
Sslee | Joined since 2016-08-31

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Emotional Introvert Most defining characteristics: You are sensitive, melancholic and a perfectionist. You are a very emotional, caring and dedicated person. You believe that there is a bigger picture in life, one that we can’t really see, but we can feel. You are very compassionate, strong minded





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2024-06-30 20:03 | Report Abuse

The AirAsia FREE* Seats campaign and Big Sale start today, 8 June 2024 at 12pm (GMT+8). All flights on sale are available for booking until 16 June 2024 only on or the AirAsia MOVE app (formerly airasia Superapp) for travel from 2 September 2024 up until 8 October 2025.

Is above mega promotion to book in advance sales good or bad for AA' top line and bottom line?


2024-06-30 19:40 | Report Abuse

By the way every airlines sell tickets in advance but how many airlines still needed borrowing/bond for working capital?

cash inflow of approximately USD125 million (approximately RM575 million) (Tranche 2) to finance working capital, maintenance cost and lease rentals


2024-06-30 19:32 | Report Abuse

The Ponzi scam is just a hypothetical question in referring to a services business that take in billion in advance sales but still need billion in borrowing for working capital?
Isn't that mean the business is using the future money to provide services to current customers?
Or in other word if without future money/advance sales will the business survive?


2024-06-29 08:35 | Report Abuse

What will you called a busness that sale ticket in many months ahead and use that advance sales money for working capital?
Is it sound similar to ponzi scam?


2024-06-27 17:50 | Report Abuse

lessors converting outstanding lease payments of USD240 million (approximately RM1.1 billion) into bond (Tranche 1)

Investors take up USD125 million (approximately RM575 million) (Tranche 2)

The bond will be secured against passenger seat sales from identified routes and shares in a subsidiary.

Is above mean banks are now lining up to lend money to capitalA???


2024-06-27 15:46 | Report Abuse

I make some good profit from MMC SCR.
It was a roller coaster ride as some hidden hand press down price and shareholders were coerced into accepting the SCR at EGM.

The MMC shares had hit a low of RM1.63 on Sept 27 as some investors were spooked by rumours on social media platforms that the EGM may be delayed, according to a trader with a local brokerage.

MMC’s independent adviser Alliance Investment Bank Bhd on Sept 8 had stated the SCR offer price of RM2 a share was “not fair” but ‘reasonable’ and after estimating the fair value at between RM3.32 and RM3.41.

Alliance advised shareholders to accept on the grounds that MMC shares had not traded above the offer price for three years before the proposal was announced on June 3.

MMC’s earnings per share (EPS) and price to earnings ratio (PER) were also taken into consideration. For the financial year ended Dec 31, 2020, MMC’s EPS was 12 sen with a PER of 9.4968 times.


2024-06-27 14:39 | Report Abuse

Under the SC’s rules, the value of the votes cast against the proposed SCR at the EGM must not be more than 10% of the votes held by the remaining shareholders.

Only voting shareholders will decide to accept or reject the SCR offer.
But do note many companies listed in Malaysia their share price is traded below the NAPS.
If SCR failed then Mr. Market will decide what will be the share price.


2024-06-27 07:04 | Report Abuse

By the way from where you get the information that banks are lining up for financing????


2024-06-27 06:57 | Report Abuse

A lot of current liabilities is rolled over to next year that is why the net current liabilities is now RM (12,923,931,000) as at 31/03/2024

31.12.2023: 31.12.2022: 1.1.2022
RM'000: RM'000: RM'000
Net current liabilities (12,669,239): (8,509,066): (6,754,176)

So if you are capitalA creditor do you feel save to be paid?
And what can you do to gurantee payment?

Page 40: Funding
The Group is currently engaging in discussion with lenders at different stages for debt and equity fundraising, with an estimated amount of RM3 billion. As at the date of this report, the Group has received commitment from investors for a Revenue Bond Program of up to USD365 million (equivalent to RM1.68 billion)

The Revenue Bond program entails the conversion of outstanding lease payments of USD240 million (approximately RM1.1 billion) into bond (Tranche 1) and cash inflow of approximately USD125 million (approximately RM575 million) (Tranche 2) to finance working capital, maintenance cost and lease rentals. The revenue bond will be secured against passenger seat sales from identified routes and shares in a subsidiary. Tranche 1 of the Revenue Bond has a tenure of 2.5 years whereas Tranche 2 has tenure of 4 years. The bond is expected to be issued by mid of 2024.

Question 16: BOD what are the reasons aircraft lease companies/lessors demand for the conversion of outstanding lease payments of USD240 million (approximately RM1.1 billion) into bond (Tranche 1)?

Page 13: Going Concern Assessment;
Quote, “Critical to the going concern assessment are the Directors’ expectations of continuous support from the Group’s aircraft lessors” unquote

Question 17: BOD is the move by lessors for the conversion of outstanding lease payments of USD240 million (approximately RM1.1 billion) into bond (Tranche 1) a sign of lessors losing their confidence in the Group ability to pay the outstanding lease payment?


2024-06-26 11:56 | Report Abuse

The offer price reasonable or not is in comparision of price history to offer price.
The offer price is fair or not is in comparision with sum of parts or DCF valuation with offer price.

You can be assets heavy (sum of parts) but when come to cash flow it is a totally different ball game.


2024-06-26 07:14 | Report Abuse

More planes delivered, more lease payment, more new route and more mega free seat promotion.
The important question: Will the operation cash flow for next 12 months enough to pay the current lease liabilities of RM 5,985,234,000 as at 31/03/2024?


2024-06-26 07:08 | Report Abuse

Referring below Q1 2023 presentation
Well positioned for growth with a total of 362 aircraft in order book to be delivered in the next 12 years. 73 aircraft have already been secured financing through Sales and Leaseback (SLB) arrangements with several lessors.

Question 18: BOD what is the latest status on the above?

By the way what is the quarter end 30/3/2024 load factor and what is the financial result?


2024-06-25 18:52 | Report Abuse


Quarter end 31/03/2024
Cash generated from operation: 835,037

Please look into cash flow from financial activities:
Proceeds from borrowings: 351,371
Repayment of borrowings:(58,914)
Repayment of lease liabilities:(726,424)
Net cash used in financial activities: (433,967)

So after paying the lease liabilities of RM 726,424,000 what will be the operation cash flow?

Note: under MFRS 16:
(i) On the Consolidated Income Statement, expenses which were previously included under aircraft operating leases will be replaced by finance costs – lease liabilities and depreciation of right of use asset;

(ii) On the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement, operating lease rental outflows, previously recorded within net cash flow from operating activities, are classified as “net cash flow used in financing activities” for repayment of principal of lease liabilities

Will the operation cash flow for next 12 months enough to pay the current lease liabilities of RM 5,985,234,000 as at 31/03/2024?


2024-06-25 17:42 | Report Abuse

I manage to collect 30K Insas-WC at RM 0.255
Hope to get my free bintang beer and lobster again


2024-06-25 17:27 | Report Abuse

Still waiting for the AGM minutes (key matters discussed) to be published at capA website to know whether the dumb questions will be answered with dumb answers.


2024-06-25 11:05 | Report Abuse

31.12.2023: 31.12.2022: 1.1.2022
RM'000: RM'000: RM'000
Net current liabilities (12,669,239): (8,509,066): (6,754,176)

Net current liabilities of RM (12,923,931,000) as at 31/03/2024

My form 3 book keeping/accounting tell me if your net current liabilities keep growing it can only mean your business is in big trouble.

Mind telling me what is your accounting and financial analysis skills tell you about ever growing net current liabilities?


2024-06-25 10:17 | Report Abuse

By the way will the operation cash flow for next 12 months enough to pay the current lease liabilities of RM 5,985,234,000 as at 31/03/2024?


2024-06-25 10:10 | Report Abuse

He bought AirAsia from a Malaysian government-owned company for a token sum of RM 1 in 2001 and inherited a debt of RM 40 million.

How will he deal with a net current liabilities of RM (12,923,931,000) as at 31/03/2024?
Is disposal of capA aviation solved the net current liabilities problem?
How will AAX deal with it, if AAX take over capA aviation?
What will the the likelihood AAX default on the current liabilities?
What will happen to the BOD of AAX and capA if AAX default on the current liabilities?


2024-06-25 08:57 | Report Abuse

Indeed "Ignorance Is Bliss"


2024-06-25 08:41 | Report Abuse

By the way will buyback share same as already bought its share?

Know almost every companies listed in Bursa will table a standard resolution Proposed renewal of share buy-back in every AGM?


2024-06-25 08:35 | Report Abuse

Sometime a joke/question is not mean to make you laugh but intended to make you think. So what have you been thinking about capitalA lately?


2024-06-25 08:28 | Report Abuse

"Ignorance Is Bliss", "In knowing nothing, life is most delightful"


2024-06-24 16:06 | Report Abuse

NP to SH
Financial Year: 31-Dec-2024
31-Mar-2024 5,241,398 -249,843 -244,279 -91,554 -2.20 -2.1100

If quarter end 31 March 2024 is a loss-making quarter what make you think the next quarter will be a profitable quarter?


2024-06-24 13:00 | Report Abuse

Did Mabel know the submission of draft circular in relation to the Proposals (“Circular”) to Bursa Securities had been extended to untill 31 July 2024?


Type Announcement




Reference is made to the Company’s announcement dated 25 April 2024.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Company, RHB Investment Bank Berhad wishes to announce that the Company had on 21 June 2024 submitted an application to Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”) for an extension of time until 31 July 2024 for the Company to submit the draft circular in relation to the Proposals (“Circular”) to Bursa Securities.

This announcement is dated 21 June 2024.


2024-06-24 10:43 | Report Abuse

The mind is borderless and timeless.
The mind can travel backward and it is called memory.
The mind also can travel forward and it is call imaginary or day dreaming.
You can live in the past or worrysome future. Or
You can live in the NOW, learn from the past and plan for the future.
I already sold or am selling or take profit on some of my holding to accumulate cash to plan for my next buying.


2024-06-24 08:30 | Report Abuse

Lead by example. If TTB intention is empowering and championing retail investors than he should attend companies AGM that icapital hold share and ask the hard questions and hold the BOD, external auditor accountable, responsible and answerable.


2024-06-24 07:47 | Report Abuse

Why buy ytl and not nvidia?


2024-06-24 07:29 | Report Abuse

Why anyone wants to travel back in time?
Do you think you can change the world by travel back in time?
Life is a journey, just enjoy the ride!

Share price will have its up and down, so just enjoy the ride!


2024-06-23 12:41 | Report Abuse

Repost from jaks forum
Posted by duatlai > Jun 15, 2024 4:57 PM | Report Abuse
Surprised to have educated people writing nonsense, !

Your advise noted with thanks.
I just try to lower down my IQ to talk to low IQ Mike-tikus.
From now on I will just let him talk to himself, kaki kong kaki song.
15/06/2024 6:31 PM


2024-06-23 09:12 | Report Abuse

MSC should report a very good quarter end 30 June 2024. Will top up MSC before next quarter result announcement.


2024-06-23 09:10 | Report Abuse

By the way Eagle77 has done a very good promotion SCIB forum

Posted by Eagle77 > Jun 22, 2024 5:09 PM | Report Abuse
SCIB commonly wins almost all the contracts for building and repairing schools in Sarawak ✅


2024-06-23 09:07 | Report Abuse

Data centres – beware of the pitfalls
Saturday, 22 Jun 2024


2024-06-23 08:29 | Report Abuse

Insas disposed another 500,000 inari shares on 19 june 2024.
Still holding 516,008,575 inari share.

Announcement Date 21-Jun-2024
Reference No CS2-18062024-00125
Substantial Shareholder's Particular:
Details of Changes:
Currency -
Date of Change Type Number of Shares
19-Jun-2024 Disposed 500,000
Registered Name Insas Plaza Sdn Bhd
Nature of Interest Indirect Interest
Nature of Interest Indirect Interest
Shares Ordinary shares
Reason Disposal in the open market
Total no of securities after change
Direct (units) 0
Direct (%) 0.00
Indirect (units) 516,008,575
Indirect (%) 13.70
Total (units) 516,008,575
Total (%) 13.70
Date of Notice 21-Jun-2024


2024-06-23 08:26 | Report Abuse

No worries about leno, will leno' WC automative converted to Insas after Feb 2026?

News & Blogs

2024-06-22 12:10 | Report Abuse

Why give 28x FY27F P/E when Harta cannot grow its market share and hence the earning?

Know what is the PE for Public Bank now?

News & Blogs

2024-06-22 12:03 | Report Abuse

If China can sell at lower ASP to capture market share from emerging market then who is paying more to buy at higher ASP from Malaysia?

Is Malaysia gain or lose market share to China?

And why Harta deserved a TP of RM 4.10 28x FY27F P/E, slightly above its pre-COVID-19 5-year historical mean of 26x if it cannot grow its market share?

Still BUY. Post-earnings adjustment, we raise our TP to MYR4.10. Our DCF- derived TP implies 28x FY27F P/E, slightly above its pre-COVID-19 5-year historical mean of 26x. We like Hartalega due to its robust balance sheet, efficient operating model, and a key beneficiary of the recovery in medical glove sector. Key risks: Lower-than-expected sales volume, weaker-than- expected USD/MYR rate, and higher-than-expected raw material price.
Source: RHB Research - 23 May 2024

News & Blogs

2024-06-22 10:27 | Report Abuse

Raw material cost
Utility cost
Manpower cost
Logistics, shipment and marketing cost
Depreciation cost
Tax/duty cost

So compare the above cost what Malaysia glove manufacturers have advantage over China?

By the way US market is how many % of world market?
Even if China lost the US market, will China dominant market outside US?

News & Blogs

2024-06-22 10:21 | Report Abuse

Tariffs on rubber medical and surgical gloves will jump to 25% from 7.5% in 2026.

Market over react to US tariff increase for glove from 7.5% to 25 % starting 2026.

So what will be the profit look like for Harta?
Is the price surge sustainable with the profit growth?

News & Blogs

2024-06-22 10:16 | Report Abuse

Anyone can explain why Harta with PE of 970.27 make it into top 4?

If harta next two quarter earning is a disappointment then what will be the price?
Will it still command a PE of 970.27?


2024-06-21 12:47 | Report Abuse

More or less I also give up on Bursa and SC to do the right thing in protecting shareholders interest and prosecute the crooks to the fullest

So invest at your own risk.


2024-06-21 12:25 | Report Abuse

DickyMe SSLee's favourite counter, licking the bottom.
20/06/2024 11:42 PM

I already give up on HRC with below last email to HRC


2024-06-21 07:09 | Report Abuse

You can either growing the profit or reducing the equity to increase your ROE.
Unfortunately Insas increasing the profit by selling Inari share but relutant to return the ever increasing retained profit to shareholders causing total equity to increase from RM 1,352,726,000 FY2016 to RM 2,340,464,000 FY2023.

Insas indeed a very "gruesome" company.
But know what 12 months Insas ROI beat PBB ROI contest.


2024-06-20 09:26 | Report Abuse

CapitalA lessors can just pull out their planes if capA late in paying lease liabilities. So why would lessors accept any haircut?

So do you think AAX can bailout capitalA?


2024-06-20 08:36 | Report Abuse

By the way Insas is the most undervalued and depply depressed stock in Bursa.
You need to learn how to buy low and sell high from TheContrarian who had so far earned 4X gain


2024-06-20 08:32 | Report Abuse

Once upon a time everyone is a water fish but people change with time and experience.
So welcome to i3investor and remember you do not need to lower your IQ to engage with low IQ people.
Just be yourself.


2024-06-20 07:05 | Report Abuse

The debts restructure drag on for soo long is because the creditors expect the rich daddy/tax payers' money to bail out this company and hence reluctant to accept the haircut.


2024-06-19 18:22 | Report Abuse

MGO: A mandatory general offer involves the person that has triggered the offer obligation making an offer to all of the shareholders of the target to acquire their shares.

You can google SC rule on MGO


2024-06-19 14:17 | Report Abuse

For 3QFY2024, the Group registered Sales Revenue of RM637 million, an increase of 16% quarter on quarter. Its operational losses reduced to RM34 million in 3QFY2024 from a loss of RM59 million in 2QFY2024, representing a 42% improvement. Meanwhile, Sales Volume which had been growing since 4QFY2023 also continued its upward trend, rising 13% versus 2QFY2024, reflecting the Group’s steady recovery. The Group also achieved a Profit After Tax of RM62 million, up 255% compared with the preceding quarter. The Group’s enhanced performance was driven by
increasing glove demand and ongoing initiatives focused on quality and cost optimisation measures, as well as gains from the disposal of excess land.

Raw material prices for 3QFY2024 were on an uptrend quarter on quarter, with the average natural latex concentrate price up by 20% to RM6.77/kg, while the average nitrile latex price rose 16% to USD0.89/kg.