
apanama | Joined since 2015-08-03

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2015-10-13 00:41 | Report Abuse

Hahaha..main besar..hang Kaya. Crude break 50 NYMEX DLM julat yg agak besar...saja nak ckp melayu..aku dah boring ckp omputih


2015-10-12 22:06 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...I like ur bahasa..bahasa jiwa bangsa hahaha


2015-10-12 22:00 | Report Abuse

No wonder market push so fast n so furious..looks like bajet on 23rd..then parliament seating seminggu awal not..so berderailah market if vote no confidence hahahaha...that's another factor to consider..hehehe..good night..mau tikam put lagi ka?..


2015-10-12 21:51 | Report Abuse

Ya la duit..hang main tikam..hehehe..aku actually nak Tanya hang..esok nak masuk APA..pasal terlepas ticket flight air Asia hari ni..hehe


2015-10-12 21:49 | Report Abuse

Hahaha ..I like..


2015-10-12 21:19 | Report Abuse

Don't worry lah as long as bawah 1712..dah tak dapat dah sapa nak kelentong ..setakat rise back closing Nyawa Nyawa Ikan..ibarat pakai life support..hehehe..gempaq sekali berterabuq..


2015-10-12 15:25 | Report Abuse

cuma ada soalan menarik..adakah Air Asia towkey in hurry to push due to crude oil bakal naik? jeng jeng jeng..ini soalan yang aku dok tanya anak aku..hahahaah..:)..bye..


2015-10-12 15:22 | Report Abuse

aku dok terasa nak tibai IFCA..pasal aku rasa operator sama dgn Air Asia..hahahaha..tapi entah..malaslah nak masuk apa dah..mau cuti dah..


2015-10-12 15:21 | Report Abuse

Congrats bro..bfg9000..h12 tak dak..h21 ada..terbalik da..hahahaahahah...confirm market upside down.after this..mau malam ni DJIA buat lawak jenaka post Lima..:)


2015-10-12 15:10 | Report Abuse

alahai sayangku..break la lagi..break la..:)


2015-10-12 15:07 | Report Abuse

hahahaaahah....Yes Main Besar..the JPJ looks like really do their job..hahah..

I just miss Air Asia..damn..nak masuk tadi tapi..sibuk dgn anak kecil and ada kerja ad hoc..so on the move...balik tgk dah 1.40..kedekut 2 sen..melepas sekupang..tak pa tak tertulis rezeki..hopefully will get one soon via all the putty ..heheeheheh..:)


2015-10-12 10:19 | Report Abuse

tengah berusaha gigih untuk memastikan angka keramat "12"..:)


2015-10-12 10:12 | Report Abuse

JPJ hari ini..aku rasa rajin kerja..hahaahhah


2015-10-12 10:07 | Report Abuse

malu malu pulak nak break 4.92...break jer lah sayang..:)


2015-10-12 10:05 | Report Abuse

Nampak macam rajin pulak JPJ buat kerja hari ni...ok..time to get ready..for some toys..:)


2015-10-12 10:02 | Report Abuse

tengok la..dia rajin ka dia malas..:)


2015-10-12 10:01 | Report Abuse

JPJ baru lepas minum pukul 9.30..so now JPJ baru masuk kerja..:)


2015-10-12 05:47 | Report Abuse

by logic..if us small retailers want to buy cheap stock and sell at high price..they the big boys..also want..their KPI ..not achieve..less bonus ..less bonus..nanti bini marah..tak boleh shopping overseas or mak mertua marah..hahaahahah...:)...all the best for today and the remaining days..to all of us ..


2015-10-12 05:42 | Report Abuse


Perhaps..this will be the next support money either its within the RM 20 billion of Valuecap or additional bullet..thats only Najib inner circle knows which i wish i am in that circle......:)..

Kakashi..with the current market environment..once the Big Boys throw..definitely.. berterabur and berselerak lari..thats hard fact too in this Dog Eat Dog environment..


News & Blogs

2015-10-12 05:24 | Report Abuse

to be frank.This is just a TEMPORARILY MOVE to spike the crude...we are heading towards more on STRUCTURAL ISSUE WITHIN THE INDUSTRY itself...just my humble opinion..At least the spike in recent crude price will help Russia allies and Russia currency a bit..:)

what we should focus more is the 'sincerity or ability' of USA government to tame down its own DOLLAR which is the PILLAR for everything. Therefore the DXY INDEX must be watch out this week..the ability to break break 93 to 90..thats SOMETHING...

"WAR" is actually will hurt more the world GDP and every countries in this world..which will create more harm in the long run..which at this point of time if that the SUPERPOWER to choose..its definitely we are heading towards what Quran said..what Bible said..what Taurat said..however, thats still long way to go..The INFRA within that three oldest masterpiece are not ready yet even though some said are ready.



2015-10-12 05:15 | Report Abuse

dont blame all the institutional or deep pocket or stockist or syndicate..they take high risk because the amount of money that they have...wallah..therefore they have to be more and more faster and smarter above retailers. Plus, we are retailers who just relied on certain data..etc etc..but..the most sophisticated institutional or deep pocket or stockist or syndicate..their TOOLs AND EQUIPMENT....thats the hardfact..just get the right "ALGORITHM"..if we retailers coincidentally..within the same "channel"..or riding on the same 'wave' ...we will make money..if not..we will burnt..macam duit syiling la..ada "KING" ada "KONG"..Have a great monday and weeks ahead..



2015-10-11 21:19 | Report Abuse

Alamak..hehehe..thats question really interesting.oklah..I hit some after FBMKLCI cannot hold at 1,712 and break the closing price 1230pm because I had a strong feeling during that time..FKLI will create new low after after 5..but now of course I'm 'temporarily' in danger because the FKLI was manage to climb to settle just nicely 4 bid above my target new low after recess..hopefully I can get some toys for my son..hehehe..he ask me tobot x now..:)


2015-10-11 20:44 | Report Abuse

To be honest..I m already almost cash out all..because I'm not Robert Kuok..he he.. thought at first want to support TH related counter....but after thinking twice..I'm cash out too...which now I m interested with the 'game' post TPPA...definitely some good counter will give good value to step in..due to knee jerk reaction...


2015-10-11 18:14 | Report Abuse

Popcorn..some..SIME...correction on my above statement.


2015-10-11 18:06 | Report Abuse

To popcorn n 1star..thanks for the inputs.for popcorn..yes u r right about some..I saw a reputable analyst shout about it and still maintain the sell call on it..which based on my data..frankly speaking..even though the recent run up looks like fantastic..however..the -6.67% is still an issue for me..that's why i have to reduce my target year end by 40 point

To 1star..yes you made a strong view and a reminder to myself. Its a well known fact, for both either DJIA OR FBMKLCI by having 4000 points for DJIA and 400 points for FBMKLCI. That's why I used to trigger on April after it reach the 1,867 and failed to break 1,897..and after that reached the 1,503..after 1,503 ..the index now with at 1,700 level back..its actually already looks more or less its already recovered. The only question now will it manage to sustain this with all the MACRO ENVIRONMENT OUTLOOK for next 3-6months that's still BALANCE with the most simplest probability ..35 (bullish) -30 (both) -35 (bearish)...compared to previous 30(bullish)-20(both)- 50(bearish)...

Capital market is like politics too. The 30%..is definitely hardcore BN..the other 30% ..is definitely hardcore PR OR PH..while others 40%..both camp or we call it ATAS PAGAR...:)..



2015-10-11 17:44 | Report Abuse

Yes bfg9000 ..your statement is a strong message to me as well.

Yes kaki sailang..you are right too. Some can made money in 1-day but to add ...some can loss money in 1-day too. The professional trader like you has some advantage above others. Congratulation to you and others.

I am just an average. Still has long way to go...

AnnH and Main Besar..enjoy reading..if both of you or others have other good books to read..please suggest..I'm also still learning and need to improve myself...

Take care everybody..


2015-10-11 09:11 | Report Abuse

It will when the TIME is arrive..like TIMECOM too. those days..until all people getting fade up..and loss fate..:)


2015-10-11 09:06 | Report Abuse

If Shapoor want to buy..he wont buy at high price and definitely not more than its NTA..:) ..Orthodox valuation of Armada is 1.25 x 1.15= 1.44 while the most extreme will be as high as much RM 2.88..Therefore, at what price Shapoor want to buy? :)...Just do the math..:)


2015-10-11 08:57 | Report Abuse

I like richman statement..however for those who has cash and can hold..as long as you stick at RM 0.19-0.205..you will fairly safe with this counter..dont worry about the UPS and DOWN crude price.or govt announcement..

As the towkey stake is about RM 0.44-0.45..so just do the math..:)


2015-10-11 08:52 | Report Abuse

As someone ask..and as an honest guy..I am already out..I just enter FBMKLCI counter if there are BIG OPPORTUNITY offer for once in life time..as of now..in my honest opinion..CIMB is not much space to go up..most likely will break RM 4.88 that i use to posted here after someone asked during the hot debate until i have to shout to kerat my kote because surely its not RM 1.00 for next year. Dont worry too much for those who are still in..as long as Khazanah inside...you wont loss your money.(provided that you have money to average if you buy at HIGH PRICE)..Frankly speaking..the way i see it..the highest it can go within a band of RM 5.15 to RM 7.90. and the lowest definitely not RM 1.00..it will be around RM 3.65-RM 4.57.

All the best..dont get married with stock put call..and of course stockmarket..just get married with your wife lor...sedangkan kahwin pun boleh 4 and of course cerai tu..tapi cerai tak boleh talak tiga..nanti kena cari cina buta..:)..


2015-10-11 05:26 | Report Abuse

Year Ave
1 1994 -160.08 Very Bad
2 1995 2.32 Flat
3 1996 91.53 Good
4 1997 211.14 Very Bad
5 1998 206.98 Excellent
6 1999 129.86 Excellent
7 2000 -18.67 Minor
8 2001 82.14 Good
9 2002 6.23 Flat
10 2003 57.42 Good
11 2004 55.10 Good
12 2005 -26.46 Minor
13 2006 124.82 Excellent
14 2007 102.46 Excellent
15 2008 136.66 Very Bad
16 2009 64.52 Good
17 2010 56.46 Good
18 2011 148.59 Excellent
19 2012 43.26 Good
20 2013 104.60 Excellent
21 2014 -84.21 Bad
22 2015 ?? Good (around 50??)

The above data is an average on last day trading for each year minus with the first day trading on October for each year. No doubt we are always in mind that the Window Dressing (Year End) is normally general market anticipation. However, please also take note that, there were also some years, it had happened at the end it turn up as negative year too.

The average for “positive’ year is about 97.52 while the average for ‘negative’ year is about -106.2. I am looking around market to close about 1700-1730 during year end reduce from 1770 my initial target. With ‘50’ the average for this Oct to Dec with a strong support at 1600-1620 for next market healthy correction due to the Post Budget and of course “TPPA Negative Effect” and ‘Crude Brent Oil’ that will only settle around USD 45 by end of the year which will end up MYR/USD will settle around RM 4.15-4.20.

Overall market will be strong support and definitely for those who still wish to enter at 1,400.00-1450 will definitely no longer be able to enter unless ACT OF GOD which beyond human ability to know. However based on data, the strong support definitely about 1,610-1620 because 1671.82 and 1642 had finally manage to be broken 3 times.

As all of us are aware, the lowest point for Oct was around 1533 with 200 point maximum for FKLI, it will give about 1733 add on 20 point extra, so..1750-1753 is the maximum now for FKLI (jika kau fikir kau boleh hahahhahah)..:)

For Ann..i am not an expert..dont call me an expert as nobody is expert in market actually. As Peter Drucker, the great management guru had clearly mentioned that NO THEORY MAY EXPLAINED ABOUT THE RELATIONSHIP INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE. For next week market trick Post Event of Energy Summit at London for crude price and definitely some 'reputable analysts' will shout back about SUPPLY and DEMAND for crude oil to stabilize the 'recent rally' which might be balance up with 'shooting here and there at Palestine vs Israel' to test the USA President Candidate. Of course next move of Abang Besar Putin whether to use his "Putin" or use his "puting".

MUST MONITOR the DXY INDEX closely too..These four will determine whether the USD 50-USD55 for year end or USD 40-USD45 for year end. As we are aware once it enter 60-trading days left for 2015...a lot of 'adjustment' here and there.

Main Besar....aku dah lama tak baca buku pasal trading...hahahaah....i just have two book to recommend to revisit 1. THE VEGA FACTOR (OIL VOLATILITY AND THE NEXT GLOBAL CRISIS BY MOORS) AND THE NEXT GREAT BUBBLE BOOM BY HARRS S.DENT JR....:)..lagi satu ni..payah sikit lah kot nak cari pasal too old..very damn old..The Confidence Game by Steven Solomon..

All the best…TRADE WISELY. …just my humble opinion. I am might be right and I am might be wrong. Have a great Sunday ahead. ONCE AGAIN..DONT GET MARRIED WITH STOCKS, CALL AND PUT..:)



2015-10-09 23:57 | Report Abuse

Thank you bfg9000.."Now look at the evidence, in terms of net flows and money movement". ..Thats a strong message

AnnH, i will give my MATHEMATIC once i am done.


2015-10-09 17:08 | Report Abuse

thanks lim..nice input..
Have a great weekend to everybody...dont get married with stock,put and call..:)


2015-10-09 15:49 | Report Abuse

Alright Ivan2222 ..will see...Wallahuallam..


2015-10-09 15:25 | Report Abuse

kadang kadang JPJ road block..juga..saman..:)


2015-10-09 15:25 | Report Abuse

Especially..duit dah berlori ni..macam bawak lori pasir..tiris boh..:)..oops


2015-10-09 15:23 | Report Abuse

I am not suggesting to go to put..but..boleh consider some to hedge


2015-10-09 15:23 | Report Abuse

Orang pahang sure tau kot..sampai Dec je kan Abg Jib mu..:)


2015-10-09 12:38 | Report Abuse

Main Besar..HV ok tak?


2015-10-09 12:37 | Report Abuse

kebetulan..31/12/2015..cukup cukup ngam ngam 59-60 trading days left for 2015...jeng jeng jeng,,:)


2015-10-09 11:43 | Report Abuse

i like Lim Elson...As of now...thats the valuation due to FKLI movement and current market activity.

No worries DC7803...Its not spook me.

Before you all chase more, let me give some MACRO ANALYSIS for next few weeks. Its not meant to scare you off. I am might be right and i am might be wrong. This weekend. Try to study and get understanding about TPP AGREEMENT. Therefore you will get a better picture which stock to get involve. Which one is not. As thats will give some impact on some FBMKLCI component stocks. Therefore, it will give some material effect to FKLI to.

Next week key event other than The Energy Summit at London, the crucial meeting between the MITI and Petronas. This will give some material effect too.

Based on my Math, the last 12-trading days cycle will complete by 15/10/2015. Then followed with 23/10/2015 our National Budget 2016 which is ahead than 27/10/2015 FOMC meeting.

Yes , looks like all are Bullish. However, please take note also, the Greek event last few months. The clash now between Barrack Obama vs Hillary Clinton. Bond issue. The risk still there. No doubt looks like 1MDB issued clear by BNM. However, always expect the unexpected. Like what had happened in October 1987. We call it Black October.




2015-10-09 09:35 | Report Abuse

Please take note..The maximum valuation now stand at 0.26-0.27-0.28..BE CAREFUL YEAH