
apanama | Joined since 2015-08-03

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2015-08-11 21:51 | Report Abuse



2015-08-11 21:40 | Report Abuse

Kalendar BNM tahun ni ubah sekali ja..bulan sembilan ni awal sikit dari FOMC meeting..hahaha..nampak sgt..hangpa ni..nampak sgt main bedal ja hangpa ni..hahaha..kesian kat Tun Mahathir..didik anak bangsa 22 tahun..tapi rakyatnya..rata ratanya..hmm..:)..


2015-08-11 21:38 | Report Abuse

Hang dok merepek apa awang..suka buat raplah rumours tak tentu pasal..memang dah lama pun 13/8/15..tu dlm kalendar BNM untuk bentang GDP 2ND QUARTER..lain kali check dulu kalendar BNM..tau nak create rumours cempera monkey..hahaha..sebijik..cina bukit..haha..:)


2015-08-11 20:43 | Report Abuse

Then this algorithm is not only now being invented..it has being on earth i think..even simon84 still playing toys at heaven..im assuming 84 is your born year hahahaha...but i like you guys..seriously..eventhough im too old for all of this non sense..but..keep it up..this nation need a lot of you guys..coz..if hangpa tak dak..payah pulak broker n cds n bursa nak cari duit bonus..hahaha..k..chill..x over trade..nanti bogel pulak susah. Mcm ni lah anak anak ku sekalian ...kalau hangpa buat market ni mcm tempat game..mcm kasino..sampai masa tua hangpa nanti..baru hangpa menyesal..tapi kalau hangpa buat mcm musim padi. Then hangpa kaya..i give you all hint.."BUAT MACAM MUSIM PADI BUAT BENDANG" KALAU HANGPA X PAHAM..PI CARI ORG KEDAH. TANYA..:)..all the best...kekekeke


2015-08-11 20:35 | Report Abuse

Let me give you something to THINK

29/12/11 3.1775 (MYR/USD) 1,503.78 (FBMKLCI AVE)
4/4/12 3.0650 (MYR/USD) 1,603.44 (FBMKLCI AVE)
8/7/14 3.1715 (MYR/USD) 1,893.61 (FBMKLCI AVE)

Fyi..the average for this year FBMKLCI is around 1,740..now traded at 1,630 level. We heard this reason lah that reason lah. Actually all are bull shit. Its just because someone already punch the ALGORITHM with a certain code within this 'period'..hahahaha..its clear cut MANIPULATION..:)..Sorry..i am Old School..huhuhu..


2015-08-11 17:10 | Report Abuse

kami orang tua...bila orang tua...kami buat cara orang tua la...tak payah tergesa gesa terkinja kinja macam budak muda..renyeh sana renyeh sana...habuk pun tak dak..perabih duit mak bapak saja.....bila buat nasi lemak..pakai santan..santan dibuat dari kelapa tua..bila digoreng..sedap rasanya...kekekekkekekekek..tidurlah hangpa..sekali singa terjaga..baru hangpa tau...:)...


2015-08-11 17:05 | Report Abuse

dont talk very big little brother...i think u r in heaven..while im on earth already...:)..nevermind..we need more 'educated' people like u guys...:)..enjoy your trade..:)


2015-08-11 12:14 | Report Abuse

The dynamic of market can change while you sleep..hehehe..:)


2015-08-11 12:12 | Report Abuse

Why DJIA is up..:)..where is DJIA..:)..yes MYR POLITICAL..all of that for those who are already targeting last three months..im talking about next 3mths..these time is just to buy me tandoori..:)


2015-08-11 11:54 | Report Abuse

Hehehe..beware..this week DJIA will be decider week..:) especially this two days..u be at wrong side..by H or C..the loss is greater..high risk high return..if the same game repeated 1610-1620-1630..strong defense..for FBMKLCI ..for FKLI..it could be just calit a bit at 1590-1600..:)..

News & Blogs

2015-08-11 07:14 | Report Abuse

Please take note, it takes 1,672 trading days once you stuck in penny stocks at Bursa Malaysia..:)..all the best..the only way to make money in Bursa Malaysia is when the gap between Lowest and SMA the gap is about 200points..now..nah..if you enter..you will DIE FAST..all da best..it takes 18 months for market to recover..now is still heading to the UNCHARTERED DOWNHILL TERRITORY..it could be 1600..it could be 1500..it could be 1400..it could be 1,300.."KILLING ME SOFTLY" U EVER HEARD THE LYRICS?..:)..


2015-08-11 05:36 | Report Abuse

Always remember..tricks for 1MDB..whatever stock link to 1MDB..nowadaya ..for sure LOSS within RM 0.70sen to RM 1.00 hehehe..just take a look on Affin chart..where it stand on 07/08 crisis..hehehe ....just used simple logic..who is the longest Defense Minister in Malaysia..haha..who is the youngest boy being an MB..all is NAJIBRAZAK..you guys think he will step down just like that..sampai mampuih he will try to cling on the power..Zahid as his scapegoat or Plan B ..hahaha..so u suka or tak suka..kalah jadi arang ..menang jadi abu..AFFIN BANK..BANK TENTERA..TENTERA..GAJI N PENCEN..GOMEN..LTAT PUN ADA..CONTRACT PUN BERATUS JUTA..DO U SEE WHAT I SEE..kekeke..dont worry too much..BUY IN DIP..SELL ON STRENGHT..hahaha..


2015-08-11 05:26 | Report Abuse

Dont worry too much..nornally all my buy call, it will take relatively 2-3mths for it to move by at least 20-30sen..hahaha..then brokerage house will start their buy call..then even KM LEE The Star Biz will come out with chart or any 'reputable' analyst will start talk about it..then KABOOM...u just sell it..thats why old man always said..THE EARLIEST WILL TASTE THE BEST HONEY..kekekeke..


2015-08-10 20:15 | Report Abuse

Cheq..hang lena puas puas ..biaq pi kat depa..depa hina hang..depa keji hang mcm mana perwaja dulu..8 sen 9 sen..sapa pun tak pandang..mcm2 kata..itu x baguih..ni x baguih..sekali dia menguit. Tu dia..mcm mcm org tunjuk tera..termasuklah broker broker..semua letak target price..hahaha..biaq p kat depa cheq..hang tidua dulu kasi lena puas puas..hang singa..nanti hang sekali hang bangun..hang haria semua ..kasi ribut..satu Bursa tak cukup tangan nak key in..hahahaha.. tiduq dulu singaku..ada lagi masa..:)


2015-08-10 20:07 | Report Abuse

Aku malas nak berlagak..sekarang aku nak berlagak..aku dah kutip lama dah pun..waktu hangpa lena..keji dan hina perwaja..aku dah buang untuk broker dan hangpa kutip sampah....broker baru kempen..hangpa masuk..hahaha..hangpa kena..aku lena..hahahaha..all da best..hehehehe..belacan sedap


2015-08-10 20:01 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-08-10 19:52 | Report Abuse

Hehehe..its up to u..:)


2015-08-10 19:35 | Report Abuse

X payah pening pening..1400-1,500 masuk..:)


2015-08-10 19:20 | Report Abuse

C u at 4...c u at 4.40...argh..why not market close at 5 what..so c u at 5..hahaha


2015-08-10 19:14 | Report Abuse

Ali sepak bola kepada Chong..Chong membawa bola dengan laju dan pantas..passing kepada Muthu..Muthu pula dengan laju membawa bola dan cuba mencari Ali. Passing kepada Ali. Ali pula dihalang oleh Nikolai Stevenko..Ali berjaya melepasi Nikolai..tetapi Nikolai dibantu oleh Gordon Brown.. Gordon Brown berjaya memintas Ali. Bola sekarang berada di kaki Gordon Brown..Gordon Brown terus menggelecek Din. Din di bantu oleh Madey..Gordon masih berjaya membolosi kedua dua Din dan Madey. Kini Gordon Brown terus menerus membawa bolanya. Ali terpaksa meminta bantuan Najib. Najib terus mengejar Gordon Brown. Cuba dihalang di situ oleh Najib. Tetapi Gordon Brown masih terus tidak dapat dihalang. Madey sudah keletihan. Din pula kebuntuan. Ah Chong dan Muthu tidak ketahuan. Najib pula kesepian ..semuanya tidak menjadi kini.. Persoalan timbul kini.. sampai bila Gordon Brown ni nak sepak kat pintu goal. :)


2015-08-10 19:01 | Report Abuse

Why?..MALAKOFF..."MALAYSIA OFF"..Since its listed..FBMKLCI is already lost almost 250 points..1,867-1,649..hehehe..x worry..still ada 150 points to go..huhuhu


2015-08-10 18:59 | Report Abuse

Malakofff..1.63..market 1,700
Malakoff ..1,53..market 1,600
Malakoff ..1.43..market 1,500
Malakoff...1.33..market 1,400
Malakoff ..1.23..market 1,300

Get ready..:)


2015-08-10 18:56 | Report Abuse

Asia PAC naik..once PAC Chairman is appointed..if KU Li is appointed..PMCORP naik..if Pak Din naik..Thriven naik..if Lim Kit Siang .LSK..naik. hehehe


2015-08-10 18:54 | Report Abuse

BTM power because BERAT TANPA MUATAN..so lajulah..:)..x berat


2015-08-10 17:30 | Report Abuse

USA army strategically move their assets to Turkey. Istanbul USA consulate under attack..the only way to push back oil price. USA will intensify the attack to ISIS..War like Gulf War..:)..knm..36sen-44sen..sekarang masih mahal..:)


2015-08-10 17:25 | Report Abuse

Wrong spelling..CASH OUT


2015-08-10 17:25 | Report Abuse

GLC cash put their bonus issue. You guys retailers support the market now..haha..oops


2015-08-10 17:23 | Report Abuse

The younger bird x biasa kena 80's..90's..they just kena 2008..itupun ramai x kena lagi..inikalilah..1400 ..itu pun belum pasti..hahaha..got bear in mind..this counter bonus issue sudah berapa kali ya..haha..plus golden share MoF to ASB lagi..huhuhu..masuk jgn tak masuk..sila derma kpd PNB...PNB syiok..hangpa derma..they r x using money pun..they just use their bonus issue..tak luak pun if goes until 6-7..haha


2015-08-10 06:11 | Report Abuse

Condom business is very good business..especially USA economy is already on recovery path with interest rates is coming up. Other than glove..condom is rubber based..input cost very low price..selling in USD..hehehe..everyday people fuck too..as long as porno industry is booming in USA and other parts of the world..condom sales is ok..hahahaha...its very resilient n recession proof business..during recession..more people will fuck..as no work..so fuck is better..economy good..fuck also..bcoz stress n more money..wife at home..gf at danok..golok..mont kiara..batam..lombok..u see my fundamental analysis..so BUY..(Disclaimer: buy at your own risk)..hehe


2015-08-10 06:04 | Report Abuse

All go Glove..hehe..they still do not see..'RUBBER' also important component for Goodway..hehehe..once they realise..glove tyre also daily use..rubber very cheap..then..jalan lor..huhuu..now..lets sleep n buy sikit sikit..:)..buy when its sleep..sell when its awake..huhu


2015-08-10 05:58 | Report Abuse

Dont enter when it push..you want to make money..enter before it push..hehehe..less than 50sen..its consider good already..once the market turn..70sen-80sen..cabut lah..bukan senang mau dapat ini company baik at less than 50sen


2015-08-10 05:55 | Report Abuse

MKLAND...nicky hang salah..MKLAND..MAHATHIR KASI LAND..hahaha..dont worry..they have strategic alliance with UEM..this stock as long as UMNO survive..they will survive..x worry too much..just collect..but wont go far..if u expect more than 80sen etc etc..i think..kena bogel di KLCC baru jalan kot..as long as below 48-50sen..good money already..10sen..sapa nak bagi kat hang 10sen..within this lousy market environment..hehe


2015-08-10 05:48 | Report Abuse

Oh my darling..One more PRECISION TECHNOLOGY..Very Old School..dont worry honey..once they know who are you..they will chase u..then i dumb to all stupid belacan..hahaha


2015-08-10 05:46 | Report Abuse

Precision tech wont die..even The Real Warren Buffett now go back to old school stock..hahahaha..go KOBAY.."Precision Engineering"


2015-08-10 05:42 | Report Abuse

Buy when it loss..sell when its profit..even the real Warren Buffett is now entering aviation and dumb intel..haha..so go AAX AIR ASIA MQTECH DESTINI..once that Suruhanjaya set up..More money flow..hehehe..:)..buy more jet..each sultan 1 jet..9 sultan..9 jet..hahaha


2015-08-10 05:39 | Report Abuse

Tak mustahil itu Rev Asia..its very ahead..always step up..thank you for the rumors..:)..buy at rumor..sell on news..huhuhuu


2015-08-10 05:37 | Report Abuse

Normally people chase when its profitable..haha..so we enter when it loss..:)


2015-08-10 05:35 | Report Abuse

Buy below 36sen..upside is tremendous..:)..buy at ur own risk..(disclaimer)


2015-08-09 20:28 | Report Abuse

Thats what we call ..#DECOY..:)