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2020-08-05 00:24 | Report Abuse

So, you see?

God will take the SARS away at the his timing and when will God take the COVID19 away? Don't know. Nothing can happened without the approval from God.

For example, when God has reshuffled the deck...USA will bring Saudi to make friends again with Israel. WHY? Iran is their common enemy now. Iran sided with Russia, China, Syria, Lebanon Hizbollah...

Next, You know why firstly, Iran get it seriously - even until today, Italy get it seriously, Germany get it, Spain got it. What is the commonality amongst these few nations? Of course by now, many other nations also get it...

Finance aspect, big companies are brought down to their knees like never before...within 4 months...many are being wiped out, big companies ...airliners/hotel suffered huge losses. God said "what is in your hand is mine"

The doctors don't agree amongst themselves about the origin of the virus & the effectiveness of the vaccines, Presidents/PMs are clueless on fighting the virus, you know Joe Biden? What subject he wanted to added to the classroom? Gantz can mixed up the names of the journalists..The world leadership is deteriorating, cold war, trade war, more sanction..

God is making sure no one can be sure what can happen in a few days time. But God is running the daily show, confirmed.

SO, towards this very end, maybe God is preparing all the people to wake up for the ending days...

Yes, hope this counter will go up when the market open.


2020-08-04 23:48 | Report Abuse

Remember, the SARS disappeared in one particular morning, somewhere in HK. Now, Corona V , corona means the Crown, the virus is No.1, so don't go face on, take precaution, SOP, wear mask and gloves and needed. SO, gloves got demand for years to come. Don't know when the virus will go away, even then, in future people still want to take precaution and follow the safety measures.


2020-08-04 22:42 | Report Abuse

Someone from the big 0ne, go and buy over HLT


2020-08-04 22:41 | Report Abuse

He holds 32.5% in Rubberex via Erpstar Inc. Sdn. Bhd., indirectly @31DEC2019 AR


2020-08-04 19:07 | Report Abuse

C77 the good one, low cost entry, low premium.


2020-08-04 18:58 | Report Abuse

If correct, i want to buy TG tomorrow.


2020-08-04 18:50 | Report Abuse

Unless May2020 alone got RM1.688B , then RM4.127B is for 9 months (3 quarters), then the earlier 8 months got less than half a Bil each month, then alone May got RM1.688B, jump so high from April?


2020-08-04 18:30 | Report Abuse

I referred back to the published has acolum called "Current Year To date" - RM4.127 bil , Yes, the presentation is maybe not clear


2020-08-04 18:22 | Report Abuse

All gloves makers are very valuable now.

Can check again the calculation by Mr Koon,
RM1.688 billion is for 3 months ending 31May2020, the 3rd QR.

for the next QR, 4th QR, for the next 3 months, can you use RM1.688 billion to get the June 2020, July and so on... to get the total RM2.349 billion?


2020-08-04 09:40 | Report Abuse

Together the Rubberex..side by side


2020-08-04 08:45 | Report Abuse

Comfort 1QR @30042020 TOTAL Asset already RM514M .

Careplus 2QR @30062020 Total Asset RM247M priced RM4.70 , Profits RM36M .

If Comfort 2QR @31072020 just completed some days ago, gives reasonably good profits, can be priced RM9 already...


2020-08-03 20:29 | Report Abuse

...AND WHAT has happened? It doesn't matter if you belonged to Democrate, Republican, Socialist/Communist, Leftist, Right wing...the most important point is HONESTY. If you are honest, any person from any one of the groups will respect you...

Meaning, even if God sent some competitors to your neighborhood and now many customers could be stolen are firmed/no shaking...WHY? Because you believed that provision/profit or lost come from the Creator. Is from Him, whether the less or more profits...

For example, Honesty. I may charge the service fees higher but I will not charge for any parts that not being replaced. ...very very important, no deceiving, lies, stealing and do a tons of good deeds to others, which make or Creator smiles...then prayerfully the very next counter we choose buy or sell, in the long run, will be profitable.

Gloves making company. Went as high as RM6.90


2020-08-03 18:32 | Report Abuse

Last time, when your FD is RM100K in a single deposit receipt, you have to declare the source of the fund. So, a friend put the funds at RM99K for each receipt to avoid the declaration. Meaning, don't be a stand-out guy in the town. Keep your Low-profile.

SO, imagine if you can own 5% or more that required you to declare as the majority shareholder...don't be silly! Park also your interest under your wife's name, trusted mother-in-law, Parents/family members...

ALSO, when attending the AGM, don't let the Directors know that you are like kind of putting some pressure on their business in the presence of the media....then for an unknown reason you have moved to an another girl ... jilted your this sexy and sweet girl friend. SO, your girl friend is crying at the may be judged as an unfaithful guy that awaiting for the scolding...


2020-08-03 15:24 | Report Abuse

Of the men who went to explore the land (...the factories of the gloves makers), only Joshua son of Nun and Caleb son of Jephunneh...
Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, “We should go up and take possession of the land (...the Shares), for we can certainly do it.”

RM6.60 also sold out.


2020-08-03 13:22 | Report Abuse

Only Moses talked to God face to face, no other Prophets, confirmed. The language is straight forward, serious after that, Moses not like you talking to your girl friend - soft & tender & take care of her feeling...because Moses already 120 year-old (finished telling his people, God buried him at Moab but until today ,nobody know where is his grave), he no kissing up to any hairy smelly armpit...he told you front of you is actually the Land with flowing milk and honey, be courageous and strong...

According to your ability to buy, all makers are very valuable.


2020-08-03 12:50 | Report Abuse

Harry, thanks. The coffee was very nice.


2020-08-03 12:28 | Report Abuse

Yes, Matang got many seafood restaurant there...


2020-08-03 12:25 | Report Abuse

I like Taiping, the factory is there, near Matang


2020-08-03 12:15 | Report Abuse

05AUG202, ex Date for the Interim Dividend, buy to reflect your interest or controlling stake in the company. UP,UP


2020-08-03 12:02 | Report Abuse

What did we have learned from here?



2020-08-03 11:56 | Report Abuse

Yes, 200 commandments given by God via Moses during his last 36 days, Moses is a not university lecturer!, otherwise all will be like the chaff, blown away.

From RM0.70 to RM1.80 , how many percent?


2020-08-03 11:42 | Report Abuse

Remember ,only NahShon dare to jump into the waters, the rest were unsure & despair. Complaints, Moses was your good advocate % defended for your cause, how he took care of you.

All the gloves makers are very valuable. Do don't be the last to buy...when is the highest price?


2020-08-03 11:12 | Report Abuse

I got to move from my shack for a while and have a coffee/drink first,


2020-08-03 09:24 | Report Abuse

The son fetches RM1.50


2020-08-02 23:19 | Report Abuse

Now the gloves are in great demand. But who knew then? Else you invested in anyone of the makers heavily in March ago and did not do anything with the shares, you won plentifully.

Who know what will happen next week? The latest item given by our Creator is the virus, microscopic kind of thing... even the doctors also became unsure or contradicting among themselves over the origin of the virus, the effectiveness of the vaccine...

Is the need to have the hand gloves when handling the patients, the food.... It isn't about the potential of the petroleum industry... platform erected should be non stop drilling? The big petroleum companies lost billions of Dollars and Apple did much better.

Then the big economy, USA national debt latest sum up to more than USD20 trillions? Undoubtedly Mr Hussein alone has caused the debt larger than all previous presidents in total. USD will gradually lose it value into the future. How to handle such a huge debt? It can never be repaid.

Then the politic in the world are an...

Our Creator has make sure that each know nuts about the picture of our near future...whether Trump can win, when the virus will be disappearing... stability in the Middle East, HK, US-China cold War, local politics, loan moratorium... just live the daily life. But our Creator is in charge, into the tiny matters, only let out the virus...


2020-08-02 22:40 | Report Abuse

Yes, C44 is the very good choice.


2020-08-02 21:12 | Report Abuse

You see...the issuing houses/IBs/Macquarie, they wanted to undertake to issue these units and units of loan stock (trading in the open market).


1. let say TopGlove is RM25 a share, when not everybody got RM25 to buy a share, what they calculated was, they first day opened the selling the loan stock ,at say RM0.03 each (issuing 100,000,000 loan stock named as LS1), say each 100 of LS1 + RM25 (conversion price), you will be assured of 1 mother Share. IB made RM3 from you already on the day 1.

Their fees earned is RM3,000,000-00 already with the cost of RM25,000,000 (because they have to undertake 1M unit of TopGlove for this issuing event). RM25M making RM3M is OK right?

SO, you may want to buy loan stock, because the price is affordable, RM0.03 instead of RM25 to invest in TopGlove and for the feel in the business, for example. BUT for the the Share turned RM28, your loan may become RM3.03 ,WHY NOT?


2020-08-02 20:40 | Report Abuse

NVM, I went through the gloves makers' units of Loan Stock such as Harta, Kossan, Supermax and TopGlove. However, Careplus, Comfort, Rubberex or even HLT got no loan stock being issued. But HLT got one Warrant (exercise price RM0.20).

From the observation, Harta's units got Loan C30 and C31 offered discount instead of the premiums when comparing to the Ordinary Share respectively.

In KOSSAN, non of them got offered discounts but premiums as high as RM13.28 (C14).

In Supermax, only C89 got offered discount of RM1.00 (not sure why dropped to RM5 last Friday)but the highest premium is carried by C1B (priced at RM0.33 a unit, conversion ratio 60 : 1). Perhaps, the issuing price that was so low (attracted high demand) but the high ratio (not being emphasized by investors) caused the huge premium of RM20.18. Otherwise the issuer would have anticipated that this Share could fetch around RM40 by the expiry date (31Mar2021).

In TopGlove, only 2 types giving discounts, they are C64 (RM0.05) and C66 (RM0.08) leaving the rest all carrying premiums which reaching RM37.50 (C86). Again, the reason was likely due to the price per unit is low and the ratio is high (100:1) coupled with the expiry date which is quite far away (31Mar2021).


2020-08-02 16:25 | Report Abuse

Mike, answering or no? I want to go to the Pasar Malam already, you know.


2020-08-02 16:22 | Report Abuse

Mike, automatically extended for how many month before any penalty?


2020-08-02 16:12 | Report Abuse

About those Annual Reports, it was noted that the yearly financial reports for many company varies...some are 31Jan (Comfort) , 28Feb (Aeon Credit)(TopGlove)...., mind boggling, the usual ones are 30JUNE/31DEC but Authority can ensure a kind of standardization if possible so make easy to compare the performance within a same period amongst the companies...

Some ARs started with all those taliking..., for example Hartalega, talking media coverages, social obligation, chart chart, only until page 71, Director's Report..then only can see that the financial Y/E is actually dated 31MAR2020 (Harta Lega), should put the word big big "31MAR2020" on the front page , Balance Sheet, P/L in the early format of reporting.


2020-08-02 15:47 | Report Abuse

Afternoon, after a nap, you can notice that those recent Reports (QR / AR) can be telling a see Careplus, on 5 June 2020 - QR 31Mar2020 & AR 31DEC2019 published on the same day, KLSE/Bursa website. AR took almost 6 months to publish, QR 31Mar2020 took less than 3 months to publish.

Next, QR 30JUNE2020 published on 24JULY2020, in less than a month, done. SO FAST, wanted to announce the good profits? WHAT we can learn from here?

Of course, some companies can be penalized by SC if delayed beyond allowable cut-off time in publishing those periodical reporting as required under the rules.

Rightfully, during these periods of time when aiming for addition production of gloves, companies should publish those accounts as soon as possible. Don't delay in announcing those extra-ordinary profits.


2020-08-01 19:51 | Report Abuse

Only Nakshon started entered the waters...the rest of them waited by the sea, unsure, wailed with despair...the Lord informed Moses to tell them that if no one take action, He can not do a miracle them. So, Nakshon took the initiative with...who not scared, water reached the level of Nakshon nose...

What we learned? The answer is...
Do not to be the last to enter...before the level of the price reached the highest.


2020-08-01 00:48 | Report Abuse

In the Psalm, King David said to the Lord that the Lord should let King Saul tangkap him when perusing his life. He did not ask God to save his life because someone come after him. He said if King Saul is righteous, let him be trapped by King Saul. This prayer is very high level.

Meaning, King David was not like some cowards that are avoiding the authorities/Police, asking God to save them after some offences. Different ideology.

SO, you can pray that if the sellers are righteous/making the right move, selling at highest price and at right time and because you are buyer, let you be trapped or tertangkap at the highest, no profit. You pray that. Otherwise, you are confident, that the sellers are selling b4 the highest price, so you still can experience the further appreciation of the share price. This is a very high level faith in the Lord.


2020-07-31 23:12 | Report Abuse

What we have learned from here.

Moses said that he alone can't bear the responsibility for settling your disputes. Choose some wise, understanding and experienced men.... put them in charge, some responsible for 1000, some responsible for 100,....Whats group, telegram, we chat.... dispute fairly,...else he can give instructions.

Look at its Balance sheet and compare with those bigger gloves makers.


2020-07-30 12:58 | Report Abuse

If want to extra strict - being very detailed b4 taking your positions, King Solomon checked from many angles, when the price went up daily, still asking when can masuk...King Solomon said , it is all due to our ego.


2020-07-30 12:35 | Report Abuse

Moses was literally a baby sitter for them, for 40 years, now the last 36 days of his life, he sure no kiss up until your smelly armpit, ... if he a speaker today, they will called him a fanatic, bad mouth about on the FB. They complaints, to carry you .. to across the jordan.

Now already one sen each jump...either the mother or the son.


2020-07-30 01:44 | Report Abuse

At Bursa website, just located this QR 30032020, got to admit that its Balance Sheet is better than wonder it is going to over take Supermax soon...


2020-07-30 00:24 | Report Abuse

Another important point -

Cash in the bank:

Careplus RM17.1M @30062020 UP RM11.5M from 31122019
Comfort RM68.9M @30042020 UP RM34M from 31012020
Harta RM305M @31032020 UP RM155M from 31032019
HLT RM13.5M @31032020 UP RM1.5M from 31122019
Kossan RM162M @31122019 UP RM16M from 31122018
Rubberex RM41M @31032020 DOWN RM15M from 31122019
Supermax RM218M @31032020 UP RM45M from 30062019
TOPGlove RM348M @31052020 UP RM183M from 31082019


2020-07-29 23:08 | Report Abuse

RM1.75B (31AUG2019)


2020-07-29 23:07 | Report Abuse

I printed some gloves making companies' Balance Sheet & P&L, noted as follows:-

Careplus - Per 2ndQR @30JUNE2020 = in the 2 quarters PAT is RM36M when the losses was RM2M @30JUNE2019 , Total Asset reduced from RM272M to RM247M (31DEC2019). Retained profit UP by RM35M, at RM52M

Comfort - Per 1stQR30APR2020 = another QR due on 31JULY2020, Total Assets (UP by RM30M) RM514M increased from RM483M (31JAN2020). For one quarter the PAT is RM16M , compare to the corresponding Q is RM8.4M
THE Reserve UP by RM16.5M stand at RM184M.

Harta - Per 4thQR/the AR already 31MAR2020 = PAT RM115M but RM90M in 2019, UP by RM25M. TOTAL Assets UP by >RM300M. Reserve UP from RM855M to RM1B.

HLT 1stQR 31MAR2020 = RM2M UP from RM1M 31MAR2019 , Retained profit UP from RM1.2M to RM3.8M . Total Asset stand at RM110M.

Kossan - 31DEC2019 = Total Assets RM2.37B UP from RM2.14B (2019) , Reserve RM1.09B UP by RM100M , year PAT RM227M UP from RM204M (2019).

Rubberex - Q ended 31MAR2020 = PAT RM9.2M , Total Assets UP by RM7M in one Q, Retained earnings UP by RM9M in the Q.

Supermax - Q ended 31MAR2020 = PAT RM95M but RM49.4M (31-03-2019). Reserve UP by RM100M since 31MAR2020, TOTAL Assets UP by RM180M to RM2.02B

Finally, TOPGLOVE - 3rdQR 31MAY2020 = Total Assets UP to RM7.39B from RM5.68B (31AUG2019), Retained earnings UP to RM2.22B from RM1.75B (31AUG2020), PAT in this Q is RM350M. ///


2020-07-29 18:47 | Report Abuse

So how was Aaron?

Aaron has no jealousy against his younger brother Moses, who was identified to do the mission that looked like impossible. He was so humble and modest...even the whole nation mourned for him for one month when he passed on...his cloak was passed to Eleazar. Miriam was the sister of Moses also. 3 siblings.

The cheapest share price of a glove making company.


2020-07-29 18:08 | Report Abuse

What did we learn?

Moses was afraid to approach Pharaoh, he was afraid/frighten also especially when the staff turned snake, who is not scared? he was asked to bring along his brother, Aaron...aimed moving to the land with flowing milk and honey...some are stiff-neck fellows, complained, criticized, disbelief,...

How you can believe that RM0.70 was at Egypt a week ago, now RM1.40 at....


2020-07-29 16:27 | Report Abuse

It can fetch RM1.20 now


2020-07-29 16:24 | Report Abuse

WRTS 330M units traded...


2020-07-29 11:22 | Report Abuse

Water From the Rock.

3 They quarreled with Moses and said, “If only we had died when our brothers fell dead before the Lord! 4 Why did you bring the Lord’s community into this wilderness, that we and our livestock should die here? 5 Why did you bring us up out of Egypt to this terrible place? It has no grain or figs, grapevines or pomegranates. And there is no water to drink!”

6 Moses and Aaron went from the assembly to the entrance to the tent of meeting and fell facedown, and the glory of the Lord appeared to them. 7 The Lord said to Moses, 8 “Take the staff, and you and your brother Aaron gather the assembly together. Speak to that rock before their eyes and it will pour out its water. You will bring water out of the rock for the community so they and their livestock can drink.”

DO not be discouraged and despaired..


2020-07-29 11:14 | Report Abuse

Coming back to the highest achieved...RM1.37 , 0.93


2020-07-29 10:18 | Report Abuse

May you success be granted..