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2015-08-09 19:09 | Report Abuse

Aku dan ex wife aku lebih kenal siapa Lim Guan Eng..oops..tak payah lah..borak kat sini..kencing kuat kuat..:)..


2015-08-09 19:07 | Report Abuse

Adil?. Kalau adil, proability mesti kena adil dulu. U cukai bayar ke..u cuba lari dari cukai..hahaha..then..berapa DAP bayar u jadi cyber trooper?..:)..tgk lain mcm jer..haha


2015-08-09 18:06 | Report Abuse

This company Jake All Trade..Kelapa Sawit ada..AIC KHTP ada..CBM gas indon ada..tapi boleh percaya ka..hahaha..if u used logic..an Electronic company..at the same time sawit..at the same time Gas..wow..whats their CORE EXPERTISE actually. GORENG when CPO UP?..GORENG when Semicon up?..goreng when gas up?


2015-08-09 18:01 | Report Abuse

Masuk 38sen..turun lagi..34sen..masuk 34sen..turun lagi..28sen..then menyampah lah..fade uplah..ini kaunyer manyak loss..sekali henjut pi 38sen balik..semua tepuk tangan masuk..sekali kena lagi..hahaha..thats life in stockmarket..:)


2015-08-09 17:44 | Report Abuse

Org tamak selalu rugi..hehehe..


2015-08-09 17:43 | Report Abuse

Morivae..so u kiralah..if u enter at 0.13..agak agak index kena at berapa utk u untung..hehe.. u chase u kena..thats why..thats friday maximum was 0.145..those who enter at 13-14..have to pray hard. The FBMKLCI to go as much as 1,620..hehe within this month.soalnya boleh ka..takut takut..sampai 1660 sudah lompat..ini FKLI bukan boleh percaya juga.ikut suka hati saja..kadang kadang lompat..kadang kadang terjun..therefore..be careful..looks like 0.16-0.18 is achievable provided that FKLI..MORE PEOPLE WILL SHORT N SHORT N SHORT..if they LONG..LONG LONG..THEN..BERTERABUR LOR..FOR THOSE 11sen-14sen..thats life..some will win. Some will loss..winner cant win all the time..loser cant loss all the time..hahaha..


2015-08-09 17:29 | Report Abuse

Jadilah cerdik boleh ditumpang..dan bodoh boleh diajar. Jgn rasa diri sendiri dah cerdik dan org lain bodoh..takut takut nanti 2018.. pembangkang semua state hilang melayang..hahaha..malaysia ni hangat hangat tahi ayam jer..3 bulan nanti cerita lain lah pulak...:)..


2015-08-09 16:50 | Report Abuse

Lawan Tetap Lawan..aku nak tgk..takdir Tuhan ..Malaysia diserang..bangsa mana masuk hutan..bangsa mana yg akan pertahan..ini bagi gaji kecik kata kecik..tapi di mulut Lawan Tetap Lawan..porah..semua kencing ja kuat..


2015-08-09 16:48 | Report Abuse

Bila PDRM dan kerajaan ambil tindakan zalim dan hak asasi..hahaha..walhal saja cari pasal..nasib baik takdir Tuhan Allah SWT pilih kita semua x kira hang bangsa apa Melayu ka Cina ka India ka Penan ka..dok Malaysia..seteruk mana pun ekonomi..sebangsat bangsat pun ada lagi nasi mau makan..atau air sejuk untuk diminum..unless u memang bangsa pemalas atau bangsa yang tak reti bersyukur..jgn suruh org UBAH kerajaan etc etc..UBAH DULU MENTALITI SPIN TAHAP GABAN..SAMPAI INGAT ORG BODOH SANGAT TAK BOLEH FIKIR..DUA DUA SAMA JA..MAU AMBIK MUKA SEKOQ SEKOQ..BALING TAIK..DUDUK DIAM DIAM..BUAT KERJA MASING MASING DAH LAH..lu dapat byk..lu makan...lu dapat sikit..lu makan..lu x dpt langsung..lu cari la...lama lama dapat juga..ini asyik bising..itu bising..ini bising..aiyo..


2015-08-09 16:42 | Report Abuse

Orang Kedah kata apa. Bising bising buat apa. Hang bising pasai duit tak masuk poket hang. Hang dapat duit. Hang diam jugak. Hahaha..Sudahlah..baik Cina ka..Melayu ka..India ka...Penan ka..duduk elok elok. Jika DAP bagus dan betul betul bersih, kenapa ada juga cakap2 di kalangan masyarakat Cina mengenai projek direct nego di Penang. :). Mana ada ahli politik dan kerajaan yang benar benar bersih. Yang bersih sorang saja..BAYI YANG BARU LAHIR DI MUKA BUMI ALLAH SWT. ITUPUN TERPULANGLAH KEPADA IBU DAN BAPANYA SAMA ADA UNTUK MENGISLAMKANNYA MEMAJUSIKANNYA MENASRANIKANNYA MENYAHUDIKANNYA ATAU LANGSUNG TIADA AGAMA..:)..

Just chill. This website is for stockmarket sharing idea etc etc. Dont be too serious folks. Furthermore it is Sunday. Enjoy your lovely weekend with your love on. Even if u lonely or loss a lot in market, dont get devastated and think its end of the world. You want to spin here and there for what. You want to collect at cheaper price?. Or you short?. Or you buy too much put option?. Hahaha..Dont get offended. Just get a pussy and get laid folks better on 28/29 or even what day u said for BERSIH..instead of you guys demo..its better you guys help how many pussy at Bukit Bintang who came as far as Uzbekistan Philippines who are stuck with their Bapa Ayam and Mak Ayam. Or even came from China just to feed their mouth ..end up..their bawah punya mouth kena jual by local Chinese. See. If you really talk about BERSIH..GO AND BERSIH BUKIT BINTANG from all the prostitution etc etc..drugs etc etc..hehehe..then WE TALK..now..all are just non sense..typical BELACAN attitude..:)


2015-08-09 16:25 | Report Abuse

Foreign investor if he read all of these comments, hmmm..if i want to invest , can i get my return for next 3-5years?. Both side are quarrel like this either the pro Govt n pro Opposition, both side now are damaging our beautiful nation. Maybe 22 years too much focusing on material and 17 years too much focusing on Buntot 1 and Buntot 2. Oh ya too many videos too. After one and another videos. End results..after too much quarrel either at cyberspace, mainstream media until up to one extend the whole outside world too even up to one extend during social gathering at Malaysia house hehehe..then..how our FBMKLCI want to exceed 1800. If this negative perception after one and another, which at the end, who will loss more?. The leaders they are either UMNO DAP PAS PKR ETC ETC, all of them are having fun plus has tonne of money either you disclose or not disclose, whoever inside the circle, they knows it..hehehehe..thus, "DONT FALL INTO BELACAN TRAP". :)


2015-08-09 12:45 | Report Abuse

When is BERSIH

News & Blogs

2015-08-09 07:31 | Report Abuse

I like KL Lim posting. Most of us tend to forget the basic rules in stockmarket especially during high volatile and hostile market environment. There is no one on earth even Peter Drucker admitted himself he cant explain the TRADE MARKET and FINANCIAL MARKET behaviour. However, as i believe most of this klse.i3investor.com platform are within the age of 22-39. Meaning to say that, they are just baby and teenagers during 80's. Therefore, i like to pen it down here whats the Business Week said in 1985. Stock market is just a casino. :)...Therefore be careful. You may have all the charts, the figure trade and investment figure, that analyst said A that broker said B that moron inside Khazanah or BNM said C..at the end the BASIC STRUCTURE OF CAPITAL MARKET SINCE REAGAN WAS AT THE OFFICE WAS CONTROL BY 'ALGORITHM'. Moving beyond Y2K, it has been more interesting and more developed and sophisticated. Now, with 0.01 second time extra also is further expanded this CASINO. Therefore, my simple advice and reminder to myself and all of you, BE EXTRA CAREFUL. DONT BE TOO CONFIDENT MARKET IS GOING UP OR GOING DOWN. THE DYNAMIC OF MARKET WILL CHANGE WITHIN A SPLIT OF SECOND ESPECIALLY WITHIN AUG-SEPT-OCTOBER period...all the best..hv a great sunday...this will be my last posting. Enjoy your trading for traders. Enjoy your investment for investors. Enjoy your gambling for punters. Thats make the best of STOCKMARKET..its LIFE. LIVE LEARN CARE SHARE..IF YOU PLAY AND TREAT IT AS GAME IN STOCKMARKET..YOU WILL LOSE TONNE OF MONEY..HOWEVER IF YOU TREAT IT AS BUSINESS..YOU WILL SUCCEED..:)


2015-08-09 04:13 | Report Abuse

In my opinion, just be very careful with controlled economies nation like Malaysia. The market authorities can change the dynamics of market just simply like that. Please be aware, end of Aug or early Setember , PNB will announce its dividend for their fund if i am not mistaken. As we are aware the Option is an 'Option' for 'Futures'. While FKLI is really 'speculative' especially during this extremely volatile & hostile market. It can move within 100-120 points per month and 20-40points within a day. My findings, you need to stay alert as much as in FKLI for Options. While, tendency for you to loss is greater in Options compared to FKLI if u r day trader or contra. Options , you really need to strike at lowest or bottom. If not, you will be burnt once the dynamic of markets CHANGE


2015-08-08 21:32 | Report Abuse

The good news is after Najib finally 'resign'..:)


2015-08-08 21:29 | Report Abuse

Simon ..same goes with..Govt has no plan to remove Tan Sri Muhyiddin..finally ..his get kick out..hahaha..everything can be change..:)


2015-08-08 21:25 | Report Abuse

No worries Moven..thatd why this I3investor platform has been created. Independent. We are sharing whatever info amongst us. Whether its a true or not, we digest it and further analyse. Thats the best about being Independent Transparent Integrity. Thats how we will survive as Society. Stocks..stockmarket ..its all about LIFE bro. Its not only about money. Its beyond than that. Money is just a tool to make us a fool. DIGI is a very good company those days and in fact i hope the local management will do better. They are innovative those days. Who started PREPAID SYSTEM..DIGI..hehehe..than..its grow..:)..thats Telenor..thats why we have to be very careful. Is TELENOR is actually planning to divest its stake the way forward? As our telco industry is actually saturated and highly competitive. You can see strategically when government is giving out something to a group that purely non core business is telco , it shows how government of the day is actually destroying our market strategically. Hehehe..therefore..BE MORE CAREFUL ..


2015-08-08 18:20 | Report Abuse

Haha..perwaja is also like that...just dont be surprise..something from sky will come


2015-08-08 17:31 | Report Abuse

Squidoo..crowdfunding kena ada lesen ...Derma..x payah lesen..haha


2015-08-08 16:38 | Report Abuse

Strategically, the business owner is at the right track by positioning themselves within the cluster. Once the Suruhanjaya is getting the money..then..Kaboom..:)

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2015-08-08 15:59 | Report Abuse

Good calvin..finally i saw two already not BELACAN..

News & Blogs

2015-08-08 15:48 | Report Abuse

Actually..we like to exagerate things..hahaha..when things r bad..as if end of the world..thats normal for Belacan World..haha..NZ currency still MYR win bro..so..lets buy things from NZ..hehe..or lets go and hv wine there..hahaha..everything comes up will eventually comes down..haha


2015-08-08 15:03 | Report Abuse

Before any company want sell their company..they will collect first..then..KABOOM..PUSH ..PUSH ..PUSH..then..news out..if Director is very good..very respectable in market..industry..erc etc..then .KABOOM..people throw..haha

News & Blogs

2015-08-08 14:56 | Report Abuse

The big taiko can swim in any river ocean etc etc amazon pun boleh..careplus..just started to swim..so we need to support..anyway..its very rare nowadays out of 10 new companies listed for the past 5 years issuing bonus issue brother. Careplus is amongst them. I am proud of them. Thats why need to be supported.

Anyway based on your title..regarding FURNITURE..if those days, if America economy is good, the furniture export will be good. Hehe..now x know yet..we will only know that by next year 1st Quarter Trade figure..


2015-08-08 07:00 | Report Abuse

Look at the BIGGER PICTURE..:)


2015-08-08 06:55 | Report Abuse

I like to share a real story about a woman that i interviewed. Ex Ramunia. This company lah kan..haha..you read in her resume..wallah..very super impressive...then..we try..we hv no problem..we can wasted tonne of money to get the best..lets teach this monkey we said..then we hire..with a very good pay..perks..then..we show her the real world..hahaha..then KABOOM..shes out..what im trying to say here is..if you can see..dont chase company that are just a FOLLOWER..eventhough they have a very good asset..but this company workers frankly speaking never change..pukul 8 minum..pukul 10 minum..ptg minum..then sabtu kerja over time..how to change..thats why..for strategic investor..we hv to do very thorough check..but if you punter..just enjoy..huhuhu..:)


2015-08-08 06:49 | Report Abuse

There is an old man a very wise man quoteable quote: when you see all cina man in malaysia start selling to all gomen entity..it shows..the market and stocks will collapse soon..hahaha..:)


2015-08-08 06:29 | Report Abuse

Let me be a risk controller. When everybody is already out of mind to chase during market is bearish. You buy a stock for FUTURE EARNING. Dont fall in trap..when everything is too fast..after IPO issued out..the particular stock is waiting to be burst. Once it burst..retailers will jump and yell..bullshit ..hahaha..you chase u kena..buy on rumour sell on news..60sen..then deep 46sen then 88 sen..then 1.20..then now 1.50..next 1.70..then..KABOOM..dont marah people..dont marah SC..BURSA ..NAJIB..OIL N GAS PRICE..FREEMASON..ETC ETC..BUT BLAME YOURSELF IF YOU LOSS..

You read properly where they are going to invest ..haha only stupid fool moron still buy that idea...:)..x fall in this scam..if you want to participate in Oil and Gas industry stock..you must understand WORLDWIDE INVESTMENT AND TRADE..THEN zooming down..the TREND in LOCATION..whats the latest development etc etc..x simply jump my brother n sista..THINK CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU BUY..:)


2015-08-08 06:17 | Report Abuse

One thing for sure..please read CIA website before you plan your itinerary..:)


2015-08-08 06:11 | Report Abuse

Desmond..saya kuli sahaja...makan kais pagi..makan roti..kais petang makan pantang..kais malam..makan 'apam'..huhuhuhu..kidding..no lah..i read in newspaper..actually, i am developing a methodology in market trend..i want to compare my those days and current market trend..i found that it is still valid. :)..behavourial economics..:)


2015-08-08 06:03 | Report Abuse

If every1 on earth knows what will happen in future..and share market always up ..all stocks everyday green..syiok lor..semua org main share..tak payah makan ..coz nasi lemak pun x dak org jual..wantan mee pun x dak..mamak roti canai pun x dak..hahaha..


2015-08-08 05:59 | Report Abuse

Dont chase..seat and relax..RM 1.70-1.80


2015-08-07 22:27 | Report Abuse

Dont worry..all local steel will merge..:)


2015-08-07 22:23 | Report Abuse

Simon...kedai mamak money changer pun dah jual 3.96 for 1 usd..hehe..KAQ4468..ur car number cantek..:)..cant hardly wait to see orang jual kereta 1 percuma satu..kekekeke...dont worry..Azman Mokhtar kata.semua ok lagi adik abang..apa mau bimbang...trading lagi...beli lagi..if we x buy..who will buy..kekekeke


2015-08-07 21:51 | Report Abuse

Lim Guan Eng also start open his mouth ..CAPITAL CONTROL..plus over the weekend 808..so..with Q2 target GDP 4.2%..so in simple calculation..1647..is achievable as opening FBMKLCI at 1/7..is about 1,720..hv a great weekend..:)


2015-08-07 21:45 | Report Abuse

You read latest report from Avi Gilburt..his quite straight forward..next week DJIA will set the tone..either bull bear


2015-08-07 21:38 | Report Abuse

Under my calculation..if Najib failed to bring in USD 10 Billion within these 8-weeks..and our BNM keep intervene like those 2-weeks, thats mean we will loss about USD 3.8 × 4 within next 8 weeks..just nice..hehe


2015-08-07 21:34 | Report Abuse

However be careful my brothers..as there is a research that after interest rates hike, emerging market will do better..but for Asean..Philippines..we malaysia..nope..hahaha..for this week..im expecting strong support at 1,640-1650


2015-08-07 21:06 | Report Abuse

Hehe..HW..Hang Win...HL...Hang Lena...HK..Hang Kena...HG..Hang Go..


2015-08-07 21:01 | Report Abuse

Tq region..najib said "let go"..1,431-1,597....thats what im waiting for


2015-08-07 20:30 | Report Abuse

I shall repeat once again...bonus issue still at large during RM 3.60..Therefore..best enter price..for long term..less than RM 4.60


2015-08-07 20:28 | Report Abuse

TH...Avoid during Haj time..wl drop further ..futhrr rights issue counter..best enter price 13-15


2015-08-07 20:26 | Report Abuse

TH stock..avoid during Haj time..will drop further..


2015-08-07 15:52 | Report Abuse

Minggu depan market tutup..hahaha..pasal pecah 1,650..:)


2015-08-07 08:05 | Report Abuse

So apa lagi kawan kawan whack the put option..with 1800 and 1740 as exercise price ..thats the final year target anyway..consensus..most of brokerage hse..:)


2015-08-07 07:00 | Report Abuse

Lets identify new engine of growth for Najib 2nd Term. His first term, every Tom Dick and Harry chase Oil and Gas. Whats next ?

1. Aviation
2. MRO?
3. Agriculture?
4. Rubber?
5. Financial?
6. Tin?
7. CPO?
8. Creative Industry?
9. Arts?
10. Golf resorts?
11. Luxurious items?
12. Defense?
13. Maritime?

Ok enough. Out of that '13' , i suggest AVIATION DEFENSE MARITIME CREATIVE INDUSTRY.

New Source of income: Increase beer price. Issuing new lottery and gambling license. Dont worry..still a lot of beautiful island and land to reclaim to be a new Vegas in Asia..:)..x forget..once project failed..WANG DERMA..DONATION..but..put it a nice word..CROWDFUNDING

Pak Arab can fly from Middle East to gamble here..to have sex too..no hudud. Hehehe..:)


2015-08-07 06:47 | Report Abuse

Oh god..pls x put this counter on top 10..once it at Top 10 volume..market will create new lowest..end of cycle


2015-08-07 06:45 | Report Abuse

RCE Capital related to Ambank..Ambank is a bank where Najib put his wang derma..plus..RCE Capital most of his clientele is Government ..i m not even surprise our Ketua Polis Negara could have his share also inside here..hahaha..just a make a joke..overall..Long term..this company has stable clientele unless..government dare to downsize by lay off 5000 people from its payroll..which i doubt..:)..