
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-01-18 00:34 | Report Abuse

Once it dawn to us that there's too many humans on earth, then it will be too late! Mother nature will take over and do her job! And i tell you, climate crisis will bring far brutal impact compare to Covid pandemic!


2022-01-18 00:32 | Report Abuse

Let's get one thing straight out of the box! The enlightens want to see 90% of humans perish from earth!
Covid was man made! It suppose to do it's job to reduce human population! But it's just an experiment! To see if it works! It did for a while!
Then Omicron happened! Which totally mess up their bigger agenda! Omicron is definitely be mother nature of turning deathly pandemic to endemic!
So yeah, by next year, Covid will be endemics Omicron, variant created by mother nature takes over!
But i tell you, there are many things that we fail to realise in reducing human population!
LBGT movement is a cancel culture in destroying our way of natural life! I mean, lesbianism, gays and so forth are not normal! But it does work in not procreate another human! Which is exactly why we see this new culture promoted heavily by the enlightens!
So why do the enlightens want to see reduced human population!
Obviously because our earth does not support so many of us! But we doesnt' care because we are selfish! We don't care if ocean pollution will destroy our sea and rivers!
Do you know 90% rivers in China are heavily polluted! Yeah, but the enlightens appreciate this fact!
But in not so distant future, we will be overwelmed by climate crisis! By then what the enlightens are doing today is nothing compare to what mother nature has in store for us!
The enlightens are very well aware of the future! This are 1% of the wealthiest and influential people on earth!
To save earth, we need much fewer humans on earth! Maybe 1 or 2 billions of the most productive ones! The rest are polluting and destroying earth!
Which exactly why the enlightens doing what they are doing!


2022-01-17 18:02 | Report Abuse

Goh! Yeah, too much sugar of everything! Sugar makes food especially fast food delicious! Not many shops nowadays are patience to make genuine broth too! Broth usually have natural umani flavor! Instead, they just dump instant flavor which is high in sugar!


2022-01-17 17:50 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately, we are bombarded with super high nutrient fast food nowadays!
As most of us live a very sedentary lives, we should eat smaller portion! Chinese diet are the most suitable! Chinese are the first to discovery fast food! And most are healthy! Because chinese food depends on broth to supplement their meals! However, due to trend, our new generation shun this this of diet!
American fast food is perhaps the most dangerous to our healthy! It's over saturated with fat, sugar and salt! It tends to choke our digestive system and eventually fatten us killing our heart in the process!
You know, the chinese serve their rice in small bowl and use chopstick which is good for slow eating! Chinese diet also have suitable portion of vege and meat and of course the healthy broth!
If you care about your health, then switch to the old school way of food!
Malays unfortunately have bad diet! Too much of everything! That is why you rarely see slim malay ladies in their prime! All fat and suffer multiple health issues! And reason why malays have highest death rate during Covid pandemic!
Anyway, decision is yours! Having health issues is very expensive! Caring for your health is so much cheaper in the long run!

News & Blogs

2022-01-17 17:16 | Report Abuse

The world is entering endemic state of Covid! As for Malaysia, rakyat are very cooperation looking at mass vaccination rate! It's our lawmakers who are not!


2022-01-17 17:15 | Report Abuse

Vcinvestor! Last week i was vindicated as foreign funds are moving in big! However, let's see if this funds are consistent! But i am sure they are in for short time only! The reason bursa turn red is because local funds are selling!

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2022-01-17 17:14 | Report Abuse

Beinvested! Nowadays been humble is rare commodity! Everybody is so smart since we are equip with smartphone! So we thought we know it all! Information is at tip of our fingers!
However, we are also seeing decline in intelligence of late! Not many enroll their children in science stream! Not many willing to blow their minds with complex knowledge!
For malaysians, especially those who enroll in national schools, their mental capacity will not flourish! Garage in garage out!
We are in the world of superficiality! Generation of Greta!


2022-01-17 17:09 | Report Abuse

It's no brainer oil and steel are going strong! So this two are good for pickings!
Overall, bursa stage a healthy correction today! Tomorrow shoud see stocks moving up again!


2022-01-17 17:08 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2022-01-17 17:06 | Report Abuse

No AYS promotion! That's something new!

News & Blogs

2022-01-09 13:26 | Report Abuse

So now the whole MACC is defending this little napoleon! I mean, you guys are appointed civil servants! MACC is not just another government department! Where integrity is above everything else! If your head commits and everybody cover up for him will help! MACC institution itself is now untrustworthy! Just take garden leave and let justice prevail! If Azam is innocent and all evidence satisfy the public, so be it!

News & Blogs

2022-01-09 13:22 | Report Abuse

So many lies! First the brother use his share account! Then now tell us he only brought 300k shares back in 2016! Moral of the story, please tell consistent lie! You can't say you flush your turd before your actually dump your big load!

News & Blogs

2022-01-08 16:21 | Report Abuse

Trust me, nothing will happen! As PM of the day, he should have asked Azam Baki to go on garden leave until investigation is completed!

News & Blogs

2022-01-08 00:09 | Report Abuse

US is now nation of democrazy! Where democrats are more interested to loot it's nation till death! And now blaming China for their own follies! Grow up Biden!


2022-01-07 17:42 | Report Abuse

Nowadays you cannot simply label any nation with democractic, socialistic or bombalistic term of yesteryears!
Today, the rule of the game totally changed!
Take democracy for example! It's domcrazy nowadays! From father of democracy like US, voters no longer vote for politicians that best take care of them! Instead, election is just a game of getting voted! Once they are in corridor of power, looting becomes new normal!
In Malaysia, democrazy has taken looting to totally new level! Since we are in 69 alliance, yes, the brand of our new alliance is Pakatan Barisan Perikatan 69 where lawmakers of many sides form a government to enjoy the bounty!
Democracy is dead! Democrazy is alive!
As for China, i guess they are lucky for not having any general election! Because if they do, i think the level of corruption will take entirely new form! China will join the rest of democracy nations into turd pit!
But we cannot say China is totally authotarian nation as well! Because, chinese China do have some freedom! The freedom of entrepreneurship! Meaning, chinese China are free to do small business as source of income! I mean, isn't that more beneficial than having freedom of speech and so forth! The minds of China are focus on improving themselves rather than going around rolling on streets for sake of personal freedom!
Looking at Malaysia, China is way way way better! Malaysia is a pariah nation! We are destine for failure! It's too late to try and save Malaysia!


2022-01-07 16:06 | Report Abuse

If you haven't notice, climate change is the new Covid! Yeah, flood and drought will be new normal! On top of Covid that is!
So yeah, life is great! Challenging! Tiring!
If you are in flood prone area, there's few things you new to prepare! Beside umbrella! Inflatable boat is crucial!
But keeping rubber shoes in your car is a life saver! I mean, would you ruin your expensive shoes instead! Rubber shoes are damn cheap! You can get a pair from Mr Diy for less than RM10! Trust me, once you wear them in flood, it's really makes tons of difference!
And yeah, keep your important documents in sealed plastic bag! Better still, buy those waterproof vacuum bags to keep your clothes!
Start buying aluminium furniture! Mount your tv on the wall above water level!
As for electric goods, some like fridge can be savaged even after they are flooded, just make sure to unplug it before flood!
For beds, use steel frames! Don't ever again buy plywood furnitures if you know you home is flood prone!
This is the only way to adapt if you can't afford to move to flood free area!


2022-01-07 15:48 | Report Abuse

Yeah, still an hour before trade close for the weekend! But this week, the correction has been too drastic!
And so those who brought on dip will enjoy a little profit! Don't expect much! This year is not a good year for Malaysia as democrazy and other variables just not in our favor!
Sure! Oil and steel will enjoy strong rally but for our related stocks here, haix, cannot say much!


2022-01-07 02:36 | Report Abuse

Theotrically, you need quarter million if you retire by the age of 55! Tell me, how many have quarter million in their EPF! Yeah, very very very few!
Our basic salary is totally too low! Government need to raise minimum salary to 1.5k and higher contribution too!
And government must also revert back to 6 days working week as Malaysia is losing out to other Asean countries!


2022-01-07 02:33 | Report Abuse

Sad! Sad that Najib Zahid is baiting rakyat to draw out their retirement fund! Sad because they knew if 10k one off is allowed, majority will retire without sufficient retirement fund!
We are looking at a timebomb here! The fact that majority of EPF members are not even aware of this fact!


2022-01-06 22:25 | Report Abuse

With steel price fix at double, no brainer how the next quarter will be! A hidden gem, unfortunately bursa very unstable!


2022-01-06 22:02 | Report Abuse

30 points drop within 3 trading days is way too much! So expect some light rebound!


2022-01-06 20:09 | Report Abuse

Chinaman! No choice really! Petronas has used up it's profit to support few administrations!

News & Blogs

2022-01-06 20:09 | Report Abuse

Khairy has been with frontliners to manage Covid! He is the only minister that really put huge effort! The rest of the useless ministers are off on never ending holidays!


2022-01-06 20:00 | Report Abuse

Haix! Don't know what to say Chinaman! We have wrong leaders managing our nation!


2022-01-06 19:56 | Report Abuse

Najib Zahid need to be purged from Umno before we can see some stability! I hope Umno leaders realise this! Because Najib Zahid is no longer an option! They are huge liability!


2022-01-06 19:50 | Report Abuse

Next quarter will be another big fat profit! Maybe another round of divvy! But stock price, no hope! Even if the current valuation is now above RM1!


2022-01-06 19:48 | Report Abuse

Oil price continue to gain traction! Even steel price is now on uptrend! But look at our bursa! Both theme are not moving!
Like i said, hard for bursa to join the frenzy! Politics in democrazy mode!


2022-01-06 19:45 | Report Abuse

Dickyme! Yeah, he is! It seems Khairy too eager to do the same!


2022-01-06 19:44 | Report Abuse

Only GPS is a clear kingmaker! After Sarawak election triumph, basically they decide direction of the game! But given Malaysia democrazy situation, Malaysia will not be a winning nation!


2022-01-06 19:43 | Report Abuse

On Harapan side, they have not learn a lesson! The Lims continue to appease Mahathir! Anwar Ibrahim has lost his influence after too many mistakes! Amanah, come on, how can Mat Sabu lead! He should not even be in politics!


2022-01-06 19:42 | Report Abuse

Now, here's the thing! Najib Zahid is very desperate bunch! They are trying to save themselves! They don't care even if they bring Malaysia to the ground! And that is exactly what they are trying to do with EPF!
I mean, you still trust Najib after what he has done to Tabung Haji and KWAP! I mean, this bugger stolen 4 billion from KWAP and he is still walking free!
As for Zahid, he is abusing his position just to get few millions here and there to finance his lavish lifestyle! If he becomes PM, i tell you, Malaysia has no hope already!
The plan is clear! Najib Zahid will bring down PM Sabri administration! Then win GE15! Tok Mat will be their PM in waiting! Better still, Najib will be PM in waiting! But Zahid control the game! He will pick and choose candidates! But the end game is clear! Zahid will be in charge!
Sabri is weak! Even if he goes for president post if Umno election is held, he won't win! He has weak grasp of Umno warlords! He is playing a weak card here! On his side are Annuar Musa, Khairy and Hisham! Annuar is the weakest with zero warlords! Hisham has played his card, he also has no warlords! Khairy has small group that cannot fight against Zahid!
As for Tok Mat, Sabri totally sideline him! Which is a huge mistake! Tok mat too is making a huge blunder fro siding with Najib Zahid!
Basically, Umno is a divided house! A deck of cards bound to crash!


2022-01-06 14:29 | Report Abuse

If Najib Zahid successfully bring down PM Sabri administration, Tok Mat will be their proxy!
Unfortunately PM Sabri overestimate himself and sideline Tok Mat! This is huge blunder right from the beginning!
Unless PM Sabri wake up from his slunder, i think this administration ins heading towards certain clash!


2022-01-06 14:06 | Report Abuse

As i see it, PM Sabri doesn't know how to play his card! He should divide Tok Mat and Najib Zahid by quickly appointing him as DPM! Instead we hear him considering Hisham, Assmin or Hamzah! Which is a totally political blunder as it only enrage Umno warlords!


2022-01-06 14:05 | Report Abuse

As for Covid, personally i see the end of it! As Omicron is actually blessing in disguise! We may see natural immunity from Covid going forward! Then again, recovery theme may not happen given political outlook in Malaysia!


2022-01-06 14:03 | Report Abuse

Yeah, i could go on with fake optimism how variables like oil, steel and so forth are very favorable!
But with domestic politics uncertainty, anything can happen this year! Unless of course Najib Zahid are successfully sideline, i don't see much for us retailers!
Not a good time to buy! Buy if you see a dip! Like i said before, sell on strength! Because you can always buyback given market uncertainty!


2022-01-06 12:47 | Report Abuse

So MACC chief walks free with excuse that his share account is used by his siblings!
I mean, everybody will use the same excuse now! Tell me, if head of MACC can walk from from corruption allegation, what makes you think MACC is credible institution to begin with!
That is why Malaysia is total joke nowadays!

News & Blogs

2022-01-05 17:43 | Report Abuse

Good luck with that! Elon Musk has 4 giga factory chucking our batteries! While the 'titans' still rely on South Korea and China! What a joke!

News & Blogs

2022-01-05 17:22 | Report Abuse

Another day, another gimmick! We will never see this on the road!


2022-01-05 00:31 | Report Abuse

It's hard to feel optimistic about Malaysia nowadays! Knowing that Umno will crumble very soon is even worse as PM Sabri administration will collapse any moment!
So my advise, dont' put your money in bursa! We are in for a rough days ahead!