
apanama | Joined since 2015-08-03

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2015-08-14 10:25 | Report Abuse

Thats why we need to understand the whole reason why Malakoff is being listed. Thats why when all my friends ask me. Should i buy?. I said before its listed , you buy the competitor..YTLPOWER..hehe..then YTLPOWER thats actually rallied prior Malakoff. I am not even surprise if Malakoff will be like AAX 2.0. Finally, issuing rights. Therefore, from 1.80, it will left RM 0.80 sen. I am so sorry if im being so sakastic. As the basic IPO of Malakoff is clear cut to pare off debts of MMC. Thats why whoever chase MMC prior Malakoff us actually made money. Thats why,we as small fish, we have to conduct our own due diligence. If not, we will be dried fish. Rule #1: CAPITALIST - GREED. Its not about HONESTY INTEGRITY TRANSPARENCY ANYMORE


2015-08-13 19:30 | Report Abuse

Ya ka..hang gebang ja kot pasai dato hak. Yg aku tau. Dia bukan suka stockmarket..hahaha..dia 'genuine' usahawan..hahaha..


2015-08-13 19:29 | Report Abuse

Counter ni..bawah 4 kupang ok lah..paling tinggi pun 44sen sahaja..pasal 44 ..malas..haha


2015-08-13 19:26 | Report Abuse

Tak payah susah susah hafiz sayang..ini countee mmg bawah 3 kupang..cun masuk..tak payah promote promote..blog apa bagai..semua org tau...cuma satu org tak tau..ini JUMAAT punya counter ..tak pun Selasa.pasai apa..MAMAK..meh aku bgtau hangpa rahsia mamak..mamak suka byq hutang lepas jumaat...hahaha..so besok jumaat..kita tgk..ada naik ka tak..kalau x naik besok..next jumaat..:)..tapi yg pasti..mesti jumaat..sekali sekala SELASA


2015-08-13 19:21 | Report Abuse

Awat hangpa tak beli semlm..tu la..kalau hangpa ikut aku..hangpa kaya dah 2 sen..hahaha


2015-08-13 19:17 | Report Abuse

Anyway..closely watch out Zelan tomorrow..as Friday counter..:)


2015-08-13 19:15 | Report Abuse

Simon..dont call her nenek..nanti dia saman u..dia tgh cari rumour monger. Haha


2015-08-13 18:41 | Report Abuse

Hahaha..dont get so serious my e-friends. Stockmarket , investment, money, etc etc..just a tool for us. We learn from each other. Yes i m relatively 'new' here as i never show myself..i just browse..n chill up on other forum.inside this internet world.. But i said..why not this time just test the water..be a bit different..coz..thats life..all of us are being made to be different..kalau semua sama kepala..semua BN..payah juga..semua DAP..pun payah juga..semua Islam pun payah juga..semua Christian pun payah juga..thats LIFE..if you take seriously and feel offended etc etc with my words, my actions etc etc..top bottom of my heart..sincerely..as orang tua..i am apologize..just chill k..:)


2015-08-13 17:21 | Report Abuse

Ini kaunter kalau x dak announcement diesel turun..dok tang ni lah..u hv to hv friend inside gomen dkt dkt announcement masuk hahaha


2015-08-13 17:15 | Report Abuse

Hang salah bet ka desmond ...:)..chill la brother..x get so serious in life..even Madey LGE Anwarn Jibby..laugh..:)


2015-08-13 17:14 | Report Abuse

Dude desmond..im just replay what Business Weekly said in 1985..hahaha..maybe u x even born yet..haha


2015-08-13 11:46 | Report Abuse

Watch DXY INDEX..dont play play..plus DJIA very long cross..huhuhu..you wrong side ..KABOOM..but thats life in stockmarket..casino..haha..u win i loss..i loss u win..who know this time..all win?..or all loss?..as a token reminder adik adik..sila tengok elok elok graph 3 tahun..then..u faham..kalau xfaham..balik bukak kitab lagi hahah..chiow


2015-08-13 10:23 | Report Abuse

Hmm..are u sure..ONG still ONG..i think ONG no ONG oldledy..ONG has to change his name now..to be CHONG..huhuhuu..


2015-08-13 10:21 | Report Abuse

Im agreed with Phaker..thats why i said u hv to be ahead of them..like last time..i m still remember..when it was plunge from 2.70-2.20. Hahaha..actually..when there are too many cerdik pandai..we have to look stupid sometimes..hehehe...:)


2015-08-13 10:05 | Report Abuse

Actually brother putera..softcoreprince..haha..i came here just to kill my time..:)...sometimes..when we are ahead of everybody..we are too bored...so..lets make some thing different..no worries..bro...


2015-08-13 09:00 | Report Abuse

Senang saja..if Nazri Khan said bearish..it will be bullish..if He said Bullish..BULLSHIT..haha..


2015-08-13 08:46 | Report Abuse

Three key market will enjoy hot money post interest rates@ USA..one is Philippines..second is Taiwan ..third is India


2015-08-13 08:44 | Report Abuse

Honestly speaking ..if MAA really honest in their business strategy for Filipina market as their target market. For next era. Once Fed has finalise its interest rates hooha..then..Philippines will be next key market. They are already prepared especially the political power succession plan. With China aggresive at Spratly..USA will protect ASEAN and used Philippines as their strategic ally and will place money etc etc there. Therefore, Phillipines will enjoy a bit growth compared to the rest of ASEAN. So x worry too much..MAA will survive provided that they really do it their plan as announced. Maybe they dont do it yet as they are waiting the RIGHT TIME..:)


2015-08-13 06:35 | Report Abuse

Honest analysis..RING OF DEFENSE AT 1600-1610,1620-1630..If failed to climb, then..one more round next month..tiap tiap hari merah..tiap tiap hari loss, towkey broker mau bayar gaji kerani dan cds mau byr gaji kerani and pakcik drebar mcm mana..Bursa nanti x leh byr cleaner and Polis Bantuan brother..so mesti kena ada RING OF DEFENSE..awat hangpa ingat GLC N MALAYSIANS sengkek sangat ka..hahaha..oops..all da best to PUT OPTION..hehehe..trylah MAYBANK..ALL FBMKLCI COUNTER..then rotational Friday..


2015-08-13 06:28 | Report Abuse

Ait today you said FBMKLCI follow DJIA..hahaha..i thought its irrelevant..hahaha.. monitor the DXY INDEX too..:)..then u will get some message..hahaha..USD is going to soften a bit..MYR a bit relief lor..either TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT..thats time will tell lor.. who knows suddenly Zetty made 'surprise' adjustment..DONT PLAY PLAY WITH BANK NEGARA..:)

News & Blogs

2015-08-13 06:23 | Report Abuse

Dont be so sure..:)..the USD is going to soften a bit..the index just drop steeply..be careful..the line of defense will be ring around 1600-1610-1620-1630 ..then will see..if the DXY INDEX manage to climb back to 97 level..then your 1,500 is materialise..as of now, my simple advise for NEW COMER TO JOIN PUT WARRANT N FKLI..dont try to enter if you dont have really exposure n experience. Its nice when you see all green..but all that green also sometimes can be A BLOODBATH..always must remember the MARKET DYNAMIC can change just like that EITHER TEMPORARY ADJUSTMENT OR PERMANENT ADJUSTMENT..my simple and honest analysis, the FBMKLCI will be tried to be defended at least at 1,550-1,600. As if it break 1,519, it will be a BEAR MARKET. As of now, the average still 1,730 level eventhough u look on screen at almost 1,600.. therefore...temporary some bargain hunting will be done especially at FBMKLCI counter..then rotational..for seniors ..u know what they did last summer..hehehe..so for newbies..dont mess with market..takut takut nanti..makan maggie n tinggal seluar dalam..hahaha..


2015-08-13 06:03 | Report Abuse

When it comes to reality, we have to admit. Two things. 1. We are OVER PRODUCE. 2. We are OVER in everything. The world has move to rapidly especially in TECHNOLOGY AND URBANISATION. Some said due to population. Some said this and that. Actually we failed to admit that, once the largest economy like USA and China and Japan are playing their LAST CARD in managing their own economies due to their own survival..all of us emerging economies will DIE LOR. Its very simple. No need to have CFA PHD BEHAVIOUR ECONOMY to understand a simple eco 101. USA China Japan , those years Japan was hit by USA , then China rise. Then now China was hit by USA then USA kow team with enemy of China which is Japan . Now USA + Japan - China. But China + Russia. The world now is on reversal mode. We are going back to Cold War era. We are playing dangerous game. Actually, if you are monitoring Oil industry, u must also monitor ARMY MOVEMENT TOO. Actually now, USA RUSSIA NATO are trying to play dangerous card. If they are using this last card, i am not surprise the Return of Great 1929 soon


2015-08-12 21:32 | Report Abuse

If tenaga the monopoly is heading 8.80..why i must invest in SKPETRO..WHO IS JUST KULI FOR PETRONAS..


2015-08-12 21:31 | Report Abuse

Hahaha..almost there..1.93 was the lowest today..actually..u must be scared..its either V SHAPE OR L SHAPE NOW..hahaha..if V shape we are lucky..if L SHAPE..ONCE IT TOUCH 80-90sen..1,672 trading days u hv to wait..haha


2015-08-12 21:26 | Report Abuse

Last minute there is some movement..C something..hehehe..:)..all the best tomolo..one thing for sure 19-20-21 aug..market will do some magic if there is no magic tomorrow..:)..as long as not break 1,519..should be ok..if break 1,519..sayonara..as MAYBANK is the benchmark now..if maybank break 8.00..thats mean 7.20..then DIGI 4.50..hahaha..then next week..THE RULES OF SHORT SELLING WILL BE BAN..haha..if Maybank below than 7..DIGI below 4..haha..as of now..still ok..:)..we just term it as GEMPAQ KELIN..IN PENANG SLANG


2015-08-12 11:38 | Report Abuse

Mula mula BERAT TANPA MUATAN..itu pasal laju..selepas dah ramai masuk ..so time untuk BERAK TERKENCING MUNTAH..hahaha


2015-08-12 11:35 | Report Abuse

Dont worry..BANGLA masuk ramai..nanti TNB buka TNB kat bangla pula..haha..then 12.50..tak pa..Rohingya masuk ramai..nanti TNB bukak di Nyanmar..hehehw


2015-08-12 11:32 | Report Abuse

Ini kaunter..doa byk byk KU LI jadi PM or PAC chairman baru ada naik..hahaha..which i x think so Ku Li also interested..huhuhu


2015-08-12 11:28 | Report Abuse

Ya lor..PRESS METAL..waktu down mesti teruk..press..after too much press..mental..hahaha..


2015-08-12 11:05 | Report Abuse

Hangpa sure tak paham..hahaha..tak pa..kawan kawan aku paham..huhuhuhu...Hidup.Mamak..We are UNITED MAMAK NO OTAK..


2015-08-12 11:03 | Report Abuse

Im sweet 22..or Im sweet 27..jgn Im sweet 18 cukup..alah alang alang..im sweet 17 bang..damn..thats POEN 17 not Sweet ..huhuhh


2015-08-12 11:01 | Report Abuse

Hahaha..ait ZELAN..hang buat leceh no..hang dah 28..sat gi..27..bukan hang nak pi 22 kot..hahaha..tak pa tak pa..cheq sabaq la..hi anak mami tanjung ..nana..jgn buat leceh kawin dua tak bagi tau kat cheq..nanti cheq kasi satu penang ribut haru..hahaha..anyway..thats movie awesome..Penang Rocks..walla..:)


2015-08-12 10:56 | Report Abuse

Haha..dont worry..maximum 25sen..paling bawah..tapi 28sen 29sen tu dah kira ok dah...


2015-08-12 10:54 | Report Abuse

Ini Sarawak Election belum announce..once Announce lagi runtuh..huhuhu..its common folks. 8th Years USA Presidential Election effect..market satu dunia haru biru..hahaha..asyik naik saja..macam kote lah..asyik stim..asyik mau kongkek..payah juga..kasi relax dulu..kasi jatuh..then..u nibble lah..salah nibble..u kena lah..hahahaha...so dont nibble selalu ..nanti mcm nipple juga..asyik hisap..dah hisap selalu..bosan..hehehw..just use this type of analysis..get away with all the fucking non sense figures data etc etc..all can be manipulated..:)


2015-08-12 10:49 | Report Abuse

V shape or L shape..one thing for sure..3 tahun markst naik ma..so 3 tahun turun la...itu anwar keluar jail baru market naik..hahaha..padan muka hangpa..aniaya orang..la semua pakat tanggung ..


2015-08-12 10:47 | Report Abuse

Apa risau..maybank banyak bonus issue..haha..anyway..for the time being..rangr bound 8.00-8.60...it wont break 8 as thats the EX PRICE..kalau nak break jugak..calit sikit at 7.99...pls take note..the ASW Dividend end of this mth n early Sept if im not mistaken..overall market will bounce..as the defense will be 1610-1620-1630...before further plunge to 1530..just to confirm the Bear market..as of now..we are still at bull market...hahaha..to make things worst if WAR ESCALATE..some said good for oil..but im afraid..it will make things worst..hehehe..all da best .folks..enjoy the VOLATILITY..X RELY ONLY AT SHARE..USE ALL THE AVAILABLE INSTRUMENTS..FKLI..WARRANTS ..OPTIONS..THIS TIME IS THE BEST TIME..U CANT GET THIS THRILL ..IF U AFRAID TO LOSS MONEY..JUST WAIT UNTIL THE MARKET DEEP BELOW AS FAR AS BELOW THE 50-SMA..LONG LEG..THATS THE BEST WOMAN..ESPECIALLY IF ITS FROM MONGOLIA..HUHUHU..


2015-08-12 06:58 | Report Abuse

Actually it is not so difficult to predict market nowadays. Any Tom Dick and Harry can be analysts...:)

DJIA 15800 FBMKLCI 1510

DJIA 16300 FBMKLCI 1580

DJIA 17000 FBMKLCI 1630

FBMKLCI since those days are well known aa the last hot money out from the market. Once it get out, it will start in heavy scale. However, ever since then, Malaysians are getting smarter. "Programme Selling". "Rotational Programme Selling". We tend to forget especially when market is GREEN. As we will jumping around like monkey, having beer or wine partying all nite. No offend. Then now suddenly the BALA is arrive. Hehehe. We tend to blame to evrybody. Actually, we tend to forget that , market was actually run up never stop since 2011. Some said now because MYR . Some said because of Najib. Some said because of Rosmah. Actually, we tend to forget its common for this nation to loss tonne of money 2-years after election and 2-years before election the money will come back. :)..

We tend to blame Bank Negara is not doing the job. While actually Brazil who started this forex devaluation. Then Japan follow. Then all follow. Some said this is for export products. But actually, we Malaysians are fucking lazy. Either Chinese Malay Indians now are ALI BABA. SEMUA MAU KERJA SENANG. Try imagine, Apek can ask Bangla , i give you this money..you buat kerja..janji ini bulan sekian jam..ini wang kasi balik sama saya. Same goes since those days, si Melayu pula, since ages, you approve this project, i mark up 20% then i bagi sama ABC BHD. Then i dok rumah . Then you all beli share..bertengkaq riuh rendah...walhal..WE ARE ACTUALLY FORGET..WHATS GOES UP WILL NATURALLY GOES DOWN. WHATS GOES DOWN WILL NATURALLY GOES UP.

Some give this Chart that chart. This wave that wave. Some berkelahi in Whatsapp Telegram etc etc..whatever high tech now..thats my call..then worst still..curi client etc etc..hijack people idea..make a rough deal..as competition is very very stiff nowadays. Up to one extend..even pakaj wife or bagi gf or jadi toy boy just for the sake of MONEY N SURVIVAL..some even worst..tak mau push certain stocks because instruction from the top. Byk tangan tangan atau HIDDEN HAND..we are not dealing with Freemason outside..actually Freemason Malaysia lagi celaka..hahaha..




2015-08-12 06:06 | Report Abuse

Let me give you an honest analysis. The next five years the crude oil price will be traded around USD 30 until USD 80. If all of us to expect crude oil to be traded more than it, i think, we will burnt more. The meeting of OPEC will be around in Dec. Still far ahead. Maybe you may bet to accumulate Oil n Gas stocks. However, some are not over yet. Why must you accumulate now. While you still can wait. FPSO N SHALE OIL cost n profits will be around USD 35-USD 45. Arabs n Malaysia n Iran n Indon.cost.USD 10-15. These three profits USD 10. The speculator profit USD 10. Therefore simple math, crude will touch most likely USD 35-USD 40. Then..a bit rebound...UNLESS USA WILL START THEIR WAR WITH ISIS AT ARABS N AFRICA..thats also will just temporarily rally..


2015-08-11 22:31 | Report Abuse

Hangpa kan chong ja lebih. Raplah tak tentu hala..Glc n najib chill ja..lge pun chill..madey lagi chill. Hahaha..apanama x tau..huhuhuhu. seronok aku ada binatang ni..boleh tgk perangai rakyat..hahaha..oopagangnam style..haha..dont worry..we will merge this FGV N THP..OK?.BETTER OR NOT?..


2015-08-11 22:28 | Report Abuse

Hang teruk JN..tak pa..88 point cantik..nanti rebound lah. Hahaha..logic logic..sat ada mamat ni..sure dia key in 88 ja sikit hari lagi loncat lah pi 1700..huhuhuhu


2015-08-11 22:20 | Report Abuse

Chill lah..senior or junior..we learnt from each other. Tak boleh gurau duduk surau..kena halau. Hahaha..jgn marah marah..stress stress. X elok..nanti lekas kena heart attack..susah..seriously..get laid more often during this time..if u r trader. Pdt..commision based..thats my honest tips..if possible during lunch hour too. Fuck..then trade..if u still cant make money rest..ok...chiow


2015-08-11 22:15 | Report Abuse

I cant imagine if someone just tersalah punch at bond market within this few days and in sept..like what happen in German..hahaha..i m more scared on that compared to Zetty and all of your analysis n news n strategy..hahaha...ok ok enough..i need to fuck..be careful sayangku adik adik sekalian n anak anak sekalian..actually we just need a monkey to spoilt this market..remove that monkey then ok..


2015-08-11 22:10 | Report Abuse

Wow...mind reader..thats the way...i like..can u read najibs mind..haha


2015-08-11 22:07 | Report Abuse



2015-08-11 22:05 | Report Abuse

When u see Warrants like BTM Wa suddenly push..that warrant this warrant..then..this company rights..that company rights..even bank also rights..haha..what it shows..:)..good night..sleep lah..peluk bini main lagi syiok..then tomorrow just sell..oops..i wish my time has all of this non sense..more money for me...:)


2015-08-11 21:59 | Report Abuse

Mr teoh..i call u mr a 56 looks older..so must b respected..otai..but now not crash?..haha


2015-08-11 21:57 | Report Abuse

Hangpa percaya lah analyst zaman internet..semua cut n paste..just tukar wikipedia..ubah ayat sikit..hahaha..ceduk sana sini sikit..hahaha..hangpa lagi terra jadi analysts..hahaha


2015-08-11 21:55 | Report Abuse

Hang tgk. Maybank share ka teruk..kenanga share ka teruk..hahaha


2015-08-11 21:53 | Report Abuse

Anyway..please take note old agreement was 4.40..which the shares during those days at 80 to 1.20 sen..so..at 2.20-2.30..still has good chances to drop further. Relatively 1.70-1.80..