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2020-09-08 13:50 | Report Abuse

recalling that article...they started collecting since 12 months ago, those 5 trading houses shares before Warren buffet co. announced that they have met the 5% holdings.

They have Taken the opportunities to collect slowly at the lowest price possible.. if some certain Funds wanted to invest in the future of a company.


2020-09-08 12:09 | Report Abuse

13 And when you release them, do not send them away empty-handed. 14 Supply them liberally from your flock, your threshing floor and your winepress. Give to them as the Lord your God has blessed you. 15 Remember that you were slaves...

Keep the holdings, if can, bargain price now...


2020-09-08 11:52 | Report Abuse

NOSH 2.72B units, Market Cap RM23.1B , P/E 44.0 , EPS 19.32

PE 44.0


2020-09-05 21:26 | Report Abuse

Keep the 7106 holdings, the better choice.

Next, not sure about the following choices in life?

1. No life insurance, no problem, don't worry. The Lord will have to reverse the verdict and keep the person alive for a least another 20 years because have to feed the children and the wife. Provided, You are closely connected to God, cry to the Lord and obey His commandments.

Note: In spite of that verdict, there are already the solution being put in place by the Lord, the community will help the orphanage and widows. He provides the solution before the verdict.

2. IF buy life insurance, the Teacher said "you are actually already killing yourself". The few millions will make a rich widow and will not have to bother the community. The person plan to happen with/without any verdict from the Lord.

BUT the best choice is, make more person to depend on you, the charity bodies, children, wife, neighbors, saving the poor/souls....the Lord will not have a reason or any verdict for the person but to let him live long because more and more people are depending on him/her daily.


2020-09-04 10:54 | Report Abuse

My bonus units reflected in my account with Share Broker


2020-09-04 10:48 | Report Abuse

Now, how to buy 1 lot with RM1, 000?


2020-09-04 09:06 | Report Abuse

IF don't have RM2,030 to buy yesterday, can buy with less than RM1,000 today now, why afraid?


2020-09-04 08:53 | Report Abuse

Bonus shares only be added to your CDS account on Tuesday. I think so.

SO, like we must buy 10 units of Berkshire shares, so expensive.
IF can not afford to buy 10 units of 7106 shares at RM20 , lose RM200 in the sky dropping, no need to come here and spread fear.

I try to keep my 7106 shares for longer period to come.


2020-09-04 08:39 | Report Abuse

Last time 1 lot means 1000 units of share. Now 1 lot means 100 units of share.

Got to ask Bursa to allow us to buy 10 units already because can reduce our risk and many can buy.

Otherwise many people 1000 or 10,000 shares, once down RM1, it can empty of pockets. Sad.


2020-09-04 00:38 | Report Abuse

If I recall correctly, not more than 4 years ago, the gold was around RM140 per gram, with MGIC Maybank. Today, gold is almost RM280, increase 100%. I bought at RM140 and still holding, no need to how many gram I have. A friend of mine got 2Kg then, kept in the passbook MGIC Maybank.

Why? If you did believe that gold can bring profit, have no money to buy gold, how many day and night we will spend to contradict others about the potential of the price for gold? 4 years non stop?

If the counter had appreciated from RM2 until RM20, how many night we have to express the doubt about its potential from say March until now? 6 months non stop until now.

Why you did not buy the Maybank MGIC gold when it was RM200 a gram or Supermax when it was only RM10. 30 a share?


2020-09-03 15:58 | Report Abuse

Know your own ugliness, shame..


2020-09-03 15:54 | Report Abuse

Some buy low, some buy high, if can not afford to hold/lose, better keep the money under the pillow, no celebration over others' misfortune.


2020-09-03 15:49 | Report Abuse

No curses, no swearing,


2020-09-03 15:48 | Report Abuse

Buy affordably, afford to win, afford to hold, no shaking, solid.


2020-09-01 00:00 | Report Abuse

Could be him. But it meant to not to miss the boat and the BI.


2020-08-31 23:52 | Report Abuse

When the big funds wanted to fulfil the targeted quantity, the price moved fast and fluctuating greatly, especially by the cut off time.

Just like the 5 Japanese companies bought in by Berkshire, they have buying since many months ago. By today, reaching 5% in each company, the share prices of the companies went up as high as 10%, coincide with the declaration as one of the major shareholders in those 5 companies.


2020-08-31 23:35 | Report Abuse

During the last 10 minutes, the price moved upward quickly from RM21 to as high as RM22.14 causing all those wanted to sell as high as RM21. 22 being totally matched within the seconds. The highest sellers then were at RM22. 12 inclusive those who intented to contra. So, the very next level for the sellers to input was RM22. 14 and many got matched if they did not want the BI. For the big funds that moved to Supermax from other counters last Friday, with the intention to qualify for the BI, may have to fulfil their targeted quantity then even though they could have been accumulating over a roughly period of one month.

That could be the reason why it closed at RM22. 14 instead of RM22. 16 last Friday.


2020-08-31 20:53 | Report Abuse

Warren Buffet bought into 5 Japanese trading houses, surprised the market there . Began to Move some investments to outside of US.

His investment in the equities ranged from ice cream to railway. What about gloves?


2020-08-31 00:28 | Report Abuse

The demand for gloves will remain high and continue to increase proportionately because of the precaution/protection measures that need to be adhered by the practitioners in the fields of medical, food production...

Eventhough vaccines have been found, the demand for gloves as the necessity items made possible from this pandemic, will cause the manufacturer to produce more and more gloves.


2020-08-30 23:46 | Report Abuse

The Sale for 2 months has been captured and when the 3rd (Sept) is completed, another QR will be due. Despite this said QR will only be published in around Nov but the monthly sale and profits for July and August can be known to the Management of the company. How much is the monthly profit?

Gloves are manufactured products. On the other hand, the rubber, palm oil and coconuts are under plantation sector. The suitable climate plus the knowhow will determine the advantages in the cultivations and the harvest over others. Naturally, it is expensive for a tropical country to produce apples or grapes. Moreover, the production need to achieve the economy of scale and efficiency to be able to compete with another producer/country.

Gloves can be produced by others without influence by the climate. The skill, facilities and knowledge already need the long time. However, in order to achieve the economy of scale, minimum wastage, efficiency before becoming a profitable business. The gloves making companies in our country are well established and generating profits. Currently, these manufacturers are earing extra ordinary profits when the demand for the gloves far exceeded the supply. So, it is not easy and it will take years for a new competitor be have achieved the economy of scale.

Apparently, cultivation of rice when comparing with the neighbouring countries like Thailand/Vietnam and the automotive industry initiated by our country. Both sectors were lack of economy of scale and the skill that are required for the profitable enterprises.


2020-08-28 22:50 | Report Abuse

The Flood was postponed for one week for the honor of Methuselah.

The animals walking in by themselves with the intervention from God. One male & one female in pair all of them. 2 Males can not save the world because God wanted to save the world, not destroying the world, no gay please.

So when Noah was about to walk into the Ark, suddenly those who didn't "buy" his effort/idea, stopped him from going in. The rain was heavy already, they wanted to died with Noah around...the water height was 22 feet (like RM22.14), so all the rest missed the boat...

Entering THE final week still have have take position before the bonus issue...


2020-08-28 22:25 | Report Abuse

Noah completed the Ark in 120 years. Not cedar wood, gopher wood.

After the Flood, he lived for another 350 years. All the days of Noah came to 950 years, then he died.

Let say, some Leftists, naysayers, liberals, clowns, ...passing by Noah's house - calling "Mr Noah, are you a construction man now?". Of course not, so Noah replied "I have been instructed to build it before too late, you may miss the boat"("KLSE sifus asked me to buy Supermax before too late").

They will reply to Mr Noah - "you crazy Noah?, imagination, illusioned, fanatic, idiot, better run, cut your losses, vaccine coming ...(many bought sparingly before the hike, still keeping..)


2020-08-28 21:53 | Report Abuse

Why gloves?

One would not mind if getting into oil/petro counters, profitable oil companies. No other choices. BUT Russia in under sanction, USA wanted to choke Iran, so China signed agreement for 25 years to buy oil from Iran, oil price is dampened on purpose?, to damage certain countries, Saudi got money to cover the losses, OPEC over produced?,but really less people are driving during the MCO/lockdown. So the demand for oil is lesser. Oil companies incurred huge losses.

Now, gloves.
The demand for gloves was increasing and still increasing because of the virus pandemic, precaution measures by the practitioners, needless to say...
U can see the reports about the profits, bank balances got billions, must be very good business and the prospect.


2020-08-28 18:52 | Report Abuse

Are There Sins for Which There Is No Atonement?
Because Repentance requires the sinner to ask forgiveness of the person they have offended, it has been argued that a murderer cannot be forgiven for his or her crime, since there is no way to ask the wronged party for forgiveness. There are some scholars who argue that murder is a sin for which no atonement is possible.

There are two other offenses that come close to being unpardonable: defrauding the public and slander—ruining a person's good name. In both cases, it is nearly impossible to track down every person who was affected by the offense in order to offer apology and request forgiveness.

Many religious scholars categorize these sins — murder, slander, and public fraud—as the only unpardonable sins.


2020-08-28 18:04 | Report Abuse

Sorry, the highest floor was for Noah and his family, with window.


2020-08-28 18:01 | Report Abuse

Even the most "Leftist" people has agreed to the findings that The Ark of Noah, was located, situated at Mt Ararat...the size of the Ark..150M Long, 20M Wide, 15M Tall..3 Floors, 1st Flr for Noah & his family, 2nd Flr for the animals, 3rd Flr for the garbage...thickness of the wood 48cm.

No argument when verified to the Balance Sheet.


2020-08-28 17:20 | Report Abuse

Yeah, foreign funds buying into profitable business.


2020-08-28 17:15 | Report Abuse

Means, eating their own vomits...sabo the price


2020-08-28 17:14 | Report Abuse

OK, maybe off-shore players got shorts not yet squared off, owning the "lenders", got to buy back, "lenders" need to lodge the entitlements,


2020-08-28 17:09 | Report Abuse

Investigate, don't interrogate..


2020-08-28 17:08 | Report Abuse

Yes, got to investigate...on why the demand for the shares were so high.


2020-08-28 16:59 | Report Abuse

Don't go near, hold your units tight, view from afar...


2020-08-28 16:58 | Report Abuse

Maybe the IBs are eating their own vomits...


2020-08-28 16:57 | Report Abuse

Never before since decades ago...


2020-08-28 16:56 | Report Abuse

Buyers are paying sellers' price


2020-08-28 16:55 | Report Abuse

High level of transactions, huge quantity


2020-08-28 16:54 | Report Abuse

Massive buying non stop


2020-08-28 16:50 | Report Abuse

But Public Bank NOSH is 3.88B units


2020-08-28 16:47 | Report Abuse

Today RM21 , after BI, RM12 each the profit is RM3 each

IF, after BI, the NOSH is 2.72B ,

the Market Cap will be RM12 X 2.72B = RM32.64B , like half a Public Bank.


2020-08-28 16:09 | Report Abuse

Is the demand for the not the doctors, nurses, vaccine, the clinics


2020-08-28 16:00 | Report Abuse

Buy affordably, no contradiction.


2020-08-28 15:56 | Report Abuse

The IBs can sabo your company...


2020-08-28 15:54 | Report Abuse

Those are not entitled for the BI, did not have the shares, complain and sabo lah..


2020-08-28 15:24 | Report Abuse

Buy affordably, no contradiction.


2020-08-28 14:49 | Report Abuse

As the BI Ex date is approaching fast, the BI exercise is unlike those Right Issue exercises whereby the BIs can/need to get involved (under write the shares going to be issued to raise additional working capitals, research report @the share value).

BUT in the case of BIs, who don't have to get involved ? IF you did not have the shares now (entitlements), you don't have to get involved. So, WHAT are you going do? Start to complain/sabotage lah.
Normal behavior.

Buy affordably.


2020-08-28 12:12 | Report Abuse

Knowing/unknowingly, now there is a product, Gloves that can stand tall to compete with the rest of the world. Is a news to celebrate but not to undermine.

Tell people you are from a country that making gloves but not the vaccine.


2020-08-28 12:04 | Report Abuse

became the Backbone industry for Malaysia, durians/oil palm/petrolium not going to so many parts of the world.

This product will help the inflows of income from the export market.