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2013-03-13 17:45 | Report Abuse

Musa Hitam: Tidak bankrap jika PR memerintah.

Tiada lagi negara didunia yang bangkrap kerana memberi kebajikan kepada rakyat, tetapi banyak negara bangkrap bila pemimpinnya boros dan rasuah...Laporan audit membuktikan Pakatan boleh mentadbir dengan lebih baik.

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 17:37 | Report Abuse

Posted by hellboyjb > Mar 13, 2013 05:31 PM | Report Abuse

are u the stupid one supporting be end ?

100% support brother hellboyjb, these people see not, hear not but talk kok only, haa haa haa

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 17:34 | Report Abuse

‘A divided Umno in Perak’
Humayun Kabir
| March 13, 2013

PAS claims that there are two factions within Perak Umno,one supporting the prime minister and the other his deputy.

TAIPING: Some claim that Perak Umno is not sure whether they should pledge their allegiance to Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak or his deputy Muhyiddin Yassin.

These claims come from Perak PAS Youth. The state PAS coordinator Raja Ahmad Iskandar Al-Hiss said Umno in the state is divided into two camps.

Raja Ahmad claimed that one camp is lead by Menteri Besar Zambry Abdul Kadir which supports Najib while the other camp led by former menteri besar Mohammad Tajol Rosli Mohamed Ghazali is with Muhyiddin .

Raja Ahmad who is also the state deputy Youth chief said that although Tajol had given up his role in the state leadership, his camp of followers want to oust Zambry as the menteri besar.

It seems that Tajol’s followers want either Finance Minister II Ahmad Husni Hanadziah or Defence Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi to fill the top post.

However, Husni had indicated that he was more interested in the federal post rather than the menteri besar seat.

Also, Zahid had recently gave a media statement that he was not interested in the top state post and the three Perak MPs consisting of Law and Parliament Minister Nazri Abdul Aziz, Husni and himself were supportive of Zambry remaining as menteri besar after the 13th general election.

According to Raja Ahmad, in order to strengthen his political clout in the state, Zambry is not recommending the names of 12 Umno division chiefs considered as party rebels to stand as candidates in the coming elections.

The PAS leader said: “Instead he (Zambry) is taking advantage of Najib’s call for 50% of new and winnable faces from the state Umno camp and is recommending instead NGOs, his party supporters and retired senior civil servants.”

Raja Ahmad declined to name the 12 division Umno leaders and said that his information from Umno insiders is reliable.

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 17:29 | Report Abuse

...and nobody will say you are stupid if you don't open your mouth, haa haa haa

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 17:29 | Report Abuse

...and nobody will say you are stupid if you don't open your mouth, haa haa haa

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 17:27 | Report Abuse

and saufi74 can go too and ask questions until shit comes out of his mouth to.

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 17:27 | Report Abuse

and saufi74 can go too and ask questions until shit comes out of his mouth to.

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 17:26 | Report Abuse

and saufi74 can go too and ask questions until shit comes out of his mouth to.

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 17:25 | Report Abuse

and saufi74 can go too and ask questions until shit comes out of his mouth to.

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 17:24 | Report Abuse

Forum Manifesto Rakyat: Pakatan Harapan Rakyat - 13hb Mac (Rabu), 8mlm di Dewan Sivik MBPJ bersama YB Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad, sdr Rafizi Ramli, Dr Ong Kian Ming. Sebarkan!

.....BN supporters go & ask your questions and make yourself satisfied but please no eggs or stone throwing lah, lol

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 17:23 | Report Abuse

Forum Manifesto Rakyat: Pakatan Harapan Rakyat - 13hb Mac (Rabu), 8mlm di Dewan Sivik MBPJ bersama YB Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad, sdr Rafizi Ramli, Dr Ong Kian Ming. Sebarkan!

.....BN supporters go & ask your questions and make yourself satisfied but please no eggs or stone throwing lah, lol

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 17:19 | Report Abuse

At least Pakatan does something beneficial the people, not beend find ways to squeeze the people

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 17:18 | Report Abuse

my vote will be for any party EXCEPT UMNO CONTROLLED BN!!!!!

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2013-03-13 16:11 | Report Abuse

BN/UMNO padam muda lah, haa haa haa

Pakatan regime won’t bankrupt nation, says Musa Hitam

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia will not become bankrupt if Pakatan Rakyat (PR) trumps the Barisan Nasional (BN) to take Putrajaya, Tun Musa Hitam said as concern grows over the nation’s economic state amid a possible regime change in the coming polls.

The former deputy prime minister appeared to defend the opposition pact, which has been forecast by politicians and some observers aligned to the ruling BN coalition as likely to empty the nation’s coffers and scare off foreign investors with their proposed public policies in their bid to take federal power.

“That is a political statement; in my opinion, no. In fact, I have openly commented on this matter, including to bankers and outsiders.

“If the opposition were to rule, they would not make foreign investors run away. They will not do so and bankrupt the economy,” Musa was quoted as saying at a news conference in Shah Alam yesterday by Malay language news website, Sinar Harian Online.

The 78-year-old, who had been in office from 1981 to 1986, was reported saying the pact would work hard to maintain the country’s economic growth should it win in the 13th general election as it was important to present a positive picture to draw in investors.

Without naming any one person or party, he lashed out at PR’s critics who have been mounting a psychological campaign against the PKR-DAP-PAS partnership by repeatedly casting doubt on their election manifesto.

“If you accept the concept of democracy, you will therefore not say another party will bankrupt the nation,” Musa was quoted saying.

Malaysia’s economy grew 5.4 per cent last year, slightly above the economy’s potential rate of about five per cent, global research house Moody’s Analytics reported last month.

Southeast Asia’s third-largest economy will weather the next general election and maintain its robust growth even if there is a change in government, renowned world economist Nouriel Roubini told the Datum Economic Forum 2013 here on March 1.

Roubini, also known in the media as “Dr Doom” for his consistently pessimistic economic outlook, gave his prediction today amid previous warnings by names such as veteran statesman Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and former police chief Tan Sri Musa Hassan that Malaysia will descend into political and economic chaos should PR win the next polls.

“I would say whatever the result is going to be, this country has shown institutional and political stability.

“Investors recognised that, and therefore as long as there is a democratic process, as long as there’ll be policy clarity after those elections, it’s certainly going to be positive,” he said.

The PKR-DAP-PAS opposition parties had won 82 out of 222 federal seats in Parliament and four states in Election 2008, denying the BN their traditional two-thirds supermajority.

The landmark win has boosted the opposition bloc in their bid to topple the BN and form the next federal government.

Malaysia is expected to go to polls in the next few weeks.

Analysts have said the possibility for a regime change has emerged for the first time ever since the country’s independence in 1957.

- The Malaysian Insider

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 16:09 | Report Abuse

BN/UMNO padam muda lah, haa haa haa

Pakatan regime won’t bankrupt nation, says Musa Hitam

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia will not become bankrupt if Pakatan Rakyat (PR) trumps the Barisan Nasional (BN) to take Putrajaya, Tun Musa Hitam said as concern grows over the nation’s economic state amid a possible regime change in the coming polls.

The former deputy prime minister appeared to defend the opposition pact, which has been forecast by politicians and some observers aligned to the ruling BN coalition as likely to empty the nation’s coffers and scare off foreign investors with their proposed public policies in their bid to take federal power.

“That is a political statement; in my opinion, no. In fact, I have openly commented on this matter, including to bankers and outsiders.

“If the opposition were to rule, they would not make foreign investors run away. They will not do so and bankrupt the economy,” Musa was quoted as saying at a news conference in Shah Alam yesterday by Malay language news website, Sinar Harian Online.

The 78-year-old, who had been in office from 1981 to 1986, was reported saying the pact would work hard to maintain the country’s economic growth should it win in the 13th general election as it was important to present a positive picture to draw in investors.

Without naming any one person or party, he lashed out at PR’s critics who have been mounting a psychological campaign against the PKR-DAP-PAS partnership by repeatedly casting doubt on their election manifesto.

“If you accept the concept of democracy, you will therefore not say another party will bankrupt the nation,” Musa was quoted saying.

Malaysia’s economy grew 5.4 per cent last year, slightly above the economy’s potential rate of about five per cent, global research house Moody’s Analytics reported last month.

Southeast Asia’s third-largest economy will weather the next general election and maintain its robust growth even if there is a change in government, renowned world economist Nouriel Roubini told the Datum Economic Forum 2013 here on March 1.

Roubini, also known in the media as “Dr Doom” for his consistently pessimistic economic outlook, gave his prediction today amid previous warnings by names such as veteran statesman Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and former police chief Tan Sri Musa Hassan that Malaysia will descend into political and economic chaos should PR win the next polls.

“I would say whatever the result is going to be, this country has shown institutional and political stability.

“Investors recognised that, and therefore as long as there is a democratic process, as long as there’ll be policy clarity after those elections, it’s certainly going to be positive,” he said.

The PKR-DAP-PAS opposition parties had won 82 out of 222 federal seats in Parliament and four states in Election 2008, denying the BN their traditional two-thirds supermajority.

The landmark win has boosted the opposition bloc in their bid to topple the BN and form the next federal government.

Malaysia is expected to go to polls in the next few weeks.

Analysts have said the possibility for a regime change has emerged for the first time ever since the country’s independence in 1957.

- The Malaysian Insider

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 16:02 | Report Abuse

Anda pilih siapa?

Selangor di bawah PR dipimpin oleh Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, yang bukan sahaja bekerja keras, tetapi juga terbukti bersih & telus. Manakala, mantan MB BN Dato' Seri Mohd Khir Toyo dihukum mahkamah 12 bulan penjara atas rasuah.

Anda pilih siapa?

Walaupun Suruhanjaya Pengecah Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) cuba sedaya-upaya untuk memperkaitkan Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim dengan rasuah dan tuduhan-tuduhan liar, akhirnya SPRM terpaksa mengaku bahawa beliau adalah bersih.

Pada masa yang sama, mantan MB Selangor, Dato' Seri Mohd Khir Toyo didapati berasuah oleh Mahkamah kerana berpeluang membeli rumah mewah dengan harga yang terlalu murah daripada pihak kontraktor yang telah diberi pelbagai kontrak daripada kerajaan negeri semasa beliau memimpin, dari tahun 2000 sehingga 2008.

Apakah yang akan terjadi kepada kekayaan Selangor jikalau Khir Toyo menang dalam pilihanraya 2008 tidak dapat terfikir. Masalah pimpinan UMNO sekarang begitu rumit sehingga presiden UMNO Datuk Seri Najib Razak terpaksa dilantik sebagai Pengarah Pilihanraya Selangor BN kerana tiada pimpinan UMNO Selangor yang setanding dengan imej bersih Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim.

Dan kalaulah, PR tewas di Selangor dalam PRU-13 yang akan datang seperti yang dijangka dan diharapkan oleh pemimpin UMNO, maka hartanah kerajaan Selangor akan sekali lagi diselewengkan kepada pemimpin dan kroni-kroni BN.

Anda pilih siapa?

So anda pilih siapa?

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 15:50 | Report Abuse

Anda pilih siapa?

Pulau Pinang di bawah PR dipimpin oleh Ketua Menteri Lim Guan Eng, jelas cekap, bersih dan bebas dari pengaruh penyeleweng. Manakala, mantan Ketua Menteri BN Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon lebih dikenali sebagai boneka UMNO, sehingga tidak berani me...ngambil tindakan ke atas ahli UMNO yang membakar gambar beliau.

So anda pilih siapa?

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 15:45 | Report Abuse

Anda pilih siapa?

Selangor di bawah PR dipimpin oleh Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, telah menunjukkan prestasi kewangan yang cermerlang. Rezab kewangan kerajaan semasa 2008 adalah hanya RM400 juta. Akan tetapi dalam jangka masa yang pendek sahaja, ...rezab ini telah bertambah berkali-ganda ke RM2.5 bilion!

Anda pilih siapa?

Pencapaian ini bukannya disebabkan wang kerajaan tidak dibelanjakan seperti yang selalu dituduh oleh pembangkang Barisan Nasional. Malah, perbelanjaan kerajaan telah meningkat dari RM1.1 bilion pada 2008 ke RM1.6 bilion tahun ini.

Penjimatan ini telah dicapai walaupun kerajaan Selangor bawah PR telah memberikan pelbagai bayaran kebajikan kepada rakyat Selangor yang tidak pernah diperuntukkan oleh BN. Antara perbelanjaan yang besar adalah 20m3 air percuma untuk setiap keluarga yang memakan perbelanjaan sebanyak RM650 juta sejak dasar ini dilaksanakan. Sekolah Agama Rakyat, Sekolah Rendah Cina dan Tamil juga mendapat bantuan kerajaan negeri berpuluh-puluh juta, walaupun ia merupakan tanggungjawab kerajaan pusat BN.

Pencapaian kerajaan Selangor meningkatkan rezab dan meningkatkan perbelanjaan yang mendahulukan kepentingan rakyat hanya tercapai kerana sebuah pentadbiran yang bersih dan beramanah. Ia juga membuktikan kecekapan pemimpin PR dalam pengurusan dan pentadbiran ekonomi dan kewangan.

Hendakkah rakyat Selangor memberikan rezab yang telah terkumpul ini dipulangkan kepada BN pada pilihanraya yang akan datang? Wang rakyat yang lama dijimatkan ini akan tersia-sia diselewengkan sekali lagi oleh pemimpin BN.

Anda pilih siapa?

Anda pilih siapa?

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 15:31 | Report Abuse

..and Selangor Pakat Rakyat government saves Selangor Rkyat money...does BN/UMNO does this?????? So, anda pilih siapa?

Selangor semasa zaman BN telah menswastakan perkhidmatan kutipan sampah kepada syarikat Alam Flora Sdn Bhd tanpa sebarang tender. Pada 2010, selepas konsesi Alam Flora tamat tempohnya, kerajaan PR Selangor telah memperkenalkan tender terbuka yang diuruskan oleh setiap majlis perbandaran (PBT).

Akibat dasar telus dan terbuka, rakyat Selangor dapat penjima...tan sebanyak RM81 juta setiap tahun!

Anda pilih siapa?

Kerajaan BN mempunyai dasar menswastakan segala perkhidmatan kerajaan - seperti air, pengangkutan, jalanraya dll - yang boleh mendatangkan keuntungan lumayan kepada kroni-kroni mereka. Segala proses penswastaan adalah tidak telus dan tidak melalui sebarang tender terbuka untuk mendapat mutu tertinggi dengan kos paling rendah.

Perkhidmatan pengutipan sampah di negeri Selangor telah diswastakan kepada Alam Flora pada tahun 90-an, syarikat milik DRB-Hicom di mana Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary merupakan pemilik saham terbesar.

Selepas Pakatan mengambil-alih kerajaan Selangor, apabila konsesi Alam Flora tamat, Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim cuba merunding semula konsesi untuk menurunkan kos kepada kerajaan. Akan tetapi, rundingan tersebut gagal dan Alam Flora memulangkan konsesi tersebut kepada kerajaan.

Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim tidak cuba menswastakan konsesi tersebut kepada mana-mana pihak yang tertentu. Sebaliknya, beliau mengarah supaya perkhidmatan ini ditender terbuka secara terus oleh setiap PBT kepada kontraktor-kontraktor kecil. Dasar ini bukan sahaja dapat memberikan peluang secara langsung kepada kontraktor kecil tanpa "orang tengah" yang memakan komisen, ia juga mendatangkan penjimatan besar kepada kerajaan sebanyak RM81 juta setiap tahun!

Pada awalnya, semasa penyesuaian dan perlaksanaan dasar baru ini mendatangkan sedikit kerumitan kepada rumahtangga di Selangor. Akan tetapi, segala masalah telahpun dibereskan dan mutu perkhidmatan sekarang tidak kurang atau lebih baik daripada zaman BN, dengan kos yang jauh lebih rendah.

Kerajaan-kerajaan Pakatan akan menjalankan tender terbuka untuk semua projek kerajaan, tak kira samada penswastaan atau perolehan. Penjimatan beratus-ratus juta setiap tahun dapat dipulangkan kepada rakyat dengan infrastructure yang lebih baik dan bayaran kebajikan kepada pihak berkeperluan yang lebih tinggi.

Kalau kerajaan negeri yang begitu kecil bajetnya dapat menjimatkan beratus-ratus juta, apatah lagi kalau PR dapat menguasai Putrajaya yang mempunyai bajet 150 kali-ganda bajet Selangor.

Anda pilih siapa?

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 15:20 | Report Abuse

...yes, now JV, then technology isn't he this Penang Chief Minister YB LGE.....salute, salute, salute!!

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 15:13 | Report Abuse

....talking without proof is just to idiotic, talk with some proof to show..nowadays Malaysians are better informed and please don't think that they are stupid!!

Pulau Pinang telah membuktikan bahawa pentadbiran Pakatan adalah jauh lebih cekap untuk menjimatkan wang dan aset kerajaan. BN memperuntukkan 325 ekar tanah kepada pihak pemaju untuk mendapat Lebuhraya Jelutong bernilai RM325 juta. Sebaliknya pimpinan Pakatan telah mentenderkan jalanraya dan lebuhraya bernilai RM6.5 bilion dengan kos 110 ekar tanah sahaja....

Anda pilih siapa?

Anda pilih siapa?

Kerajaan Pakatan di bawah pimpinan Lim Guan Eng berjaya mendapat nilai RM6.5 bilion daripada sekeping tanah 110 ekar sahaja kerana kami melaksanakan tender terbuka antarabangsa.

Projek RM6.5 bilion ini merangkumi jalanraya 21km dan juga sebuah terowong bawah Selat Pulau Pinang 6.5km. Hanya dengan tender terbuka, rakyat akan menikmati nilai yang paling tinggi, dengan kos yang paling rendah.

Sebaliknya, kerajaan BN sebelum 2008 di bawah pimpinan Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon hanya dapat sebuah lebuhraya 6km bernilai RM325 juta dengan sekeping tanah yang jauh lebih besar, 325 ekar.

Ini adalah akibat pentadbiran yang tidak telus di mana keuntungan kroni-kroni BN diutamakan.

Kami percaya jika dasar ini dilaksanakan di kerajaan persekutuan, kami akan dapat mencapai peningkatan hasil dan penjimatan kos yang lebih tinggi lagi supaya wang ini dapat meringankan beban rakyat dan juga menaiktarafkan infrastructur negara.

BN beri tanah besar, dapat nilai yang terlalu rendah. Pakatan beri tanah kecil, dapat nilai berbilion-bilion untuk rakyat. Anda pilih siapa?

Anda pilih siapa?

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 15:05 | Report Abuse

Ketika melancarkan Institut Wasatiyyah Malaysia minggu lalu, PM Najib Razak menyeru umat Islam dan bukan Islam di Malaysia untuk mengamalkan konsep dan semangat wasatiyyah (sederhana).

Akan tetapi bolehkah Najib menjelaskan konsep "wasatiyah"nya sedangkan UMNO menggalakkan ahli-ahlinya untuk menceroboh acara-acara anjuran Pakatan Rakyat, yang menyebabkan kerosakan harta-benta, mencederakan ahli P...akatan Rakyat dan menghasut keganasan seperti "membakar bangunan ibu pejabat PKR".

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 14:55 | Report Abuse

....again no hanky panky with the Selangor state Pakat Rakyat government.

Semasa pentadbiran BN sebelum 2008, hutang Talam kepada kerajaan negeri Selangor terkumpul berpuluh tahun sehingga RM392 juta, satu sen pun tak dikutip. Selepas kemenangan Pakatan, hutang ini dikutip 100% dalam jangkamasa 6 bulan sahaja.

Anda pilih siapa?

So which government is more corrupted?????

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 14:46 | Report Abuse

Before anyone opens his mouth an talk bad about the Penang government, then compare BN administration of Penang before YB LGE takes over. Talking is cheap , so please show some proof.

Kerajaan BN Pulau Pinang menjual 980 ekar tanah di Tanjong Tokong kepada pihak pemaju dengan harga RM42.7 juta atau RM1 setiap kaki persegi. Kerajaan Pakatan pula menjual tanah secara tender terbuka - hanya 103 ekar Bayan Mutiara dijual dengan harga RM1.07 bilion atau RM240 setiap kaki persegi. Keuntungan yang diperolehi pula dipulangkan kepada rakyat negeri.

Now who is corrupted???????

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 14:04 | Report Abuse

"癫狗" 插爆 蔡CD 回教國 大謊言!!!(大马华人必看)

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 13:59 | Report Abuse


Curi-curi wang Malaysia? 偷偷马来西亚钱?(流畅版)

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 13:52 | Report Abuse

BR1M - Helah BN Beli Undi Rakyat

Bantuan Rakyat 1 Malaysia (BR1M) adalah usaha terkini Barisan Nasional untuk membeli undi anda secara halus. Janganlah tertipu dengan muslihat mereka ini yang telah puluhan tahun merompak hasil negara sebanyak berbilion ringgit, tetapi apabila sudah terdesak mahukan sokongan anda, hanya menyedekahkan sebahagian kecil daripada harta negara yang merupakan duit anda sendiri kepada rakyat, seolah-olah anda seorang pengemis.

Ingatlah, duit BR1M adalah hak anda! Undi anda bukan untuk dijual beli!
Ubah Sekarang, Bersihkan Malaysia. Ini kali lah!

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 13:48 | Report Abuse

BN/UMNO try this for size....

Ubah Sekarang, Bersihkan Malaysia!

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 13:24 | Report Abuse

Posted by iafx > Mar 13, 2013 10:11 AM | Report Abuse

kakak detergent, amusing:

..this idiotic Chinese kakak detergent think it great to do this advertisement....I am really ashamed of her being a Chinese. More suitable to entertain Chua Soil Leg, haa haa haa

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 04:07 | Report Abuse

BN/UMNO, our ex-Deputy PM had spoken out for Pakatan Rakyat, eat your hearts out UMNO, haa haa haa

Tun Musa pertahan dasar Buku Jingga PR

SHAH ALAM: Bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tun Musa Hitam menepis dakwaan bahawa ekonomi negara akan bankrap sekiranya Pakatan Rakyat mengambil alih pemerintahan Pusat selepas pilihan raya umum ke-13 (PRU 13).

Musa berkata, perkara itu tidak akan berlaku sekiranya Pakatan Rakyat mampu menjaga kestabilan sektor pelaburan yang menjadi asas dalam struktur ekonomi negara.

Katanya, spekulasi itu hanya kenyataan politik berkepentingan sebelah pihak sahaja yang sengaja dijaja untuk menakutkan rakyat.

“Jika sekali pun pembangkang memerintah negara mereka tidak akan sebegitu bodoh mahu membiarkan ekonomi negara muflis seperti yang lain sangkakan.

“Saya tak fikir ekonomi negara akan musnah, sama seperti apa yang pernah saya jelaskan kepada beberapa sektor perbankan dan pelabur asing.

“Perkara asasnya kita kena menjaga komuniti pelaburan,” katanya kepada pemberita di sini hari ini. selepas menghadiri Bicara Minda ‘Survival Ekonomi Melayu’ di Kompleks Karangkraf......

..continue reading here please..

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 02:39 | Report Abuse

DIGGING UMNO'S GRAVE: Mahathir - the most poisonous man in Malaysia

THIS week saw a slew of stories exposing former premier Mahathir Mohamad’s dirty political hands – using government institutions to cheat to remain in political power.

It shows his shady past abuses of power is fast catching up with him and the rakyat are no more his obeying robot, like when he ruled for 22 years in the past.

What is disgusting is that this 87-year-old stubborn mule does not know when to stop his evil agenda to divide Malaysians with the use of racial and religious issues.

Malaysia is perhaps the only country in the world where racist politicians can divide the people with just one word – Allah (God). It’s a word used by the world long before the founding of Islam.

So, how can certain pea brain Muslims claim the word is exclusive to them and thus cannot be used by non-Muslims.

The same pea brain Muslims in Malaysia propagate that if the world is used by non-Muslims, the Muslims will be confused. Are they saying the Malays are so stupid and weak in their faith?

This Allah issue has been raised once too often by politicians that the rakyat has become so sick and tired of it.

Whether the issue was raised by the Opposition DAP or PAS or by Barisan Nasional (BN)’s Umno, MCA or MIC, it was all started by the racist BN government when it banned the use of the word. So, the blame must go to the racist BN........


News & Blogs

2013-03-13 02:35 | Report Abuse

A leader without a wallet?

After seeing a picture of PAS Murshidul Am Tuan Guru Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat using a mere envelope as his money pouch, a PAS member decided to present him with a proper wallet to keep his money.

Last night, a wallet specially made for Nik Aziz by the anonymous party activist was presented by PAS information chief Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man and Shura Council secretary Nik Zawawi Mohd Salleh, before the council's meeting.

The wallet is hand-made, green in colour and bears the PAS logo.

Nik Aziz recalled that he had only bought two wallets in his lifetime: once before furthering his studies abroad and another upon his return.

The picture of Nik Aziz receiving the wallet went viral shortly after it was uploaded on Facebook, with some 108,000 views within four hours.


News & Blogs

2013-03-12 18:22 | Report Abuse

Massive turnout for the press conference to announce Himpunan Hijau Chairman, Wong Tack to contest the Bentong parliamentary seat under the DAP ticket.

Welcome to Pakatan Rakyat, and together we can truly challenge the MCA fortress of Bentong currently held by Minister of Health, Dato' Seri Liow Tiong Lai.

News & Blogs

2013-03-12 17:14 | Report Abuse

Wong Tack, the chairman of Himpunan Hijau coalition, will contest in Bentong (Pahang) parliament seat on a DAP ticket in GE13.

Watch live now the press conference at

* NOTE: press conference has ended (4:40pm), please come back to UbahTV for other live streaming sessions for different DAP and Pakatan Rakyat events. We'll announce on our Facebook page when the next live stream is available. Stay tuned.

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2013-03-12 15:58 | Report Abuse

Saksikan siaran langsung sidang media oleh Sdr Lim Guan Eng pada pukul 4pm hari ini (12 Mac 2013).

News & Blogs

2013-03-12 15:43 | Report Abuse

thank you brother Fat Cat Tim Buddy for your kind suggestion but I feel posting in this topic is good enough.

Once again my sincere thanks, take care.

News & Blogs

2013-03-12 15:41 | Report Abuse

Sidang Media di Ibu Pejabat KEADILAN pagi ini :

Yb Nurul Izzah menasihati supaya semua penyokong PAKATAN RAKYAT tidak kira berada dimana jua sekali pun berhati-hati lah dengan keganasan dan provokasi yg dilakukan oleh pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab ini dan mengharapkan pihak berkuasa mengambil tindakan supaya mereka mendapat hukuman setimpalnya dan supaya pekara ini tidak berleluasa.

12 Mac 2013

PS....BTW, she could be our 1st Malaysia female Prime Minister in future.

News & Blogs

2013-03-12 15:30 | Report Abuse

Umno Ganas, Pakatan Rakyat Menang Lebih Besar

KUALA LUMPUR: Keganasan Umno akan memberi kemenangan lebih besar kepada Pakatan Rakyat, jadi tidak timbul soal bertindak balas, kata Pengarah Propaganda Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM), Edy Noor Reduan.

Beliau menyatakan demikian sebagai mengulas keganasan yang mengancam nyawa apabila kayu dan telur dibaling ke arah bangunan ibu pejabat PKR di Damansara, semalam.

Minggu lalu, keganasan juga telah berlaku dalam satu majlis ceramah di Bukit Katil, Melaka yang menyebabkan dua orang hadirin cedera berdarah di kepala.

Katanya, semua keganasan itu berlaku dengan jumlah yang kerap semenjak Umno dan Barisan Nasional dilihat tidak mampu bangkit dari kekalahan PRU tahun 2008.

Menurutnya, keyakinan terhadap mereka untuk terus memerintah terus merundum........

......sambong bacha...

News & Blogs

2013-03-12 15:21 | Report Abuse

.....bagus on..

Rayer gives Dhina 24-hour deadline
Athi Shankar
| March 12, 2013

The DAP man wants the Penang MIC Youth chief to retract his allegations linking the former to abuse of power and corruption.

GEORGE TOWN: Penang MIC Youth chief J Dhinagaran has been given 24 hours to retract and openly apologise for allegedly linking a DAP man to abuse of power and graft.

DAP’s Seri Delima assemblyman RSN Rayer and his personal aide, S Sivalingam, have issued the notices of action to Dhinagaran.

They also want Dhinagaran to pay them damages; if he fails, they will file a legal suit by next week.

The notices, dated yesterday, were issued by legal firm R Nethaji Rayer & Co on behalf of the duo and delivered to Dhinagaran today.

The notices referred to Dhinagaran’s statement that appeared in FMT under article entitled “Penang state assemblyman under fire” on March 11, and in the Kuala Lumpur Post under article entitled “Penang MIC Youth Dhina Revealed Karpal Singh’s Strong Supporter in Corrupt Practices” on March 8.

The notices stated that Dhinagaran had recklessly, wrongly, irresponsibly, negligently, falsely and maliciously caused his statements to be published in both news portals, accusing Rayer and Sivalingam of abusing power and being involved in corrupt practices.

Rayer told a press conference here today that Dhinagaran’s allegations were malicious lies and challenged the MIC man to furnish proofs to support his claims.

Producing two letters as proof, Dhinagaran was reported to have said that a Pakatan Rakyat supporter, Rahman Mohd Zainal, had written to the DAP leaders alleging that Sivalingam had misused state education funds by allocating money to his relatives.

“Apparently, Sivalingam has allocated RM6,000 to his niece and another RM3,000 to his relative who is from Ipoh. He spent the state education fund for this with Rayer’s knowledge,” Dhinagaran added.

Dhinagaran said in the second letter, penned by Rayer himself, the DAP representative admitted donating a microwave oven to the Penang northeast land and district office.

But Rayer insisted that it was his personal gift to be used in the district office pantry section.

“It was not for any particular person or return of favour.

“It was a gift from my personal money, not from any funds,” said Rayer who produced a letter to substantiate his claims.

Rayer also admitted he allotted RM6,000 for a two-year period (2008 and 2009) to a female student, who happened to be his distant relative.

But he said the recipient who resided in Seri Delima was a needy person, and was qualified and eligible for the fund.

“The fund was allotted under an open transparent process. There was nothing fishy about it. I have rejected applications by so many relatives for similar funds on grounds of ineligibility,” he said.

He, however, strongly refuted Dhinagaran’s claims that he had allotted RM3,000 to another relative.

In an immediate response, Dhinagaran issued his own deadline to Rayer to speak the truth or the former would take action.

He said he would not accede to Rayer’s demands and gave him till Sunday to admit his mistakes. If Rayer fails to do so, Dhinagaran said he would lodge a report with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

“I have proof and I am not scared of his threat of legal suit. As a lawyer, he thinks he can get away with his threats.

“I am not cowed by his threats,” Dhinagaran said in a text message.

PS...for BN/MCA/MIC talking is cheap & sometimes idiots follow like sheep, haa ha

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2013-03-12 15:03 | Report Abuse

Goyang! Goyang! Johor dah hilang!
Thank You Nam Xing Trading for having the courage to UBAH!

News & Blogs

2013-03-12 14:54 | Report Abuse

Umno hate to see the races united because they govern by rule and divide tactics.Umno use the race issue to attack DAP and MCA use Hudud to attack PAS.Let us unite as Malaysians to stop BN to save our beautiful country!

News & Blogs

2013-03-12 14:48 | Report Abuse

A men admitted in his FB status that he was promised $20 for demostrating in PKR headquarters yesterday.