
ToneeFa | Joined since 2020-08-03

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2021-07-18 19:55 | Report Abuse

Boris Johnson is taking another huge gamble by lifting lockdowns in England. Even he admits it could lead to more deaths from Covid. Boris Johnson will place English citizens at the center of an experiment that will give some indication of how well a highly populated country with surging cases of coronavirus copes when lockdown restrictions are lifted.
As of Monday, almost all of the restrictions in England will be lifted. Mandatory mask wearing will be gone, limits on the numbers of people who can mix indoor or outdoor will end, social distancing will be limited to people who have tested positive for the virus and airports, and venues like nightclubs and sports stadiums will be free to open at full capacity.
The consequences of a surge in the virus are where things could get sticky. Modeling by Imperial College London predicts that lifting all restrictions could lead to "a significant third wave of hospitalizations and deaths." While the existing covid vaccines are very effective, they are not 100%. Some people may get ill despite being fully vaccinated.
Clarke explains that "filling hospitals with people who are ill enough to be in hospital but not ill enough to end up in intensive care" will put a huge strain on the NHS. And, he grimly adds, "that looks like what's going to happen." Any additional strain on the NHS will be unwelcome news to the millions of people who are awaiting treatment for non-Covid illness. The waiting list is currently at a record high.
Potentially more damaging, Clarke says is that "with every single infection of every single person, the likelihood of a mutation increases." While he doesn't think that means we will immediately see a variant that is completely resistant to vaccines, he believes "what we'll see is a progressive blunting of its effectiveness."

All eyes will be on UK. Boris allowing Covid to have parties in UK. The Health Minister Sajid Covid Javid , said likely daily cases will exceed 100k. More deaths and overburdened healthcare syste, are expected.


2021-07-18 16:15 | Report Abuse

World in ‘very dangerous period’ as Delta variant continues to mutate, warns WHO chief

COVID variants ‘winning the race against vaccines’ warns WHO chief


2021-07-18 14:47 | Report Abuse

Klee , as I mentioned before, everyone has to have a position in investing. If you think the pandemic is over soon and glove demand will go back to prepandemic level, so u should sell all ur glove shares and walk away. But if you think the pandemic has further leg to go and glove demand will grow exponentially in coming months, then u may want to take a position in glove shares. Everyone need to decide on their investment position. Even the ff/shortists don't have all the answers. They can get it wrong too. In fact nobody has the answers to what the reality will be 6 to 12 months from no , at best its just guessing. But this is real: even WHO believes the worst is yet to come. WHO believes the world currently is in very precarious and dangerous position. Are we more expert than WHO?


2021-07-18 14:23 | Report Abuse

yup pjseow, many of the developing countries were unscathed in the previous waves. And many of them now are having low vaccination rate. If you look at the Worldometer, about 50% or 120 of the nations only had accumulated infection of 100k and less and 77% or 172 nations had total accumulated infections of 500kand less from previous waves. With Delta, most of them will see a huge spike in infection and death rates. Likely during and after this many of them would be investing into higher preparation level to fight any future variant onslaught, by sufficiently stockpiling gloves and other PPE. They will worry about being caught off guard in future.
-We can just look at Msia as eg, from early May ( that was the start of Delta variant infection) to now, in a span of 3 months, our total daily cases has double from 440k to 890k. Meaning our last 3 months infection cases = the total from 12 months before that. And the death cases went from 1700 to 6800, or 4X for the similar period. And that is despite all the CMCO.FMCO and EMCOs. And yet we are lucky we have a good DG in control and not the other guy, otherwise it would be catastrophe alrdy. And yet Msia is still not out of the wood yet, we may be seeing even higher numbers before things can get under control.
- Many other developing countries are still in the building up process of Delta variant getting a foothold. Of course Indonesia has exploded. Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Philippines etc still in process. Middle East is still at early stage. South Africa has exploded, but the rest of Africa is in building up process too. Many other nations haven't even started yet. Fiji has spiked up recently, where in 1 day surge = 10% of total previous waves cases.
-All these nations, unscathed in previous waves, but is ravaged or about to be, will form the new glove demand as they will realize that in a pandemic, there is nothing more important than protecting your frontliners. Bcos the collapse of frontliners can equal collapse of a nation. And collectively, the potential market would be huge.
- of course the above prediction is speculative, subject to how fast each of the nations can quickly vaccinate to protect its ppl. Of course, whether subsequent waves from newer variants will occur will depend on the global response and WHO's initiatives to minimise the future Covid impact.


2021-07-18 13:01 | Report Abuse

Hi observatory,
Yup, the respect is mutual however its Mr Forum prerogative as to what is suitable content. I m in no position to question that. Do still post any views when you can if you disagree with any of my post.


2021-07-18 12:06 | Report Abuse

Hi observatory,
sorry didn't reply to you yesterday coz I was caught up with my netflix series. Anyway, when I read that you equated the vaccination of measles, chicken pox and flu experience with current Covid vaccination, I realized that you still have a lot to catch up on your understanding regards current scenario. Our current mass vaccination amidst a global pandemic is unprecedented in the history of mankind, so cannot compare with normal vaccination programs. You should watch the video on interview with Dr Geert Vanden Bossche(which I posted months back) a world renown expert virologist. He explained it well. He said vaccination on an individual basis works well but its a mistake to mass vaccinate during a global pandemic when the viral infections are very prevalent, mainly bcos the virus would have ample opportunities to infect the vaccinated but immunocompromised ppl and those in between jabs before their immunity strengthened, that will allow them the chance to mutate into stronger variants. He said vaccines rollout in a global pandemic can create monster virus or super-virus if not carefully controlled. You see, once u start with mass vaccination, you would build a gap between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. And if you introduce booster jabs too early, then there would be an even bigger gap between the booster jabbed and the unvaccinated. Meaning , any variants that appear after the booster jabs that infects an unvaccinated person, that person will stand no chance of surviving no matter how healthy that person is. In relative terms, its like a super-virus to the unvaccinated. This is why US FDA and CDC rejected Pfizer booster jab plan for now. . Vaccine alone is never the solution, but the control of spreading of infection is more important to reduce the chance for the virus to mutate to breakthru the vaccine. But going forward, with alrdy so much lockdowns and social restrictions imposed to date, can the world continue with the controls? Technically we must, but economically we are at dire straits alrdy. That's why I said much earlier, the world will come to this crossroad and dilemma. And its happening now as we write.


2021-07-17 23:00 | Report Abuse

Hi observatory, I wish I could be as optimistic as you going forward. My heart breaks as I research and try to understand about Covid more. All I see is catastrophe ahead of us, which was confirmed by WHO that the worst of the pandemic is still ahead of us. I have speculated that numerous times since 3 months ago. WHO has just confirmed it this month. Are we more expert than WHO?

1.With 75% of the world population still unvaccinated, and Delta is spreading like wild fire globally, I shudder to think what damage we will witness in the coming months. The numbers are climbing and this time its not focused on just a few countries but much more wide spread both geographically and demographically. We will witness many countries unscathed by previous waves to be badly impacted. We will witness young ppl and children becoming very sick and dying. India, South America, Indonesia and South Africa have shown how devastating Delta/Lambda/Beta can be. We are still at early stage , that's why you are in disbelief. Wait another 2-3 months, then maybe we won't need to debate about this as the reality then will speak for itself.

2. " there are historical precedence that as viruses mutate, they become less deadly and
eventually co-exist with the hosts."
Good point and I totally agree bcos its scientifically proven. But when we start to vaccinate, we will destabilize the equilibrium that the virus needs to achieve for a sustainable co-existence. Without vaccines we will reach that co-existence level much faster, bcos the virus will slowly find that equilibrium. With vaccine, we shake that formation of the equilibrium and introduce a more aggressive environment to the virus, and the virus will react by mutating to become even more aggressive and stronger to overcome the threat. Vaccines will train the virus to become more muscular and deadlier to us, which is why now the Delta variant has become deadlier to the unvaccinated. The original strain would only affect the immuno-compromised people while the younger and healthier would just have mild symptoms. But now everyone needs to be vaccinated just to be on the safe side. However, the virus will continue to mutate fast bcos when you suddenly threaten it, it becomes un-stabilized and will fight to overcome the threat aggressively. Eventually, it will find its way around all the vaccines thru our weaker links, ie those who are fully vaccinated and are immunocompromised. That's why the experts advise that we should not open up so early and that those vaccinated still have to try to prevent infection, and the main reason is to prevent those who are immunocompromised to get infected. The booster jab will have the same effect later.

3. As of now, China vaccines are alrdy showing signs of waning efficacy against Delta/Beta and they are the most widely used vaccines around the world for now. So u may need to add 10% to the 75% in item 1.

4. As for now, the most effective way to stop Covid is using lockdown and social restrictions. But many countries are alrdy suffering economically. Therefore, it will come a time we have to open up and learn to live with Covid amidst the suffering and death that it will bring. That's the ultimate "new normal" that we need to live with. Even in Msia, I m not sure we have seen the worst of it, but if we can quicken the vaccination, maybe we can take a breather until the next wave that will be brought about by the next more powerful variant. Even those few countries such as Spore, UK, US and Holland are spooked as they try to open up.

5. I really hope I m wrong and that the virus will just go away by end of this year. But when WHO said "the worst is still ahead of us", I too hope they are wrong.


2021-07-17 21:36 | Report Abuse

@happyman ToneeFa im shocked that you are the opinion china glove maker cannot compete with malaysia there are 2 reasons 1 ,one of the china glove maker has already expended into upstream ie a butadiene plant so by 2023 this glove factory will hv at least top glove capacity if not bigger n it will be an integrated facility ( if u understand what it means)...2 percentage world share of china glove makers has grown from 10 % to 20% now ..
17/07/2021 8:18 PM

Actually happyman, its Beary's opinion that China cannot compete with Msia glovemakers. My opinion is that in the next 3 years we do not need to worry about China bcos with the coming exponential global glove demand, all glovemakers will struggle to fulfill it. In fact we will be glad that China glovemakers are there to help supply the market bcos we are all about saving humanity from collapse.


2021-07-17 17:48 | Report Abuse

The Beta variant was first identified in South Africa and is spreading in parts of France, causing concern that it might ‘re-seed’ in the UK

The Beta variant, first identified in South Africa, is believed to be more resistant to vaccines than other strains of the virus, with Government officials said to be alarmed about the possibility of holidaymakers “re-seeding” the variant in the UK this summer.

A senior government source said: “They are worried about the South African variant because they think it escapes the vaccine, although they don’t have evidence of that yet.

In May the Beta variant was believed to have contributed to a dramatic surge in cases in the Seychelles, which has one of the highest percentages of vaccinated population in the world.

Despite a 71.5 per cent vaccination rate, the Indian Ocean island nation experienced a sharp increase in casualties when social restrictions were loosened earlier this year.

Meanwhile the World Health Organisation’s emergency committee warned today that new and more dangerous Covid-19 variants which could avoid vaccination efforts were expected to spread around the world.

The committee warned that “the pandemic is nowhere near finished” and said that “recent trends are worrying”.
The Beta variant is believed to have alrdy escaped the China vaccines. Likely the Beta lineage may be the variant that will breakthru all the vaccines.


2021-07-17 17:07 | Report Abuse

@Beary I don't have statistics to show.
But I can imagine the cost of manufacturing in China cannot be lower than in Malaysia.
If China can beat us in glove manufacturing, they would have done so years ago when their manufacturing costs were much lower.
There must be reasons why Malaysia remains unchallenged as the world's No.1 for so long.
17/07/2021 11:48 AM

I think time will tell we don't need to be concerned about China glovemakers and their huge expansion for at least next 3 years, as for the next 2 years we shall see exponential increase of glove demand due to following potential scenarios:

1. In the next 3-6 months, many more countries with low vaccination rate around the world will be seriously ravaged by Delta variant. Hospitalization and death will increase in those countries. Vaccination will be expedited for these countries. These countries will start to serious stockpiling gloves and PPE like they never did before, and that's more than 50% of the countries in the world. Imagine all the bookings will extend until end of 2023 into 2024. Spot orders will packed out too.

2. In the next 6-9 months, with emergence of newer variants that will evade the current vaccines as warned by WHO, likely starting with collapse of China and Russia vaccines and then AZ and later Pfizer and Moderna. With some countries opening up, such emergence of newer and more powerful variants will be expedited. These new even more powerful variants will likely cause another wave by next year, right after Delta wave. The rush for booster jabs will take place starting from end of 2021 to end of 2022

3. Going forward especially in 2022, many countries cannot afford to lockdown further but need to learn to live with Covid. Therefore, even for highly vaccinated countries, with emergence of newer variants, we will see rise in hospitalization and death later. Once hospitals are full they just have to choose who will live and die. Gov't just have to make sure they protect the frontliners with as many gloves and N95 masks as possible. The collapse of frontliners = collapse of healthcare system. No money should be spared for that.

4. Once Covid is under control and become endemic by middle of 2023, The focus will shift to non-Covid highly back-logged cases. UK alone currently has around 13mil backlogged cases. All countries around the world will face the same backlogged problem which will take a few years to overcome. The gloves demand for these backlogged cases would be substantial too due to its global nature.

5. Around the world increased fear and stricter SOP all round will create exponential demand for gloves once the economies fully opened up. Even though we may all be vaccinated later, but we would not wish to be infected and carry the virus inside us. So demand due to SOP compliance will increase substantially too.

6. Base on above scenarios, going forward , we are going to see an unprecedented exponential growth of glove demand in the next 2-3 years , which will totally outstrip all previous projections by MARGMA. In fact we should welcome China glovemakers expansion, bcos they are helping to fill the huge shortage going forward, all for the purpose of saving humanity from collapse.


2021-07-17 15:46 | Report Abuse

Thanks farisfx54 , don't forget MrBeary as well. You can also contribute some positive postings here as well.


2021-07-17 13:37 | Report Abuse

Haha pjseow, he also said this
"This means if the share price remains stagnant at this level, the market cap do not increase in tandem (share price does not move up in tandem with earnings), then sooner or later the percentage of cash will become 100% of the market cap. Of course, realistically this should not happen as share price logically moves with earnings.".
Which we have been saying all along to the naysayers in our debate. In fact the stupeeed naysayers here are calling for 65sen, which would mean the cash would be almost 300% the market cap by end 2021.


2021-07-17 12:54 | Report Abuse

The rich developed countries can afford to lockdown the economy for long time to control the Delta spread, but many of the developing and 3rd World countries cannot afford to do that. So the coming wave would be hitting the developing and 3rd world countries very hard as they also have low vaccination rates. Therefore protecting the frontliners with gloves and proper PPE will become no 1 priority bcos without them the healthcare system will collapse totally.


2021-07-17 12:39 | Report Abuse


Jun 25, 2021 6:19 PM | Report Abuse

@glovefinish Delta variant going to spread attack whole world is too early to say now everything is just your imagination and own assumption. Let time to present it. Time would tell the truth won't lie. Just wait to see. I have saved all the postings created by someones here about the spread of delta variant in the world that would be used for verification in the coming time to see whether it's true or not.
25/06/2021 5:08 PM

Aunty GF, i feel honored you feel my postings were worth saving up. Pls be fair to highlight once you verified them to be true later. Thank you.

Aunty GF, still remember our above conversation 3 weeks ago before the Delta variant exploded, when I was highlighting for some time before that the Delta variant will be causing the worst crisis of the pandemic, even before they gave it a name. You did not believe and challenge me about it.
Can you now admit that I was right?


2021-07-17 12:21 | Report Abuse

@gemfinder Dun expect asp to rise la. China gloves oredi overtook malaysia liao
17/07/2021 11:39 AM

It's good China expanded, bcos we are about saving lives here, especially the frontliners. We need them more critically now. Bcos going forward, with Delta variant exploding around many countries around the world, protecting front liners will become the no1. priority. They will need so much PPE and gloves, there's gonna be serious acute shortage, even with China huge supply, the shortage will still be very acute. Just watch 3-6 months from now, the rush for gloves will be like rush for gold or diamond. Everywhere, every country will be fighting to get them, and don't care what is the price. ASP will shoot thru the roof. It will be the most unprecedented crisis of the pandemic we will be facing soon.


2021-07-17 12:12 | Report Abuse

Breakdown of daily cases on 16-7-21, base on daily cases range to number of countries

>50k = 2
<25 - 50k> = 5
<10k - 25k> = 9
<5k - 10k> = 9
<1k - 5k> = 39
<100 - 1k> = 53
<100 = 64
- N/A = 41
Total = 222

Once we compare these numbers over time, it will help us to understand the real global impact of Delta wave , which is more wide spread geographically and with higher level of infections in each country than previous waves.


2021-07-17 11:29 | Report Abuse

@linheng Read Staronline - Tradeview by Ng Zhu Hann. Supermax net cash position is way above the rest of glove counter.36.65% of mkt cap. Next best is Comfort at 19% of mkt cap. Being a profittable company even before the pandemic, this % cash position can only go up esp if share price goes down. I believe Standley will declared a bumper Final dividend. Supermax had been very stingy in paying interim dividends
17/07/2021 8:23 AM

Its better to have reasonable dividend but company use the money for strategic expansion than to have high level dividend but reduced expansion. Supermax is currently undergoing 2 types of expansions - locally, doubling of production capacity by 2022 and oversea expansions in US & UK. So need to use lots of funds to improve future earnings.


2021-07-17 11:23 | Report Abuse

@Who Else What Else
17/07/2021 9:48 AM

Haha this Ng guy must have read our postings here and got convinced with pjseow calculations , then bought into glove counters and promote with a nice write up. Kudos to him. We need more media analyst like him.


2021-07-16 20:18 | Report Abuse

Boris Johnson’s plan to lift virtually all of England’s pandemic restrictions on Monday is a threat to the world and provides fertile ground for the emergence of vaccine-resistant variants, international experts say.

At an emergency summit on Friday government advisers in New Zealand, Israel and Italy sounded alarm bells about Downing Street’s policy, while more than 1,200 scientists backed a letter to the Lancet journal warning that the strategy could allow vaccine-resistant variants to develop.
Aiyoh, like this how to go back to normalcy even after high level vaccination achieved? But Boris the Brexit Hero, will not succumb to pressure. The more you pressure him the more determined he is to open.


2021-07-16 17:59 | Report Abuse

Selangor EMCO ends at midnight
No difference anyway.


2021-07-16 17:55 | Report Abuse

A virologist has warned that the daily Covid-19 infections could double up to nearly 20,000 a day within the next two weeks, given the rising number of cases caused by the more infectious Delta variant.

Universiti Sains Malaysia’s Dr Kumitaa Theva Das said based on reported data, the Delta variant was close to overtaking other variants.

Kumitaa said the number of deaths was also likely to hit 200 a day, as the health system was pushed to its brink.
Not surprising alrdy.


2021-07-16 17:03 | Report Abuse

Continue to take precaution on Monday and don't chase high, don't contra play, only long term players should nibble while the rest should just hold tight tight as more positive news are in store ahead for Supermax and glove co.


2021-07-16 15:54 | Report Abuse

The World Health Organization (WHO) warned Thursday that "more dangerous" variants of Covid-19 could tear across the world as global infections soared to half a million daily, largely driven by the virulent Delta strain.

"The pandemic is nowhere near finished," the WHO's emergency committee said in a statement.

It highlighted "the strong likelihood for the emergence and global spread of new and possibly more dangerous variants of concern that may be even more challenging to control".
WHO keeps warning the worst may be around the corner. Protection of the frontliners will become very critical in the coming wave.


2021-07-16 11:44 | Report Abuse

The thing about the shortists is that they have the capacity to push the price in whatever direction to their whims and fancies in the short term, but they cannot fight against the reality in the longer term. That's why only the longer term players will gain in this game.


2021-07-16 11:38 | Report Abuse

As usual, still need to take precaution and don't chase high, don't contra play, only long term players should nibble while the rest should just hold tight tight as more positive news will be ahead for Supermax.


2021-07-16 11:21 | Report Abuse

If you read between the lines, Pfizer has been treating this 3rd booster with some urgency, and I don't think its just about money. I think they could see that the efficacy is waning fast against newer variants each time, so they are preparing for the eventuality of the emergence of the next variant. Their fear maybe the new variant may appear earlier than expected and that those fully vaccinated may even succumb to serious disease and die. That would look bad on them if they do not take any premeditated actions. Now that they have officially rejected, so no one should blame them later. Still, they will worry about the potential negative perception of their brand later. They said they are expediting the research into a new booster jab that is specific to target Delta variant.


2021-07-16 10:55 | Report Abuse

The Delta variant has created a deep fundamental structural change to the perception of the virus and the response to the pandemic. It's made the Covid looked much more sinister and deadlier than before. Its no more the old folks disease. It has opened up the disease to be everybody's disease. meaning anybody can die now. Would anybody now still argue if you need gloves for vaccination. Would the naysayers still want an ungloved pair of hands to touch them or the needle during vaccination? Going forward, many more countries than previous waves especially those with low vaccination rate, will have to increase their strategic stockpiling of PPE and gloves. N95 masks and medical gloves will be top of the priority. Even those with high vaccination rate will also have to prepare for the emergence of new and deadlier variants as mentioned by WHO. There is no doubt going forward, glove shortage will be very acute and likely will drive up the ASP further, as every country would need to prepare for the worst case scenario ahead as pointed out by the chief of WHO.


2021-07-16 10:08 | Report Abuse

But meanwhile still need to take precaution and don't chase high, don't contra play, only long term players should nibble while the rest should just hold tight tight.


2021-07-16 10:06 | Report Abuse

@Jef3880 Toneefa , it's Big .... That's why calling it miserables
Average twice to around $4.66
Peace & Love
16/07/2021 9:45 AM

Haha, hopefully soon they will turn from miserable to ecstatic! I'm still studying the development of this Delta variant and its impact to coming glove demand from different angles.


2021-07-16 10:00 | Report Abuse

Just yesterday alone these countries that have escaped the previous waves have recorded a significant daily cases surge in comparison to their total accumulated daily cases so far:

1. Fiji - 1,220 / 13886 = 8%
2. Vietnam - 3,416 / 40850 = 8%
3.Botswana - 5980 / 86,133 = 6%
4.Isle of Man - 116 / 1907 = 6%
5. Zimbabwe - 2491 / 78872 = 3%

In relative terms the above surges are exponential and this seems to be the pattern of this Delta variant. Once it gets a foothold, such exponential surge will be inevitable. Many of these previously unscathed countries have relatively low vaccination rates. So likely they may drive the next exponential surge of glove demand in this coming wave.


2021-07-16 09:39 | Report Abuse

@Jef3880 Toneefa , Will hold till you give Green light
So pls do inform us once times to sell
Holding tight tight my miserables 250 lots
Peace & Love
16/07/2021 9:28 AM

Jef3880 hold till 5.0 then its up to u to let go thereafter. Of course, it has potential to go beyond that but lets see how the situation develops. Of course things are always dynamic and anything can still happen that can affect either negatively or positively along the way. 250 big or small lots?


2021-07-16 09:19 | Report Abuse

Supermax bag holders and supporters, pls continue to hold #HoldSupermax >5.0.


2021-07-16 09:16 | Report Abuse

'Strong likelihood' of more dangerous Covid variants, warn WHO experts
The WHO emergency committee noted that the pandemic continues to evolve with four variants of concern and emphasised the risk of the emergence of new zoonotic diseases.

The emergency committee of the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned about the “strong likelihood” for the emergence of more virulent and dangerous variants of coronavirus that may be more challenging to control. After the eighth emergency committee meeting on Wednesday regarding the coronavirus disease (Covid-19), the WHO experts released a statement saying the pandemic remains a challenge globally.

“The Committee recognised the strong likelihood for the emergence and global spread of new and possibly more dangerous variants of concern that may be even more challenging to control,” the experts said.
Strongest warning from WHO, more dangerous variants will emerge soon, and emergence of new zoonotic diseases. God have mercy on humanity.


2021-07-16 00:14 | Report Abuse

Delta variant surges in Middle East and North Africa as region braces for 'catastrophic consequences'


2021-07-15 19:22 | Report Abuse

The coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic is now in the "early stages" of the third wave, warned World Health Organization (WHO) chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on Wednesday, even as he sounded a fresh alarm over a global surge in cases of the Delta variant
Vaccination against Covid-19 is important but that alone will not stop the pandemic, the global health body said, pointing out that countries need to undertake a "comprehensive risk management approach to mass gatherings", an updated guidance for which was recently issued by WHO.


2021-07-15 18:54 | Report Abuse

Fiji overnight shot up 100% from 600+ to 1200+. This one day surge is equivalent to 10% of the entire previous waves cases. This is the Delta trend going thru all the smaller countries which were unscathed in the previous waves. We are just at the beginning of this terrifying Delta wave, which will see wider geographic and demographic infections. The low vaccination rate countries will be especially impacted with over burdened healthcare services and high death rate. .


2021-07-15 18:29 | Report Abuse

@GloveShortDIE Tonight, RSS traders going to have a terrible Nightmare
15/07/2021 5:39 PM

Don't think they will have nightmare. How to have nightmare when cannot even sleep.


2021-07-15 18:28 | Report Abuse

imvu besok gap up limit up .
15/07/2021 4:53 PM

Must see Covid TA chart first.


2021-07-15 15:43 | Report Abuse

Meanwhile support should be 3.50


2021-07-15 15:43 | Report Abuse

@sinojab @
ToneeFa @sinojab you mean today close at 3.50
15/07/2021 2:50 PM
No I mean will touch 3.50

The bar is raised, RM4.00
15/07/2021 3:40 PM

Not today. but coming soon .


2021-07-15 15:39 | Report Abuse

panic buying FOMO now


2021-07-15 15:30 | Report Abuse

Yup Beary, looks like Supermax supporters determined not to sell cheap to the shortists.


2021-07-15 15:16 | Report Abuse

But meanwhile still need to take precaution and don't chase high, don't contra play, only long term players should nibble while the rest should just hold tight tight.


2021-07-15 15:15 | Report Abuse

@sinojab you mean today close at 3.50
15/07/2021 2:50 PM

No I mean will touch 3.50


2021-07-15 12:12 | Report Abuse

But meanwhile still need to take precaution and don't chase high, don't contra play, only long term players should nibble while the rest should just hold tight tight.


2021-07-15 11:59 | Report Abuse

Big funds will comeback when they sense that the glove supernormal profit will continue much longer and many other "recovery" biz will not do so well bcos the worst of pandemic is still in front.
Later when Supermax clinch the OGM deals and US expansion is confirmed to take off, then it will take the lead amongst the Big4. Imagine next year production capacity will double.


2021-07-15 11:38 | Report Abuse

Breakdown of daily cases on 14-7-21 , base on daily cases range to number of countries

>50k = 2
<10k - 50k> = 13
<5k - 10k> = 7
<1k - 5k> = 36
<100 - 1k> = 49
<100 = 63
- N/A = 52
Total = 222

These numbers will help us to understand the real global impact of Delta, which is more wide spread than previous variants.