
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2021-12-20 23:09 | Report Abuse

Back in July, Nurul did warned lawmakers to prepare for floods amidst pandemic! At least we do have one thinking lawmakers in sea of dumbass!
Unfortunately, we have a bunch of dumbass ministers who even held official ceremony for rescue effort! I mean, why do you waste few hundred thousand just to shiok yourself dear Faizal!
Anyway, clearly after more than half a century, our administrations never learn anything!
The rescue effort in Selangor can only be describe as bunch of incompetents! There's no coordination from both state and federal level!
Only lawmakers like Anwar who enjoy turning such event into political gambit!
This is not once in every 100 years event! This is going to be yearly event!
Climate change is real and Malaysia is sitting right on the prime spot of climatic shift!
Malaysia will see more floods that any Asean neighbours! Just like how Philippines enjoy almost quarterly typhoon storms!
Like it or not, we need to adapt to climate change! Like it or not more and more surge ponds need to be built! Drains need to be cleaned every 3 months or so! And that's the most cost effective way to deal with climate shift!
Drastic and expensive ones like building walls along coastlines and flood pumps are just out of reach!
Future property development will need to focus on high rise apartments with multistory parking space!
Singapore has done this decades ago! In fact Singapore built the world biggest flood pond right under their feet! An engineering wonder even China or US can't even imagine!

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2021-12-20 16:56 | Report Abuse

PM Sabri loves his son in law very much! Even create batik day just for him!


2021-12-20 15:24 | Report Abuse

Umno election is way overdue! Don't wait until November next year! Holding GE15 before Umno election is immoral!
Furthermore, the court cluster must be purged completely!

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2021-12-20 14:43 | Report Abuse

So you know how dumbass our lawmakers are! The great flood of Selangor cannot be prevented! It's the perfect storm of high tide and super high volume of rain water! Equivalent to one month of rain in single day!
The only thing government of Selangor and Federal government can do is to quickly help those flood victims and repair major roads and infra!

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2021-12-19 22:51 | Report Abuse

Harapan leaders should have let local party to go against GPS! But i doubt Senior Lim learn anything! After half a century, Senior Lim continues to be blind by sentiment on the ground!


2021-12-19 21:12 | Report Abuse

This will make some in Selangor to reconsider how to live their lives! I mean, condos seems attractive during this flood as many staying on high floors remain high and dry! Especially those who have multistorey parking space for their cars!


2021-12-19 21:11 | Report Abuse

Firstly, my full sympathy for selangorians! This is a very unusually flood indeed!
High tide couple with super high volume of rain water, i think it's a perfect storm that hit Selangor unexpectedly!
This folks is what we shall expect in coming decades! Perhaps we are only getting some taste of it just to remind us of what's to come!
It's no joke when full blow of climate change sets in!


2021-12-19 19:54 | Report Abuse

You can buy those cheap 2k portable boat!


2021-12-19 19:53 | Report Abuse

Brandon! Always keep a small boat at home in you live in landed property! You never know!


2021-12-19 19:27 | Report Abuse

You guys really know how to cheer me up!

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2021-12-19 16:54 | Report Abuse

During 22 months of Mahathir administration, LGE cut funding to Sarawak! But GPS took them in stride and built those crucial infra themselves! And LGE also told sarawakians, Sarawak will go bankrupt in 2 years! So yeah, DAP poor performance in Sarawak can be blamed on LGE!

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2021-12-19 15:36 | Report Abuse

LGE should be blamed for poor DAP result in Sarawak! His big mouth cost DAP failure!

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2021-12-19 15:35 | Report Abuse

I wonder how dumbass our leaders are! I mean, can't they formula a blue print and set a Senzhen like city for all foreign investors to come and invest in the booming chip market!
I mean, Bandar Malaysia is the perfect tech city for foreign investors!

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2021-12-19 15:33 | Report Abuse

Ahbah! Yeah, you are right! Even 1st liners are dying!


2021-12-19 15:32 | Report Abuse

Having said that, it's up to PM Sabri to push local funds to support bursa by next week! I mean, even PNB alone can help relief the bear from bursa! Then you have EPF! It's totally up to PM Sabri!
So watch if PM Sabri can do something with our capital market!


2021-12-19 15:30 | Report Abuse

Sarawak election result of course put the uncertainty of political turmoil!
Now we see that Harapan chances has totally hit bottom for coming GE15! It may signal return of the status quo!
However, i think the focus is now on local chinese! Will local chinese finally return to MCA! Because if local chinese are not represented in the next administration, the 'tuan melayu' will certainly take deep root and that may spell the end of local chinese institutions!
Like it or not, only MCA can ensure local chinese rights are protected from the ever taliban politicians we are facing today!
Please be noted, there are not many moderate malay politicians nowadays! Only Tok Mat in Umno! The rest, like Khairy, are patron of 'tuan melayu'!
And so, GE15 will be referendum for MCA! Shot the messenger! But remember, i warn you guys of what to come after GE15!

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2021-12-19 15:19 | Report Abuse

Tesla will produce even more EV in 2022 as Giga Texas and Giga Berlin start mass production next year!
And we may also see BYD producing more affordable EV for the masses thanks to it's new addition, Dolphin!
But i am more interested to see if China especially Geely entering Malaysia in a big way next year!
I mean, with tax and duties exemptions and road tax free for 2 years, it's kinda miss opportunity if they don't!


2021-12-19 14:32 | Report Abuse

Situation has changed! Anti viral are here to the rescue! Now, we can target the infected ones with anti viral and pervent infecting others! And with booster shots, the playing field just get better!
So chill! We are seeing light at the end of the tunnel! Ignore WHO! They create more problems that solution!

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2021-12-19 14:29 | Report Abuse

Uncensored! In coming decades we may see more intrusion from Vietnam, India and of course China! As our neighbour bypass us, they will of course make Malaysia as they playground!


2021-12-19 14:27 | Report Abuse

Once upon a time, Anwar Ibrahim can say anything he wants and get attention of the masses!
Unfortunately those days are gone! Anwar Ibrahim long trail of broken promises dissapointed all of us! And during 22 months of Mahathir administration, Anwar was too busy talking and talking about him becoming PM! And it continued during Mohiden 18 months administration as well!
Then after 2nd attempt at PMship, Anwar was again denied the PMship! It seems Mohiden and Sabri bypassed him!
PM Sabri was a bit smarter compare to Mohiden when it comes to understanding Anwar main weakest! You see, Anwar loves to talk in parliment! What better way that to extend parliment for 2 months and let Anwar talk, talk and talk!
As parliment draw to a close, i mean, it's no brainer, Anwar will take his attics to the streets! Unfortunately for Anwar, most of the streets are flooded due to heavy downpour! So i doubt rakyat are interested to roll on the streets in coming days!
That's basically Anwar political tactics! Parliment or the streets!
I doubt Anwar learn anything from recent Melaka and Sarawak humiliating defeat! He totally forgotten about his reform agenda!
While Anwar talks about how DNB is just another 1MDB, Anwar forgot that his party in Sarawak is controlled by timber tycoon! A crony centric approach no difference from Mohiden or Mahathir!

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2021-12-19 13:51 | Report Abuse

Rakyat need adults in the room! Not some hot blooded Harapan leaders with zero vision for Malaysia!

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2021-12-19 13:49 | Report Abuse

Actually Harapan need to learn from Najib policies! Have a set of very realistic policies! A blueprint that clearly tell malaysians what Harapan going to do with infras, economy, administration and future policies!
Not some political gimmicks and rhetoric that are too stale to use!
Unfortunately, Harapan leaders are too egoistic to admit they have pass expiry date!
Even worst, the Lims continue to pamper to Mahathir and his proxies like Warisan and Muda!
As for Anwar, he keep breaking his reform promises by accepting political frogs which of course anger his own hardcore supporters and Harapan supporters as a whole!
Sorry, even bringing back Rafizi and Nurul at this point will be fruitless!
So what can Harapan do! Like i said, go back to basic and learn from Najib policies! Those are very good policies that rakyat can accept! Not some fake promises and political gimmicks!


2021-12-19 00:58 | Report Abuse

I mean, Zahid Hamidi will also be the next PM of Malaysia soon! I don't know who is the dumbest president or PM! It's like between Biden and Zahid Hamidi,i guess my bet is on Zahid! And the joke will be on us soon!
Poor Malaysia! Poor rakyat!


2021-12-19 00:56 | Report Abuse

Haix! Like i always said, Zahid is a real joker! He seems to be the sad comic relief for malaysians! I mean, his constant insult on our intelligence is beyond belief!
By his logic, Alllah brought down Mohiden administration, and also brought down Najib administration and soon PM Sabri administration as well!
Hiding behind Alllah seems to be Zahid favorite pickup line lately!


2021-12-18 21:32 | Report Abuse

I foresee DAP losing many seats come GE15! But again, this does not mean MCA will profit from it!
However, given the certain disadvantage if local chinese not represented in the next administration, MCA must recruit strong candidates going forward!
The days of Harapan is not shining going forward! DAP made a huge blunder for trusting Mahathir!
And now the Lims are slowly replacing Anwar with Mahathir proxy, Shafie Apdal! It's no brainer what the Lims have in mind! But i can assure you, it's going to be more of another major blunder than actually helping winning majority malay hearts!
As for PKR, it's better for them to go solo come GE15! Harapan has lost it's glimmer!


2021-12-18 20:48 | Report Abuse

Sarawak election is a referendum for DAP! Just like Melaka by election was a referendum for Anwar Ibrahim!
Clearly DAP fortune has turn in Sarawak! Local chinese in Sarawak are only around 500k! Not a biggie population! And Sabah is only like 200k local chinese! Overall only 700k local chinese in both Sabah Sarawak!
However, we have seen how local chinese no longer a fix deposit for DAP! Sarawak is seen as indicator of local chinese support for DAP!
Given the rollout of result coming from Sarawak, it appear what i have assumption turn out to be true!
This is a huge worry for DAP going forward! I believe GPS succeeded because they pro actively tackle every single issues dear to sarawakians! Among them, UEC qualification!
Anwar tried to bring poverty as his major bagger but in Sarawak, like it or not, GPS provides longhouses for the bumis there! This longhouses is like brainwashing factory for GPS! It's simply impossible for outsiders to change the bumis there!
As for local chinese, they also missing out on Sarawak development just like how we miss out since MCA no longer able to get mega projects!
And so, we may see further erosion of local chinese support for DAP! But this does not means local chinese are going back to MCA!
Unless Wee able to recruit candidates who are very influential! Of course this is very hard to do! DAP has succeeded in recruiting such candidates for almost a decade!


2021-12-18 18:12 | Report Abuse

Decades ago we used to have Ferry Malaysia that went bankrupt only after few years of service!
No! I am not saying government should relaunch Ferry Malaysia! Instead cargo ships should make some room for paying customers!
I mean, cargo ships are huge! Surely they have some unused space! And this space can be converted for paying customers!
The thing is, many of us never actually see the open ocean! Having experience open ocean is something we would like to experience once! Cargo ships can utilized their unused spaces and make money at the same time!
This is something cargo ships can consider!

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2021-12-18 17:50 | Report Abuse

Yeah, we finally experience the beginning of climate change! And this is just a super mild impact of climate change! Volume of rain that we never seen before! Imagine another 20 years, you will be very scared everytime it rains! I mean, even your roof won't be able to stay the super high volume rain water!

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2021-12-18 17:45 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately Zahid Hamidi has the upperhand! He and Najib will pull the rug anytime now! And of course PM Sabri will lose his administration and call for GE15! And you know i know Zahid Hamidi is in the position to be PM!


2021-12-18 15:31 | Report Abuse

Ahbah! Lawmakers only interested in filling up their pocket out of the 330 billion budget! Oh, of course to ensure voters keep voting them with their dramas in parliment!


2021-12-18 15:13 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > Dec 18, 2021 3:02 PM | Report Abuse

Que sera, sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que sera, sera
What will be, will be

Answer : Current state of Malaysia! Rakyat basically given up on our lawmakers!


2021-12-18 15:13 | Report Abuse

Ahbah! Yeah, past 2 months very shitty for Mr Bursa! Well, parliment finally close it's curtain after 2 months of dramas! We shall see how bursa return to business!

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2021-12-18 15:09 | Report Abuse

Actually Grandpa Koon got it wrong! Hiaptek QR is very impressive! Highest revenue in it's recorded quarters! As for AYS, the latest result is cause for concern! It actually dip alot!


2021-12-18 14:35 | Report Abuse

Given current political scenario, i say good riddance to us all! I see very little positive in our country of late! It's very messy and very shaky to say mildly!


2021-12-18 14:33 | Report Abuse

For Zahid Hamidi, he only need to pull out his support and watch PM Sabri administration falls apart! It's not that hard to do!
But of course, there's consequence for such action as well! What if GE15 does not side with Umno! What if Umno actually lose more seats!
Examining Melaka by election, it was Anwar very fatal and very naive maneuver that cause humiliating defeat! Anwar accepted political frogs which goes against sentiment of voters! Given Anwar had already signed MOU that support anti frogs law!
As such Anwar was blame for his dumbass move! Unfortunately for Anwar, his glorious days are all behind him! Sarawak most probably show very similar result! But then again, Sarawak is referendum against DAP! If DAP sees drastic fall in winnings, then Anwar may actually extend his lifeline!
Anyway, going back to Umno, it's certainly multi corner fights! You are looking at PM Sabri camp, Zahid Najib camp, Tok Mat camp and so forth! As for Khairy, he has not shown much interest probably because he contribute very little to many of Umno winnings in recent years! The real deal is of course Tok Mat who also credited for Umno comeback in Melaka! However, Zahid Hamidi quickly took credit when in reality Zahid chosen blue bloy, Rauf, almost lost!
Unfortunately for us rakyat too, the political uncertainly and gloom prospect may be too late for any future political stability! As long as we are lead by selfish and short sighted leaders, we are on certain course to doomland!


2021-12-17 21:13 | Report Abuse

I know! It's been horrible year! Some say the steel rally is over but i think next year steel theme is still on!
China is cutting down on dirty producers and there will be shortage of steel in China for sure!
And Malaysia i believe will be the biggest benefactor! Hiaptek is a gem if you ask me!
Well, that's for next year!
Parliment is rolling down it's curtain! And parliment is a big pain in the rear as it tends to bring out the bear!
But by next week, we will go back to business! Maybe some window dressing! I don't know!
However, next week is important to see if the bear finally take a vacation!
Don't believe me! I am just as clueless!


2021-12-17 20:27 | Report Abuse

Don't be naive and think Harapan leaders are fighting for us! Just look at LGE! He wanted 10% from Penang underwater tunnel project! Which of course will never going to be built since LGE smart enough to transfer state lands to developer before the project even kickoff! It's one of the dumbest thing any CM or PM ever did!
Anwar brought up DNB in parliment which is actually quite true! DNB is just another 1MDB! Government will pile up debts and Mohiden will be sitting and shaking leg getting fat share from it!
But you think Anwar is an angel! Dude, he is flying around in private jets owned by his cronies!
As for Umno, you know i know Zahid Hamidi is pulling the rug and call for GE15 before his verdict is out! And then we will see the same crooks that Mahathir tried to bring down coming back with a vengance!
In the end, rakyat are baited and fooled many times over!
Anyway, that's what happening in most democratic nations anyway! Lawmakers will pile up debts and get the molla out of the system to fill up their pockets! Just look at Democrats! They are pulling out 7 trillions barely a year into administration! US is on certain course of doom for sure! Same with Malaysia! Same with so many democratic nations!
In the end, we the rakyat are the fools!

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2021-12-17 17:17 | Report Abuse

Alenac! Buy canned pineapple! You can drink and eat at the same time!