
YDPChairman | Joined since 2014-07-22

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1 week ago | Report Abuse

YTL and sibling YTL power are the best stocks to trade. Having sold all at 3+ and 4-5 respectively, I have been in and out 5xs with each time pocketing beer money. The last lot I bought admittedly high, now in plus territory. Another 3 to 5% increments, time to exit. Volatile but profitable so far.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

More blood bath, time to cut loss


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Blood letting today, bought some at 2.75 , exciting counter to trade, large turnover and volatile


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Q today at 370, tomorrow 3.5 down 20c everyday until I get stock. Buy more if it keeps going down, do 10 rounds


1 month ago | Report Abuse

No panic , I sold all between 4 to 540 , waiting to buy back


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Sold 50% holding at 4 today. Will buy back at 3


2021-03-24 13:33 | Report Abuse

Earning on track based if price at 40c , forward PE 15 . As long as earning holds , forward div around 1.2 to 1.5c or 3 to 4%


2021-03-20 09:55 | Report Abuse

Just realised independent directors increased their shareholding. No one taking profit. They know something we don't.


2021-03-19 16:39 | Report Abuse

I am back in the game for the 5th time started from 16 , then 20, 26, 30 now 40. The only stock which I have never lost money but if I had stayed put, up 150% . No idea about capacity. Only thing I know company has remained profitable . If annual profit is 12m , PE is still under 20, not too bad


2021-03-04 11:50 | Report Abuse

Stock probably cornered turnover last 7 days nearly 2x the free float. Anything can happen now. Can be 1 unless the controlling shareholders upload


2021-02-26 16:58 | Report Abuse

Not sure what's going on here. Very high turnover as a percentage of free float. It's like 10 to 20% free float traded last few days . At this rate stock can be cornered . Punters in late can get hit. Trade with caution once hit 40c


2021-02-25 17:31 | Report Abuse

Papayashot think building done. Not sure about equipment. Tough to get anything out , shipping and what have you.

I am satisfied with my 20% margin cabut for the third time. Will come back when it is back to 30.

Just bought Liihen at 3.61


2021-02-25 16:31 | Report Abuse

Papayashot phase 1 of factory expansion should be ready year end to produce clean aerosol products . This will give DPI another market segment such as household sprays .
Samurai has fancy looking packaging will appeal to young people. Dpi has pretty strong R&D producing matching colours for popular brands of motorcycles.
Both will benefit from the new normal, namely reduced chinese competition.
Those looking for quick money should buy furniture, disc drive and glove manufacturers.
This alongside with NTPM are one of the most boring stocks in town.


2021-02-23 02:46 | Report Abuse

Hi Papayashot , Samurai understands the consumers better than DPI whereas DPI is probably a better manufacturer. Sexy vs steady. Samurai is double the size of DPI but overtime, DPI will catch up.


2021-02-22 16:31 | Report Abuse

Very fierce buying today . I sold 80% took my 20% profit. Another post covid holiday


2021-02-22 15:34 | Report Abuse

I think Q3 will be strong. Looking at Div of 1.5c for whole year. Those who bought at 28 to 30 should do well. This is a very boring stock ,not going to make you rich quick but will not cause major upset. 40c is a real possibility if shipping remains a big issue. Cheap China import a thing of the past. Local market exceptional with the rural motorcycle owners doing their bike and helmet s make over . Go check out the price of the small cans , they cost twice as much as the large cans . Anchor has a lion share of this segment.


2020-12-19 06:39 | Report Abuse

V trade yes , I bought at 27, 28 , 29 ,30 , 31 average at ,29.


2020-12-07 15:41 | Report Abuse

Q2 should be stronger than Q1 , recent sustained buying pointing to a near term rally. My third venture , 17 to 19 round 1 , 20 to 28 round 2, round 3 30 to 40? Staying put from 17 would have been better


2020-12-07 15:37 | Report Abuse

Time to look at this again


2020-10-05 16:55 | Report Abuse

My previous comment 1 dollar share may come true


2020-10-05 16:44 | Report Abuse

Anti bacteria spray approved by MOH ? 28.5


2020-10-05 15:59 | Report Abuse

Sold all at 24.5 will buy back at 20


2020-09-28 16:09 | Report Abuse

Yiqqre Div is 0.002 , that means $2 per 1000 shares. Even if full year is 0.01, that's $1 per hundred shares or 5% at 20c. Company only pays 30% net profit even if annual profit is 12m , div only 0.008c per year , not going to be rich on div. Counter will peak at 24 ,unless aerosol disinfectant hits traction ,that will be worth RM1


2020-09-28 15:22 | Report Abuse

Moving to NTPM bought Friday at 56 exiting at 70


2020-09-28 13:44 | Report Abuse

Buy at 19 sell at 23 my third 3rd rounds small money happy for me low risk 20% lari


2020-09-27 17:05 | Report Abuse

Time to accumulate and stock up shares and toilet paper


2020-09-25 16:04 | Report Abuse

Company better shape today than IPO. Real strength lies in its ability to generate real profit despite a drastic reduction in turnover during last quarter. At this rate company should be doing around 9 to 12m net profit PE 10 yield 4% at current price. Not exciting but low risk


2020-09-24 19:40 | Report Abuse

Regular dividend will cushion downside , whatever the political situation, the counter will survive. Undervalue now but eventually will be noticed.


2020-09-17 15:51 | Report Abuse

Was going to join the fun but the rally appears to run out of steam


2020-09-14 15:55 | Report Abuse

Should be a stronger Q2 , distributors ran down on stock and import disrupted. Next wave probably 21, will take profit


2020-09-13 03:55 | Report Abuse

Sanitizer will be the new driver , the water based products will appeal to Muslim population. Buy at under 20


2020-09-10 17:20 | Report Abuse

No time to trade, tomorrow I will goreng from 1.02


2020-09-09 18:19 | Report Abuse

This stock is not for the faint hearted but ideal for punters


2020-09-09 18:16 | Report Abuse

I sold at 155,will join the crowd for another roller coaster ride from 1.1


2020-06-29 14:47 | Report Abuse

I will buy at 130 but not higher


2020-06-23 17:32 | Report Abuse

I sold my warrant at 63 on Friday. Will buy back at below 45.


2020-06-18 17:47 | Report Abuse

Sold all including warrants. If drops to 125, will return


2017-11-01 14:15 | Report Abuse

I just bought 2 weeks ago at 110 and yesterday 118. Bought on the basis of dividend yield , with little or no prospects of growth. Hopefully, it will not drop 20% in 3 years and if it did, will treat it like FD return for 3 years!


2015-10-08 15:03 | Report Abuse

bought at 380, 420 , sold half at 5.05 2 months back with lots of buy back . Think will sell at 6 hopefully no regrets . This is one share with unlimited buy back power , may be something they know we dont ???


2015-06-23 15:14 | Report Abuse

if cash at 93c , no brainser at 30c even 50c ....Now controlling shareholder just treat the 377m as private money i suspect hence no interest paid


2015-06-23 15:11 | Report Abuse

Now they confirmed 377m intact together with auditor, hopefully some company raider will appear take a block and make a GO at 30c and then privatise . If money not there , good time to sue the Board and the Auditors


2015-06-23 15:10 | Report Abuse

big time - all guns blazing to the point even the independent directors had to concur with the shareholders


2015-06-23 15:06 | Report Abuse

Dark XFS- lucky you buying at 11.5. Most of us kena at 20+. You should be able to make a profit if Company serious about share buy back .


2015-06-23 13:13 | Report Abuse

i attended the AGM yesterday . The Board of directors and the auditor assured shareholders the 377m is safe. The Board could not explain why share price is only 0.11 when cash value is 0.93. The ED from China was not voted in as director so was the resolution to issue more shares. Shareholders passed resolution to get the Board to consider a capital repayment of 0.10 per share. Resolution adopted unanimously . Shareholders also want the Board to adopt a more active buy back of shares in view of its strong cash reserve as well as considering a dividend payment .
A real disappointment was the controlling shareholder/ED did not attend


2015-06-18 10:46 | Report Abuse

very volatile, but Tan Sri is very good at churning out good spin . Bought at 1.48 yesterday so will take profit at 1.62 -10% will be good enough for semi retiree-


2015-06-16 16:35 | Report Abuse

normally a 20% correction is a good time to buy for a large cap,so i will enter at 1.5. All my property counters dropped from between 5% (PJ development ) to 50% (Talam) last 6 months .


2014-09-19 11:07 | Report Abuse

i made some in prior rounds trading between 115 to 125 , itchy finger bought back at 117 now suffering . My source says unlikely to hit 110 near term , so back to range bound trading


2014-08-05 16:03 | Report Abuse

sold my remaining shares today at 2.58 happy to exit , hopefully those of you who are still hanging in there will make big bucks.


2014-07-23 13:04 | Report Abuse

i thought so too bought at 1.51 2 weeks ago, today 1.42 on small volume


2014-07-23 12:32 | Report Abuse

spongebob, if it does not move after Raya , will sell b4 Haji