
Sslee | Joined since 2016-08-31

Investing Experience Beginner
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Emotional Introvert Most defining characteristics: You are sensitive, melancholic and a perfectionist. You are a very emotional, caring and dedicated person. You believe that there is a bigger picture in life, one that we can’t really see, but we can feel. You are very compassionate, strong minded





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2024-01-23 17:38 | Report Abuse

Insas has been my self imposed max 50% in my portfolio for many years. At time when Insas drop to very attractive level where I should buy more but can't.

So this time round take this opportunity to clear some so that I can follow you accumulate at 75-85 cents level and wait for one fine day Insas spike up to take profit.


2024-01-23 17:21 | Report Abuse

Sold some. Still need to sell at 1.40, 1.45 and 1.50 then my balance 1/3 holding will be zero holding cost.


2024-01-23 17:15 | Report Abuse

Today touch new high RM 1.35. Still waiting when can hit my TP of RM 1.50


2024-01-23 09:28 | Report Abuse

The only reason to buy or sell is to make money. Else why are you in Bursa the biggest casino in Malaysia?


2024-01-23 08:59 | Report Abuse


Bankers is well know for lending you money during sunny day. So is capA now in a sunny day.

Know what is revenue bond from private investors?

Friday, 13 Oct 2023
KUALA LUMPUR: Budget carrier AirAsia, a part of the Capital A Bhd group, is seeking a US$400mil loan, half of it from private credit funds, to refinance debt, according to people familiar with the matter.

The loan will be in the form of a revenue bond, with investors to be paid out of ticket sales from 10 AirAsia flight routes, the people said, declining to be identified because the matter is private.


2024-01-23 08:53 | Report Abuse

Someone do not know how much is 10亿美元。

Do he know capA net current liabilities as at 30/9/2023 is RM 12,527,863,000?


2024-01-23 08:49 | Report Abuse

Raise cash, raise cash and more raise cash. So is it mean capA going to run out of cash soon?

去年11月时,Capital A公司就宣布,与SPAC公司Aetherium Acquisition达成协议,将部分业务合并成Capital A国际(Capital A International)上市美国纳斯达克,计划集资超过10亿美元。
Today is 23 Jan 2024 or more than 2 months has passed why still no further news on above?


2024-01-23 07:53 | Report Abuse

Good morning Mike-tikus,
What will be LSS4 profit look like for quarter 4 end 30 Dec 2023?
And the estimate impairment losses on goodwill and receivables?

COD mean from that day onward all the expenses and interest on loans cannot be capitalized and depreciation start.
Most likely LSS4 will be another lose Q4 quarter.

If only Mike-tikus has switch his jaks to Insas-WC, what will be his ROI?


2024-01-23 07:08 | Report Abuse

Is it better to talk to oil palm tree?
I have not idea but the late IOI founder Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng used to say he can talk to the palm tree.

I think what he actually mean is it is easy to deal with trees than people. For an experience eye, a look at the tree already can tell is the tree is at a stage of distress or calm, sick or healthy, in pain or at ease and etc and you can cure the tree with proper application of fertiliser, water, soil recondition, pest control and etc.

But dealing with people, you can tell them all the facts and figures and talk untill the cows come home but they will still insist your facts and figures are all wrong because how can this one and only one extraordinary Stony got it so wrong? Stony is not your ordinary tom, dick and harry and surely he can lead us to the promised land.


2024-01-22 18:59 | Report Abuse

My target this round on Insas is to collect back my cost of RM 2 million then let the balance free cost Insas to run to whatever direction it wish to go.

So no harm asking Mike-tikus for direction and he will tell you Insas is now at point 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.


2024-01-22 18:44 | Report Abuse

Mind doing a favor to Insas forum. Please teach us how to read Insas TA chart?


2024-01-22 18:41 | Report Abuse

Insas after dispose 100 million of M&A shares still hold 1,115,718,665 units 55.83% M&A

And after dispose 5 million Inari share still hold 532,008,575 units
14.20% Inari

Announcement Date 18-Jan-2024
Reference No CS2-16012024-00066
Substantial Shareholder's Particular:
Details of Changes:
Currency -
Date of Change Type Number of Shares
15-Jan-2024 Disposed 85,770,000
Registered Name Insas Plaza Sdn Bhd
Nature of Interest Deemed Interest
15-Jan-2024 Disposed 14,230,000
Registered Name M & A Nominee (Asing) Sdn. Bhd. Montego Assets Limited
Nature of Interest Deemed Interest
Nature of Interest Deemed Interest
Shares Ordinary Shares
Reason Disposal of Equity Interest via Direct Business Transaction.
Total no of securities after change
Direct (units) 1,009,090,909
Direct (%) 50.49
Indirect (units) 106,627,756
Indirect (%) 5.34
Total (units) 1,115,718,665
Total (%) 55.83
Date of Notice 18-Jan-2024


2024-01-22 14:59 | Report Abuse

January 9, 2024News

Are GLICs, GLCs selling oversea investment and buy INSAS?????


2024-01-22 13:09 | Report Abuse

Posted by Patient Investor > Jan 22, 2024 9:38 AM | Report Abuse
@SSLEE Can you share why dispose INSAS at 1.20? PE 7, the NAB is 3.50 and been increasing almost at 10% yearly for past 3 years

Insas has been in my portfolio of my self imposed rule of max 50% for many years. Thus even at time Insas drop to the level I should buy more but I can't. Hence I sold some Insas to take profit and in case Insas drop back I can buy then.


2024-01-22 13:04 | Report Abuse

To put it simply, successfully building Berhad is akin to building a better Malaysia. To me, they are synonymous.

Even if TTB successfully building Berhad into billion dollar company but looking at today Malaysia (rampant corruption and abuse of power) or capital market insiders (karim) frauds and syndicate pump and dump is everywhere and Bursa SC just keep a blind eye.

Is that a better Malaysia?

I think me attending AGM holding BOD, Management, Auditor, Company Secretary accountable, responsible and answerable.
And writing long long complaint letter to Bursa SC urging actions to be taken against corporate wrong doing and abuse of power is more sincere than TTB pretentious.


2024-01-22 12:21 | Report Abuse

Mike-tikus has been promoting jaks for the past 7 months non stop day and night 24/7/365. You still not aware!☹️


2024-01-22 11:21 | Report Abuse

My Insas and Jayatiasa is on the race to the top.
Your jaks and capA is most likely a race to the bottom.


2024-01-22 11:13 | Report Abuse

Mike-tikus, are you trapped in Jaks at high high price like you trapped in Hengyuan at RM 4.40?


2024-01-22 11:10 | Report Abuse

Mike-tikus do not know share of profit from associate company is taken out from cash flow. Only dividend from JHDP is the real money into jaks book.


2024-01-22 11:00 |

Post removed.Why?


2024-01-22 10:52 | Report Abuse

By the way how much will Insas report gain on disposal of 100 million M&A shares?


2024-01-22 10:50 | Report Abuse

The golden goose of Insas is Inari. Please check how much share of profit and dividend from Inari every quarter.

The best part Insas can choose to sell some inari shares in open market and report gain in disposal of associate company share.

Can Jaks report any gain on disposal of JHDP shares?


2024-01-22 10:07 | Report Abuse

Aiyoyo Mike-tikus don't jealous lah. Ini kali lah kasi pecah bubong.
Insas banyak canteeeeeeeeeeeek


2024-01-22 10:01 | Report Abuse

2022 : RM 156.2 million , Dividend RM 70.0 million.

2022 got RM 70 million dividend and if 2023 did not received any dividend then something is very wrong with JHDP. And you know what will happen to jaks shares price if something is very wrong with Jaks only golden goose.


2024-01-22 09:50 | Report Abuse

Insas cannot increase dividend because this has negative effect to insas preference share holders.
Preferrence share holders are insas loyal customers????

Insas pay a fix interest of 3.8% to INSAS-PB holders (regardless of whether Insas make profit or lose) and at maturity will pay insas-PB RM1.00 to redeem the PB.

I already sold all the INSAS-PB. Is leno still hold on to his/her INSAS-PB?


2024-01-22 09:24 | Report Abuse

Can you write to jaks IR: to confirm whether jaks received any dividend from JHDP in 2023 and had Jaks takeup the option of addition 10% JHDP shares

That will be very helpfull instead of recycle all those old news.


2024-01-22 08:36 | Report Abuse

Will it be "Ini kali lah" the perfect storm and tsunami strike together??


2024-01-22 08:29 | Report Abuse

If you want to be a Millionaire, start with a billion dollars and launch a franchise AA airline. That will be the sure way to make you a millionaire.


2024-01-21 20:11 | Report Abuse

If not careful Stony will most likely end up in Jail or become Karim neighbor in Dubai.

By the way you are most welcome to be Stony cellmate if Stony end up in jail.


2024-01-21 19:50 | Report Abuse

The question why somone in China, USA, Korean or Japan (by the way the JV partner of AA Japan choose to close shop) want to set up with AA brand airline and pay loyalty fees to Brand AA for nothing?

Do you think the current controlling share holder(JV partner)of Thai AA and Indonesia AA will pay any loyalty fees to Brand AA?

By the way Stony bought back Philippine AA (40% to 100%) from the JV partner for undisclose sum (without disclosing S&P term/condition and shareholders approval) and consolidate the PAA billion of liabilities/negative equity/accumulated losses into capA book.

AA India bought over by JV partner tata group and tata kick Stony out of India.

Do you know previously AAX and regional JV AA never make profit due to Stony overcharge lease fees to them for using lease planes from AA plane leasing company.
Note: Under pressure Stony sold capA leasing company and pay fat dividend to capA shareholders which benefited Stony the most)

The listing of Capital A’s brand royalty and aircraft leasing unit in the US is nothing more then day light robbery by Stony to take out what is righfully belong to capA aviation before dumping capA aviation to AAX.

Currently what capA leasing unit is:
Orderbook of 362 aircraft to be delivered over the next 12 years, beginning 2024. Of the 362, financing is secured for 73 aircraft through Sales and Leaseback (SLB) arrangement with several lessors.


2024-01-21 17:21 | Report Abuse

Bottom line: AirAsia Brand is going it's franchising business...just like Macdonald/Starbucks...both are still Negative Equity...famous Brand worldwide...having such competitive advantage..

What franchising business?
Selling AA Brand fry chicken, burger, nasi lemak, coffee, tea or me?


2024-01-21 09:08 | Report Abuse

Dato’ Sri Thong Kok Khee *166,064,962 25.05
Dato’ Thong Kok Yoon ** 74,203,648 11.19

*Direct and deemed interest by virtue of his family
members’ interest and his substantial interest in M&A
Investments International Limited, Immobillaire Holdings
Sdn Bhd, Baktihan Sdn Bhd, Winfields Development Sdn
Bhd and Montprimo Sdn Bhd.

** Direct and deemed interest by virtue of his family
members’ interest and his substantial interest in Perak
Traders Holdings Sdn Bhd and Baktihan Sdn Bhd.

Baktihan Sdn Bhd 21,746,400 3.28
Bahtihan is deemed interest of both Dato’ Sri Thong Kok Khee and Dato’ Thong Kok Yoon

Dato’ Sri Thong Kok Khee + Dato’ Thong Kok Yoon
deemed interest: 25.05 +11.19 - 3.28 = 32.96%


2024-01-21 08:30 | Report Abuse

29-Jul-2021 30-Jul-2021 Private Placement 333,000,000 3.100 Additional Listing

Sometime I just wonder why this Inari 10% PP purchasers spend RM1,032.3 million for 333 million inari shares. Shouldn't they spend the 1.0323 billion take over Insas then use Insas cash to pay off RM 1.032 billion and will still owned 532,008,575 inari shares and everything inside Insas?

On every measurable yardstick Insas is deeply undervalued or a deep value trapped.
So in investing 1+1 can never equal to 2.


2024-01-21 07:29 | Report Abuse

3iii is telling you owed up to you over promotion/mistake that you are so sure of NETX and even telling everyone you sold 8 houses to invest into NETX.

Stockraider even day dreaming he will be multimillionaire once NETX break thro' RM 1 or even RM 2. Luckilly he know how to cut win and earned 2 myvi. But how about those still holding NETX believing in your story telling that NETX will be the next superstar?

You definately owed them an apology. Is saying sorry so hard?

Please learnt your lesson and never overpromised. It is better to underpromise but overachieving.


2024-01-20 23:44 | Report Abuse

Posted by Mikecyc > Jan 20, 2024 10:29 PM | Report Abuse
Haha konartist sslleee Gain a lot in these 2 stock le :
1) Insas WC , ( earlier ) : RM 250,000
2.) MMC : RM 180,000

Cheers …

Mike-tikus thank you.
Last year I received RM 214,989.00 dividend. Make trading gain RM 318,881.42 and at the end of year book gain RM 124,398.27

My main holding Insas, Insas-WC, Jayatiasa, OSK, Pantech, MBMR and Armada.

By 1 Feb 2024, I will tell you Jan 2024 how much dividend I received, my trading/realized gain and unrealized book gain. OK👌 cheers.


2024-01-20 23:20 | Report Abuse

Since BOD will provide a reasonable dividend yield of 2.8% at current market price comparable to bank interest rate.

All insas comrade make sure by next AGM Insas market price is RM 3 then the dividend will be RM (3X2.8/100)= RM 0.084


2024-01-20 23:02 | Report Abuse

TheContrarian is too humble to say he was holding 10,000 insas shares.

Me was holding 2.3 million share is small fish compare to someone holding 18,759,000 Insas-WB.

Anyway hope next year Insas.AGM will be a physical meeting and all shareholders of Insas are welcome to celebrate together.


2024-01-20 21:58 | Report Abuse

I already sold down 50% and by the time if I manage to sell at my TP of RM 1.50 then most likely the balance 33% is zero cost for me and I will keep this shares and see whether Insas can go up to stockraider TP of 3 and then leno TP of 6.

But if insas falls back to 85 sen I will buy again and ask for better dividend during AGM.

The reason I did not sell last time is because I do not know what to buy if I sold but nowsaday I am more confident on my stocks selection that give me better dividend and capital appreciation.

The best part is I can just keep spare cash in my trading account earning interest and at the same time opportunity to do my hit and run trading when opportunity present itself.


2024-01-20 17:52 | Report Abuse

Thanks speakup for the information.
Next week I can q sell 1.25, 1.30, 1.35, 1.40, 1.45 and finally my TP 1.50


2024-01-20 17:44 | Report Abuse

Can Fund managers buy PN17 company shares?

I am just worrying why icap still hold so much capA shares and what is TTB exit plan if by 30 June 2024 capA apply for another extension to submit PN17 regulation plan but Bursa Securities reject the application and suspend the trading of the listed securities of the Company on the 6th market day after the date of notification of suspension by Bursa Securities and de-list the Company, subject to the Company's right to appeal against the delisting.


2024-01-20 17:28 | Report Abuse


Hope it was TTB of icap buying Insas recently and causing Insas shares price to spike up.

By the way I already sold some Insas to take some profit off the table.


2024-01-20 17:08 | Report Abuse

Posted by FastMoney666 > Jan 20, 2024 2:34 PM | Report Abuse

During the recent selected counters melt down......iCAP small shareholders panic and dumped as low as 2.75....if it was not COL stepped in to buy on that day of 16 Jan 2024.....iCAP price would have crashed instead of you see a hanging man....they bought 174,900 shares. Where is TTB during that time?

Maybe COL is masochists and turn on by pain inflicted by TTB.

So after all you must thanks TTB for causing COL to buy more and thus TTB deserved the credit/claim due to his excellent fund management......iCAP remains in 1 piece. He is the true hero of small timer investors


2024-01-20 16:42 | Report Abuse

Be patient young man income.
Geary already hold capA more than 6 years.
Our cost of capital employed...lower than not feel jealous...


2024-01-20 16:26 | Report Abuse

Bursa SC also can't be bother reading all the long the shares having huge trading income for them, they are bound to list it, whatsoever , unless some cheating or fake accounting from BODs!?

Geary is only half right. Remember Serbadk even Bursa SC already charged BODs in court, our AG will still say why waste time just fine the BODs is good enough.

So most likely Stony will retired happilly and someone need to clean the mess leave behind.

KUALA LUMPUR (April 13): Serba Dinamik Holdings Bhd and four top executives have been compounded RM3 million each by the Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) for submitting a false statement involving a revenue of RM6.01 billion for its financial period ended Dec 31, 2020 (FY20), which was previously red-flagged by the company's external auditor, KPMG.

The four individuals were chief executive officer and group managing director Datuk Dr Mohd Abdul Karim Abdullah, executive director Datuk Syed Nazim Syed Faisal who was chief financial officer (CFO) from June 2016 until mid-2020, its current group CFO Azhan Azmi, and vice president of accounts and finance Muhammad Hafiz Othman.

The compounds settled the criminal charges they face for submitting a false statement of the RM6.01 billion revenue for FY20 to Bursa Malaysia Securities Bhd on Feb 26, 2021.

Muhammad Hafiz was also compounded an additional RM1 million for falsifying the accounting records of Serba Dinamik's subsidiary, the SC said in a statement.

The compounds follow the public prosecutor's decision to accept the representation made to the Attorney General's Chambers by Serba Dinamik and the individuals involved regarding the charges pending in court, the SC said. A representation letter is typically sent either to reduce a charge or have the charges dropped.

The compounds were issued under Section 373(1) of the Capital Markets and Services Act (CMSA) with written consent of the public prosecutor.

"This (RM3 million) is the maximum amount of compound permissible under Section 369(a)(B) of the CMSA for submission of false information in the company's financial statement," the SC said.

Muhammad Hafiz's additional RM1 million compound is also the maximum amount permissible under Section 368(1)(b)(i) of the CMSA, for falsifying Serba Dinamik Sdn Bhd's accounting records.


2024-01-20 14:56 | Report Abuse

Geary is right, the question why Stony talk so many blah, blah black sheep long story for what🤦🤓 while shareholders is still waiting for result untill neck also long long and pain?


2024-01-20 14:29 | Report Abuse

The proposed deal is to merge CAPI with Aetherium Acquisition Corp (NASDAQ: GMFI), a Special Purpose Acquisition Company (“SPAC”) listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange for an indicative equity value of United States Dollars (“USD”) 1 billion based on an independent valuation of the AirAsia Brand.


2024-01-20 14:18 | Report Abuse

Stony is talking about listing AA brand in America not AA digital.


2024-01-20 14:11 | Report Abuse

I do not hold any AAX or CapA shares but that did not stop me from sharing capA/Stony facts and figures with i3 community.

View it as community services to i3 community.


2024-01-20 14:05 | Report Abuse

Did Stony mention listing of AA digital in US???

The proposed deal is to merge CAPI with Aetherium Acquisition Corp (NASDAQ: GMFI), a Special Purpose Acquisition Company (“SPAC”) listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange for an indicative equity value of United States Dollars (“USD”) 1 billion based on an independent valuation of the AirAsia Brand.

Stony taken out what is rightfully belong to capA aviation and then dump capA aviation to AAX for RM 5B valuation, is that a fair deal?

Capital A International shall be made up of Brand AA Sdn Bhd and Fleet Consolidated Pte Ltd
Both Brand AA and Fleet Consolidated are newly formed subsidiaries and do not have any revenue.

Brand AA is a brand management company. It is the registered proprietor for all the rights under the AirAsia brand.
Under a master brand licensing agreement dated May 31 this year, Brand AA has the right to collect royalty fees from AirAsia Aviation Group Ltd, Capital A’s aviation division.

Fleet Consolidated, meanwhile, will primarily be responsible for the procurement and delivery of the requisite aircraft for the aviation group based on the agreed allocation plan.

The proposed deal is to merge CAPI with Aetherium Acquisition Corp (NASDAQ: GMFI), a Special Purpose Acquisition Company (“SPAC”) listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange for an indicative equity value of United States Dollars (“USD”) 1 billion based on an independent valuation of the AirAsia Brand.

Capital A International intends to generate revenue from brand royalty and the leasing of aircraft. Additionally, it will be involved in tactical acquisition, incubation and partnerships to provide platforms for entrepreneurs.


2024-01-20 13:51 | Report Abuse

Jayatiasa is now RM 1.05