
apanama | Joined since 2015-08-03

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2015-10-28 18:24 | Report Abuse

As for me..PUT will be the winner for November


2015-10-28 18:21 | Report Abuse

Yes kakashi..u r right its not broken yet but today 1684 for FBMKLCI and FKLI NOVEMBER lowest just seating nicely 4bid to 1672 which DXY INDEX no room to stop the USD DOLLAR strengthened which finally put up a pressure to MYR USD to RM 4.40-4.50 which this Belacan Ku Nan and some UMNO leaders that still did not settle their mess..its add on POLITICAL CRISIS LEVEL that definitely add on selling pressure...I m already cash out everything n absorb some losses to avoids further losses. N waiting a clear signal which is Friday...


2015-10-28 18:09 | Report Abuse

No worries number 12..I'm here not to compete to win or loss..I just give my level best analysis on some counter..


2015-10-28 17:49 | Report Abuse

I just can :) for that counter...sorry newbie


2015-10-28 17:28 | Report Abuse

Careplus..I am a bit sceptical...because post bonus issue...for new comer who comes in..you will give them the old batch cash for their bonus shares..hehehe...so be careful...just trade


2015-10-28 17:26 | Report Abuse

Hz n HV..these two still have room..insya Allah..


2015-10-28 17:13 | Report Abuse

Who want to LONG FKLI NOV 1700..I x think market maker or pro also want to waste their money and sacrifice their fat bonus..hehehe..x worry lah...its already sayonara 1818 seniority..c u 1620..


2015-10-28 16:42 | Report Abuse

Sid..I am also still learning...that's guru title is not right actually...


2015-10-28 14:28 | Report Abuse

Its already confirm political crisis set in..Put will be the winner..


2015-10-28 14:22 | Report Abuse

To have political crisis during budget that still x yet approved is x healthy for market


2015-10-28 14:21 | Report Abuse

Plus..latest political statement by Ku Nan is not good enough which is definitely a hint that Muhyiddin will be sack..:)..


2015-10-28 14:15 | Report Abuse

Now in fact in tandem...


2015-10-28 14:14 | Report Abuse

Yes agreed..but latest situation especially today November FKLI lowest is already too close with 1672..which it should happened on Friday but why today..it looks like FKLI market mover wanna drag it further tomorrow by assuming finite DJIA will get hammered by 100 to 150 points. Thus tomorrow they will drag it in morning session 15-minutes before FBMKLCI open. If u notice all Hz HV even HK ALL ARE STEADY as if ready to take off..either take off this after recess or tomorrow morning.just my observation


2015-10-28 12:51 | Report Abuse

Alright...I think technical rebound will only happen once the crossing between 40-sma n latest price..as of now..x yet..there will be one more drag down...


2015-10-28 12:39 | Report Abuse

Two bits..depends..as long as the long leg..:)..its like u date with a model..a model with long leg ..yummy..its all depends on macro analysis too..what's in front of us..

Don't la sid..I just an observer..seriously HZ HV looks nice since 9am just now..its either will explode today or tomorrow


2015-10-28 11:57 | Report Abuse

how to technical rebound if we know already 1671.82 to be tested...plus DIGI is still far away its dividend which is next week plus CIMB looks selling pressure is there..i dont know..i m quite skeptical..


2015-10-28 11:10 | Report Abuse

Just to add While that 1620 is actually where the market started its kick from 1595 to 1727


2015-10-28 11:08 | Report Abuse

Two bits..my 28.7 is actually the 1896.23 minus 1867.53..due to the failure of the run up from 1671.82 (Dec2014-mid to Apr 27/4 1867.53 ), it shows that the Bull no more take control the market. Thats why i am using that as control. Because history shown that, market will drag down either 5-7 days in a row and push up 5-12-days in the row. And always 200-point is the best entry point either Bull or Bear condition.

So now, market had recovered basically from 1503 to 1727.41 but failed to break the 1,744.19
1,730.81 which indirectly as a hint that..it will definitely test 1671.82 as Bull is getting weaker and Bear is getting stronger with November is well known that 100-points to drag down possibility is there especially after a strong push up from 1503 to 1727.

Furhermore, 28.7 is a ceiling for market to loss in a day which no doubt sometimes 40-points but thats a rare occasion..as i am always believe in '12' steps up and '12' steps down. Its like a ladder. When 28.7 x 12 = 344.40 thats final 1383 if worst case and extreme case 2071.40.

And sad to inform that after 1727 minus 28.7 = 1698.5 , which break the most important 1708-1709, therefore, simple mathematic, if 1671.82 , the BIG BOYS FAILED TO DEFEND AT ALL COST THIS WEEK, HERE WE COME 1620...



2015-10-28 10:25 | Report Abuse

5-days ..drag down? before fly back?


2015-10-28 10:18 | Report Abuse

Newbie...tgk DIGI CIMB chart semua scary..:)


2015-10-28 09:07 | Report Abuse

the gap is there between FKLI Oct and FKLI Nov...due for technical rebound..perhaps tomorrow..good price today..:)


2015-10-28 07:46 | Report Abuse

Good morning TB...today 1692.11 will tell whether 1669.40 or 1714.82...if cannot hold...thats 1669.40 definitely will be tested..the local fund will try to defend it at 1671.82 was their last defense last time. Dont know whether DIGI MAYBANK N CIMB dividend strategy may attracted some buyer or not. If they can attract buyer, at least , some buffer there so tak teruk sangat...if not..tata titi tutu...pagi pagi bukak..the Put HZ looks like to be powerful..terus nampak 0.29 orang nak campak..from 0.25 ..thats something..thats my honest observation. all the best. wallahuallam..


2015-10-28 04:28 | Report Abuse

To all my beloved E-Friends

Thanks for all the wishes and your pray. Yes in Allah SWT , i trust. He saw what had happened in front of me, back of me, while i sleep, while i fuck, while i eat, while i drink, etc etc etc...He watch all His servant. He recorded every single movement without failed. Thats why i am not worried. For my case, He knows all the details. They can cut me into pieces. They can humiliated me. But at the end, they also will be summoned to the same creator by the name Allah SWT. Its already written in many Kitabs. When the Akhirulzaman, MANUSIA LEBIH TAKUT KEPADA MANUSIA KERANA WANG. KERANA ITULAH DAJJAL APABILA MUNCUL AKAN BERKATA SEMBAHLAH AKU UNTUK WANG.

CALENDAR. Just be careful within these 3-days. As we are aware put and call are tied into these FKLI movement. When the 'volatility' is there, the put n call will be more interesting either downside or upside. The FKLI October will wrap up on 30/10/15 which is FRIDAY. Please take note DJIA will take lead from Chevron earnings on Friday. So our FKLI might close badly that Friday after 5.00 especially the current DXY INDEX not showing us any sign of weakness which at the end will put more pressure on crude price. Then FKLI November will roll over and take charge on 3/11/2015 which is MONDAY. That week is also our heroin Dr Zetty will be the key person to dictate market direction. Rumours will spread here and there about her action which either will start on Friday morning itself or on Monday itself. Her words will be use as indicator for next market direction due to no longer MONETARY POLICY MEETINGS chaired by her for this year while her term is clearly we know when it will be end.

The 1MDB will back into picture too in November. Based on past track record, when 1MDB coming into the picture, the market will be in RED. Thats those days, the only ways for Mr. Transformer to build momentum back and change the market sentiments and perception towards 1MDB is PROVE TO US AND SHOW TO US WHERE IS THE QATAR MONEY THAT U USED TO TELL US AND SING TO US SINCE JUNE WHICH MR TRANSFORMERS AND HIS COMRADES SAID TO BRING THE MONEY GRADUALLY. BUT NOW IS ALREADY ALMOST NOVEMBER.

But then, end up , why suddenly MR TRANSFORMER announced RM 20 Billion from Valuecap? Which is actually equivalent just USD 4-5billion which is actually just RM 150 million per day. heehehehheeeh but suddenly now 'flip flop announcement' is building up about this RM 20 Billion if you follow the announcement and the 'game'...Mr Transformer trust his Golf Buddy by the name Mr. Obama who is in honeymoon mood by perabih lagi duit USA government to keliling satu dunia with his Air Force One. Come on Jib. Your rakyat is getting smarter and your rakyat also knows how Snake is USA is all about while you are already Mr Transformer is already serah your diri to the Greatest Snake in the world. :)


note: Its already break 1708 and failed to break 1730 for FBMKLCI and FKLI November is building based at 1680..definitely in November FBMKLCI will touch that 1680. Market is always seek catalyst and always move on UPSIDE for IDEAS. Will Obama is the next Catalyst in November? :)


2015-10-27 08:18 | Report Abuse

TB, Kakashi , Elson , Newbies , Popcorn , Main Besar , Kaq and others

Its already Akhirulzaman...just do what things that you feel right and the rest let Allah SWT the Almighty to decide. At the end of the day, how much money or how influence you are in societies or successful u r at the eye of public etc etc, we just HUMAN BEING who will be at the end will end up being alone inside the holy grave and we will only rise back once He call us upon during judgement day.

In terms of market direction, i just want to share a tip to be successful trader,punter or investor or combination of both as i was in market since 1999. But i was introduced it since 1994 by my uncles and bro in law. The most important is CALENDAR of EVENT. You guys are lucky especially the Generation Put and Call. You have all the instruments to hedge and survive.

The script is written overtime. "Budget Rally" "Window Dressing" "Chinese New Year" "Invest Malaysia" "General Election" "By Election". Thats for Malaysia market. Be alert also about TAX SUBMISSION. Be alert also Money flush from Government to Private sector. Use the spreadsheet wisely. You will get the jizz time to enter and time to exit. Always stay alert on 107/108/109 trading days. I used to quote at Simon wall those time. and i am still remember Main Besar response. I said...'macam buat bendang stockmarket ini'. Its just 4-months. If u r lucky it will be 8-months. which is 2 times harvest. But in very rare occasion u can have it.

Out of all, the best to enter stockmarket is when the GAP BETWEEN CURRENT PRICE and its SMA really steep especially within 200-points the gap. The '28.7' is always act as control. Actually before i got my court summon , i am in the midst to finalise to detect next market direction. I dont want to speculate. But it looks like, 80-trading days just seat nicely before the CHINESE NEW YEAR RALLY if you take that 1620 as the most possible lower side for BEARISH SCENARIO post budget if 1672 is broken in November FKLI contract which now still stubborn above 1690 level. If we add on 30-40 point from 1590 lowest FKLI November contract, thats will be the last support level if bearish market scenario exist as FKLI is still struggling to break 1730.

Based on history, it just need 12-trading days for the Big Boys to push the index and stay put on it. If the same strategy is being implemented, we can say that, they already deployed it for Budget Rally and perhaps now is the time for them to bring down the market again.

I just want to finish what i had started. Therefore, this is my last market commentary. .I am might be right n i am might be wrong. If its good for you, use it.

All the best people. Will definitely miss all of you. Bye.


2015-10-26 23:15 | Report Abuse

To all my E-Friends..thank you for everything n sorry for everything. As I am always hang out here..this is my last posting. Apanama is closed shop already. I just received my RM 30 Million court summon from a company that use bribery to get a contract . this is real life when you want to fight corruption n money laundry. I know at the end I will have to fight by myself...n I know one fine day...I have to face this for HONESTY...May Allah SWT bless all of us with His mercy..Cheers n Take care..will miss u guys...especially Fund Manager...if u think I'm corrupt like Najib ..u r wrong because this is the reality when u want to fight corruption...either u will be cut into pieces or u will be break part by part..n its just a beginning for me...

Good night n all the best...


2015-10-26 11:23 | Report Abuse

i think market tak rest la tahun ni post bajet..coz..no time already..:)


2015-10-26 11:03 | Report Abuse

i feel like to whack Bornoil..tapi still consider..haha..pasal Hap Seng sure got extra cash post budget..


2015-10-26 11:00 | Report Abuse

thanks TB..overall FBMKLCI i think still got some Vroomph..perhaps 1715 today will clear all the barricade..


2015-10-26 10:05 | Report Abuse

FYI Mr. Lim..platform kita boleh dikatakan agak lama..plus ada RAPID project..so i rasa..ada some kick lagi for OnG..i guess that Mr. Transformer still has something inside his TOP SECRET bag..ehehhhh...i dont want to speculate..but as he was with Petronas before joining politics..so he must know well about the industry etc etc..


2015-10-26 10:01 | Report Abuse

perhaps to help putty gang first..before ramp up to 1730..i guess la..fbmklci-c12 will strong support at 0.25-0.26 i think..


2015-10-26 10:00 | Report Abuse

today putty day..looks like like that...but i think still ada Pengerang play lor..


2015-10-26 09:17 | Report Abuse

after construction...Oil n Gas?


2015-10-26 09:16 | Report Abuse

Mr. Lim...8735 magnum..so can 1735?


2015-10-26 07:31 | Report Abuse

boleh bangun kot this week...'rubber'..


2015-10-26 07:30 | Report Abuse

lama tidur..bangunlah this week..:)


2015-10-26 07:28 | Report Abuse

Thanks TB...lets ride it..


2015-10-26 07:27 | Report Abuse

alang-alang..1.15 ja terus..:)


2015-10-26 06:07 | Report Abuse

Ave-52Week Latest Difference

ASTRO 3.12 -0.15
CIMB 5.81 -0.81
IOICORP 4.35 -0.03
MAYBANK 9.14 -0.53
SKPETRO 3.65 -1.50
TENAGA 13.61 -0.83
YTL 1.62 -0.09
AMBANK 5.56 -0.63
GENTING 8.16 -0.70
UMW 9.81 -1.27
BAT 65.57 -2.47
HLFG 15.49 -0.53
RHBCAP 7.45 -1.19

These are the FBMKLCI counters that are still not even achieved its 52-weeks AVE.

Perhaps their stock price improvement within this week will help the FBMKLCI to march forward to 1730-1740. No doubt some profit takings will emerge to others that not in the list, however, some improvement within these 'slow but steady' gangs eventually will help FBMKLCI to march forward and definitely stay within 1700 channel...

Wallahuallam..and all the best to all of us..


2015-10-26 03:12 | Report Abuse

nevermind or TAKPA..that's common Malaysian especially Malay set of mind...that's why this boleh land cannot achieve n be real developed country..all TAKPA..hehehe...those days only Malay has this kind of thinking ..nowadays all races too..like Tun used said to me..hehehehehe...All now TAKPA...at last semua celapa...yg tinggai Buah kelapa..hehehe

News & Blogs

2015-10-26 03:06 | Report Abuse

Mkland yummy..

Anyway do u see any possibility for RAPID PLAY AGAIN for all those announced beneficiaries..?


2015-10-26 03:01 | Report Abuse

As long as below 1.30-1.70 ..worth to buy for "strategic investor"...

News & Blogs

2015-10-26 02:36 | Report Abuse



2015-10-25 20:05 | Report Abuse

Tgk dia punya monthly chart..nampak cantik..haha mcm 1.50-1.70 hahaha


2015-10-25 20:03 | Report Abuse

Anyway I used to deal with NPL when I was at Mayban Finance..after bought over Amanah..its up to 36mths punya assets...once I deal with all the crooks ..clean profits..after that's May bank proudly announced untung RM 1.4Billion huhuhuhu..yg dok takut NPL ni mende..its write off the book now..tapi still simpan somewhere haha..thenbila kutip balik..its clean profits huhuhuhuhu...


2015-10-25 19:59 | Report Abuse

If u present kat board..kirim kat nasir..ckp kat dia..mcm hang tak biasalah deal with NPL..huhuhuhu...apalah hangpa ni market nak pi 1735-1770..hangpa dok ckp pasal npl kat cimb..mcm mana cimb nak pi 5.60 mcm ni..hehehe


2015-10-25 18:52 | Report Abuse

Anyway this week boleh tengok PROPERTY STOCKs because based on track record.if Danny Wong said dont buy..over the weekend.next week it will go up..heheheeh..so Danny Wong Areca...heheheh..last time he said dont buy Banking stock..suddenly after that Banking stocks jump like crazy n push FBMKLCI..ehehhheheh...so this week tgklah...maybe my theory betul ke tak..hahaahah...list ada kat The Edge..:)


2015-10-25 18:49 | Report Abuse

10-12sen cukuplah sakit perut..:)


2015-10-25 18:49 | Report Abuse

anyway TB...this weekend The Edge sudah sebut sikit sikit Etika Strategi..ehhehhe..tak lama dah tu..silap2 this week sudah test itu 143-145..hehehe..sakit perut jap jer..i think should be this week...pasal weekend dah makan pil chi kit teck aun..:)


2015-10-25 18:40 | Report Abuse
