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2 months ago | Report Abuse
The company is debt free and not in a negative shareholders fund situation. There are worse PN17 companies on Bursa that are still trading.
The company should come up with the regularisation plan fast laaa!!!!! How long more they want? suspended for so long now!
2024-09-11 08:43 | Report Abuse
agree! buy today when it opens red.
2024-08-23 08:18 | Report Abuse
bad QR, please open low.. want to buy below 40 cents
2024-08-06 16:28 | Report Abuse
what goes up fast, must come down fast as well! good luck to those who are still holding
2024-05-29 14:39 | Report Abuse
i think its left hand to right transactions. play between themselves
2024-05-29 09:39 | Report Abuse
Does anyone know whats the status of this?
2024-05-16 08:38 | Report Abuse
when are they going to announce QR?
2024-05-13 09:28 | Report Abuse
Yeah.. I am wondering too. Why no any news on this yet?
2024-04-19 08:38 | Report Abuse
wtf? TO at 10 cents??????
2024-02-14 10:01 | Report Abuse
haih,. I am regretting for selling WCE and its warrant so early :(
2024-02-02 08:57 | Report Abuse
Come on la! why still dropping?! sitting on a huge paper loss!
2024-01-30 17:47 | Report Abuse
Not a fake news but Utusan forced to retract the news as they didnt wait for official announcement before publishing the news. So they retracted the news.
2024-01-23 14:43 | Report Abuse
yahooooo!!! thank you Widad! 11 cents and sold all 18 cents
2024-01-19 10:13 | Report Abuse
yes.. the cash rich people are buying while the those in fear selling to them
2024-01-19 10:04 | Report Abuse
if limit down today again.. what the price will be for widad?
stocks below 30.5 cant limit down. they can only free fall to as low as as 0.005, Widad has no chance to limit down, free fall maybe
2024-01-19 10:02 | Report Abuse
just buy at 12 and stay calm. u wont regret.
2024-01-19 08:43 | Report Abuse
10 cents coming.. yeah kasi sapu...
2024-01-18 15:37 | Report Abuse
sapa beli, semua kena tapao.. adei.. teruk dia orang bantai
2024-01-10 15:45 | Report Abuse
wow UEMS. what a monumental screw up!
2024-01-02 16:00 | Report Abuse
we will see 1.50 at no time! come on, Benjamin!
2023-12-29 15:55 | Report Abuse
Looks like there will be talks and news again this weekend on WCE with the opening and toll collection of the highway. So the stock is being pushed up since last 2 weeks
2023-12-10 14:42 | Report Abuse
Dalam temu bual dengan The Sunday Times Singapura, Sultan Ibrahim berharap projek tersebut dibuat jajaran semula supaya melintasi Forest City, pembangunan hartanah kontroversi di Selat Johor yang terdiri daripada empat pulau buatan seluas 30km persegi.
“Beta akan memastikannya (ia dihidupkan kembali),” titah baginda yang menambah bahawa HSR boleh dibiayai melalui inisiatif kewangan swasta di mana kerajaan membayar kontraktor untuk mengendalikan laluan itu untuk tempoh sewa 30 tahun.
Kerajaan sebelum ini terbuka untuk menghidupkan semula projek bernilai RM100 bilion itu jika dapat mencari pelabur swasta.
2023-11-30 16:24 | Report Abuse
QR today. can it be good???
2023-11-23 16:21 | Report Abuse
Supermax gonna be Superman with super duper results!
2023-11-10 11:18 | Report Abuse
hotstuff, lu benak sangat ka tak paham bahasa inggeris?
2023-11-09 09:16 | Report Abuse
Impiana has flown to the moon. AVI takan nak sleep lagi?
2023-11-02 11:20 | Report Abuse
Wahhhh.. semua kena scam.. kasi keluar news, gap up and they dumped!
2023-10-18 09:22 | Report Abuse
hari ni dah nampak akan naik balik... go go go!
2023-10-17 10:10 | Report Abuse
come on la. wake up and run!
2023-10-16 11:02 | Report Abuse
Its the buying interest caused by BPuri's development in Sarawak. Former State Secretary has taken over as Chairman and a key person working on entry of BPuri into the state which now looking positive with more projects expected to be awarded.
2023-09-11 09:29 | Report Abuse
today Mid-Term Review announcement by PMX. Sure will mention some on Iskandar region
2023-08-25 09:29 | Report Abuse
Dont get too excited. When the dividend is paid, the share price will be minus 0.33 as this dividend is not paid from any unusual gains. So at the end of the day, its the same as per your investment. you just have to hope that the stock price dont go down more from here
2023-08-22 10:16 | Report Abuse
its best to sell now than getting stucked with a suspended/delisted company. Awantec had almost 3 years to put things in order but they didnt and now facing uncertain times ahead with this delisting danger. I pity all those minority shareholders who will be at the losing end
5 days ago | Report Abuse
10 cents! I am going all in now!