
apanama | Joined since 2015-08-03

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2015-10-29 23:15 | Report Abuse

Below 225 is OK..beyond than that sell..capping at 25


2015-10-29 23:08 | Report Abuse

Just watch out also 5/11/15 is the last BNM Monetary Policy Meeting that chaired by Dr Zetty


2015-10-29 22:58 | Report Abuse

Next week kakashi ..ur salient points n insight are good but I'm still cannot minus this heroin out from my SWOT analysis...5/11/15...please take note she said clearly last time..she wait her friend Mak Nenek Yellen to make her decision then she will made hers...that's why I'm still not sure about the next market direction either the 1620 N BELOW or suddenly the market might change due to certain BNM intervention. I x want to speculate but that BNM still cannot take out as plus factor . furthermore..its first week of Nov n the date is also nice before the last day EPF get their employer contributions funds every months..hmm..money flow..just be careful..perhaps the pullback or market dip is actually a good buy before next push?..plus Obama is also coming which I'm trying to get the date.


2015-10-29 20:11 | Report Abuse

Lets do some forward thinking for the latest development. Assuming that WORST CASE SCENARIO especially after i had digested the Thomas article from marketwatch.com and campur tolak darab and bahagi. It looks like 9-months BEAR market will just seating nicely 186 trading days that fall on 19-1-2016 which after taking into assumption about Chinese New Year Rally, whereby 8/2/2016 is Chinese New Year, therefore , the real bottom possible is actually on that week. either before 19/1/2016 or just 1 or 2-days after 19/1/2016.

We might not see any window dressing in December if this scenario happened. In case my extreme worst case scenario is tally inside Dr Zetty mind, she will do something this last monetary meeting. Based on market track record so far in 2015, ALWAYS EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED. The macro analysis seems like heavyweight on Bear but on top of all Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) Governor is the most powerful woman now. She can just change the dynamic of market just like that...

Today and yesterday market were drop might be due to a reason , the banks and funds (local) are concentrating on local bond market which will end tomorrow 31/10/2015 which is the most peak for the year. However, once it come towards Nov and Dec, its a bit calm there.

I dont know...it seems not right and sounds 'fishy'..something is ON...perhaps just letak duit kat ASB n ASN and earn dividend..hahahahahahh..tapi tak thrill..:)



2015-10-29 19:47 | Report Abuse

TB....dont layanlah that two kembar siam..normally these people dengan bini sure takut punya..:)...


2015-10-29 18:57 | Report Abuse

Oh ya perhaps Thomas article is explaining quite well how DJIA will react..:)


2015-10-29 18:56 | Report Abuse

Thanks kakashi..will study in depth the "November factor" . Keep it up buddy.

Duit..thanks for the kata kata pujangga..:)


2015-10-29 17:24 | Report Abuse

Perhaps once FBMKLCI crossing the SMA 40..then something...HV great evening to u n others..take care


2015-10-29 17:22 | Report Abuse

Perhaps once FBMKLCI crossing the SMA 40..then something..just my wild guess


2015-10-29 17:13 | Report Abuse

Sorry Mr.Lim...I'm also cant..


2015-10-29 16:04 | Report Abuse



2015-10-29 15:47 | Report Abuse

What liar..FM...u curse other people mother..u talk boast about integrity n corruption..while u just a keyboard warrior..huhuhuhu


2015-10-29 15:28 | Report Abuse

Hahaha FM..tease me or not....now u talk about XOX..after u r wrong at HK..hahaha..sure not u r playing XOX..Hehehe

Two bits..noted..but I'm still sceptical ..the downside still there as on macro side..there are a lot of xxxxxxx..


2015-10-29 14:25 | Report Abuse

Insya Allah Ann..I'm OK....dah...mrcb dah naik hehehe..uem boleh lagi ka?..☺


2015-10-29 14:09 | Report Abuse

Playing safe with HV


2015-10-29 14:07 | Report Abuse

Hahaha FM..Its up to u to call me liar or what...but one thing for sure....I'm more accurate than u..he hehehe...I'm waiting ur 30sen target last time..but I don't see that..then same goes with your shadow AJ..I'm waiting target 32sen..pun x nampak...hahaha..but mine 18sen HK dah nampak..then my advice to all my C e friends don't chase C12 after cross 32sen..then after taking down to 27sern I told them my reason...dude..I'm too old for all the non sense with my RM 30 Million summon court..not like you just a keyboard warrior to claim this n that to fight corruption but I am already a warrior to fight it and BE REAL N IM REAL...to be honest..u think Cyber Security do not follow me and all of u..hahaha...:)


2015-10-29 13:58 | Report Abuse

Biaq p lah kat dia..hangpa just focus on each trading plan n strategy...kita pakat pakat share lebih kurang..ada suitable info pakat pakat makan...Sepinggan nasi ITU tidak boleh dimakan jika tiada si petani ke bendang menanam padi. Padi yang dituai pula tidak boleh menjadi beras jika tiada si pengilang yang memproses padi kpd beras. Beras tidak boleh dimakan boleh kita jika tiada si pemandu Lori bawa beras ke peruncit. Peruncit tidak boleh jual kpd pengguna jika tiada lesen beras. Pengguna tiada boleh beli beras jika tiada Wang. Wang tidak boleh keluar Dari bank jika bank pun tak dak Wang..hahahaha...saja bagi kiasan Ibnu Khaldun..sebelum market bukak...


2015-10-29 13:45 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...its up to u FM to call me anything....I m understand u cut loss ur put n chase call .suddenly..dua dua hang kena hahahaha


2015-10-29 12:20 | Report Abuse

Nanti beli cimb..hangpa Katz adik to long abang hahahaha


2015-10-29 11:49 | Report Abuse

Tak tau LA kaq..aku x rasa market ada oomph lagi...better hang sideline...1620..aku yakin..in fact..1550-1580


2015-10-29 10:21 | Report Abuse

oh ya..where is that AJ..he said FBMKLCI-C12 RM 0.32.. i am so tempting ni nak beli AJ...tangan i gatal ni..:)


2015-10-29 10:20 | Report Abuse

hahahahah...HAIRY POTTER ELEK..la mr lim..if i am not muslim..i am also buy that Genting la..so i am planning to buy Genting Plantation..ahahahahaahaha...the only Research Based Plantation company..:)


2015-10-29 10:01 | Report Abuse

anyway AJ ..u n FM..are really joker..i like both of u. in fact..:)


2015-10-29 10:00 | Report Abuse

hahhhhhah..yes AJ...i am proud to be Malay...at least i am the one said in this forum..wait ..dont jump in..wait until 0.18..hahaahhaha...while you? i am still remember u said FBMKLCI-C12 which my best place to hang out with all my E-Friends...u said 0.32..where is that AJ..show me AJ ..show me..:)...


2015-10-29 09:51 | Report Abuse

Tips...study the 1998 Capital Control...the index movement..and also Anwar Ibrahim Factor..:)
I am planning to write a book to pay my RM 30.57 million court summon...boleh ka? hahaahahahh


2015-10-29 09:49 | Report Abuse

Maybank dividend 7.50 ; CIMB dividen 4.57 ; Digi.....so sendiri kiralah..shares lagi banyak ..so diluted...therefore..market is getting lower and lower ..:)..chiow..adios..see u at 1550


2015-10-29 09:46 | Report Abuse

market is always there...no rush..eat popcorn..


2015-10-29 09:38 | Report Abuse

WJY....if break 1671.82...welcome 1620


2015-10-29 09:37 | Report Abuse

HV pun ok gak actually..pasal 1685...then maybank sure kelam kabut..:)


2015-10-29 09:33 | Report Abuse

HZ..yes newbie..


2015-10-29 09:30 | Report Abuse

it will test 1671.82 ...percayalah..FBMKLCI..will test one that..


2015-10-29 09:29 | Report Abuse

Mr. Lim..dont worrylah as long as Puting..all are ok already..


2015-10-29 08:44 | Report Abuse

With a hamsap public transportation, with a high cost of living, with shrinking and depreciation of MYR due to strenghtened of USD..all the best to Irwan and Mr. Transformer.....play golf more often with Obama can solve this problem? whereby Obama is already clear cut ..he wont be the USA President anymore..even Hillary Clinton against the TPP..ehheehehh..all the best Irwan..you need Lady Luck with you..semayang kuat kuat..:)


2015-10-29 08:35 | Report Abuse


thanks newbie1234..actually..its good also..i can get back all my GST and Stamp Duty and also my pension once i kena masuk jail because no money to pay the RM 30 million..hahaahah...:)

anyway..just read that nice article before you guys too aggressive in buying more shares..


2015-10-29 08:23 | Report Abuse


i think i can buat loan dgn dia ni la..his winning RM 30.57 million is equal to my court summon..hahahaahah


2015-10-29 07:52 | Report Abuse

Good luck everybody...after reduced my profits and absorbed the losses..I need to REST especially the MACRO ANALYSIS are not there for me anymore..maybe for some of u yes..still has room..but myself with RM 30 Millions summon..what else I can do..hahahaha..perhaps being a toyboy to Rosmah ..hehehe..kidding..ALWAYS PLAY SAFE..DUREX


2015-10-29 04:03 | Report Abuse


Cant hardly wait MYR/USD Rm 4.50 and oh ya , Malaysia government need to pay about RM 1 billion over right starting January for its operational expenditure which definitely Mr Transformer need to raise Bond for it. Assuming that USA increase rates in Dec, you think he can sell his bond in January...oh ya Big Fish like to play golf with Snake..:)

This Rally is just to achieve BREAK EVEN or MIDDLE POINT at DJIA same goes with FBMKLCI. not more than that. Go in people Go in..Put all your money in stocks,..especially when FBMKLCI cross 1700..or FKLI cross 1700...:)...but dont cry when its gostan to 1620 then 1550...:)


2015-10-29 03:55 | Report Abuse

AJ the Big Fish..

i am not too idiot to buy in Malaysia market with too much sampah at MACRO ANALYSIS..plus TECHNICAL DXY INDEX which only a BIG FISH like you still cannot differentiate where is the SMART MONEY in OIL and DUMB MONEY in OIL are betting...:)...all the best to 'Big Fish'..

I am afraid of USD 45-46 now...then by end November or mid November and even worst next week Thursday USD 35..hahahahahahha...let us see AJ...

When traders and speculators crowded the market, thats mean RISK PROFILE is getting higher, they will start SHORT at HIGH PRICE..and create VOLATILITY..:)...

all the best to u and other 'Big Fish'..:)


2015-10-29 03:50 | Report Abuse


yeah Big Fish AJ...i am not too idiot to buy more anything once i see this ...:)


2015-10-29 03:48 | Report Abuse

ya AJ...u and Fund Manager are well known show off with your 'successful' made tonne of money and hiding your losses from public. not like me and kakashi and the rest who are NEUTRAL. at the end, everyone has their own knowledge and strategy to deploy and meeting each one trading plan, investment plan or even like Ayam Tua, PUNTER PLAN...:)


2015-10-28 23:02 | Report Abuse

The only monopoly business in Malaysia..dont worry lah number12..if u enter at 2.90 or your average 2.88..u will strike that RM 3.00..


2015-10-28 22:56 | Report Abuse

some advice before October close its curtain and welcome the horrible November

tomorrow might be just one day show because oil up tonight..but i dont think it will change Chevron results on Friday and DJIA will start its massive sell off next week which the show will start once FBMKLCI close on Friday. If u brave enough, enter lah tomorrow and Friday and chase all Oil and Gas stocks..but make sure..take profits..:)..thats my honest views...because November based on track record plus this guy he really made a point in his article..:)..just TRADE jer market macam ni..because the rules of thumb..

OPERATOR will push RM 0.10, then drag down RM 0.05 sen..then drag down RM 0.05 sen..then collect back...so these will be the last push before drag ke bawah balik...i am might be right and b wrong..just be really careful with all of these Oil n Gas stocks...just go with LOCAL like Pantech. FPSO..if possible dont touch la..they wont make money below USD 65..if they said they make money..they might upah Pirates to loot their minyak from their kapal..:)

Let me give some insights about Oil and Gas industry. The only possible ways to push up now within these 1-2 weeks, is create the tension at South China Sea. China vs USA. itu jer..drama as if USA nak attack China..bring the kapal..but still ,,just use ur logic, if you know already that Obama nak datang Malaysia on November..bukan USA so stupid nak attack China and China nak attack USA..its all drama jer..ehhehhheeh...to test candidates view on China USA relationship..not more than that..

Then ..we always refer DJIA as indicator..as if DJIA naik..FBMKLCI naik..but this time..the other way round..even DJIA naik banyak pun..FBMKLCI tak akan naik banyak..pasal simple...POLITICAL CRISIS or POLITICAL ISSUES back into the picture with the latest remarks by The Mr. Ku Nan the Tengku who is not a Tengku pun..tak original Tengku dia ni..a fake man..who just naik in politic because of belasah Anwar.

Last but not least, i am so sorry to use this word... GET OUT FROM MARKET before its TOO LATE...its not because i am already cash out and reduce my profits by absorb some losses..but ..MACRO ANALYSIS now is not there for market to grow..its better to rescue your capital and earn some rather than u loss all because market is always there, people comes and people goes, some come back and some never.

all the best..


2015-10-28 22:55 | Report Abuse


tomorrow might be just one day show because oil up tonight..but i dont think it will change Chevron results on Friday and DJIA will start its massive sell off next week which the show will start once FBMKLCI close on Friday. If u brave enough, enter lah tomorrow and Friday and chase all Oil and Gas stocks..but make sure..take profits..:)..thats my honest views...because November based on track record plus this guy he really made a point in his article..:)..just TRADE jer market macam ni..because the rules of thumb..

OPERATOR will push RM 0.10, then drag down RM 0.05 sen..then drag down RM 0.05 sen..then collect back...so these will be the last push before drag ke bawah balik...i am might be right and b wrong..just be really careful with all of these Oil n Gas stocks...just go with LOCAL like Pantech. FPSO..if possible dont touch la..they wont make money below USD 65..if they said they make money..they might upah Pirates to loot their minyak from their kapal..:)

Let me give some insights about Oil and Gas industry. The only possible ways to push up now within these 1-2 weeks, is create the tension at South China Sea. China vs USA. itu jer..drama as if USA nak attack China..bring the kapal..but still ,,just use ur logic, if you know already that Obama nak datang Malaysia on November..bukan USA so stupid nak attack China and China nak attack USA..its all drama jer..ehhehhheeh...to test candidates view on China USA relationship..not more than that..

Then ..we always refer DJIA as indicator..as if DJIA naik..FBMKLCI naik..but this time..the other way round..even DJIA naik banyak pun..FBMKLCI tak akan naik banyak..pasal simple...POLITICAL CRISIS or POLITICAL ISSUES back into the picture with the latest remarks by The Mr. Ku Nan the Tengku who is not a Tengku pun..tak original Tengku dia ni..a fake man..who just naik in politic because of belasah Anwar.

Last but not least, i am so sorry to use this word... GET OUT FROM MARKET before its TOO LATE...its not because i am already cash out and reduce my profits by absorb some losses..but ..MACRO ANALYSIS now is not there for market to grow..its better to rescue your capital and earn some rather than u loss all because market is always there, people comes and people goes, some come back and some never.

all the best..


2015-10-28 22:34 | Report Abuse


the last sentence might a hint that Friday..a massive sell of at DJIA which we might get trap if you enter on Thursday and Friday..i dont want to speculate..but i m pretty confidence...if market rebound tomorrow , its just a TRAP...like those days ..trade wisely.


2015-10-28 22:28 | Report Abuse

TB and others ..Insya-Allah..selagi PDRM and SPRM did not come and gari myself...i am here..once you guys tengok aku dah tak bebel kat sini..it means PDRM or SPRM already gari myself..hehheheh..


2015-10-28 22:21 | Report Abuse

but still..Chevron and others might spoilt DJIA on Friday. It just one day show tomorrow.


2015-10-28 22:05 | Report Abuse

Go Kakashi..i support you all the way...i dont like people so sombong especially talking they make tonne of money from stockmarket..as far as i am concern..if George Soros who studied philosophy from Karl Popper also loss and the best Guru Warren Buffett also loss and admit they loss from capital market, then we just ordinary people came to forum and brag and show to others making money..which i am doubtful..:)...

Kakashi..yes my friend as macro analysis seems like not healthy to support market and Bursa market has no more catalyst to push further. thats my honest view.


2015-10-28 19:20 | Report Abuse

I x like to quarrel with anyone but I x like people that so sombong. If I'm not mistaken AJ told us C12 will be 32sen..so if he made a lot of money..why C12 he still x push to 32sen..hehehe..sorry AJ..u terlalu sombong lah...some people who made money x tell to public they made money...perhaps they just pretend said they losses :)..