
apanama | Joined since 2015-08-03

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2015-10-16 22:08 | Report Abuse

HV might be worth it to collect if you bet the economy x so good in the first quarter next year or even u bet post budget market will has some minor healthy correction. The timing and strike price looks compelling..however..I'm still gari my finger for both either C or H until real confirmation..now looks like sama kuat sama hebat..HV..I will enter if it less 20sen...


2015-10-16 20:44 | Report Abuse

its not about con...just read who is the shareholders of this company lor...With Sarawak is still not yet election, hmm..the upside is there..


2015-10-16 20:08 | Report Abuse

of course..a possible accumulation for FBMKLCI for next round 1740-1770..who knows..:)


2015-10-16 20:07 | Report Abuse

from my point of view, this put and call will be less attractive once market in the period of accumulation or 'normalization phase'. The gap between FKLI and FBMKLCI is too close..when they are too close..these two are not sexy..in my opinion la..might be right or wrong..still learning and still long way to go..


2015-10-16 20:03 | Report Abuse

it could be a sign of 'market normalization'..'stable market'..'less volatile'..so put n call..no longer attractive..thats my honest opinion..i am might be right or wrong..hv a great weekend..


2015-10-16 19:59 | Report Abuse

I am here and i dont know about hng33...As far as i am concern, you should enter this Armada counter if you have cash to hold on. I am not an insider. I am not a big shark. Simple valuation for oil and gas company. We should enter before the crude oil back to its 'real value' which is USD 55. Why i said real value at USD 55.

Let me give you my reason. No doubt OPEC might 'untung' with USD 20-30 with their low cost operation and large block of market share. However, you still believe in that rethoric? If you read all the old books about economy , politics, guns and war, this USD 20-30 was at the beginning of Bretton Wood Agreement. Its how many years already.

After that, Shale type of exploration come out. Then every talk about USD 140 for that. Actually, all of that bullshit. As time goesby, technological advance, productivity improved, therefore, USD 55 is the median price for both. You can read all the non sense from the media, reports, etc etc, however, at the end, NOBODY KNOWS ACTUALLY HOW MUCH LEFT INSIDE THE PERUT BUMI either at sea or at darat for this old business that related with GUN WARS SUPER POWER PIRATES etc etc...

Last but not least, dont confuse yourself with all the tricks..once you are too confuse..just go back to basic and basic rules of accounting...NTA..Armada trade less its NTA..are u kidding me? The pioneer for FPSO hahaahaha even EATECH already potong Armada...is it going to kiamat or what..:)

DISCLAIMER: I HAVE EXPOSURE inside this counter. You can said i am might be bias. But, its up to you guys...my money anyway...:)


2015-10-16 19:37 | Report Abuse

Risenfall..Yes i am. Not for trade of course..looks quite sexy at this price..


2015-10-16 18:43 | Report Abuse

Two bit...supportlah kenanga..hahaha


2015-10-16 18:42 | Report Abuse

Betul lah taiping bear..im also first time tak berani nak snipe put n call..because i takut next week..after sex is too good today..fbmklci will do one more round..anyway hv great weekend to everybody..


2015-10-16 16:39 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...all the best main besar...
Mr.lim...tak berani ...masuk peti sejuk dah byk dah ni...
Newbie..selamat tikam jackpot....hehehe...

Well...1715 ...hmmm too close la wei....push la lagi....hehehe


2015-10-16 16:26 | Report Abuse

MainBesar....jgn sejuk lama dah ler bro...hehe


2015-10-16 16:24 | Report Abuse

Itulah pasal newbie..tgk taxi bertenaga sampai 1717..dah syiok lah aku pun...sekali mlm ni kena tgk lagi tabung manager boleh korek..hehehe...gatai tgn sangat smlm...hehehe


2015-10-16 12:34 | Report Abuse

Main Besar...aku test power kat kenanga...sekali..KENA NGA..hahaahahahahha...im laughing at myself now..aiyo..simpan peti sejuk balik la..tulah ..anak dah cakap..ayah..i want toys..i said..no more toys for u..i want to buy shares..end up now..paper loss ..haahahahahahahah...thats life in this business...


2015-10-16 12:33 | Report Abuse

hahahhhhahah...itulah pasal twobits..sendiri kasi hint sama orang..sekali diri sendiri..masuk ini hari n semalam...hahaahahah..siaplah aku next monday..if market tak break 1726.94...menangis tak berlagu lor..:(


2015-10-16 11:53 | Report Abuse

two bits..dont la say like that..im boring lor ..dok rumah tak tau apa mau bikin..hahahaha..apply jadi analyst..english tak bagus..sekolah kampung..hahahahaha...jadi sembang la sama uncle lim..main besar..annH .big9000..n others here..at least do some productive thing..instead of merempit..hehehehe...

Mr.Lim..1719 can kot today?..:)


2015-10-16 11:29 | Report Abuse

RM 3.92 its NTA..at 1.37...34.9%..hahha..simple logic..it stil has about 15% space lor..


2015-10-16 11:28 | Report Abuse

Why people scared with this company..it should not trade less than RM 1.40..i dont understand sometimes..counter that have genuine business, lucrative contract, monopoly, too damn slow..while cap ayam counter..wallah..:)..well..maybe because people still chicken out..


2015-10-16 11:24 | Report Abuse

air yang dicincang tak akan putus..:)


2015-10-16 10:54 | Report Abuse

Yes hng33..u r right..as for me..Armada for me to pick up..and will sell it once it reach its true valuation..at this price..Armada is too low..it should trade above its NTA..1.15..to be honest ..im looking beyond than 1.20..


2015-10-16 10:45 | Report Abuse

Good Friday perhaps...Insya-Allah..


2015-10-16 10:32 | Report Abuse

sedar sedar..ait ..dah 1730...


2015-10-16 10:31 | Report Abuse

modus operandi for this level ..naik pelan pelan..hahahah...


2015-10-16 10:13 | Report Abuse

the most funniest thing..i campaign at C-12..but i dont touch it..ahahahhaahh..i just do marketing..maybe thats my specialty kot..business development heheheheheh


2015-10-16 10:12 | Report Abuse

nice question dik..aku campaign jer..hahaahhahaha...ada la sikit sikit lagi..saja gatai tangan tadi..terjah..dengan semalam petang ..hahhaha...


2015-10-16 10:09 | Report Abuse

market mesti ada ooomph punya..Wintoni also make comeback today..plus XOX..hua..ni sudah petanda baik..apa lagi..masuk lah..:)


2015-10-16 10:01 | Report Abuse

entah entah after '12'..sudah 1727..:)


2015-10-16 10:01 | Report Abuse

mesti kena lebih 1712..'12'...all after this must in '12'..up by '12'..1715+12=1727..monday..wallahuallam..


2015-10-16 09:54 | Report Abuse

Mr Lim..so sharp shooter la u..dah 1715 ni..hahaahah


2015-10-16 09:48 | Report Abuse

tgh dok kira duit..nak bedak..dont worry lah..minyak counter mau jalan rasanya after 10 sat gi..just my wild guess..then Air Asia pun still ada uumph..sure break 1730..wallahuallam..


2015-10-16 09:43 | Report Abuse

Bull and bear tgh makan..rest sat..


2015-10-16 09:37 | Report Abuse

Sometimes dalam lengang itulah yang ada keistimewaannya...:)


2015-10-16 09:36 | Report Abuse



2015-10-16 03:25 | Report Abuse

We just can hope..Duit ..hehehe..but as we aware..the dynamic of the market itself can change within a blink of eyes...

Alamak..a big jump pulak DXY INDEX..I'm expecting the jump to 94...the band is not too high at DXY ..hmm..

Let us see today profit taking activity on '12' trading days whether well absorb or not. Yesterday I notice some of the early mover like IFCAMSC had absorbed quite well..will see today for AirAsia..These two are considered as the early mover.

I haven't seen PUC on the top volume yet. So still got umph this rally. I m might be right or wrong. However based on my observation this year..once the counter sounds like "sex" are out on top 10..jaga Jaga..its like a shout or hint....the Viagra is already near to finish..the counters are as follows:

"Minetech" "Genetec" "Connect" "PUC" .....

Trade Wisely...wallahuallam..


2015-10-15 21:22 | Report Abuse

As for me..i am already remove the vote of no confidence from my mind..because PAS is on Najib side..


2015-10-15 21:19 | Report Abuse

8/10/2015 1,682.67 1,701.21 1,681.78 1,693.98 1,689.91
9/10/2015 1,702.78 1,717.48 1,702.52 1,706.54 1,707.33
12/10/2015 1,703.24 1,719.90 1,700.65 1,709.86 1,708.41
13/10/2015 1,710.50 1,710.50 1,705.30 1,711.14 1,709.36
15/10/2015 1,709.02 1,721.34 1,706.98 1,715.45 1,713.20
19/10/2015 Parliament
20/10/2015 Govt Pension
21/10/2015 Govt Salary
23/10/2015 Budget
27/10/2015 fomc
28/10/2015 fomc
5/11/2015 bnm monetary

1818 point by early November?

Assuming that well support tomorrow at 1708-1709 for Cash..FKLI cannot break 1700 too and in fact create new high. With non issue of no vote of confidence, with the flush from Government payroll thru pensioner and salary on 20/10-21/10, definitely 1750 will be achievable.

Then Budget 2016 fullfill the corporate wish list, rakyats wish list, please everyone...together with FOMC confirmation that no interest rates hike on October. which definitely remove the Dec option together...plus the BNM Monetary on 5/11/2015 who was clearly indicate about she is waiting FOMC clear signal to make her move, therefore, Dr Zeti will finally rescue our country again and show her capabilities and definitely it will restore back the confidence and definitely this will shape a new PERCEPTION and new MARKET SENTIMENTS..

Wallahuallam..May Allah SWT bless this country and all of us..

P/s Just my 2 kupang lima det..the possible POSITIVE SCENARIO..


2015-10-15 18:42 | Report Abuse

ya la AnnH..as citizens i pun tak suka toll hike..tapi..what gomen can do..nak naik interest rates lagi masak..nak mintak EPF tolong..as u know kan..so nak tak nak nak please bondholder..itu jer lah jalannya..

if tak please bondholders..nanti bond market disturb..sapa lagi susah..my elderly uncles n auntie kat kampung nak makan macam mana harap duit pencen tu je..then my cousins yang kerja gomen kat kampung kampung gaji tak dapat macam mana.of course bila semua itu disturb,..at last ...kita kat sini nak trade and invest mende..klse.i3nvestor.com ni pun boleh tutup kedai..

just my 2 kupang lima det..


2015-10-15 18:36 | Report Abuse

Tanyalah Pandikar Amin Mulia..dia long ka ..dia short..hahahha.kalau dia long sure tak dak no vote of confidence..hahaahahahahahahahah


2015-10-15 18:34 | Report Abuse

ahahahahahah..Main Besar..u r my man..heheehhe...seriously ..aku dah habih idea..tak tau nak kelebek graph mende lagi..at last..aku rasa..



2015-10-15 18:31 | Report Abuse

Hng33..u r..really super fast lor..i cant beat you..:)


2015-10-15 18:17 | Report Abuse

AnnH....dont la stalk me..im shy ..i think u r market mover..
Duit..alahai..so humble..i wish no more red especially MYR/USD...
Bfg9000..lagi humble..

Main Besar..aku dah habih idea actually..ahahahaahah..pasal besok 12-hari dah..ikutkan kitab aku..thats the limit ..entahlah..mlm ni kena dig lagi cari lagi..kot kot dapat ilham..pasal aku dah langgar banyak pantang ni..

Apa apa pun..my pray is always MYR/USD to be stabilise at least at this band in fact go more lower. Why? I used to visit dozens labor intensive factories during my days at kononnya high executive..paling menyedihkan bila pergi kilang yang highly precision. They just earn RM 900.00 waktu itu...bygkan..terjege mata..i cant imagine if the towkey now cannot bring the inputs if the input cost so high...at the end..sure towkey buang kerja..bila mereka tiada kerja..what happen to their dependants..

Same goes with us here...we tried our level best in our best ability ..but at the end..only Him knows whats the best to all of us...



2015-10-15 16:12 | Report Abuse

Actually to add bfg9000...malaysia market is well known..bila turun memang laju..but naik lambat sikit bro..



2015-10-15 16:03 | Report Abuse

anyway maybe due to i am sacrifise my time a lot here with all of u..Main Besar Kakashi Mr Lim AnnH Bfg9000 ...Allah SWT help me by His bless..i am almost to snipe the FBMKLCI-HZ..hahahha..but suddenly..i change my mind..blup turun..so decided to stop for a while this Put Option..hehehehehe..hilang dah skil tembak..:)


2015-10-15 15:58 | Report Abuse

Ini namanya .enjin overhaul..aahhahaahahah


2015-10-15 15:57 | Report Abuse

can buy? :)


2015-10-15 15:45 | Report Abuse

Goreng sampai hangit..:)


2015-10-15 15:07 | Report Abuse

Yes bfg9000...its not easy to build this country..but its easy to ruin it too..:)


2015-10-15 15:06 | Report Abuse

Congrats to FBMKLCI-C12 warriors that sold beyond than my target..alhamdulillah syukur for all of u..:)


2015-10-15 14:06 | Report Abuse

Just take a look on Malaysia population alone..based on research...Malaysians are wasting fuel even at 1130am...hahahaahhha...thats why no point we earn so much from Gas earning thru the recent USD exchanges but at the end offset with import crude..hehhheh..ok ok enough..:)


2015-10-15 14:03 | Report Abuse


another bullshit from capitalist..heheheh...they short at USD 52-53..now..they want to scare people..they come out with all this supply data..aaahahha..:)..orang pun jual..especially contra kaki..if they want to push..they send jet..they buang minyak dalam laut..upah lanun..etc etc..bom sana bom sini..hahaahahahahah..Thats life..

at the end..simple equation..PEOPLE IS GROWING ALL OVER THE GLOBE..you think there is no demand for this old and ages industry..hahaahahahhaahha..i am not too smart like mahathir..but i am not too stupid like najib..:)