
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2021-12-26 16:31 | Report Abuse

Look, PM Sabri is not elected by rakyat! He happens to be at the right time and the right place! And Mohiden appointed Sabri as his DPM because Sabri was weak not because he was competent!
Just look at Mohiden warlords, they are all dumbass! You name it, Bersatu No.2 is total joke! Rani just don't cut it! And Sabri should not even be a minister after his performance is several ministry have been bad!
Of course Umno is also in danger of been in control of Zahid Hamidi! And it's open secret, Zahid Hamidi is the most corrupted leader in our history!
However, it's time for PM Sabri to hand over the reign to more competent leaders in Umno!

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2021-12-26 16:25 | Report Abuse

It's proven democractic system is not suitable for Malaysia! Once elected, our lawmakers are busy enriching themselves! Because power corrupt absolutely!
Like it or not, socialism may be the answer! But that means, we have to remove the royals from the system as well!
So yeah, Malaysia is trapped in it's own turd!

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2021-12-26 16:24 | Report Abuse

We malaysians have no right to preach what China should do! China is now among most developed nation in the world! Sure, China has many social problems, corrupted officials and so forth!
But look at China! You cannot even compare to US! US is totally a ruin nation! Look at mass transportation in so called advanced New York! It's shitty to say the least! Roads in China is half a century ahead compare to US!
As for us in Malaysia, we are not prepared for climate change! Our mass transportation is getting lousy! Our roads no longer as good as it used to be!
Talk about 5G! Mohiden wants to monopolize it, a symptom of crony capitalism in full blown! And i tell you, it's going to fail and government of the day will have to bail it out just like many of Mohiden and Mahathir mega projects in the past! And that's why telcos refuse to be part of a fail monopolitic crony centric business model!
Please Uncensored! You are barking on the wrong tree! You are looking outside with window but you refuse to look at the mirror!

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2021-12-26 16:07 | Report Abuse

In Malaysia, rakyat already accept that democratic system has failed them! That is why we are seeing 'rakyat bantu rakyat' movement! Rakyat no longer trust our lawmakers on either side! Not Harapan not BN! While Zahid Hamidi screaming for GE15, the mood the ground is on the opposite! Rakyat are fed up! Voting is no longer the best option!
This is something politicians need to understand! Because eventually rakyat may vote for the third force!

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2021-12-26 01:17 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3333 > Dec 26, 2021 12:55 AM | Report Abuse

CPC rule 70 years already ............ changed leaders several times and each time, they choose the right candidates. very impressive.

Answer : Have to disagree! Chairman Mao, the first CCP paramount leader was horrible! Even PM Sabri imcompetence seems insignificant! I mean, Mao was responsible for 70 million chinese China starved to death! Many force to migrant to other countries such as Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia! If not for Chairman Mao incompetence, i think we won't have chinese in Malaysia or Thailand or Indonesia!

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2021-12-26 00:38 | Report Abuse

Posted by Up_again > Dec 26, 2021 12:29 AM | Report Abuse

Well, we should then elect a paramount leader in Malaysia as mentioned by qqq3333. What ever he/she decides, Kalau dissent kasi bullet saja

Answer : We did have such paramount leader! Mahathir! Harapan even gave Mahathir 2nd run as paramount leader! Then Mahathir got greedy and tried a coup to set up unity government, short for dictatorship!
Well, the rest is history! Mahathir got screwed all by himself! So now the question is, who will be the next paramount dictator! I am thinking of Zahid Hamidi!

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2021-12-25 23:48 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3333 > Dec 25, 2021 10:59 PM | Report Abuse

define elites........if u are zongnanhai elites, of course u live separate from the rest......other than that, CPC members no different from non members in rest of country.

Answer : Dude! The wealthy CCP children who are sent to US to study drives in luxury cars! Live in the most expensive address! And once graduate, they will be given a high position in businesses! Most giant companies in China are owned by CCP by force! Even Jack Ma is force to retire!
It is what it is!


2021-12-25 23:06 | Report Abuse

We are entering into early phase of climate change! I think 90% malaysians do not even understand what is climate change!
As i learn about climate change, it seems humanity is already too late to change the course ahead!
Humanity will see drastic climate challenges ahead! Not just climate but also pandemic! Many future pandemic will occur as permafrost melt around the world!
Inside permafrost are bacteria and virus that remain domain for thousands of years! Once release, we will see difference pandemic struck humanity!
Not only that, but also the extreme weather thrown at us!
What happens in Selangor in recent days is a reminder of things to come! But did our leaders learn anything! No, they are blaming and shifting the problem to everybody else!
As ordinary malaysians on the street, we can only hope for the best! Make sure to live on higher ground! If you live in condos, get parking above ground in those multistories parking bay!
If you have no choice, especially those living in flood prone landed homes, get inflatable kayak or boat, or topper boat as standby! Or relocate to flood free area if you can afford it!
I think Selangor is forever going to be flooded in coming years! Unless a proper flood mitigation canal is build! But then again, don't even hope for this to happen!
Basically, first half of the year will be dry season! But the 2nd half of the year will be hellish heavy downpour! It's the super heavy rain season that we will be scared of!
Haix! Life is getting scary nowadays!

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2021-12-25 22:46 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3333 > Dec 25, 2021 10:41 PM | Report Abuse

how can u compare Malaysia with China?

In China those who can study want to study in government schools. Only those who cannot study go to private schools. In China, the rich, the poor all study together in same local schools

Answer : Not true! The elites, children of CCPs and the elites don't go to public schools! They go to elite schools! And they also have special access to public universities! And they also get speciall privilege when it comes to businesses or employment!
Basically in China you have 2 different class! The elites and the rest! The elites basically living in their own world! Actually the same can be said about South Korea and Japan!
Then again, this is what happening in US or Euro for that matter! Yeah, life is not fair!

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2021-12-25 22:43 | Report Abuse

Like i said, Malaysia has deeply ingrained race problem! It is what it is! Back in the good ignorant era, we thought we were happy multiracial society!
That's because MCA protect local chinese institutions! MCA also dominant mega projects! The malay politicians were dumbass back then! All projects were Alibaba! Malay company, chinese runs it!
Today, totally different story! Malay politicians wallop all mega projects! Sub projects to chinese tychoons initially but now most are fully malays!
That is why i am worried post GE15! If local chinese are not represented in next administration, that will be the end of local chinese institutions!

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2021-12-25 22:27 | Report Abuse

As for Malaysia, we have race problem! Deeply ingrain race problem! Where children of different races study in race based schools!
Will we see our children learn and mingle in single stream schools! Fat hope!

News & Blogs

2021-12-25 22:25 | Report Abuse

Uncensored! Well, probably because mongols are tiny minority! So China wants to standardize language of teaching! I mean how will mongols able to further their studies in China public universities!

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2021-12-25 22:17 | Report Abuse

Uncensored! Local chinese schools are local chinese special rights! I believe we malaysians should respect each other special rights!
Malays have the special rights! Local chinese have their special rights! Bumis have theirs too!
I blame the Lims for their short sightedness and question malay special rights! Of course the talibans will threaten to abolish local chinese rights in return!
DAP should move away from such politics! Don't question malay special rights! Just like don't question local chinese special rights! Please brush this UEC recognition under the carpet! If one wants to enter public universities, sit for SPM or STPM!

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2021-12-25 22:12 | Report Abuse

It just like sending our SPM and STPM school leavers straight to China public universities! Most will die standing!

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2021-12-25 22:10 | Report Abuse

So yeah, for our local chinese schools, they should stick to teaching STEM in mandarin!
For those who want to enter public universities, then they have to sit for SPM or STPM!
Please ignore dumbass the Lims! They politicize UEC without considering the implication!
Even if government agree to recognise UEC as requirement to enter public universities, this UEC school leavers will not be able to adapt to bahasa as language of instruction! In the end, many will drop out!

News & Blogs

2021-12-25 22:07 | Report Abuse

For China teaching of STEM should be in mandarin as their knowledge based in quite advanced! Just like South Korea and Japan!
For Malaysia, chinese schools should follow learning STEM in English if national school change language of instruction in English!
However, having said that, our teachers may not be able to teach STEM in English! Our teachers are ill enquip! Our teacher after decades of teaching in Bahasa will not be able to adapt!
Idealism and reality are two different thing! Sad but true!


2021-12-25 18:46 | Report Abuse

I hope there will be divvy for next quarter!

News & Blogs

2021-12-25 16:24 | Report Abuse

Been the few competent minister around, we just follow what is recomended by Khairy! If government wants to go for mass bosster, fine, just do it! But i think Khairy should order and pile up Paxlovid which is far cost effective going forward!


2021-12-25 15:31 | Report Abuse

Shariffudin from PKR even suggested to immediate open parliment so lawmakers can debate in comfort of air conditioned while flood victims continue to suffer! What a dumbass proposal from PKR strategic adviser!


2021-12-25 15:29 | Report Abuse

It started with 'kita jaga kita'! Meaning we help each other during Covid pandemic!
During MCO 2.0 and 3.0, our Mohiden administration totally fail us! Factories were wide open while the rest of us cannot go out! While foreign workers are given privilege to work, we the malaysians are stuck with debts!
Many suffered and many rised white flag for help! And it was ordinary malaysians who help ordinary malaysians!
And Selangor flood totally exposed how imcompetent our governments has become! Both state and federal government were useless!
Many ministers when into flood areas not to help but to do 'wayang' for themselves! Ministers were seen waving hands as if they were there to be flood tourists!
Our democratic system totally fail us! All we have are bunch of imcompetent lawmakers!


2021-12-25 14:18 | Report Abuse

Example! Malaysia, we have 3k cases daily! If we give anti viral to this 3k rather than giving 300k booster daily, then we are actually saving more!


2021-12-25 14:16 | Report Abuse

Question is, do we need booster shot! Well, for those over 60! Yes! But for those in their 40s and below, i doubt it! And for those in their 50s, as long as they are healthy and vaccinated, i think we should do fine!
But what is more important, government should pile up anti viral rather than vaccine in coming months!
I mean, it's better to target those infected than mass population since anti viral is now available!
In short, target the infected!


2021-12-25 14:14 | Report Abuse

Strangely, the number of death from Omicron has been too little! So little that more people actually die from flu that Omicron!
Another thing that experts not talking about is how this infectious variant may actually be good for humanity!
It's like getting a booster shot! Yeah, if you are vaccinated and infected with Omicron, chances are you don't even know it! And you may actually build immunity against further Covid infection!
I don't know! I am not science based graduate! What i do know is how mild Omicron is so far!


2021-12-25 13:54 | Report Abuse

Bursa will only be active again next year! That's only 5 days away!


2021-12-25 13:53 | Report Abuse

Nothing to see next week! Funds are away! Only retailers in the market!

News & Blogs

2021-12-25 13:51 | Report Abuse

GPS has done it's job! Every single issues are sorted out! Harapan has nothing to shout about!

News & Blogs

2021-12-25 00:23 | Report Abuse

Tesla phones will change the world! Why, because it is connected directly to starlinks! And yeah, you get access all over the world! Better than satellite phone!
And yeah, perhaps android and Apple should be afraid!


2021-12-25 00:21 | Report Abuse

And yeah, youtubers are the old school influencers! Well, at least youtubers are deserve it as they put so much hard work into creating contents! But for social media like Instagram, haix, i dont know what to say!


2021-12-25 00:19 | Report Abuse

Do you know Christiano Rinaldo makes millions everytime he post something in his social media!
Do you know some jobless fashionistas actually make few hundred thousand just for every post if they have millions of followers!
Welcome to the new era! The era of social media! Instagram, Tik Tok and so forth are the new ground to be millionaire!
Even in Malaysia, we find many influencers wanna be making wave by doing something shocking like the fake love of Vida and Iqbal! I don't have to mention this as many influencer wanna be engage journalists to help them get more followers!
As an old school generation, i find this era getting more and more weird by the day!


2021-12-24 23:50 | Report Abuse

Malaysia is so disfunctional that the title 'Sick Man of Asia' seems mild in comparison!


2021-12-24 23:49 | Report Abuse

Malaysia is liken to P Ramlee 'Keluarga 69'! Where the father marries the daughter of his son wifey and the son marries the mother his father new wifey! So now the son calls his wifey daughter mother and his son wifey calls her new mother in law who is her daughter, mother too!
Yeah, it's a funny movie but this time, Malaysia is the new 'Keluarga 69'!


2021-12-24 23:44 | Report Abuse

Nowadays, Malaysia is known for many wrong reason! Our democractic system has come to total failure! We have government or rather governments which did not get majority votes from rakyat!
Instead, our government exist based on corrupt practice of rewarding lawmakers with wealth and power to form alliance!
Where else in the world can we see such practice! We are now world most corrupted democratic nation ever!
We are also rank among the lowest in managing Covid where daily infections are among highest compare to population! Something we all wonder how come we have such high infections when in reality we are nation with tiny population of 32 million! Yeah, 32 million!
But because we are such a tiny populated nation, the level of corrupt practices is beyond tiny! 1MDB will forever seal Malaysia into world corrupted nation! Wait, even Penang undersea tunnel is actually the biggest scandal! I mean, LGE actually promise to give the project by asking for 10% commission! And yet, i guess there exist ingrain denial because you know, LGE is a chinese and chinese politician can do no wrong! Well, except if you are MCA politicians then you are lapdogs and already guilty just because you are working with the talibans!
Or, did i mention how 'tuan melayu' has total wreck multiracial society beyond repair!
The Sikh community were sincere enough provided halal vegetarian foods to flood victims! And yet alot were wasted because you know, some talibans are questioning if vege prepared by the Sikhs are halal! My gosh! Vege is vege!
And of course the rescue effort by Federal agencies were delayed because some ministers wanted to do some 'wayang' in affected areas and they want some space! You see Zahfrul in a boat with so many reporters and officials taking photos in flooded areas! And yeah, so many ministers too didn't want to miss chance to do wayang of their own! They were actually directing poor flood victims to be unpaid actors in their scheme of things!
What rakyat saw was a very embarrassing scenario! It was like living in 3 stooges series!
Society that is falling apart!

News & Blogs

2021-12-24 18:17 | Report Abuse

China is a nation where millionaire created every minute! You can sell bottled water and become billionaire! Even selling recycled paper! If you are focus on becoming wealthy, then China is the right place for you! If you want to spread your religion, then i say, better get ready for organ harvesting!
There's no freedom of choice in China! You cannot go around promoting LBGT or preaching Jesus on the streets or fight for democracy!
But you can do that in US!
Here's the thing! What happen in Xinjiang is peanut compare to what's happening in Aghanistan or Pakistan! Certainly there's more poverty in Brazil than in China!
Racism is deeply ingrained in Malaysia compare to mono race like China!
What i am trying to say is, mind your own business!

News & Blogs

2021-12-24 17:35 | Report Abuse

Yeah, i was shocked with the price of things in Sabah during my vacation like many years ago! Even the food are way too expensive compare to KL! Problem is the cartels who bring in things from peninsula to Sabah Sarawak, when Sabah Sarawak can actually import them directly from countries of origin! I was informed that if Sabah Sarawak import directly, the cost of goods actually drop by half!

News & Blogs

2021-12-24 17:30 | Report Abuse

Yeah, as usually, Anwar Ibrahim can't stay away from parliment for long! And then he will take it to the streets as usually!

News & Blogs

2021-12-24 17:28 | Report Abuse

So, is PM Sabri trying to tell us that his 100 or so advisers, ministers and GLC turds have been sleeping all this while!


2021-12-24 16:33 | Report Abuse

I miss all the gloomers! Sure need they now!


2021-12-24 04:30 | Report Abuse

Sell on strength! Once open in the morning! Sell!


2021-12-23 23:15 | Report Abuse

One must learn from Grandpa Koon! Ask others to sell so can buy more!


2021-12-23 23:14 | Report Abuse

Posted by shareinvestor88 > Dec 23, 2021 11:13 PM | Report Abuse

tobby why running

Answer : Wink! Wink!


2021-12-23 22:43 | Report Abuse

My biggest holding is Genting! But this round i sell on strength! Just not as optimistic as i used to!


2021-12-23 21:38 | Report Abuse

So yeah! Today US FDA authorizes Paxlovid to americans who are infected with Covid!
And yes, it works on Omicron too! This means, those who are infected can't spread Covid once they taken Paxlovid unlike current vaccines!
So yeah, if Paxlovid is mass produce, then most likely we will see drastic drop in infections and then perhaps the end of Covid!
But let's wait what will happen in US first!