
apanama | Joined since 2015-08-03

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2015-10-15 13:57 | Report Abuse

Dont say EPF main kotor..EPF do their national service..eheheheheh..

News & Blogs

2015-10-15 13:56 | Report Abuse

History that teach us ..remember those days? our malaysian money cannot bring back from Singapore if i m not mistaken..ahahaahahahahahaahh...:)..enough enough history class..:)

News & Blogs

2015-10-15 13:54 | Report Abuse

Saya sokong 100000000000000000% duit...

Jika EPF dan SP Setia boleh tolong UK economy..kenapa tidak sekarang tolong negara sendiri..hahahaahahahahahahahaaha...kasi bakar sikit..


2015-10-15 12:58 | Report Abuse

lagipun sarawak tak election lagi..belum nak cash out lagi..hehhhehe..


2015-10-15 12:53 | Report Abuse

next 1-2 years..DJIA will follow FBMKLCI..not FBMKLCI follow DJIA...hahahahahaahahahh


2015-10-15 12:51 | Report Abuse

dont worrylah..as long as Najib the longest defense Minister in this country is the Prime Minister and his long time leftenan Zahid as his DPM..we will hit not only 1750...2020 pun boleh lah..hahahaahahahahahahahah...


2015-10-15 12:48 | Report Abuse

Mr Lim....apa susah susah tengok graph..Elliot Wave it Wave...tgk ni jer..MH17 out ..we hit 1717 today...mau hit 1737..besok out news 370..saya rasa selagi najib jadi PM ..FBMKLCI boleh hit 1503+370-17=1856 AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHH


2015-10-15 12:16 | Report Abuse

tak cukup duit..boleh pajak diamond..hahahahahaahahahahh


2015-10-15 12:14 | Report Abuse

yer lah tu..ntah ntah..hang market mover..huhuhhuhuhhuhuuh...

tak pe 21/10 gomen pencen..22/10 gomen salary...banyak tu duit flush dlm sistem..haahahahahahahah..:)


2015-10-15 11:54 | Report Abuse

Anyway AnnH..dont worry lah..your THH as long as you tak dak short of cash..your price tu Ok..pasal by logic this Big Boys for sure pusing pusing duit kot depa jugak..i scratch your back..u scratch my back..TH also has plan..RM 1.8Billion remember..dont worry..pick up..if you nak trade THH is not the counter for trade ..Thats my experience..im might be right or wrong..Sumatec yes.selalunya oil n gas less than 20sen ni..if ada rally one day show jer..then u kena pick up la..for next ride..


2015-10-15 11:47 | Report Abuse

Main Besar..setahu aku..jika FKLI merempit dulu by 4-5 bid..in advance..FBMKLCI ikut nyer..Tengoklah FKLI pakai motor CC apa..kalau FKLI pakai CC more than 750CC...FBMKLCI upgrade sikit dari 125cc p 250 cc..should be ok lah kot esok..hahaahahahahahh


2015-10-15 11:26 | Report Abuse

thanks bfg for the info..


2015-10-15 11:22 | Report Abuse

thh..lembab mcm staff dia kat office..hehehe..sorry no offend...based on my limited knowledger n ability..im into armada...i x know..its illogical EATECH beat Armada..herhehe


2015-10-15 11:18 | Report Abuse

Tak tau lah KAQ..Bungkus ..jadi Tepung Bungkus..Talam..jadi kueh Talam..huhuhuhu


2015-10-15 11:14 | Report Abuse

who knows ..Its a good Friday...:)


2015-10-15 11:12 | Report Abuse

Besok last day..'12' trading days cycle...Sodaqallahullazzim..:)


2015-10-15 11:01 | Report Abuse

:)..lets go back to math class..the 'fund' need to push to 1750-1770..so at least..boleh enjoy :)


2015-10-15 10:44 | Report Abuse

anyway..dont worry to all the warriors for C-12..by looking at the whole game..definitely 1750 is the next target..All the best......Wallahuallam..


2015-10-15 10:39 | Report Abuse

to be frank im more into stocks now..all my exposure now in oil n gas, syed mokhtar flagship.


2015-10-15 09:57 | Report Abuse

Congrats to CIMB Warriors..hahah..i am waiting at 4.88 tak dapat..so i miss for second round..


2015-10-15 09:42 | Report Abuse

FBMKLCI-----gempaq sekali berterabuq nye..:)


2015-10-15 09:41 | Report Abuse

its not about the budget that i am concern.. i am more concern ..VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE..ehehehhee


2015-10-15 09:36 | Report Abuse

Mr. Lim..so nakal..


2015-10-15 09:34 | Report Abuse

hua...strong...congrats those who are selling above than me..


2015-10-15 08:29 | Report Abuse

i tak berani duit kasi tip..takut nanti tambah u..orang kata i tipu..haahahahh..:)


2015-10-15 08:28 | Report Abuse

Kasilah tip.tapi hangpa jgn lah tambah u kat belakang..kesian kat orang sama..:)


2015-10-15 08:26 | Report Abuse

Taiping Bear..kasilah tip..:)


2015-10-15 05:33 | Report Abuse

The first 15-minute FKLI will follow DJIA..then the first 15-minute FBMKLCI will knee jerk reaction..biasalah contra kaki panic..but the real movement..10-1030-1100..if also panic..then the Hang Tuah Hang Lekir Hang Lekiu Hang Kasturi will step in to cushion the sell off..except Hang Jebat...he hehehe..I'm


2015-10-15 05:27 | Report Abuse

One thing for sure FBMKLCI will be above 1,671.82 at least until 23/10/15...:)


2015-10-15 05:24 | Report Abuse

Expenditure..its a must to get business..nothing as free lunch..masuk toilet pun kena bayar..:)..looks beyond the EPS cents n dollars too..'strategic asset cannot be ignored'...all da best..:)


2015-10-15 05:20 | Report Abuse

Somebody selling..definitely somebody buying...:)


2015-10-15 05:14 | Report Abuse

The contra kaki...that's no doubt..but if they understand about the whole game of oil n gas industry especially with the DXY INDEX that will test 92-90 n confirmation about USA will start its weakening or softening usd as their tools to fight market share opec..people will shift and adjust their portfolio to include oil n gas stock especially Armada. Don't play contra too much..:)


2015-10-15 02:15 | Report Abuse

At this point of writing..the DXY INDEX is approaching 94 and will definitely going to break 93 which indirectly will give some good news to MYR/USD relationship..which might attract some genuine buying interest for our bourse too..the rally of gold tonight also carry a strong message that there is a high probability no interest hike for USA in near term..as far as I know..no interest hike on October..that's mean no interest hike in December...therefore..if correction happened at FBMKLCI..it is an opportunity to buy..just my 2 cents..


2015-10-15 02:07 | Report Abuse

Yes kakashi..I'm agreed..the message of stronger dollar cause USA economic slow will have a significant impact to crude oil price too even though there is structural issue within the o n g itself. Therefore mid term..oil n gas stock might attract some accumulation. :)


2015-10-14 21:43 | Report Abuse

http://www.marketwatch.com/investing/index/DXY/charts...this might be again a tactic by USA to assist their Oil n Gas industry by lowering or softened their USD.

Mr. Lim...Whats next..hmm..if based on previous trading style..there will be 'pancung' by few hundred points...:)..however...as a person who is monitoring closely each news from marketwatch.com and also bloomberg especially from 30/9..the more they produce negative news, the higher DJIA going up which is very conflicting with previous trading style....

My Conclusion: The Bull and The Bear is still fighting each other...selagi tak break 17400 for the bull..and tak break 17000 ke bawah..selagi itu tiada confirmation which and which market is heading too..Definitely ..the same tactic will be using by FBMKLCI market mover too....Perhaps ..the market mover is trying to trap small fish like me...:)


2015-10-14 08:41 | Report Abuse

Its not about syndicate or High Frequency Traders etc etc..its just a basic common sense..a certain stocks when it reach its bottom..It will naturally going up. Whats comes up will comes down..what comes down will comes up...


2015-10-14 07:36 | Report Abuse

Lets do some mathematic..1.25 x 1.17 = 1.46 and 2.5 x 1.17 = 2.93. Sum up : 4.39/2 =2.20 and at 0.63 ..hmm..its just 28.63%..hmm..VERY ILLOGICAL VALUATION...dont be so stingy la..share la a bit with us...hahaahah..:)


2015-10-14 07:29 | Report Abuse

I am always believe in fundamental. Based on NTA perspective, Yes ..the game is not over as it is too low..Plus, Kenanga is now more aggressive in getting retail clients within stockbroking industry compared to the rest. I will continue support Kenanga and of course i am not at 0.69-0.68..and not cry yet..hahahaahah...:)


2015-10-14 00:09 | Report Abuse

Thank you ...i wont sleep tonight i guess..:)


2015-10-13 23:13 | Report Abuse

Post MH17..with Russia vs USA ..might has some value add on crude oil..


2015-10-13 23:01 | Report Abuse

I'm hanging here because you guys moderates..actually I'm not into call including this..I had dispose at my valuation..cukuplah 9sen..after 175sen..yes I reenter some put..but no prob..lambat lagi that put..no hurry for me..I'm into oil n gas ..last minute decision after news broke about MH17 together with weird certain major currency movement around 3pm just now


2015-10-13 22:54 | Report Abuse

Pressure means..crude oil unthinkable rally perhaps


2015-10-13 22:53 | Report Abuse

Nope...cannot sleep well..too much exposure already after cash out..reenter..with an extreme views that post MH17.Will create a lot pressure to crude oil together with soften USD..hehehe...x naik post holiday..masak aku renting huhuhu


2015-10-13 22:06 | Report Abuse

Cannot sleep well ..the DJIA looks getting better..hehe