
STC1136 | Joined since 2015-07-08

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2017-05-31 13:50 | Report Abuse

Supermx2, no need to worry, i am type of old man style, "4 horse unable to chase"

Promise is promise, never give empty promise in this forum....

supermx2 Let the share price speaks, anything below Rm3, i quit..i also lazy to come this page anymore, lots of arrogant ppl and losers.....i keep my promise. STC, u better hold ur promise too.
31/05/2017 09:50


2017-05-31 13:42 | Report Abuse

Hi, how is all brothers & sisters here?

Jut came back from holiday, very good mood today.

Another 3 hours will be my cut off to this forum.

Thanks again to admin of this forum, we have a better forum to discuss / sharing of information or knowledge through this media.

Thanks again to everyone here including supermx2, as he is making a lot of joy to many of us here.

STC1136 Supermx2, DO u want to challenge with me again?

The last challenge i offer u beginning of the month, you did not accept my challenge....

I challenge you now, if AA closing price is less than RM3 on 31.05.17 5pm i quit the forum, BUT if AA close => RM3, you quit forever...

Offer valid till 12pm today....
26/05/2017 10:01

supermx2 STC1136, i take the offer now...U better hold your promise.

If i break the promise by creating new ID or anything, i will be ramp by car. You dare to made similar oath?

My technical analysis and insider are stronger than u. That one i can be very sure of.
26/05/2017 10:03


2017-05-26 12:41 | Report Abuse

So sorry, BWC, U r out!!!!!

BuyWithConviction Post removed. Why?
26/05/2017 11:47
BuyWithConviction Post removed. Why?
26/05/2017 12:06
BuyWithConviction Post removed. Why?
26/05/2017 12:16
BuyWithConviction Post removed. Why?
26/05/2017 12:34


2017-05-26 10:05 | Report Abuse

No need to curse so bad lah.....u r kind of emotional......

ok, need witness here, who is willing to?

This is my strong bet during this year....


2017-05-26 10:01 | Report Abuse

Supermx2, DO u want to challenge with me again?

The last challenge i offer u beginning of the month, you did not accept my challenge....

I challenge you now, if AA closing price is less than RM3 on 31.05.17 5pm i quit the forum, BUT if AA close => RM3, you quit forever...

Offer valid till 12pm today....


2017-05-25 18:34 | Report Abuse

Don't be so happy, extra ordinary items Goodwill 127 mil + Remeasurement gain 214 has contributed 341 mil

If follow Net Profit is only 267 mil which drop 33.4%.
Net profit margin left 12% compare last year still have 23.6%, Drop almost 50%!!!!

All these data is important to foreign invester, profit capability is reducing....

Fuel cost up a lot but hard to predict....

But Why Staff cost increase so much??? Increase 73%, but revenue only up 31%???

Well, seems 1Q is bonus payout period and adjustment will on 1Q... Assume it was high bonus payout i guess.....But is a bit of expensive....


2017-05-24 18:46 | Report Abuse

AA associate blood keep bleeding, Indonesia / Philippines / India / Japan estimate all make lost for 1Q 2017, some more TF bring in Vietnam / China / Cambodia ? How many can AA to sustain and provision for money lost on the beginning stage?

will the pace is too fast?

These definitely will scare off foreign invester.

IPO in indonesia & philippines, where is the progress? AA need these IPO to get back billion of ringgit to repay the loan thus to cut hundred million of finance cost..... No news.....TF talk big.....

AAC deal another talk big issue.....

I was so excited to be AA shareholder for the past 3 years, have confident on AA management & the way TF react show me his sincerity,passion, innovative, and management skill on AA.

But promise is promise, no excuse, can not deliver, don't simply promise. People will start lost faith & leave.


2017-05-24 16:26 | Report Abuse

Today may break 2.90, no joke, foreign fund run, IB run, small retailer run, me also run, 3 days gone RM72k.......profit drop a lot......


2017-05-24 16:00 | Report Abuse

AAC deal call off?


2017-05-23 21:25 | Report Abuse

But one thing is curious to me, EPF 's assigned fund manager from CIMB keep buying 18/05 & 19/05, because most of local IB is selling - Nomura/RHB/Amundi.....

But why CIMB keep buying, is it because they have insider first hand news?


2017-05-23 21:17 | Report Abuse

I think most of foreign invester / local IB is all waiting for AAC deal as well, wait till long neck also nothing, start cash out in case AAC deal gone case announce.

I personally feel that AA should deliver more than 450 mil for Q1 17, only can sustain with current price 3.25, anything less than it is consider unsatisfactory level.

Unlike previous hint by TF on Q1 2016, he was so quiet for the past one month, maybe result Q1 2017 is really so so only. Be prepared.....


2017-05-23 18:50 | Report Abuse

Tunepro and AAX disappointed results has affected AA associate result by tomorrow.

AA may have lower margin compare 4Qtr 2016. Hopefully, there is unexpected better results as 1 Qtr indicator is very important.

Estimated OP 450 to 500 mil.


2017-05-19 13:59 | Report Abuse

I agree what ICON brother said "night is too long", we have been waiting for AAC and AA share price up for the past 5 months has take in this consideration.

Is the deal of AAC call off? nobody know as it suppose to announce due on beginning of May 17.

Delayed? how long need to wait? this has also may affect the confident of invester.

The drop from 3.59 to 3.39 i think is a warning from invester. For me i will only wait till end of this month, No announcement i let go all my share and good luck to the rest of invester here.

As i said earlier, promise is promise, can not make it, don't simply promise as these will affect to the people who has trust on you.


2017-05-18 09:45 | Report Abuse

The next AA AGM is on 25/05/17. The sale of AAC must go through AGM. if can not make it before next week AGM, need conduct a special AGM and this will conduct on Q3 or Q4.

Therefore those who want to wait for special dividend paid most likely on Q1 2018...


2017-05-18 09:32 | Report Abuse

The promise to announce for sale of AAC is around 01/05/17 to 14/05/17. However, nothing happen, impatient invester / short term invester start to cash out, normal.

unless Q1 can deliver super good profit, if not, downtrend will continue till news announce or other goods news to u turn.

Promise is promise. can not make it don't simply promise, AngMo culture is like that....TF should bear in mind.....


2017-05-17 16:44 | Report Abuse

please don't blame this poor guy, he was make huge lost on previous AAX trade, buy 0.80/0.90 sold 0.25, very pain experience.....once bite by the snake will scare forever...


2017-05-15 11:09 | Report Abuse

AA will only up when they have contributed "improved" profit.

1.Ebita Q1 2017 must have better profit with increased load factor compare last year, Net profit must "maintained" as they will all impact to their Net Profit.

2. AA need to make announcement for confirm AAC sales within Q2, if not it is not comply with TF statement & affect invester confidence level.

3. The listing of IAA & PAA is important as they all still owning mother company AA billions ringgit. The success listing will have offset to repaid back to AA. Thus AA able to reduce their huge debt faster & lower down their borrowing cost.
TF is plan to make it realise within this year. This will push the share price at least RM0.50 to RM1 per share if deal done.

My 2 cetns comment. I will dumb dumb hold & wait for TF performance till end of this year.


2017-05-15 10:13 | Report Abuse

I think there must have political influence power only able to set up foreign LCC in China.

It may have more obstacles compare set up in India.

Therefore, wait and see the progress and don't think it will go smoothly, depend on how AA can overcome all this obstacles.


2017-05-15 09:52 | Report Abuse

I think the things need to careful is reading your statement.......

Liang Edmund will drop kau kau after trading。so becareful。


2017-05-13 15:52 | Report Abuse

So far Airasia do not issue any warrant in the market but AAX have one AAX-WA.


2017-05-13 15:49 | Report Abuse

There is few type of warrant in the market. But most of them are call/put warrant which are all issued by investment bank like CIMB/MBB/Kenanga and so on
All these warrant can not convert, the warrant will have expired date with a giving ratio to calculate the warrant price. These warrant normally issued on short period by 6 to 12 mths.
The sample of this kind of warrant like Airasia C34/C35/H1, (C means call warrant, H is put warrant)
-->something like bank to use a tools to let invester to bet for short term if you feel that AA price will up within a month. However it is very HIGH risk, if the convert price is lower than mother share price, then the value is 0, the owner of warrant - Bank will not issue even a cents to you even the time you bought at 0.15.
Example you bought RM 0.15 x 100,000 Airasia C49, you need pay RM15,000 to bank. its convert price 3.50 with 1:3 ratio expired 30/09/17. If the mother Airasia price is only RM3.40 on 30/09/17, bank do not pay any single cents as mother price 3.40 is lower than convert price of RM3.50. so you lost RM15,000.

If the warrant is issued by company, mostly are able to convert to mother share with also giving a exchange ratio for invester to convert at any time, normally expired date is on longer term like 5 years/10 years.
Sample like AAX-WA, if AAX want to issue another warrant, they will normally use name as AAX-WB.

You can refer Bursa wedsite to get more details.


2017-05-13 13:05 | Report Abuse




2017-05-13 12:51 | Report Abuse

Latest News on April 2017 KLIA/KLIA2 Airport Tariff grow

April passenger traffic up 16.9%, highest increase since Feb 2014. Malaysia Airports Holdings (MAHB) handled 16.9% more passengers at the 39 airports it manages in the country in April 2017, the highest increase since Feb 2014. Passenger traffic grew to 8.2m, from 7.0m in the same month last year. (The Edge)

AA monday will up again as continuous grow rate on Q2 as well. At least Q1 & Q2 Airasia may deliver RM1 billion profit....Those has been estimate 2017 profit sure lower than 2016, will out of your estimation.

2017 figure is showing result ALL better than 2016.

Buy now before too late, My TP has upgrade to RM4.80


2017-05-12 18:48 | Report Abuse

He is a kind of conservative analyst.

He value AA at RM1.54 (current RM3.48)
He value Top Glove RM2.33 (current RM5.13)

So if he value those big cap like Maybank maybe also value RM5.

If follow his valuation method, it is vary hard to find a company worth to invest in malaysia.


2017-05-11 15:43 | Report Abuse

Suspense tomorrow? if yes, will be a good opening on next monday.......


2017-05-09 18:21 | Report Abuse

Supermx2 Do you remember what you wrote last week, go and read yourself at below ....

Do you want the reader to kick you out forever from this forum, not believe, then you may challenge again....

May 4, 2017 04:01 PM | Report Abuse

If AA keep drop and fall below RM3 WITHIN this month May 2017, i quit this forum forever....

Even sell at RM3 i still have 80% gain.

Supermx2, keep my word here, are u able to challenge?

If AA is unable to break RM3 within this month, you will also quit from i3investor?

supermx2 :

May 4, 2017 02:36 PM | Report Abuse

This stock never dissapoint. Very good return. Many idiots are shouting like monkey in Airasia forum, but how much is the share price gaining if compared to CAB. those people should just come to invest in CAB!


2017-05-09 13:43 | Report Abuse

There is no absolutely correct selling point. Nobody can predict highest/lowest point in this world.

As long as you have set your target, realise it when it reach your target point.

For myself, i will sell it gradually in 3.50/3.6/3.7/3.8.

Then i will keep some for long term.

If AA fly to 4 or 5, i will not regret as i have get what i want.


2017-05-09 13:42 | Report Abuse

There is no absolutely correct selling point. Nobody can predict highest/lowest point in this world.

As long as you have set your target, realise it when it reach your target point.

For myself, i will sell it gradually in 3.50/3.6/3.7/3.8.

Then i will keep some for long term.

If AA fly to 4 or 5, i will not regret as i have get what i want.


2017-05-09 12:06 | Report Abuse

Anytime may reach 3.50, who is going to sell? Icon?? cruger?


2017-05-09 12:04 | Report Abuse

Today Second upward wave looks coming now........maybe after lunch


2017-05-04 16:01 | Report Abuse

If AA keep drop and fall below RM3 WITHIN this month May 2017, i quit this forum forever....

Even sell at RM3 i still have 80% gain.

Supermx2, keep my word here, are u able to challenge?

If AA is unable to break RM3 within this month, you will also quit from i3investor?


2017-05-04 15:19 | Report Abuse

Keep good manner please!!!

supermx2 :

May 4, 2017 02:36 PM | Report Abuse

This stock never dissapoint. Very good return. Many idiots are shouting like monkey in Airasia forum, but how much is the share price gaining if compared to CAB. those people should just come to invest in CAB!


2017-05-04 15:16 | Report Abuse

supermx2, don't act like a 5 yrs old kids please.

Why need to compare other counter towards AA? Want to show people how good your selection of stock?

When most of people here invest AA and get good profit (Except BTW & Investor), you seems like unhappy about people get but you are fail to have same result.

No need to prove here as nobody are care with your investment tactic.

If you think AA is not a good counter, don't invest and stop your comment here.


2017-04-26 18:52 | Report Abuse

AA 1Q 2017 result will out btw 23/05 to 29/05.

Stay tune. Estimate net profit RM500 mil


2017-04-26 17:10 | Report Abuse

Seems like JN88 no longer hold any AA share.....want buy lower price?


2017-04-26 15:59 | Report Abuse

Look like AAX spike is bought by TF & KM??

Very high possibility.....


2017-04-21 20:07 | Report Abuse

EPF is accumulating AA sahre since Jan 2017.

Will Wellington also follow? This is interesting topic.

If Wellington come back, will show strong confident from foreign invester interest despite weak RM currency issue.

TP RM4 is not a dream....


2017-04-21 09:33 | Report Abuse

BWC is challenging the admin patient, i think he will be blocked permanently.


2017-04-21 09:26 | Report Abuse

Admin, please block both of them BWC & Investo, very annoying......


2017-04-19 16:59 | Report Abuse

Finally 3.20 all eat up, 3.20 done for more than 5 million share, good news is coming soon!!!


2017-04-18 11:11 | Report Abuse

All the writer and reader who are promote AA here will be classified by BWC "Icon8888 and gang". She only accept people to use "big picture" to describe AA.

We should ban people who has very narrow & selfish view.


2017-04-18 10:51 | Report Abuse

BWC, if i were you i will feel "malu"....the reader of this counter not welcome you to appear here........


2017-04-18 10:46 | Report Abuse

"Short term uncertainties not over yet" Means AA still have uncertainty......

"expect AA to steadily recover in the coming weeks in line with AA's positive big picture" means AA is on positive uptrend big picture.....

What is the quality of this commentary....

Conclusion : AA up then big picture working.... AA drop uncertainty remain....

Please stop all this comment as you may misleading some of short term invester....


2017-04-10 14:57 | Report Abuse

sorry for my wording just now, i can not control myself when look at some arrogant statement from someone!!!


2017-04-10 14:51 | Report Abuse

What is your argument here? obviously you are just want to label those people "fail primary school" as they not vote you?

With so narrow view like you, who is the one deserve "fail primary school" label, it appears that you have serious mental + immoral problems/not respect people view, and it may be the root cause that you are not well educate since your primary school age.

Go back school & learn more, please, don't ashamed yourself.

Investo : kIKIlala dun understand meaning silent reader, shows also fail primary school, prove part of Icon8888 gang. Laugh 10/04/2017 14:26


2017-04-10 14:50 | Report Abuse

What is your argument here? obviously you are just want to label those people "fail primary school" as they not vote you?

With so narrow view like you, who is the one deserve "fail primary school" label, it appears that you have serious mental + immoral problems/not respect people view, and it may be the root cause that you are not well educate since your primary school age.

Go back school & learn more, please, don't ashamed yourself.

Investo kIKIlala dun understand meaning silent reader, shows also fail primary school, prove part of Icon8888 gang. Laugh


2017-04-10 14:35 | Report Abuse

Vote from my heart....

Investo has professionally written her comment or not .

NO :
1, cruger
2. Valuegrowth
3. Batu88
4. Wei Chyi
5. greyaero
6. Zhiying Mok
7. waihung82
8. dnn78 (BIG NO)
9. Cindy ling
10. michael_jackson
11. dayang_suri
12. small_investor
13. franky65
14. kelv
15. edkfc
16. malaysiakuku
17. Toto
18. sato
19. VinTan
20. awsomechan
21. angelol
22. wheywhey
23. Woo John
24. profes_lms
25. skng74
26. axeaxe
27. Singunsin
28. merck
29. Kiki-lala
30. STC1136

1. BWC


2017-04-10 09:34 | Report Abuse

so fast, should be Investo 6. No....


2017-04-10 09:33 | Report Abuse

Investo 4. NO ....

Vote from my heart....


2017-04-06 13:20 | Report Abuse

BWC, i am confusing as per your below comment. What is the direction from you?


Please choose one.
If you have long term & short term, then
Long term - Buy/Hold/Sell?
Short term - Buy/Hold/Sell?

Better understanding, no need to write & argue with so many words here.
Other people with lower education like ME will have better understanding

Please advise...

BuyWithConviction There is clear selling pressure. Not a good sign. Wonder what is happening. Hope it is not some disappointment with the AAC sale. Big picture still ok over coming weeks but beware of those over-promoting the short term price outlook of AA. Hehe