
apanama | Joined since 2015-08-03

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2015-11-02 06:00 | Report Abuse

Baru mau bgn tidur..jgnlah jual bang


2015-11-02 05:57 | Report Abuse

Good morning everybody all the best...please take note FGV goreng until 30/11/2015...:)..that's my latest prediction...hehehe


2015-11-02 05:55 | Report Abuse

Don't expect oil to be USD 70-80 within a month...its getting lower


2015-11-02 05:54 | Report Abuse

Don't enter above 50sen...it may fall to 36sen..that's KNM historically 52-weeks low...due too it cannot break 65sen for quite sometimes already....once KNM break 50sen this time...it will test 36sen...wallahuallam

News & Blogs

2015-11-01 20:17 | Report Abuse

hshahhaahh... 4.35..it will be RM 4.50-4.80 by end of this year..:)


2015-11-01 20:16 | Report Abuse

dont worry PUTTY GENG..you will harvest your investment..:)


2015-11-01 20:15 | Report Abuse

Write a comment..http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-11-01/dubai-stocks-decline-to-august-low-led-by-dib-abu-dhabi-drops

how our Mr. Transformer who promised us since June 2015 , The Dubai his fellow friend to bring money to Malaysia if his friend stockmarket also crash..hehheheh...:)...


2015-11-01 20:15 | Report Abuse


how our Mr. Transformer who promised us since June 2015 , The Dubai his fellow friend to bring money to Malaysia if his friend stockmarket also crash..hehheheh...:)...


2015-11-01 20:01 | Report Abuse

From APANAMA crystal ball..I can see RM 0.60 sen...:)


2015-11-01 19:59 | Report Abuse

Someone asked me what's the relationship between MKLAND and UEM..yes MKLAND do not has direct relationship but at the end Mk is mustapha kamal who is also Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd towkey who has strategic arrangement with UEM for Cyberjaya which I am still believe his son N daughter post MK retirement will still go into that kind of strategic arrangement with Federal Government and State Government in Perak to boost their strategic investment at Bagan Serai which UKM is their strategic partner n moving forward Mini Cyberjaya might be next catalyst for MKLAND if not now but post 2019-2025.....I can foresee the MKLAND is moving in right direction by roping in the UKM as their strategic partner for that big parcel of land. Wallahuallam.Go MKLand Go..:)


2015-11-01 19:26 | Report Abuse

Ec1705..just go to maybank ATM counter..if u have maybank ATM card..they explained there..hehehe...why u all rush to buy maybank above 8. It will falling down to 7 with 6.99...just wait n c..


2015-11-01 18:46 | Report Abuse

Actually market need USD 20 Billion..and not RM 20 billion..thats actually the real story..ok..enough..:)


2015-11-01 18:43 | Report Abuse

Kaq,Duit,Risenfall,Nafo...still have long way for me...there are tonnes of good analysts...i am nothing if compared with the rest...if i am good...i am already landed myself with yatch, porsche and beautiful long leg model heheheheheh..hv great weeks ahead..only Allah SWT/God knows whats in front of us...we can massage the data..we can build the scenario...we can anticipate this and that..at the end..He knows the best and the rest of it...

With 4% to 4.5% GDP, 6% GST, 23 % mandatory statutory requirement EPF per month, an increase in unemployment figure, CIMB n Maybank weak earnings and reliance on upcoming dividend reinvestment plan to stay afloat, MYR RM 4.50, crude oil less than USD 50 with a possible to break USD 40, hmm..will be tough next year especially the 1Q 2016...so..all the best if we can think FBMKLCI to break 1700..because at the end, we are buying stocks for future earnings and not past earnings track record right..:)...

Even if Russia wage a war with USA at Ukraine for example or Syria, it is still effected the world global GDP. It could uplift the crude price oil temporarily, but, at the end, its not a long term solution. Its just TEMPORARY which MORE STRUCTURAL ISSUES are still overhanging around the globe. Even today if we read marketwatch.com, the Mario Draghi is twisting his tongue by saying that its an OPEN QUESTION for further stimulus which definitely DJIA will koyak next week and Europe market too. hahahahahahaahah...

Therefore, same with us here, Mr. Transformer, Mr. Satay and Mr Roti Jala, three of them also can come out later said, oops..sorry guys RM 20 billion next year..:..oopps...you think its easy for EPF to dispose its property at Europe at this point of time? I like Mr. Satay remarks. he asked his fellow friends to dispose their properties at UK and Europe and bring back the money to Malaysia. If that is his strategy..hmmm..i think..its not 1500, 1400 is on the way...:)


2015-11-01 12:18 | Report Abuse

Don't rush into CIMB..as it failed to hold on above 4.80 , that's mean it will test its previous lowest 4.46-4.48...furthermore, the 4.57 dividend plan. It will give some material impact on its share price movement in the long run as shares will be increased which diluted its price. Same like rights issue . the difference they term it as "dividend reinvestment". The impact still the same. Better wait until the completion of this methodology. Same like maybank at 7.50.. If u enter at 4.60 u still need to average when it breaks its 4.48 to the unchartered territory lower side. Better wait until a clear picture. For contra player..its far more than dangerous to enter..please take note this is the only remaining banks that still has about 28% foreign stakes..don't know how many left..assuming they dispose 18%...or even worst just left with 5%.. Definitely it give material effects to its price..therefore..TRADE CAUTIOUSLY


2015-11-01 08:31 | Report Abuse

The "numbers" - '224'..:)

We might see 1,643.71 ; 1,641.71 and 1,441.71 which average is 1,575.71 (downside)

We might see 1,687.71 ; 1,689.71 and 1,889.71 which average is 1,755.71(upper side)

As time goes by from tomorrow until January , the dynamic of the market will change depending what "NUMBERs" will be "SACRIFISED"...

Yes..sounds scary..that's capital market is all about..Full of thrill...hehehe..enough for today..time to finish my readings...



2015-11-01 07:00 | Report Abuse

The way I see it..only three factors will bring down FBMKLCI to 1,000 below
1. Banking sector failed to meet Basel requirement
2. USD 30 and below for crude oil which last for 2years
3. Political crisis hit the maximum

The market was tried to break 1740 level from 1503 however its failed. Therefore, now market is reversal to try its 1503 and please take note that 1503 is actually already break the 1508-1515 whereby that is actually middle point in between 2000 and 1000. The market started its 1897 from 1497. Market tried to break 1897 but failed at 1867 from 1672. Then fall to 1503 then climb to 1727 but failed to break 1740-1750. and now at 1665 which is already below 1672. Therefore it will test 1,572 if it failed to hold on 1647.15

Market is already utilised the BONUS POINT 400 which is PROFITS with this 200 points strategy. Therefore now market is trying to protect its capital or new capital that comes in at 1503. That's why we can see the "20billion" is a bit delayed. Who knows it can even delayed to even January or its not exist at all just merely announcement by creating some "feel good factor"...Because at the end the market player need the stock price of their targeted company to be in lowest price instead of higher price. As we are aware too FKLI maximum threshold is about 200-250 point from the lowest and 40 points to 70 points in a day either ups or down. With few put option is due in January..the volatility need to be created by the player to help them to dispose it.

Yes Santa Claus can bring you gift but some how rather Santa Claus this year might stuck somewhere due to "bad weather" or even the "Rusa" don't want to bring him travel as he just don't want ....:)

All the best HV great Sunday...


2015-10-31 11:53 | Report Abuse

Small matter bro..Dont call me sifu..i am also still learning and learn also from each one of u...i just shared my views . Will keep posted if i found something "unique". Have a great weekend to you and hope for the best.


2015-10-31 09:11 | Report Abuse

good morning my fellow E-Friends and i believe all of u are having a great time with beloved one.
It is interesting and challenging question i saw Vinoth had asking at another Forum.

After i deep down my spreadsheet, and tried to juggle it with all my Macro Analysis for next THREE (3) MONTHs, this Monday will be the KEY DECIDER. As for me, i am looking the FBMKLCI 1,647.51 if this figure is broken , i am not surprise THERE IS NO WINDOW DRESSING THIS YEAR. (i know its a very rare occasion but actually based on history , there was 2 times, no push at the end of the year). You cant expect the index to go beyond than 1700 once this 1,647.51 is broken. It will be EXTREME HOSTILE and VOLATILE for the rest November and December. The market most likely will bottom on early part of January and starts its BULL KICK for Chinese New Year. Definitely there is a TECHNICAL REBOUND here and there along the way, but, its just a FALSE SIGNAL to trap all of us the retailers as usual. I am purely believe the same modus operandi will b deployed like those 1867 to 1503.

I dont want to speculate but market will see that 1503 to be broken and 1480-1490 definitely will be the last pit stop. If i am wrong, the Bull is winning. If i am right, the Bear is winning. Please take note, the FKLI December was broken 1500 once yeah. Therefore, 1600 is still not consider a safe bet to invest. Perhap 1550-1500.



2015-10-30 21:21 | Report Abuse

Chill kakashi bro..u will harvest your putty..

Maybank 3 CImb 1..thats too extreme..maybank 6.99 n CIMB 3.99 possible


2015-10-30 17:32 | Report Abuse

The star also came out with TNB power sales already slow which economy slow...therefore...1620-1650..is just around the corner


2015-10-30 17:18 | Report Abuse

Its good if touch 18000..dollar will strengthen..when dollar strengthen..MYR suffered..PUT WILL RISE FROM ITS SLEEP..just my wild guess..plus..I think XOX is finished already like wintoni those days..then..once drag down XOX..all cabut to putty..


2015-10-30 17:16 | Report Abuse

Thanks two bit...will wait for that frozen meat..u can start with the day itself..that's why I put 107/108/109..because as we are aware the basic rules still T+3.. But still the CALENDAR n EVENT will influence the movement...either Push Up or Drag Down..but one thing for sure..the GAP IS THERE AND AVE IS QUITE SIGNIFICANT


2015-10-30 17:10 | Report Abuse

Maybe our friend Fund Manager knows when XOX to finished hahahaha


2015-10-30 17:08 | Report Abuse

Mr.Lim..kenanga challenge kalau x pa..no real money involved...k friends..HV great n lovely weekends....kakashi..perhaps myr / USD break 4.35..then putty will dance which once 1620-1630 materialise..now people still chasing ACE N less than 30sen...once they kena with XOX like Wintoni those days remember..every rally ..retailers we tend to forget..they will kena..once XOX finished..then PUT will rise..


2015-10-30 16:54 | Report Abuse

Pitty those retailers chasing cimb


2015-10-30 16:52 | Report Abuse

That's I'm already said 1620-1650


2015-10-30 16:51 | Report Abuse

Hahaha -1


2015-10-30 16:48 | Report Abuse

FBMKLCI +1.8 jer kot


2015-10-30 16:46 | Report Abuse

I think FKLI after 5 pun ada show..


2015-10-30 15:03 | Report Abuse

For those who enter at 4.60/4.61..I think better u take profits today..there is one more push ke bawah..next week..I think


2015-10-30 14:48 | Report Abuse

I think closing today either break my 1663.17 or seating close with my 1663.17..wallahuallam


2015-10-30 14:39 | Report Abuse

Thanks kakashi..its within my calculation..


2015-10-30 14:32 | Report Abuse

Especially the gap between high low..T+3 factor..Govt salary date..pensioner ..its economy 101..I forget the right term ..its related to M1 M2 M3 equation ..which M ..HV to check wikipedia..but one thing for sure...107/108/109 trading days normally x lari jauh..because " FUND ADJUSTMENT".. n its all related with CALENDAR..short period trading days does influence price movement within that month..


2015-10-30 14:25 | Report Abuse

Two bits..that's u have to play around the spreadsheet. High low open close ave calendar.I know u can because u like numbers n experienced traders..u can detect it..its cyclical..


2015-10-30 14:21 | Report Abuse

U need to taste the burnt first for u to taste the sweet later..hehehe


2015-10-30 12:36 | Report Abuse

Hopefully sid....yeah little snake..u r right...put n call r subject to volatility of FKLI...will c after 5pm...:)


2015-10-30 12:33 | Report Abuse

Wjy...hopefully lor ..Friday normally drop..


2015-10-30 12:32 | Report Abuse

Itulah Mimi..aiya..tgn tadi berbelah bagi...:)..Mr.lim..aiya..saya INI hari tembak ada sipi sikit...


2015-10-30 11:07 | Report Abuse

Just buy below 40sen...


2015-10-30 11:05 | Report Abuse

Mr.lim...biasalah pukat tunda pun masuk pesisir pantai..pukat jerut...anak ikan pun sAPU...hehehe.newbie..0.215-0.22 cun masuk C12


2015-10-30 10:02 | Report Abuse

Hahaha ks55...I like


2015-10-30 09:15 | Report Abuse

Plus Maybank ..dividend 7.50..so will pressure..


2015-10-30 09:14 | Report Abuse

As CIMB cannot hold anymore to test it NTA 4.56..BE CAREFUL my e-friends..


2015-10-30 09:11 | Report Abuse

good morning Mr.Lim..once it break 1663.17...will test 1647.59..wallahuallam..


2015-10-30 08:44 | Report Abuse

i did mentioned about average Anal valuation RM 5.60 before i come and rescue..so just discounted RM 0.10..RM 4.60 just nice seating 4sen above its NTA..4.56..thats the lowest as of now..as we are aware RM 4.57 is the gula gula as dividend..bila share lagi belambak..diluted...dont buy above RM 4.88 at this point of time..just my 2 cents...


2015-10-30 08:08 | Report Abuse

Mr. Lim..lets play number FBMKLCI today as usual..

I am looking around this three number 1660.39 ; 1663.17 ; 1647.59

then on upper side 1672.78 ; 1681.54


2015-10-30 08:01 | Report Abuse

Member of Parliament (MP), they can change mind too as they are also human like us. With the Parliament seating still on show Nov-early Dec, therefore, we still can expect some 'drama' from them which might has some impact. Always expect the unexpected.


2015-10-30 06:18 | Report Abuse

Good morning All..hopefully it will be a good Friday to everyone.


These key point on upper side “1708.62-1713.06”
These key point on lower side “1605.79-1603.36”

My mathematic looks like this after 1671.82 was breached. Actually I do like to take into consideration about GDP % in my mathematic. Alamak, I am already disclosed my Secret Recipe. But nevermind, APANAMA life concept is sharing is caring because he always believe in what Ibnu Khaldun said. Enough kelas falsafah lets focus to this Mathematic.

I had disclosed about ‘12’ step ladder up and ’12’ step ladder down. Feng Shui like ‘12’. Najib like ‘12’.. So now what’s next? The recent rally was actually to achieve BREAKEVEN point from 1867-1503. That’s all. Which is it has been done. TARGET IS ACHIEVED. Will it be a BEAR market after it has been achieved? Definition for Bear Market is 20%. So, 1381.93 that’s worst case scenario from 1727.41.

While, if Bull Market whereby 20% too. So perhaps 20% from 1503 =1,803.60

Lets zooming down on GDP. Is the GDP figure is there or not for that BULL MARKET? The BULL MARKET is only achievable and be real if GDP is more than "6.0-6.5%". While that’s GDP figure is no more within our reach due to Crude Oil price pressure and of course China GDP (no more double digit thats why China allow two child policy now )..and world GDP itself is not more than 4% anymore.

Market is always hunger for CATALYST and IDEAs for BULL MARKET which the only CATALYST that we have now is Dr.Zetty last chaired Monetary Policy this 5/11/2015. After that no more Monetary Policy meeting. It will be in January 2016 which is after the FOMC Meeting and OPEC Meeting.

The following important event for next 46-trading days.
1. BNM Meeting 5/11/15
2. Obama- mid nov
3. Parliament last seating just nice before OPEC meeting (vote of no confidence)
4. FOMC Meeting
The best thing is 107/108/109 trading days just seating nicely at the last three remaining trading days for the year 2015 which if we take 1716 will be the target for Year end closing. That’s mean, if market FAILED to recover and break those “1708.62-1713.06” , that’s mean, we might see “1605.79-1603.36”
Based on the Big Boys track record, they can push down 8-9 trading days and push up 8-12-trading days.


Note: Sampai Bila nak "QE QE QE QE"...which at the end, its just Financial Market enjoying it while the "REAL ECONOMY ACTIVITIES" across the globe is shrinking. yes QE is good for all of us who trade shares and know about share market but how many actually populations in this world are really into this 'share'.. :)


2015-10-30 04:14 | Report Abuse

i support u duit statement..they can perform what they like because they can call and yell amongst themselves also..

all the best..yes '7'..agreed..

'7' the problem members inside UMNO
'7' is also the Kapal Terbang that kena tembak '17'
'7' is also the Kapal Terbang that never return '37'
'7' is also 'James Bond' number....:)

all the best..'7' petala langit...:)

while on top of all '7' is also 30/10 , 31/10 , 1/11 , 2/11 , 3/11 , 4/11, 5/11..hehehhheh...jeng jeng jeng "5/11/2015"


2015-10-29 23:21 | Report Abuse

Still..below 255 can buy..above..just sell..im still sceptical to fly beyond 30sen due to simple reason. As contractor for Pengerang ...once kena buat kerja..kena guna duit..how to push shares..lepas kerja dah Jalan sikit..client bagi duit..plus dpt new project ..then ada LA sikit Jalan...no rush ...this is not Bullish market condition...overall market still 50-50 n full with uncertainty..therefore play safe...profit..take