
YTH888 | Joined since 2020-05-13

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2020-05-28 15:51 | Report Abuse

all the ikan bilis we all relax, all business owner don't have valid way to make income. all the business owner sailang 2-5mil here. My friend sailang 5 mill here.

supermax everyday like this, don't worry.


2020-05-28 15:43 | Report Abuse

just hav to remember, people is paranoid after this.

heightened health awareness will make glove valid.

after MCO, all business still need to buy glove to comply to SOP by government


2020-05-28 15:42 | Report Abuse

slow slow every 5% also good already. we will reach our 22B, now 10.3B


2020-05-28 15:41 | Report Abuse

freetospeak with this virus, viable business, become unvalid.

now i buy the other way, since my business become invalid. i buy valid business in this pandemic. GLOVE!!!!


2020-05-28 15:39 | Report Abuse

we do beauty related


2020-05-28 15:37 | Report Abuse

5% also, I am happy.


2020-05-28 15:36 | Report Abuse

Yes. Morning bull, afternoon ikan bills cry to all the analyst and then get back in the game in late afternoon.

Every like day, sien.


2020-05-28 15:35 | Report Abuse

Somemore lock down cause consumers to fear. I project my business drop 50% or more. Only supermax can make for 20%, 11%, everyday 5 % also, I am happy.

I need to raise fund to feed 120 people.


2020-05-28 15:32 | Report Abuse

Today is good run already 11.16%


2020-05-28 15:31 | Report Abuse

When the report come out, even more geng.

My TP is RM12.

The bank can take their time with their loan.

I make faster than they release.


2020-05-28 15:28 | Report Abuse

My company need a lot of fund to run. If not, lock down second time.

Not enough. The bank loan come so slow. How I tahan with 2 mill with so many mouth to feed.


2020-05-28 15:19 | Report Abuse

Tomorrrow or later, I tambah another Mil.


2020-05-28 15:19 | Report Abuse

I enter at 5.74. Last min enter, market close at 5,75. Last Friday

Wednesday won 2 myvi
Today added fund another 1mill, another myvi from all leftover at 7.25 and Total 4 myvi today


2020-05-28 15:14 | Report Abuse

Yesterday, I have 280k in Supermax. Already come to third myvi. I only bought on Friday.


2020-05-28 15:13 | Report Abuse

I buy your leftovers at 7.25 at 1mil, this morning. Already another myvi. 42k profit.

I ask you where can bank release your loan so quick. No way!!!


2020-05-28 15:00 | Report Abuse

Everyday also up.

8.12% is good already, for today.

U hold, you get more the day after, usually people like to enter just before closing to secure a good price.

Newbie, you guys think this is rocket meh...

Date Open Range Close Change
27/05/2020 6.00 5.97 - 7.01 6.90 +1.15 (20.00%)
22/05/2020 5.49 5.28 - 5.88 5.75 +0.35 (6.48%)
21/05/2020 5.00 5.00 - 5.49 5.40 +0.81 (17.65%)
20/05/2020 4.40 4.33 - 4.62 4.59 +0.34 (8.00%)
19/05/2020 4.37 3.90 - 4.42 4.25 -0.21 (4.71%)
18/05/2020 4.06 4.03 - 4.46 4.46 +0.49 (12.34%)
15/05/2020 4.00 3.85 - 4.03 3.97 +0.10 (2.58%)
14/05/2020 3.61 3.40 - 3.91 3.87 +0.27 (7.50%)
13/05/2020 3.45 3.10 - 3.99 3.60 +0.17 (4.96%)
12/05/2020 3.06 3.06 - 3.55 3.43 +0.45 (15.10%)
08/05/2020 2.94 2.91 - 3.02 2.98 +0.12 (4.20%)
06/05/2020 2.67 2.67 - 2.87 2.86 +0.21 (7.92%)
05/05/2020 2.60 2.56 - 2.68 2.65 +0.06 (2.32%)
04/05/2020 2.47 2.45 - 2.59 2.59 +0.11 (4.44%)
30/04/2020 2.38 2.36 - 2.48 2.48 +0.12 (5.08%)


2020-05-28 13:47 | Report Abuse

Goldgent because I tested in the market. In harta.

Very safe. Even Shark want to swim with us, only the longer you hold, the higher the price. Everyone hold long, can get more.

Sick of helping those who don’t help themselves. Mother Theresa agrees that God only help people who help themselves.

You all better don’t piss me off, I won’t share my valuation and information that I get .


2020-05-28 13:39 | Report Abuse

Drop a bit, like want to dooms days. Anyone who don’t believe Sell all and sleep.


2020-05-28 13:37 | Report Abuse

Just lets say I have a lot things that I like.

Want to genuine help people. Kena shoot. Keep my valuation to myself. It will get there anyway.


2020-05-28 13:32 | Report Abuse

I queue to buy at 7.00 this morning. I couldn’t get.

Bull’s run. 7.40 first thing in the morning.

Think who has the money to play like this. Informed genuine investor.

40mil yesterday volume. Who has the money to play like This everyday.


2020-05-28 13:29 | Report Abuse

Collected RM1 mill value at 7.25. Thanks for those who don’t believe.


2020-05-28 12:22 | Report Abuse

Viva20 you are very smart. Investment should be investing as though the stock market is closed for 5 years.


2020-05-28 12:11 | Report Abuse

Just hold your position for your own good.


2020-05-28 11:49 | Report Abuse

No need for me to monitor the price.

Only the people who nvr do their due diligence monitor hourly.



2020-05-28 11:28 | Report Abuse

We don’t create ripple, how to buy cheap.

There is always fundamental.

If you don’t trust our valuation, just get accountant and value them yourself.

remember, this is glove in pandemic times.

At 50% discount of their actual market cap, of course BUY.


2020-05-28 11:22 | Report Abuse

That is why get your funds managed by the PRO, we already know the things that you don’t.


2020-05-28 11:20 | Report Abuse

Just do your own valuation and you can sleep at night soundly.


We will reach there, when we reach there we don’t know.

That is the point of valuation. The numbers don’t lie.

If u receive as much information as we receive, you will buy ASAP.


2020-05-28 11:14 | Report Abuse

This is the time we buy cheap.


2020-05-28 11:10 | Report Abuse

You think big fund come in from reading our forum. Without doing our due diligence.

Small price volatility is expected.


2020-05-28 11:07 | Report Abuse

We will park the Fund for whatever we believe the company’s worth.


2020-05-28 11:06 | Report Abuse

We will see by the end of today:)


2020-05-28 10:42 | Report Abuse

I am the big chunk at 7.50. No place for big fund to park money.

This is genuine workable cash cow in midst of pandemic


2020-05-28 10:33 | Report Abuse

We are at 10B. Our performance should be at 22B according to my calculation.

Harta is at 37B.

We are very far.

We should be 37B x 61%= 22B

At 10B, people do profit taking.

We are talking about double of price now. That should be our price by the end year.


2020-05-28 10:27 | Report Abuse

This is my assumption, Supermax is achieving the same profit as per last quarter Jan- March 2020. The mass of Covid Cases is April onwards.

To be really careful, I consider profit is constant in the coming 3 quarters. Therefore, EPS from Jan- Dec 2020 is assumed to be 5.42 x 4 = 21.68.

At current price, forward PE of 26.48 (5.75 / 0.2168) is really cheap.

Price = Future PE
6.00 = 27
6.20 = 28.59
6.50 = 29.98
6.80 = 31.36
7.00 = 32.28
7.20 = 33.21
7.50 = 34.59
7.80 = 35.97
8.00 = 36.90
8.20 = 37.82
8.50 = 39.20
8.80 = 40.59

You can see what PE you want to exit or enter or what PE you are willing to pay.

Quarter ending 31 March 2020
EPS / NP Margin / ROE / past 4 qtr PE
Supermax 5.42 / 16.18% / 5.90% / 55.46
Kossan 5.07/ 10.67% / 4.37% / 46.87
Harta 3.43 / 14.97% / 4.58% / 77.86
Top Glove 4.52 / 9.43% / 2.92% / 79.53 (result out next month)

Average PE of all four glove player = 64.93
At PE 64.93, price should be RM14.

Let’s just discount the PE at 20% for all the hype and overvaluation = PE realistically should be 51.30 end of 4 quarters

PE x EPS 51.30 x 0.2168 = price should RM11.12

1. EPS is constant for 3 quarters
2. Hype and overvaluation, therefore, discount 20% of the PE.

I believe my calculation is very conservative and cautious.

Therefore, smart investor are putting huge funds in Supermax now. As the time goes, they sell of 30%-50% to realise cash profit. Finally, leaving 50%-70% to run its course.

More explanation
Let’s say you think that 20% discount of PE is not fair or you don’t feel safe.

You can discount the PE by 30-50% or more,

20%- PE 51/TP 11.12/ Profit 93%
25% - PE 48/ TP 10.40/ Profit 80%
30% - PE 45/ TP 9.75/ Profit 69%
40% - PE 38/ TP 8.23 / Profit 43%
50% - PE 32/ TP 6.93/ Profit 20%

This is how they come out with your Target price.

That is why I think big funds will come in and happily make 20% profit.

I think PE 32 for a glove defensive stock during pandemic is an absolute bargain!

Also, you must remember that I discounted the current average PE of all the top 4 glove shares by 50% just in case, you think that it is overvalued. Not need for me to check the Weighted average for the whole glove industry.

I think I am beyond conservative and ambitious. PE discounted by 50%, you don’t feel safe, I don’t know what to say.


Let’s all be logical

We all know the result for quarter ending March 2020

Market Capitalization / Profit March 2020/ Benchmark to Harta
Supermax 8733 Mill/ 71,056 Mil / 61%
Harta 36,762 Mill /115,579 Mil/ 100%
Kossan 11,344 Mil/ 64,903 Mil / 53%
We cannot count top glove because we don’t know the result

Market cap detemines How much the company should be sold for.

Supermax achieve 61% of Harta Earnings in the last quarter
Kossan achieve 53% of Harta Earnings.

Market capitalization for Supermax should be 61% of Harta at 36,762 mil x 61%= 22,424 Mil

Now market cap supermax is 8733 Mil. The variance between supermax market cap now and target market cap is 22,424 Mil- 8733 Mil = 13691 Mil

Let’s calculate to price
The formula to calculate price is market capitalization divided by number of outstanding share.

22,424 Mil / 1360 Mil share= RM16.48

Overvaluation and hype

Let’s be very safe and conservative and for any under foreseen circumstances, Let’s discount.

Price should be after:
Discount 20% = RM13.19
Discount 30% = RM 11.53
Discount 40% = RM 9.88
Discount 50% = RM 8.24

Logically earning determines how much the company’s should be worth.

If I bought a business that makes 200k a year, Valued at RM1 MIL

Let’s say I made the business make 400k, I should sell My business for RM2 mil.

Would you sell a business that made 400k for one mill, you wouldn’t.

There’s a big gap with How much harta is worth and supermax is worth.

Almost 4.2 times the value, when supermax achieve 61% of Harta’s earning.

Based on this, either Harta has to be worth 16B or Supermax has to be worth 8B

Or harta worth 36B and supermax worth 16B.

Can Harta drop a bit and Supermax come up and meet in the middle?


2020-05-28 10:06 | Report Abuse

Told you guys I do business.

Stuck at home. Cannot go out.

Once it hit 7.00++, it never goes back to RM6.00.

Once it hit 8.00++, it never goes back to RM7.00

Hit RM8.23 today, tomorrow open is RM8.50

U didn’t see past trend.

I will buy whatever you guys sell, and make the price go higher.

Don’t listen, so scared how to make money. Alamak!!

Everyone wants to buy undervalued shares and hold until next quarter result. That time is real wake up. Now is the big fund come in.


2020-05-28 09:59 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow will hit RM9. Because discounted share price will to be sold off by tomorrow or Monday.

Only the smart make money from the fool. U contra you don’t earn much. You make my projection harder. Screw my chart.

Freetospeak told you guys that projection is too good to be true.


2020-05-28 09:50 | Report Abuse

I arranged for 2 mil buy at 7 dollar+.

Don’t understand why the market so stupid.

Already told you undervalued. You need to hold.

Next quarter time, the price is 12.

Undervalued share is the time u make money. Not take profit.

Imagine u hold undervalued share in Apple. Same things.


2020-05-28 09:43 | Report Abuse

You are all buying undervalued market cap 50% share,


2020-05-28 09:42 | Report Abuse

So strong. Told you guys. Today close my projected price at RM8.23.

You will regret if you take profit


2020-05-28 04:01 | Report Abuse

Remember yeah.

50% discount of future PE.

Very good buy.

Big fund will Sapu all and hold till next quarter result.

Profit is between More 100%-200% growth QnQ.

Discount three days, SURE finish.


2020-05-28 02:19 | Report Abuse

Today hit my Future PE
50% discount - PE 32/ TP 6.93/ Profit 20%

Tomorrow my target price market capitalisation.
Discount 50% = RM 8.24

Everyone gets Myvi tomorrow.


2020-05-28 02:01 | Report Abuse

Don’t ask TP. Just read.

May 27, 2020 5:56 PM | Report Abuse

This is my assumption, Supermax is achieving the same profit as per last quarter Jan- March 2020. The mass of Covid Cases is April onwards.

To be really careful, I consider profit is constant in the coming 3 quarters. Therefore, EPS from Jan- Dec 2020 is assumed to be 5.42 x 4 = 21.68.

At current price, forward PE of 26.48 (5.75 / 0.2168) is really cheap.

Price = Future PE
6.00 = 27
6.20 = 28.59
6.50 = 29.98
6.80 = 31.36
7.00 = 32.28
7.20 = 33.21
7.50 = 34.59
7.80 = 35.97
8.00 = 36.90
8.20 = 37.82
8.50 = 39.20
8.80 = 40.59

You can see what PE you want to exit or enter or what PE you are willing to pay.

Quarter ending 31 March 2020
EPS / NP Margin / ROE / past 4 qtr PE
Supermax 5.42 / 16.18% / 5.90% / 55.46
Kossan 5.07/ 10.67% / 4.37% / 46.87
Harta 3.43 / 14.97% / 4.58% / 77.86
Top Glove 4.52 / 9.43% / 2.92% / 79.53 (result out next month)

Average PE of all four glove player = 64.93
At PE 64.93, price should be RM14.

Let’s just discount the PE at 20% for all the hype and overvaluation = PE realistically should be 51.30 end of 4 quarters

PE x EPS 51.30 x 0.2168 = price should RM11.12

1. EPS is constant for 3 quarters
2. Hype and overvaluation, therefore, discount 20% of the PE.

I believe my calculation is very conservative and cautious.

Therefore, smart investor are putting huge funds in Supermax now. As the time goes, they sell of 30%-50% to realise cash profit. Finally, leaving 50%-70% to run its course.

More explanation
Let’s say you think that 20% discount of PE is not fair or you don’t feel safe.

You can discount the PE by 30-50% or more,

20%- PE 51/TP 11.12/ Profit 93%
25% - PE 48/ TP 10.40/ Profit 80%
30% - PE 45/ TP 9.75/ Profit 69%
40% - PE 38/ TP 8.23 / Profit 43%
50% - PE 32/ TP 6.93/ Profit 20%

This is how they come out with your Target price.

That is why I think big funds will come in and happily make 20% profit.

I think PE 32 for a glove defensive stock during pandemic is an absolute bargain!

Also, you must remember that I discounted the current average PE of all the top 4 glove shares by 50% just in case, you think that it is overvalued. Not need for me to check the Weighted average for the whole glove industry.

I think I am beyond conservative and ambitious. PE discounted by 50%, you don’t feel safe, I don’t know what to say.


Let’s all be logical

We all know the result for quarter ending March 2020

Market Capitalization / Profit March 2020/ Benchmark to Harta
Supermax 8733 Mill/ 71,056 Mil / 61%
Harta 36,762 Mill /115,579 Mil/ 100%
Kossan 11,344 Mil/ 64,903 Mil / 53%
We cannot count top glove because we don’t know the result

Market cap detemines How much the company should be sold for.

Supermax achieve 61% of Harta Earnings in the last quarter
Kossan achieve 53% of Harta Earnings.

Market capitalization for Supermax should be 61% of Harta at 36,762 mil x 61%= 22,424 Mil

Now market cap supermax is 8733 Mil. The variance between supermax market cap now and target market cap is 22,424 Mil- 8733 Mil = 13691 Mil

Let’s calculate to price
The formula to calculate price is market capitalization divided by number of outstanding share.

22,424 Mil / 1360 Mil share= RM16.48

Overvaluation and hype

Let’s be very safe and conservative and for any under foreseen circumstances, Let’s discount.

Price should be after:
Discount 20% = RM13.19
Discount 30% = RM 11.53
Discount 40% = RM 9.88
Discount 50% = RM 8.24

Logically earning determines how much the company’s should be worth.

If I bought a business that makes 200k a year, Valued at RM1 MIL

Let’s say I made the business make 400k, I should sell My business for RM2 mil.

Would you sell a business that made 400k for one mill, you wouldn’t.

There’s a big gap with How much harta is worth and supermax is worth.

Almost 4.2 times the value, when supermax achieve 61% of Harta’s earning.

Based on this, either Harta has to be worth 16B or Supermax has to be worth 8B

Or harta worth 36B and supermax worth 16B.

Can Harta drop a bit and Supermax come up and meet in the middle?


2020-05-28 01:09 | Report Abuse

Queue 6.95 sure can kena


2020-05-28 00:10 | Report Abuse

Good night joyvest


2020-05-27 23:44 | Report Abuse

We see two week. Everyone who make 10k and above, go for celebration together


2020-05-27 23:43 | Report Abuse

Hahaha. This DJoker89 want to get free lessons...


2020-05-27 23:38 | Report Abuse

JBond007 u made me laugh


2020-05-27 23:36 | Report Abuse

I don’t joke with money. Every time i enter, i must win.

I am in my own business, we need to see accounts everyday.