should have touched 40c la.. never mind, that means can still buy la ...still holding strong...2 more years to go
2019-06-19 23:07 | Report Abuse
that barakah is sumatec in the making, same boar with reach.. these 3 oil company dry already
2019-06-18 10:01 | Report Abuse
people tired of buying and selling stock la... for the past few week, no money can be made.nothing! .just watch stagnant price at Bursa
2019-06-17 12:48 | Report Abuse
Bursa almost dead ! up, no down..looking for new lead... but its a very good time to buy la.
2019-06-14 10:33 | Report Abuse
nobody should buy this pn17 stock.. .. let it drop back to 55 for me to continue to collect ..huhu
2019-06-13 16:21 | Report Abuse
can postpone la.. this one, not got mandatory dateline due or die ler. Tun M olso know the reality current economy. deffered 1-2 montsh nobody gonna die one..
2019-06-12 21:39 | Report Abuse
service and maintenance after that...could provide stream income for many years to come..
2019-06-12 01:14 | Report Abuse
how many company defaulted and die, even got huge assets? Same with this one.. that landed 800m property not easy to liquidate.
got possibility will be declared bankrupt or foreclosure..
2019-06-11 16:12 | Report Abuse
i have faith in this comp, esp with its recent development which looks healthy.. no more BN crook. High probability, you wont be able to get at this price anymore.
2019-06-11 15:00 | Report Abuse
glad to hear that this company actually up and running....huhu
2019-06-11 02:54 | Report Abuse
wait some more la in this dying stock.. still got people here giving false hope..pn17 candidates
2019-05-31 17:07 | Report Abuse
those who have invested and start smiling ler.. .
2019-05-31 17:00 | Report Abuse
see...2 QR in profit and mother TH also now in health QR...means what the new mgmt doing is good la
2019-05-30 14:09 | Report Abuse
not easy to sell asset nowadays, lots of overhang in property sector. property developer also bleeding..that why tile sales not enough.
This hostile take over looks simple, but to execute the plan..wait la. Seacera not that rich with asset easy to dispose.
2019-05-30 14:05 | Report Abuse
why bursa is the worst index performer in Asia?.. here , standard business rules dont apply where company with bad qr can uo, and good qr may drop..huhu. shares move beyond imagination..all speculative!
2019-05-30 08:31 | Report Abuse
of coz la RI must be cheaper than the existing mother shares, coz after the exercise..price will drop also coz number of shares increase. based on previous exp..sometimes not worth to subscribe if the sentiment is not good..can buy in the open olso
2019-05-30 00:34 | Report Abuse
haha...we never know until the day of RI ..price could be at 0.65 or 10c ... just wonder what will happen to the existing warrant??..will the ex-price still at 21c ? ..hemm
2019-05-29 10:01 | Report Abuse
last QR, some people already gave reminder that Dayang actualy not as good as what it is. That QR ..artificial la.. price drop so much and bad QR.. but still blaming others?..sour grape?..sorry, already sold long time ago...
2019-05-29 09:54 | Report Abuse
if investor sold Dayang shares..apek KYY said weak and stupid ..WTF apek KYY..this kind of people still got many ppl follow?.. oh ya..did KYY alos sold some, of maybe majority of his stock in Dayang recently?..he olso stupid la..taliking to himself..huhu
2019-05-29 09:05 | Report Abuse
looks like even Maybank, IJM, willing to wallap everything now..hemm..these 2 big companies really stupid kot? for backing Scomi
2019-05-29 09:00 | Report Abuse
usually bank will not accept share pledge if they believe that company is gonna die soon.. Maybank must be damb stupid la for accepting 202 million share that eventually will becone 5 cents..or ...the believe in something?
2019-05-23 11:15 | Report Abuse
still some people in this forum continue to post fake news and cerita white knight la, sarawk tycoon la.. now see la..all tipu only. And continue suggesting people to buy at low again?..Reminder again, Barakah in the same boat with Sumatec.
2019-05-17 09:39 | Report Abuse
watch carefully..once that road block at 23c gone..runaways clear to fly !
2019-05-17 09:13 | Report Abuse
after 3 straight QRs in loss...this report should be view as positive sign..after all..stock at damn low ler..need to wait lagi ker?.
2019-05-17 01:39 | Report Abuse
study the graph and trend, you should know what is the fair value of this stock ... its time to be in the sideline.
Not necessarily got huge land banks, the price would follow in parallel.. not easy to sell big assets. not many buyers, make take years to execute, etc..
2019-05-17 01:16 | Report Abuse
CEO enjoy all the benefits, living in lavish style using investors money, got fat salary, allowances, stock, warrant.. and in return..produce nothing from 22 Billion mc company.
same boat with sumatec boss
2019-07-03 01:07 | Report Abuse
this one..mostly going down only la