
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-01-04 23:53 | Report Abuse

That is why PM Sabri must act fast and appoint Tok Mat as DPM! The ball is on PM Sabri feet! His days are numbered! And those days may happen less than 30 days!


2022-01-04 23:52 | Report Abuse

Whispers within Umno circle is getting louder! Najib Zahid are now on verge of pulling the rug!
So we may see PM Sabri administration fall apart very soon! Whispers say that this will happen before this month end!
So yeah, this round we may see Umno split and perhaps see the end of Umno as we know it!


2022-01-04 23:50 | Report Abuse



2022-01-04 22:10 | Report Abuse

If PM Sabri can't see the obvious, then he shall see Umno crumble before end of this month! Najib Zahid will pull the rug!


2022-01-04 22:09 | Report Abuse

I think rakyat are patience enough for the next GE15! It's pointless to hold GE15 when rakyat mood are not good!
By making Tok Mat No.2, at least this will help stabilize Umno for a while!


2022-01-04 22:08 | Report Abuse

The only option on the table to counter Najib Zahid is to make Tok Mat as DPM!
This will further corner Najib Zahid influence in Umno!


2022-01-04 20:38 | Report Abuse

As mentioned by Zafrul, 50% of EPF contributors dont even have 10k in their account! What a joke! I mean, half of private sector workers will not be able to retire at all!
To please their grassroot and also to bring down PM Sabri, Najib Zahid proposed further 10k withdrawal from EPF! The impact of such withdrawal is dangerous! EPF may ceased to exist! Because EPF do have investment with monthly repayments! That's why we get high returns! Because EPF invest contributors savings! And if so much is drawn from EPF, then EPF can't afford their initial investments!
What Najib and Zahid suggest is dumbass! They risking our nation just to save themselves!
I hope malaysians understand that we should not play with our retirement fund! And Najib has bad track record when it comes to our funds! He already destroyed public pension fund and also Tabung Haji!
We certainly should not listen to Najib Zahid and destroy our EPF as well!

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2022-01-04 15:37 | Report Abuse

Divided US is good for China! Actually all China need to do is to sit tight and watch US go into rupture! US is failing nation!

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2022-01-04 15:26 | Report Abuse

Malaysia must go back to 6 days week work! Increase minimum salary to 1.5k!

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2022-01-04 15:22 | Report Abuse

So everytime your home is flooded, you rush to EPF and draw 10k! Well, maybe by then, there won't be any EPF! A case of slaughtering the golden goose!

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2022-01-04 15:13 | Report Abuse

It seems booster shot program going very smoothly! This is a non issue! Good job Khairy!


2022-01-04 14:22 | Report Abuse

It's no brainer! PM Sabri need to accept he is not popular as PM! But to give way to Tok Mat may reduce Najib Zahid influence!


2022-01-04 00:28 | Report Abuse

It seems Grandpa Koon already hit jackpot with his Ays! For the rest of us, need to see five foot fortune teller to help us get some winning stocks!
Last year, we did enjoy a breeze recovery theme only to see it disappear when the 3rd wave hit us along with better forget fail MCO 2 and 3! Since then, for the past few months have been bearish to say mildly!
Anyway, we are in the midst of Omicron! But from South Africa data, where Omicron hit a burnout, we should see similar experience happening in other nation as well!
I believe western countries are overreacting to Omicron when their new lockdown which is really not necessary at this point!

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2022-01-03 16:33 | Report Abuse

Bursa started to fail under Mahathir 22 months! Anyway, Kadir is Mahathir spokeperson, so basically this is Mahathir who is talking!


2022-01-03 12:27 | Report Abuse

The one off EPF withdrawal is actually used to bring down PM Sabri! Najib Zahid is trying to build a perception that PM Sabri is not sensitive towards rakyat suffering because of his refusal to allow further 10k withdrawal!
This populist move by Najib Zahid is of courve very faulty as it not only impact EPF future retirement but also has huge negative impact of EPF itself! The thing is malaysians do not save for their future at all! The desperation to withdraw further 10k shows that malaysians have zero savings!
Anyway, this is of course due to power struggle within Umno itself! If Zahid didn't return from his garden leave, we would still be in Harapan administration!
Bare in mind, Zahid is responsible for Mahathir and Mohiden administration collapsed! So bringing Sabri administration is walk in the park for him!


2022-01-02 22:40 | Report Abuse

At this point, Omicron spreading fast throughout Malaysia cannot be prevented! But we can thrive as long as we are vaccinated! So we have not much to fear at this point!
In short, the worst is over for Malaysia!
This is actually an opportunity for Malaysia to capture the booming tech industry! Factories can remain open without fear of another lockdown!


2022-01-02 22:38 | Report Abuse

So yeah, those who went for their pilgrimage came back with Covid! But what most of us don't realise is that almost all of them didn't even realize they are infected!
This is a small relief! Meaning mass vaccination has done it's job! Omicron is surprising milder compare to delta! Just more infectious!
For Malaysia, the worst is over! We just need to make sure we keep following SOPs!
Most important of all, get your booster if you called! Even though personally we don't need booster at this point, we just follow what government recomend! Please! Don't be nuisance like those half brain influencers! INfluencers have done too much damage in preventing many hospitalization and death! Fortunately, almost all of this anti vaccine influencers are now dead!


2022-01-02 21:48 | Report Abuse

My advise, buy on dip, sell on strength! With so much pessimism, it's pointless to have fake hope! That's my mantra for 2022!


2022-01-02 21:47 | Report Abuse

After that, maybe some tiny CNY rally! But don't expect this to happen! Moral of the story, 2022 is another lousy year!


2022-01-02 21:46 | Report Abuse

If you thinking of buying stocks tomorrow, don't! Expect 2 weeks of consolidation!
So plenty of dips along the way!


2022-01-02 21:05 | Report Abuse

Of course Zahid Hamidi short sighted solution to flod victims is to draw their EPF! This show how dumbass Zahid Hamidi is! Or perhaps he just want to create tons of poor retired malays in the future as his vote bank!
The best solution is to assist flood victims who lost their home with low cost housing! Actually we have plenty for those in Selangor and KL! I tell you, i can buy tons of cheap low cost property in KL if i want to! Plenty of 30k to 50k flat to choose from! However, they need major refurbishment which government of the day can do!
Or for those who have their own home, best to provide them with mattress, fridge and some essentials! Like what Najib has done during Kelantan flood!


2022-01-02 18:16 | Report Abuse

I tell you, some of my orders took 2 weeks to reach me! Unacceptable! But then again, Shopee use their own logistic nowadays! Total disaster!
My order from Lazada only took 2 days! So Lazada it is! Just to share with you guys!

News & Blogs

2022-01-02 14:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by uncensored > Jan 2, 2022 2:55 PM | Report Abuse

Toddy what are your gender today ? hehehe

Answer : Uncensored! My gender is my business! And no! I am not interested! You are not my type!

News & Blogs

2022-01-02 14:51 | Report Abuse

Grow up Uncensored! Find some janda or something! You know, you can marry a man too! You know, in gen Z era, you gender is neither male or female!

News & Blogs

2022-01-02 14:48 | Report Abuse

Posted by uncensored > Jan 2, 2022 2:45 PM | Report Abuse

Then having a third one should not be an issue la

Answer : So it seems you are indeed interested to be the 3rd husband! I really don't know what happen to this gen Z!

News & Blogs

2022-01-02 14:37 | Report Abuse

And yeah! In age of equality, a lady can have 2 husbands just like men can marry 2 ladies!

News & Blogs

2022-01-02 14:36 | Report Abuse

Uncensored! Please don't flirt with Qqq! She already has two husbands!

News & Blogs

2022-01-02 13:56 | Report Abuse

Uncensored! You have one fan already!

News & Blogs

2022-01-01 23:53 | Report Abuse

In Malaysia politics, the dumb ones get to be elected! They only like to play race and religion cards! Been popular is the sure way to be voted! Sad reality of Malaysia politics!

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2022-01-01 22:37 | Report Abuse

It's hard to be optimistic nowadays!

News & Blogs

2022-01-01 22:37 | Report Abuse

Posted by uncensored > Jan 1, 2022 10:31 PM | Report Abuse

Ok la... now BN taken over. Back to the old days ...

Answer : In Umno, they don't practice meritocracy! You have self serving talent less leaders jolting to the top! So you end up with Ismail Sabri or Zahid Hamidi! Umno leaders will reject talented ones because, if those who are more than qualified get the top post, then how can mediocre ones get elected!

News & Blogs

2022-01-01 22:21 | Report Abuse

No more! Since Harapan took over, everything turn shitty! During Covid sold Supermax too early! So basically, among dimwits! That's why no more fans!

News & Blogs

2022-01-01 22:05 | Report Abuse

Posted by uncensored > Jan 1, 2022 9:54 PM | Report Abuse

You means you are good in stock analysis ?

Answer : Well, i used to make fat profit on stocks that i pick! I called it RM1 profit margin! But those were the days! I was ridiculed for trying to educate i3 retailers that making RM1 profit margin is normal! At those time, making 10 cents was like huge deal! So yeah, i got roasted by dimwits! I learn my lesson! So rule No.1, never argue with dumbass!

News & Blogs

2022-01-01 21:51 | Report Abuse

Posted by uncensored > Jan 1, 2022 9:49 PM | Report Abuse

Tobby really you got plenty of obsess fans...hahaha

little pinky fans ???

Answer : Once upon a time! During height of Justin Bieber! I was like Donald Trump of i3! Plenty of fans would roll on the floor just to talk to me! But again, just past glory!

News & Blogs

2022-01-01 21:50 | Report Abuse

Poor Tony Fernandes! He thought been successful in Malaysia would make him bramin in India! Little did he knew, the bramins in India cook him well and proper!

News & Blogs

2022-01-01 21:48 | Report Abuse

Posted by uncensored > Jan 1, 2022 9:47 PM | Report Abuse

The Myth of Meritocracy: Why It's Better to be Born Rich than Smart

Answer : Basically sum up India! The shittiest nation on earth!

News & Blogs

2022-01-01 21:47 | Report Abuse

Uncensored! Well, compare to last time, where i have plenty of obsess fans, i guess, talking to least intelligent ones is quite refreshing!

News & Blogs

2022-01-01 21:45 | Report Abuse

Uncensored! I guess i just pity you! So yeah, you welcome!

News & Blogs

2022-01-01 21:42 | Report Abuse

I am breaking my own rule, which is, not to argue with dumbass! You know the drill, or else dumbass will teach you a lesson which they never learn!
Anyway, since i am free to turd around, i guess it's okay to once in the while talk to Uncensored!

News & Blogs

2022-01-01 21:39 | Report Abuse

Anyway, since our lawmakers fail to learn from their own follies then rakyat will fail along with our nation! So chill, enjoy the race and religion cards from both Harapan and the talibans BN, PN, MN or whatever label this tabilans use nowadays!

News & Blogs

2022-01-01 21:36 | Report Abuse

Posted by uncensored > Jan 1, 2022 9:34 PM | Report Abuse

Hahaha Tobby, Singapore is not under a meritocracy system.

Answer : Yeah, again, you admit you are among dimwits! Of course meritocracy is not a system! It's part of the system! Then again, i understand! You have limited mental capacity just like the rest of us! Sometimes dimwits do try their hardest to be seen smart and brilliant only to be laughed at by themselves!