
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-01-01 21:35 | Report Abuse

Malaysia could have copied Singapore as model for success! Instead of half a century, we have lawmakers who continue to play race and religion cards! So that's why Malaysia which already a fail nation will be at bottom place in Asean in decades to come!

News & Blogs

2022-01-01 21:29 | Report Abuse

Uncensored! So, basically admit you are among fools!

News & Blogs

2022-01-01 21:04 | Report Abuse

You know, there's a wise man who said, don't waste time in company of fools! Because if you persist, then you are the actually fool!

News & Blogs

2022-01-01 21:02 | Report Abuse

Posted by uncensored > Jan 1, 2022 8:56 PM | Report Abuse

seem that I am wasting my time by talking to a group of F..O...O...L

Answer : Yes! You are right! Then why continue to waste your time here!

News & Blogs

2022-01-01 20:53 | Report Abuse

I think Singapore is the best example of meritocracy! Singapore is a place where those who think they deserve better for their talents, then, you are welcome there! Those who believe in democrazy, self serving lawmakers, and self entitlement because of one religion, then Malaysia is for you!

News & Blogs

2022-01-01 17:25 | Report Abuse

Better don't touch India! That nation is too shitty! All indians but made up of multilayer caste society! Yeah, just like Malaysia with those carrying fake datuks, tan sirs and so forth! I mean, in India, you are born with certain chaste! Only the bramins have privilege lives! If you are on the bottom rug, god help you, treated worst that stray dogs!
It's hard for India to copy China succeed! Chinese China don't not have this chaste system! Everybody have the chance to be successful! In India, only the bramins allow to succeed! Just look at Tony Fernandes! He is low class malaysian indian! Got burn alive by the bramins!

News & Blogs

2022-01-01 17:05 | Report Abuse

Serpenza is just doing it for the money! He is one trick pony! Yeah, i used to watch his youtube channel too! Of course it's good that he expose alot of wrongdoings in China! Anyway, Serpenza who originated from South Africa should talk about whites been hunted down like dogs over there!

News & Blogs

2022-01-01 17:01 | Report Abuse

What we have now is democrazy! Democracy has been dead for some time!

News & Blogs

2022-01-01 14:44 | Report Abuse

To uncensored! Just because we are not bothered with CCP doesn't mean we are communists! We know 90% of CCP officials are corrupted! No difference from our lawmakers here! Like i always say, better lawn your own backyard than trying to preach to your neighbours! Better take care of yourself than only giving false hope to others!

News & Blogs

2022-01-01 14:40 | Report Abuse

It's either been a politician or a fake holyman!

News & Blogs

2022-01-01 14:39 | Report Abuse

Yeah! Fake holymen regardless of religion! Do you know Vatican has 2 trillion pile inside their own bank! That's why so many fake holymen want to be the next trillionare!

News & Blogs

2022-01-01 14:24 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > Jan 1, 2022 2:23 PM | Report Abuse

Is India elected Modi's government work for the welfare of all its citizen or the elite, the well connected and the majority Hindu nationalism.

Answer : That's why Zakar Naik is hunted down like a down! Anyway, Zakar Naik is a nutty fake holymen who is responsible for many extremists past bombings in India!

News & Blogs

2022-01-01 14:23 | Report Abuse

Uncensored! I think you are really obsess with China so much! I think you should spend few years in China first! Collect proof that CCP regime is faulty!
For me, i let China be! Why should i be bothered what's happening within China! As far i know, China is doing much better than the rest of the world! Sure! It's not perfect! But what is happening inside China is just as messy or worst compare to the rest of the worst!
I mean, why are you not bothered about Aghanistan where women and children are exploited by the talibans! Or the extreme prosecutions in Myammar! Or the poverty in Indonesia and Phillipines! I mean, why pick and choice your meat! Be fair!

News & Blogs

2022-01-01 13:34 | Report Abuse

Posted by uncensored > Jan 1, 2022 1:31 PM | Report Abuse

Better please migrate to Middle East countries hahaha

Answer : If you demand others to migrate, then you are no different that a communist!

News & Blogs

2022-01-01 13:15 | Report Abuse

Democratic system in modern world is innovated by US! So US is the father of democracy in modern world!
However, democracy has turn democrazy of late! Look at US! Democrats even rigged it to ensure their puppet becomes president!
Look at Malaysia, we are in democrazy phase just like in US! Democrazy is turning into a very expensive orgy of self serving politicians! There's no vision at all! Only rely on populism to get elected and in the end, future generations will continue to suffer due to previous generation follies!

News & Blogs

2021-12-31 22:52 | Report Abuse

US is the most expensive place to get sick! That's why you see tons of americans homeless or turning to drugs! I mean, why bother to get healthy if getting addicted is far more cheaper!
Quality of life in China is far better compare to US! Chinese China have access to healthcare that only americans can imagine in their dreams!
CCP is taking care of 1.5 billions population! US nowadays totally fail it's population! And the new generation americans are more incline towards perverted idealism of unsexism, where your gender is determine by yourself! You can be male or female! You can have husband or wifey regardless of your gender!
What i am trying to say, it's better to lawn your own backyard that talk or care about your neighbours backyard! Whatever happens in China is non of our business! If you really care about China, then you should also really care what's happening in Palestine, Aghanistan or Myammar! But why are you single out China only!

News & Blogs

2021-12-31 18:13 | Report Abuse

We really don't know what 2022 is in store for us! I don't even dare pick a stock this year! Too many unpredictable variables!

News & Blogs

2021-12-31 18:06 | Report Abuse

On Dec 17, torrential rain caused severe flooding in many parts of Malaysian state. Many Malaysians in Klang Valley were caught unprepared with many people left stranded in their car and in their house due to flooded highway, road, and house with flood water reaching roof top at Tmn Sri Muda Shah Alam. Government was late to mobilize rescuers and scramble to save flood victims as the blame game started. So who is to blame?

Answer : We have the most useless PM! No bets there!


2021-12-31 17:19 | Report Abuse

One of DAP greatest achievement is the Lims ability to turn local chinese against MCA! It's something CCP would love very much!
I mean, during Chairman Mao era, he would turn even family members against each other and report any anti CCP activity voluntarily!
So how did MCA gone from strong support from local chinese to now totally deserted party!
Well, the Lims promised local chinese that they will fight for equal rights! This Malaysia for malaysians mantra really capture hearts and minds of local chinese!
GE14 saw the full harvest of such loyalty towards DAP! MCA was totally destroyed!
Unfortunately, the 22 months of extremely disastrous Mahathir administration has seen support for Harapan dwindle by huge margin! Melaka by election is something that i didn't even predict at all! I am just as shock as everybody!
But what is more apparent now, DAP is playing much more dominant role in Harapan! Anwar Ibrahim is irrelevant and you know it, i know it so do everybody!
But the Lims have this notion that Mahathir can save Harapan! And so we seen the planned takeover of Mahathir parties like Pejuang, Muda and Warisan and the new KBM to replace PKR!
PKR may become the tiny party in Harapan!
My question is, will local chinese remain loyal to DAP! Because chances of this again, new Harapan is getting dimmer by the day if indeed Mahathir parties gain entry!
Well, you guess is as good as mine! Unfortunately MCA may not win back local chinese support even knowing that Harapan will not stood a chance to win GE15!

News & Blogs

2021-12-31 14:55 | Report Abuse

Qqq has always been a nice lady! Please don't bully her!

News & Blogs

2021-12-31 14:51 | Report Abuse

Uncensored! You are bullying Qqq! Later on you claim you are the victim! Please, everybody is entitled to their own opinion!


2021-12-31 14:42 | Report Abuse

You don't see so many hospitalization in South Africa! Omicron may be blessing in disguess! As in case of South Africa, it burnout as infections reach peak!


2021-12-31 14:41 | Report Abuse

Rescue boat should not be too big! 4 or 5 seaters should be good enough! Topper boat usually can take 2 or 3! As for big ones, only Bomba or the army should store them in case of flood!
I believe our government simply didn't plan at all judging from recent Selangor flood! However for northen states, its' totally different story as this is like annual affair for them!
But for Selangor, it's high time to accept that this will be annually affair for them as well!
Climate change is real! Best to adapt to it than remain in denial!


2021-12-31 14:37 | Report Abuse

What happen to all those fancy boats that our government used to display! Like the ones that can drive on road and convert to boat in seconds! Don't see them used at all!
Anyway, simple solution is always the best! Keeping a topper boat is the best investment if you live in flood prone area! If you cannot afford the space, you can buy inflatable boat instead!
Nowadays you can order really good inflatable boat online! But having a topper boat is of course much better due to it's durability!
Of course, you can also buy those car wrapper! It's really great investment! I mean, you save tons of money if flood really hit your area!
You can also use this car wrapper to wrap your electronics!
Anyway, what government should do now is to prepare small rescue boats at respective council or head of village!
Party leaders too should proactively store small boats!

News & Blogs

2021-12-31 01:27 | Report Abuse

Up Again! US is using all the cards! Hong Kong card! Xinjiang card! And now Taiwan card!

News & Blogs

2021-12-31 01:00 | Report Abuse

Taiwan should avoid this democrazy summit! It's just a trap! I already anticipate ruin if Taiwan the moment they walk into this summit!


2021-12-30 17:09 | Report Abuse

Omicron is better than booster shot!


2021-12-30 17:09 | Report Abuse

While the western world are jumping up and down over Omicron, strange things is happening in South Africa!
Strange because data shows Omicron actually burn itself there! Meaning it has provided infected with natural immunity against Covid!
So, if this is not a good news, i really don't know what is!
For us in Malaysia, we should actually allow Omicron to spread which will eliminate other variants! Why worry, almost all malaysians are vaccinated!

News & Blogs

2021-12-30 15:05 | Report Abuse

I am sure Jet Li will release another PigMan movie this coming CNY! Same old anti Jap pro CCP movie! And chinese China fans will drool over it!

News & Blogs

2021-12-30 15:03 | Report Abuse

Posted by Up_again > Dec 30, 2021 2:36 PM | Report Abuse

Ironic that you mentioned 80’ and 90’s is the best without remembering the one important event in Hk year 1997.
When you have fear, even an artist will just paint what is ‘politically’ correct. Who dares to venture and be creative. Just like tvb now, can’t remember the last time I follow a series.

Answer : Nah! Just that Hong Kong entertainment industry didn't evolve! Same old same! Many great ones move to China earning mega money! And strangely using the same old same stale plot over and over again! Even Jackie Chan sold his soul to CCP! I mean, if you are an artist, which one do you choose, China or Hong Kong! It's no brainer!


2021-12-30 14:29 | Report Abuse

Yeah, i agree many were stuck during this failed MCOs! But it should be one off affair!
Now there's no more MCO! Everybody can go out and work! If you cannot make money now then what makes Zahid Hamidi thinks those short sighted savers will save in the future! They won't!


2021-12-30 14:28 | Report Abuse

It's sad to see contributors are screaming and demanding for another round of 10k from their EPF! Of course this lunny idea started by Zahid Hamidi, the dumbass leader of our time!
You see, 90% of EPF contributors have very little savings to start with! And now they are demanding to take 10k from their already 10k drawn EPF savings!
This only means, EPF savers do not have financial wisdom! They spend, spend and spend with little regard of any financial difficulities in the future!
Look, you only drawn from EPF for only few reasons! You need it to clear your housing loan! Or maybe you car loan for emergency purpose! And perhaps for medical reason!
But you should never touch your EPF for other things! But then again, you have Zahid Hamidi who only seek popularity and have little regards for future of malaysians!
If government of the day agree to allow 10k one off draw, do you know EPF may actually collapse! Yeah, 20k doesn't seems much to you but for EPF, they do have fix commitment as well! EPF does have sets of long term commitment and investment! And once a huge one off draws are made, then EPF cannot service their commitment and investment!
And this set a chain of disaster reaction! You looking at bankrupt EPF!

News & Blogs

2021-12-30 13:40 | Report Abuse

What dilemma! Japan only need to import Malaysia 12 huge royal families! I mean, our royals annual expenses is like 20% of our annual budget!

News & Blogs

2021-12-30 13:35 | Report Abuse

I only knew Denise Ho is Hong Kong cantopop like yesterday! I mean, have your guys listen to her songs! I did, they are terrible! Same old same tune! Like everything else in Hong Kong entertainment nowadays, no new ideas! Not like South Korea that produce tons of global appeal songs, movies and series!

News & Blogs

2021-12-30 13:31 | Report Abuse

Anyway, i stopped watching hongkong movies and series! Not as good as those in the 80s and 90s! And the music from Hong Kong is becoming so like yesterday! Same old same tune! I rather watch Singapore series anytime of the day compare to Hong Kong ones! Nowadays Hong Kong actors or singers hardly notice by local fans! I mean, like 15 years ago, if Hong Kong actors turns up in Malaysia, you have huge crowd screaming and rolling on the floor! Nowadays, even if Denise Ho walks naked in Bukit Bintang, most probably local chinese will call healthy department to get her into mental institution!

News & Blogs

2021-12-30 13:27 | Report Abuse

Posted by Up_again > Dec 29, 2021 6:56 PM | Report Abuse

Stay back like Denise Ho and kena arrest and violate meh

Answer : First of all, Denise Ho is a canadian! But like most overseas chinese, the go back to Hong Kong and make tons of money because in Canada, they can't!
And of course CIA loves this white head chineses very much! So CIA pay them to stir up so called 'democracy' in Hong Kong! Please, Hong Kong is part of China! British only loan Hong Kong for 100 years! That period is over! Deal with it! She and that half dozen dumbass deserve to be jailed and have their organ harvested, you know, standard CCP procedure!
Don't bring democracy to Hong Kong! If you don't like then Denise Ho should stay in Canada! But i think like so many chinese canadians, they are only 3rd class citizens!


2021-12-30 11:43 | Report Abuse

After leaping 40 points in just few days, i think bursa will now dip here and there! It's consolidating!
So yeah, no point buying! Wait for the dip!


2021-12-30 11:42 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2021-12-30 11:10 | Report Abuse

All starlink satellites are in low orbit! Unfortunately Elon Musk will forever be scapegoat because he is sandwich in geopolitics!


2021-12-30 11:08 | Report Abuse

Rakyat have given up on politicians! Lawmakers duty is to ensure rakyat are given top priority! But nowadays, lawmakers on all sides only interested in helping themselves! Lawmakers are so busy promoting themselves instead of lifting burden of rakyat!
Well, except Hannah Yeoh who is the only rare one that really contribute so much during recent flood!


2021-12-30 11:05 | Report Abuse

Congrat SsLee! You deserve big fat divvy!


2021-12-30 11:03 | Report Abuse

I already knew that PM Sabri will be Malaysia most useless PM even before he became one! And i guess this round my prediction was overwhelmingly accurate! He lead many portfolios as minister and all of them were full of failures during his term! So we are actually witnessing a total failure leading our nation!
Same with Mohiden! He was one of the corrupted ones! Mohiden is well known with many controversial mega projects that when kamput! And now his DNB will be another in the making!
Trust me, this crony centric DNB will be failure! So i was not surprise when Mohiden first appoint Sabri as his No.2!
From total failure of MCO 2.0, MCO 3.0, we yet again saw total failure of handling floods all over Malaysia!It seems PM Sabri is more of a hindrance that actually facilitate rescue efforts!
I mean, rescue boats were used for ministers to go for flood tourism! Instead it was the ordinary malaysians who went all the way to rescue flood victims especially in Selangor using their own private boats! Harapan leaders were also bloody useless! Mat Sabu was busy politicizing the flood that actually lend a hand! Many Harapan leaders were more interested in getting photo shots just like PM Sabri bloated and useless ministers!
In short, our lawmakers are more of a hindrance than help to rakyat nowadays!


2021-12-30 00:16 | Report Abuse

Well, everything good when you order your things! And then the waiting! It's like, will you get them or not!
I tell you, i have ordered few stuff but delivery, i mean, it's not like it used to be!
I can see from tracker, things are not going well at all! You have a feeling you won't get what you have ordered!
I get i will go back to Ladaza! Lazada delivery agents are not so good but at least i know i will get my orders!
I am at lost how quickly Shopee turn from excellent to really bad in delivery in matter of weeks!
I believe Shopee is trying to be Amazon by taking the delivery by themselves! But i think they are not ready!