Blog Posts
2018-05-04 11:14 | Report Abuse
why trust u but no trust Tun M, Daim?
2018-05-04 09:47 | Report Abuse
PH win will benefit BJc, opcom , avi, aeon... GLC might deep fall but with strong rebound. last 3 day to change portfolio.
2018-04-27 12:47 | Report Abuse
likely to touch 1.4 next week and 1.6 after GE
2018-04-24 20:44 | Report Abuse
No matter which party win, he have his credit. Eddy, every comment here cant change the price movement. ppl leave comments might with intention to share, to cheat to help or just to kill the time. dont worry, your TS will never in mud, but retailer like us will.
2018-04-24 18:56 | Report Abuse
if no gst, 711 ,toto, hotels all gain direct benefits. Dr.M support Vt to build 2nd casino, so, if he is PM, what will happen to BJC? Bn win, Mrcb will rocket up, Oppos win, Bjc will gap up.
2018-04-23 16:55 | Report Abuse
If the account is clean, 0.75 is a smart buy
2018-04-20 16:19 | Report Abuse
stop dreaminglah, it wont shoot up this few weeks. consolidate at 0.305 is good enough. afraid will see 0.275 before GE. but after that, your dream will come true.
2018-04-20 12:54 | Report Abuse
agree, if Bn win, all GLC will rocket high. Buy the cheap Cw of mmc,wct,mrcb,fgv,uems,pos few days before GE. you will get rich in a week if Bn win. but ready to lose everything if Bn lose. to be insure, why not buy 2 company Cw at 0.005. 1 GLC & 1 Dr.M。 do the maths.
2018-04-20 12:17 | Report Abuse
他的哲学是:能赚钱的就做。 第二家赌场和赌球合法是他不放弃的心愿。大选后,世界杯登场。国家需要更多税收。DR。M,王好友。GST废除?有利消费。少数反对党胜出下会得益的公司。越南利益增加还有各种没有从新估值的资产。 如果相信三年最高价只有0.31的话,那快点卖。但如果还没有进场的,还是等等。这timing,cash is king。
2018-04-20 11:41 | Report Abuse
他的公司很少照顾小股东,若要长期投资,还有很多会照顾小股东的公司会是更理想的选择。 比如7668. 但他的回归必然带着一些计划。无论计划会否成功,在庄家炒上来时,就是夺利离开的时候。
2018-04-20 11:00 | Report Abuse
some colonies transfering money to oversea, they ready for the escape. If 510 511 is holiday. 514 market will either rocket up or deep deep fall.
2018-04-20 10:50 | Report Abuse
probably side ways for 2 weeks. market seem worry BN will lose the battle. Dr.M is that one who suggest VT to build casino in berjaya hill resorts. If probability to win for him is 0.4. than what is the odds to have 2nd casino in malaysia?
2018-04-19 18:24 | Report Abuse
the probability to win the Hainan Island casino is very low. But a news is good enough to catalyst the movement. it is clean to be goreng by syndicate. with this price, the risk is low. If want to make long term investment. Better stay away from Berjaya 。 Vt is a bad boss who never care about investor.
2018-04-19 14:43 | Report Abuse
what for he renew Ascot sport license if he had give up the plan? go study VT behavior, you know how many years he fight to get MCD? BJc hv too much assets to sell. to run sport betting, he just need to update Toto outlet computer, the cost is just a piece of cake to him.
2018-04-19 12:27 | Report Abuse
he buy because after GE, as well as the winner is not PAS. he will apply for sport betting license. New gov need more income. +Hainan Island have new casino license to get. Vt will not miss it.
2018-04-18 08:59 | Report Abuse
those panic sell will regret later. many party want to push it up. they welcome any cheap sales to them.
2018-04-17 14:44 | Report Abuse
esos 0.97. shame to this company
2018-04-17 12:14 | Report Abuse
have all the warrant sell out? are the warrant is in money and near maturity date? No, than press what?
2018-04-13 17:04 | Report Abuse
once the case done. as KLSe style 0.16 for sure and 0.40 in few weeks and we sell when hearing many ppl shout for TP 1.00
2018-04-12 08:46 | Report Abuse
If EDL compensation is too big , than have to wait after 509. means much juicy
2018-04-11 14:53 | Report Abuse
must stay above 1.04 than got chance to hit 1.16
2018-04-11 14:50 | Report Abuse
which software give u signal? cross 0.315 only show buy signal lah.
2018-04-11 12:07 | Report Abuse
slowly collect all below 0.34 before a news
2018-04-09 14:23 | Report Abuse
cross 1.04 and 1.21 firstlah.
2018-04-09 14:16 | Report Abuse
0.34 premium 25% C7=0.04
0.41 premium 20% C7 =0.1
1 cent risk to gain this profit, worth to buy at this timing? i am in.
2018-04-09 10:40 | Report Abuse
agree. VT talents is to make friends, with top guy.
2018-04-09 10:24 | Report Abuse
VT+JB+BN = monopoly sport betting ? @ 2nd casino license?
2018-04-08 19:37 | Report Abuse
If bn win, the plan might go on as well , just need to pay more for the license.
2018-04-05 18:12 | Report Abuse
5 years low, no rebound sign....need some miracle
2018-04-05 18:10 | Report Abuse
while Vt capable to press down and collect cheap, he do the opposite way.
2018-04-05 15:04 | Report Abuse
estimate short around 1.4 and buy back slowly at average 1.2 or the worst 0.98
2018-04-05 08:56 | Report Abuse
if this few days, VT keep buying, than those cut loss yesterday really big regret.
2018-04-04 19:51 | Report Abuse
this time is nothing to do with fox vt , is world class disaster.
2018-04-04 14:26 | Report Abuse
fund is playing short , dont fight them, wait.
2018-04-03 12:30 | Report Abuse
ascot sports still there , the office have no worker but still there. why?
2018-04-02 17:12 | Report Abuse
counting the volume, shark take almost 2 years to collect, now is the final collecting. soon, your patience will have awesome rewards.
2018-04-02 17:04 | Report Abuse
when the price break 325 and marching to 360 next week, retailers found been fooled by him again.
2018-04-02 11:35 | Report Abuse
better than side ways for years.... seem like is a spring pressing
2018-03-30 22:35 | Report Abuse
gap down and the magic begin.
2018-05-06 23:24 | Report Abuse