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2015-10-23 04:11 | Report Abuse

BB....mathematically..yes. +'28.7'



2015-10-22 22:21 | Report Abuse

Alhamdulillah..tumpang tuah rezeki anak MB ..hopefully this oil price rebound is genuine..stabilise at USD 45 perhaps. Plus S&P break the 2040..of course hopefully our FKLI will follow tomorrow morning definitely all my geng C12 who is brave enough will earn a lot tomorrow...hope for the best..let's sleep early n this DJIA continue its rally till 17450 n sustain lor...


2015-10-22 21:30 | Report Abuse

i am always expecting WJY question...he is like a character in my favourite movies actored by Adam Sandlers....:)...WJY...of course GREEN COLOR tomorrow..how come red color during our national budget..ahahaahahaahha...give some face la to the #1..:)

nope..i am not ..i hit and run at 25sen and clear off all at 0.270 .(C12)..tangan lembab for (C8),,,almost want to punch for HV semalam after clearing position at C12..tapi..as strong supporter of Najib Razak government..i support FBMKLCI index link company..tambah lagi today..eheheheh...cukuplah untuk seminggu makan..:)


2015-10-22 21:12 | Report Abuse

looks good now at DJIA ..hopefully our bourse too tomorrow..wallahuallam..


2015-10-22 20:58 | Report Abuse

November this year, in terms trading cycles is a bit shorten. Not even 22-days which will give more advantage for market to recover faster assuming worst case scenario which is break 1671.82 post budget which i am still against it due to improvement in market sentiments and market perceptions eventhough you might saying that its just a 'cover up' or 'bodek' or whatever terms you want to describe it. I did highlighted on FBMKLCI-C12 forum, the tendency for 'Black Swan' is no longer exist. Black Swan here meaning to say that, the tendency for market to correct to 1,480. I am strongly believe the market will be strong support at 1670 level even if budget is failed to meet and please everybody which i think its hard to please everybody.

If we are afraid about foreign fund. Hmm..i think with 20-22% exposure, i dont think all of them will throw. The most is about 1% more. Simple math, if we take it 1727.41 as the indicator, therefore 1710.14 is out already. then if we took 2% , 1692.86 which all of that has been taking care off. Will they do the same modus operandi like those days? Just come in for 2-3weeks? Thats i dont know because i am just a small ikan bilis. Not all foreign funds are genuine foreign funds. It could be Malaysians who love this country. It could be EPF and Khazanah themselves. Malaysians are everywhere and still many Malaysians do care about this country despite all the non sense.

I am still think positive and want positive results which is the market still has room to break 1730-1750..lepas tu kita sembang...:) wallahuallam..


2015-10-22 19:05 | Report Abuse

Once MHB goreng..this also goreng ..no matter what..


2015-10-22 18:58 | Report Abuse

Hmm..i will look back my data tonight..then i will give my opinion..


2015-10-22 18:56 | Report Abuse

Tahniah bro..insya Allah..adanya jalan ..


2015-10-22 17:40 | Report Abuse

Mlm ni mlm jumaat kena semayang kuat kuat..mintak DJIA mlm ni must kuat huhuhu


2015-10-22 17:37 | Report Abuse

Hahaha MB...hang pi mana..aku mcm tu lah..harap2 besok pagi boleh pencen dah...haha


2015-10-22 17:18 | Report Abuse

As Bumblebee for Najib and Merlin for the Kingdom..I'm coming to rescue...hopefully Dragon will give me some tips...wallahuallam...


2015-10-22 17:09 | Report Abuse

Last minute looks like knm perisai of course "mhb" closing mcm cantik today..perhaps "mhb" push besok will bring all the gang within the oil n gas industry which is the PILLARS OF THIS COUNTRY..saja guna ayat Transformer "Pillars" hehehe


2015-10-22 17:00 | Report Abuse

Cahaya Mata also has exposure inside kenanga..hopefully Kenanga also jalan....

Even though the analysts x so confidence about the temporarily rebound of crude..I think the rebound is genuine no doubt supply n demand issue. Because November n December is Christmas already for USA hehehe..perhaps supply from them kurang plus hujung tahun selalu ada ITU ribut INI ribut..perhaps will minimise the structural issue within oil n gas industry which is supply..Iran pun bukan korek lagi...just reserve..hehehe..I'm still looking USD 50-55 for this year..

Hopefully tonight S&P will be bullish and DJIA will break the 17300-17400 which definitely tomorrow morning FBMKLCI will finally break the 1720-1730...wallahuallam...


2015-10-22 15:14 | Report Abuse

Insya Allah tomorrow oil n gas rally..wallahuallam..hope c12 geng will achieve something


2015-10-22 13:56 | Report Abuse

Thanks Kakashi & Ayam Tua..noted..

ASTRO looks like to test 2.95-2.98..perhaps it will help to cushion the pullback..:)


2015-10-22 13:52 | Report Abuse

Perhaps next Resistance Level will be within a band of RM 2.95-2.98..wallahuallam...


2015-10-22 13:11 | Report Abuse

AnnH...if u look up at the Main Volume before recess..its actually the first page like late September..:)i dont know..i am always believe in Rotational. U r right about UEMS..MRCB perhaps after recess...i am waiting for GOB..perhap AEMULUS..IFCA..is backbencher for Air Asia..IF AA in green..IFC in red..

However as the gap is almost the top..which is within the control "28.7"..therefore,,we need to be quick and faster and of course to be patience to wait at lower then grab it..then..when its green and people are chasing it..just throw to earn a decent profits..to live in this Boleh Land...



2015-10-22 12:29 | Report Abuse

two key indicators ..AIR ASIA stock price and MISC stock price..when these two are still GREEN,,thats mean..We will see more Greener Days...Wallahuallam..:)


2015-10-22 12:28 | Report Abuse

two key indicators ..AIR ASIA stock price and MISC stock price..when these two are still GREEN,,thats mean..We will see more Greener Days...Wallahuallam..:)


2015-10-22 12:26 | Report Abuse

Buy when its GREEN...sell when its GREENER


2015-10-22 12:25 | Report Abuse

Buy when its RED...sell when its GREEN..


2015-10-22 12:24 | Report Abuse



2015-10-22 12:22 | Report Abuse

gurau nye LuoLi..jgnlah marah..u comel..heheehehe..Always Believe in Miracle..The Magic of '12'


2015-10-22 11:55 | Report Abuse

When LuoLi come to FBMKLCI-C12 page,,thats the time to buy...Hi LuoLi..how are you..miss u..:)..

Kakashi....u sounds give up on C-12..


2015-10-22 11:18 | Report Abuse

Twobits..itulah pasal CMSB..Naim..yup..agreed..
AnnH...buy at your own risk yeah..:)..biasalah kena letak disclaimer..:)
Mr.Lim..i wish i have one like Brahim lor..still tak dapat lagi..still kena perah otak scouting for one..:)


2015-10-22 10:29 | Report Abuse

Superman dah hilang power..i hope after this "BATMAN"..will show his strenght..:)


2015-10-22 10:28 | Report Abuse

TB..i hope so..because..i x think it will be red before Bajet and in fact after Bajet too..will see how..Wallahuallam..


2015-10-22 10:18 | Report Abuse

TB....i am still think positive..After '12'...yesterday before '12'...sat gi..depa pi lunch..after lunch la ..biasalah ..semalam lambat stay back layan Transformer..:)


2015-10-22 10:16 | Report Abuse

FGV red already..buy when its red ..sell when its green..:)


2015-10-22 10:14 | Report Abuse

hahaahh...i like..aiyo..apa ini sudah merah..:)


2015-10-22 10:05 | Report Abuse

someone whisper my name..patut tersedak aku minum air tadi..hahaah...ambik berkat Jumaat da..mamak bukan hang tak tau..


2015-10-22 09:53 | Report Abuse

anyway..because you guys like to watch video la itu lah inilah..BUY ASTRO lor..


2015-10-22 09:52 | Report Abuse

you see la TB...No.1 already taking picture..with Arnold Susah Nak Eja..then he rope in Carl Lewis also..hahaah..all his Transformer friends will help him want..because Decepticons also too strong..i dont know..im just a Bumblebee..haahah


2015-10-22 09:48 | Report Abuse

Im asking my friend..dont give me today list..i want tomorrow list main volume..haahahhahaah..:)


2015-10-22 09:47 | Report Abuse

silap .KRONO...oh no..:)


2015-10-22 09:46 | Report Abuse

SUPERMAN ..wearing a BRA..watch HOVIDEO...next what? Nextgram? Sersol? i am looking PORNO..but no..i saw KORNO..


2015-10-22 09:45 | Report Abuse

buy when its red..sell when its green..1712 still la mr.lim


2015-10-22 09:44 | Report Abuse

you guys did not buy..how to push..hahaahah


2015-10-22 07:19 | Report Abuse

Mathematically, the average + the highest + the lowest for october and average this three number (1685.95+1727.41+1617.42)=1676.93. The control is 28.7 , therefore 1676.93+28.7=1705.63. Will it survive? I will survive? Or I did it my way..?...Cheers


1690.97 IS THE CRITICAL POINT for today..wallahuallam...


2015-10-22 06:54 | Report Abuse

Its common la Lim..life is like you go to fishing. Sometimes you get the fish. Sometimes you just balik tangan kosong. Sometimes u dapat ikan besar..sometimes u dapat ikan kecil..:)...Anyway..Good morning everybody..hopefully a brighter days for everyone..if not with C-12 with other instruments,stocks,warrants etc etc..DONT GIVE UP..STAND UP...Rezeki itu bertaburan di muka bumi Allah SWT...

News & Blogs

2015-10-22 05:20 | Report Abuse

Just chill. As long as you make money cukuplah. Its a total lie if you never loss in stockmarket. Its also a total lie if you just win in stockmarket. Just stick to what you believe. At the end of the day, you pay the cheque and you earn the cheque.


2015-10-22 05:09 | Report Abuse



2015-10-22 05:07 | Report Abuse

Reverse thinking said yes. Agreed with Bilis Bilis.

'Hey people, looks people like my budget. I am taking care my country well, i am taking care my fellow corporates family and friends, i am taking care my rakyats, i am taking care my government servants, i am taking care everyone, but they still dont like me, so i make it green on Monday to show to the world that, SEE PEOPLE ITS GREEN, plus we are ahead than DJIA..Even DJIA is also clueless and start follow Malaysia."

Malaysia 1720...DJIA 17210..Malaysia 1707..DJIA 17070..Malaysia 1695, DJIA 16950..Malaysia 1740..DJIA 17400..all the best to all of us..


2015-10-22 05:00 | Report Abuse

Lets stay focus the good things about DRBHICOM
1. Hicom-Honda partnership. Motorcycles
2. Bank Muamalat
3. Long term strategic partner with Malaysia government in various industries.
4. Monopoly (PUSPAKOM). Let me give some insights within this market segmentation. There is a huge market for second hand car in Malaysia after the online business platform that exist in Malaysia which allow the car owner also direct selling to potential buyer. Therefore, users for this COMPULSORY SERVICES is increased together with the second hand car dealer. I was informed that Maybank Northern Region is also now focusing more on second hand car which is they are going back to their core Mayban Finance activity like my those days. Try imagine how much actually this PUSPAKOM make money. As long as MONOPOLY is exist, thats business is well and solid and go for MONOPOLY. Thats not im saying..Thats the Warren Buffett said. :)

The bad things
1. TPP- it could be this why people is scared. However, as for me who understand the trade agreement and trade negotiation. It takes time. Everything 'need two for tango' and 'a lot of tai chi here and there'.
2. Forex risk - input cost for manufacturing. Hmm..the market share for its own product may offset the risk with a potential growth in revenue for its motorcycles.
3. Debt of its tycoon. - Yes i admit it. But, he has huge strong asset to back his up. So why we must worried. He still smiling then.. :)


2015-10-22 04:42 | Report Abuse

EPF like that lor...the same strategy that they used when they dispose SKPETRO....last time remember ..then who push back SKPETRO...EPF...:)....EPF also TRADERS nowadays...ehehhe..biasalah..arahan..semua cari makan ma..