Calling TP - Sell ; Mencaci - Buy.
Blog Posts
2019-02-07 18:40 | Report Abuse
Personally I don't like property stocks. The dampen sentiment in property market don't do fire services good. And I understand little in palm industries. BTW I found a good news for renewable segment -->
2019-02-07 16:13 | Report Abuse
Fire services going down; Property expected to give a one-time big earnings; Renewable is inconsistent because of palm oil & kernel price; Pipe is still too small to give an impact. When one segment goes up, another segment goes down. In the end no total breakthrough.
2019-02-07 15:27 | Report Abuse
Too diversified and inconsistent earnings..
2019-02-06 23:47 | Report Abuse
In the first place why people accumulate debt? Just buy Viva eat Massimo everyday plus chap fan ok la. Simple & free. Greediness kill oneself.
2019-02-03 15:35 | Report Abuse
First time profit after so many quarters. One-hit wonder? TP 40 cents.
2019-01-30 17:15 | Report Abuse
This company is Petronas' blue-eyed boy.
2019-01-29 12:59 | Report Abuse
Actually this drop is not totally out of my prediction but I would give a bottom at RM1.10.
Posted by UnicornP > Jan 19, 2019 09:09 AM | Report Abuse X
From my observation in Jaks and AWC warrant listing recently, after one or two weeks warrant listed, mother share will do a small crash to a low or below the price on the warrant listing day.
That means high chance Revenue will drop to at least 1.20 after warrant listed. After that rebound show.
2019-01-29 10:12 | Report Abuse
You got PBB and HLB as your customers still not convinced enough? Later MBB and CIMB come only you know..
2019-01-29 09:56 | Report Abuse
Normally operator goreng stock around month head, then rest one month, again goreng on next month head.
2019-01-29 09:48 | Report Abuse
Show time could be on Feb head.
2019-01-28 17:29 | Report Abuse
Testing your faith to the max
2019-01-28 09:45 | Report Abuse
Today WA T+3. Forgive the mom a bit.
2019-01-27 20:45 | Report Abuse
Some people forgot that stock market is about betting the future..
2019-01-26 21:23 | Report Abuse
You guys focus too much on share price rather than fundamental..namely EARNINGS.
2019-01-25 19:17 | Report Abuse
Fancy to do a one-hit wonder? TP 90c.
2019-01-25 16:57 | Report Abuse
That's why it becomes hard when Dapat Vista's earnings mix with Htpadu's. Cannot see the real earnings growth from MyPay.
2019-01-25 16:24 | Report Abuse
Must be clear, now you are buying Dapat Vista or Htpadu. A lot difference.
2019-01-25 16:23 | Report Abuse
The worst thing that could happen is Htpadu's choppy earnings ruin the 80% contribution from Dapat Vista.
2019-01-25 11:04 | Report Abuse
YAY I found the ownership detail of Dapat Vista! (Imagine time reversed to Jan 16)[M]_Sdn_Bhd_en_6706773.html
2019-01-25 11:00 | Report Abuse
Next time if in news got some 'Sdn. Bhd.' got big development, must quickly check which PLC own them first. WIN! :D
2019-01-25 10:58 | Report Abuse
No. They can make announcement on Jan 16 after 5pm what. At that time share price is still at 0.435. Fair for everyone to rush buy the next day. But I do admit that the most aware and earliest get the worm first..
2019-01-25 10:51 | Report Abuse
It is like your son is in the news of some great achievement, then you should shout until 9 streets also know is your son mah..Not keep diam diam only. lol
2019-01-25 10:44 | Report Abuse
This company a little fake la. When this news come out ->
They should immediately make announcement that 'that Dapat Vista Sdn Bhd (80% subsidiary of HeiTech Padu Berhad)'. Not after goreng to 95c only announced.
2019-01-25 10:19 | Report Abuse
Mother changes hand so much but WA only RM300k done. What a fail~
2019-01-25 10:17 | Report Abuse
Change name to Johomilk I buy
2019-01-25 10:14 | Report Abuse
I think most retailers just want to punt WA. Very few will buy mother. That's why mother is easy to manipulate now.
2019-01-25 10:05 | Report Abuse
95% of warrant buyers since listing are losers. The good thing is only RM200k done in WA today despite mother drops a lot. That means most warrant holders are keeping it tight. When operator finds that they have no more WA to collect despite intensive selling in mother, they will give up and rebound all the way.
2019-01-25 09:42 | Report Abuse
Try not to forget Revenue has all the big banks in Malaysia as customers.
2019-01-25 09:30 | Report Abuse
Could be last batch panic sell. But who is absorbing? Hah
2019-01-25 09:16 | Report Abuse
Is this panic sell smart or dumb? We'll see..
2019-01-24 21:30 | Report Abuse
Since earnings growth still intact, today's disposal announcement probably serve two purposes:
1) To further force out weak retailers
2) To deter potential buyers in the immediate term
2019-01-24 21:28 | Report Abuse
I don't buy companies that depend on subsidiaries for majority source of revenue.
2019-01-24 20:06 | Report Abuse
It won't have the exponential growth of MYEG because MYEG is still here..
2019-02-11 16:26 | Report Abuse
wow congrats