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News & Blogs

2013-03-05 18:17 | Report Abuse

Defense analyst: 'Malaysian 9/11' could have been avoided

News & Blogs

2013-03-05 18:14 | Report Abuse

Over to you Ah Jib Kor & BN...

Polls fraud: Students warn of silent revolt
Alyaa Azhar
| March 5, 2013

Silent revolution to be conducted after GE13 if fraudulence occurs, says KAMI president.

News & Blogs

2013-03-05 18:10 | Report Abuse

Lahad Datu – upshot of a dubious policy
FMT Staff
| March 4, 2013

Desperate situations call for desperate measures. What does one do when one is cornered and could lose power? more here please..

News & Blogs

2013-03-05 17:00 | Report Abuse

Now what BN? train them , now they point their guns at reap what you sow?

Malaysian-trained MNLF fighters join Sulu army
March 5, 2013

A MNLF leader claims that their forces have a huge arsenal hidden in Sabah's rugged terrain.

MANILA: Malaysian security forces are now facing battle-tested, Malaysian-trained commanders of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), who know Sabah like the palm of their hands.... on here..

News & Blogs

2013-03-05 12:48 | Report Abuse

Najib, Mahathir failed us’
Joseph Bingkasan
| March 5, 2013

A former Sabah Barisan Nasional MP has slammed Mahathir for his sudden contradictory 'Muslims don't shoot Muslims' stand.

KOTA KINABALU: A Sabah MP has criticised former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s statement that the Malaysian armed forces did not take action against the intruders from the Philippines because the militants were Muslims and that “Muslims don’t shoot fellow Muslims.”

read more here please....

News & Blogs

2013-03-05 10:31 | Report Abuse

Every problem in Malaysia also blame it on Anwar,next they will blame Anwar for the fall of the share index.The Sulu Sultanate has denied links to the opposition in Malaysia!

see the picture to see the denial..

News & Blogs

2013-03-05 06:30 | Report Abuse

...and YB Anwar.... hah. Anwar Agen semua benda. puas hati aku hahahahahaha

News & Blogs

2013-03-05 06:23 | Report Abuse

Brother Frank Soweto, it's Malaysia Boleh, haaa haa haa

News & Blogs

2013-03-05 02:57 | Report Abuse

brother KCLoh, here's what PANIC is define...

Panic is a sudden sensation of fear which is so strong as to dominate or prevent reason and logical thinking, replacing it with overwhelming feelings of anxiety and frantic agitation consistent with an animalistic fight-or-flight reaction. Panic may occur singularly in individuals or manifest suddenly in large groups as mass panic (closely related to herd behavior). no logic thinking as it flew out of the windows and these UMNO can still TINK SO WISELY & CLEVERLY to remove the UMNO logos & !Malaysia logos stickers?


News & Blogs

2013-03-05 02:33 | Report Abuse



Heightening the siege mentality

Every time when Mahathir comments on citizenship of non-Malays, he invariably heightens the siege mentality of his intended audience and reinforces the notion that this land belongs first and foremost to Malays. Being a non-Malay seems like an ‘original sin’ and we are only ‘tolerated’ thanks to Umno’s ‘generosity’ and ‘benevolence’.

On revocation of citizenship, Mahathir has been wrong to say the government would need a two-thirds majority. In fact, Chapter II of the current constitution of the federation of Malaysia already provides that one’s citizenship may be terminated if the government is satisfied that one ‘has shown himself by act or speech to be disloyal or disaffected towards the federation’. (Article 25(1)(a)).

In 1961, the Tunku-led government of the then-Malaya revoked the citizenship of Lim Lian Geok, a prominent educationist, under this Article because the latter had been opposed to the education policies at the time. Lim in turn argued that the government ought to list out the allegations of ‘disloyalty’ and ‘disaffection’ against him, and fought his case all the way to the Privy Council in London, only to be dismissed.

He died in 1985 a stateless man and the case still represents a major miscarriage of justice in Malaysia.

But Mahathir must be reminded that Malaysia is duty-bound to ensure any termination of citizenship would not result in statelessness, as set out under Article 26B(2) of the constitution.Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights also spells out that ‘everyone has the right to nationality’ and that ‘no-one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality’.

Hence, not only are Mahathir’s remarks on Ambiga’s citizenship belittling and irresponsible, they are also against the rule of law.
Now that Najib is counting on this hateful man to revive his dwindling political fortunes, there is a high probability that, should Umno be returned to power with increased support, Mahathirism, too, would make a full comeback. It does send chills down my spine as there is no scenario more nightmarish and catastrophic than this.

JOSH HONG studied politics at London Metropolitan University and the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. A keen watcher of domestic and international politics, he longs for a day when Malaysians will learn and master the art of self-mockery, and enjoy life to the full in spite of politicians.


...a section of what readers say..

Senior He is nor a real Malay....only technically a Malay ( his own admission on CNN)......if not for TAR his father would not have been a citizen......and therefore he then cannot be technically a Malay to read medicine to be a Doc. UMNO is no longer a party to assist the Malays ....but UMNO puteras mostly technically Malays
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Pink Floyd Najis is carrying too much baggage ie. his father's rotten legacy and his self-inflicted crimes i.e corruption, altantuya blasted to smithereens etc. His position is hence shaky from the outset. He's thus standing on thin ice and is exploited/vulnerable to the umno warlords i.e. mamakthir, cowmoodin etc. These evil and sinister rogues are using Najis for their ulterior motives. Mammakthir is going all out hoping on the ub (umno/bn) continuance on the reins of the government to prevent the exposes/indictment of his various crimes against the msian humanity i.e. squandering of and siphoning off billions, project ic etc. Please take note that he's planning for his botak son mukriz for the premiership. Shame on this dirty and heinous top most msian crook/criminal.
NaN/NaN/NaN NaN:NaN:NaNpm | Report

clongviews Najib's position as UMNO president and PM is at the will of Mahathir. As he has no confidence of leading and winning in the GE13 he has to beg Mahathir the master of playing racial cards for help. Badawi refuse to kow tow to him and hence Mahathirism was stuck and put in cold storage. Mahathir attacked him and spoke against his son in law, Khairy also. But the good gentleman never retaliated. Now, Najib has opened opportunities for Mahathir to revive Mahathirism and also realise his dream of a dynasty. So, inspite of his age he is even working doubly hard sowing seeds of disunity and poking at racial/religious sensitivities to shore up support for Najib. Nambikei, Najib, you help me I help you!!!!!!!!
NaN/NaN/NaN NaN:NaN:NaNpm | Report

jk7462000 Mahathir belongs in jail... period
NaN/NaN/NaN NaN:NaN:NaNpm | Report

News & Blogs

2013-03-05 02:30 | Report Abuse

The return of Mahathirism


The return of Mahathirism

It was reported that some 3,000 Felda settlers were given the ‘honour’ of previewing the controversial film Tanda Putera together with former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad last Monday.

This did not surprise me given that Mahathir is now the de factocommander-in-chief for Umno. But for those who naively believe Najib Abdul Razak to be a sincere leader trying his utmost to reach out to the people regardless of creed, race and religion, they should be rightly concerned that the instruction to show the propagandistic film actually came from the Prime Minister’s Office. Yet another proof of Najib’s duplicity!

NONEThat Mahathir had to be brought back to shore up support among the Felda settlers is a strong indication of Najib’s lack of confidence. It is also plain that the accusation by the National Association of Felda Settlers’ Children (Anak) that Felda is engaged in dodgy land deals is gaining credence.

For all his talk of reform, Najib knows full well that Umno, being a Malay party, is like a leopard that cannot change its spots overnight. It never will unless there is a seismic political change in the country. With the Chinese vote gone and Indian support hanging in the balance, Najib has to ensure Umno remains strong in its traditional constituency. When it comes to this, no-one is better at the job than Mahathir.

But Mahathir is a bane for many non-Malays, and his racist remarks are most hurtful to those who sincerely regard Malaysia as their only home. When confronted with the home truth of illegal migrants in Sabah, Mahathir sought to divert the issue by blaming Tunku Abdul Rahman for having granted citizenship to up to a million non-Malays at independence.

azlanRecently, he also suggested in a rather malicious manner that people should give Barisan Nasional a two-thirds majority in Parliament so that our constitution could be amended to revoke the citizenship of certain ‘errant’ lawyers such as Ambiga Sreenevasan.

Outrageous his view may have been, it was clearly meant for the conservative segment of the Malay constituency. What makes it interesting to observe is that Mahathir appears to relish playing up the citizenship issue vis-a-vis non-Malays only.

For instance, he has never included Abdul Samad Said in his list of attack despite that the national laureate is a core leader of the Bersih movement, perhaps mindful that doing so would not go down well with the Malay community in view of Pak Samad’s high esteem.

Mahathir is acutely aware of his own mixed heritage, which explains partly why, throughout his six-decades long political career, he would not hesitate to portray himself as a ‘real’ Malay fighter. It is meant to compensate for his inferiority complext no doubt, but one should really question why on earth should one feel inadequate at having Indian blood.

Even with his nemesis Anwar Ibrahim, Mahathir has never questioned his citizenship, labelling the opposition leader as a ‘traitor to the Malays’ or ‘US stooge’ instead.

Unquote: continue

News & Blogs

2013-03-05 02:23 | Report Abuse



As a leader, Najib is increasingly isolated. As he loses control of the situation in Sabah, he turns to the usual bogeyman, opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.

Najib portrays Anwar as a supervillain – a friend of Israel, Turkey, the United States and their Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), someone with uncontrollable sexual urges who masterminds fiscal deals, and who is also a porn star. Najib now wants to accuse Anwar of being the mastermind of the invading army. What else is new?

More importantly, does the electorate really care about Najib’s perception of Anwar? Shouldn’t Najib get his priorities right and maintain security first, rather than wasting precious resources trying to pin the blame on the opposition?

Anyone who has ever lived and worked in Sabah or Sarawak will know about the abject poverty, the lack of infrastructure, and the many illegal immigrants from Indonesia and the Philippines. These are not new problems.

Every so often, kidnappings will focus the attention of the authorities, who react to protect the tourism industry rather than the population.

In the past, some of us have tried to highlight the more common issues to the wider world, but the threat of the Internal Security Act (ISA), physical violence and retaliatory measures meant we were effectively gagged. The collusion of Umno and the media companies it owned meant that these disturbing stories were played down and seldom leaked out; until now.

Today we fight back

It could be said that for a while, Malaysians were lulled into thinking that violence in Sabah and Sarawak was limited to the karaoke bars when fights would break out over the quality of singing or the affections of B-girls. Today, the combination of a stronger opposition, dynamic activists and more vocal citizens are finally thwarting Umno’s mass deception.

NONEIn November last year, a palm oil estate manager and his nephew had been kidnapped from Lahad Datu. As a precaution, marine patrols were increased. A few days later, insurgents armed with M16 rifles raided a fish landing platform near Tawau. The raid was reported by a lone worker, who hid from them.

Had the militants been testing the capabilities of our defence patrols? Anyway, the raiding party was able to slip through without being challenged.

It would be naive to think that no armed men entered Malaysian waters before the problem was first highlighted on Feb 12. Several trips and arms caches have probably been secreted throughout Sabah, awaiting a signal for deployment.

When will Umno leaders put the country first, before themselves and the party? A political pundit has alleged that unless Najib raises his game drastically, he will be known as the most inept PM of Malaysia, sandwiched between the shamelessly corrupt Mahathir Mohamad and the feckless Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Najib needs to stop prancing about on the world stage and deal with matters at home. As for Mahathir, his chickens have come home to roost, and our nightmares are about to begin.

MARIAM MOKHTAR is a non-conformist traditionalist from Perak, a bucket chemist and an armchair eco-warrior. In ‘real-speak’, this translates into that she comes from Ipoh, values change but respects culture, is a petroleum chemist and also an environmental pollution-control scientist.


News & Blogs

2013-03-05 02:21 | Report Abuse

Najib's affairs all off-target

Mariam Mokhtar
* 12:13PM Mar 4, 2013


Anyone who cares about the future of Malaysia should be alarmed by the complacency of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and his cabinet about state security. He is a bumbling prime minister who trips from one scandal to another. He is adept at posturing on the world stage, but fails to grasp the seriousness of the situation at home.

During his tenure, defenceless but peaceful protestors were beaten up, and teenagers shot at. Like a typical class bully, Najib shies away from those who are better armed and organised.

Imagine this scenario – A person walks into your house, through the front door which was left open, and makes himself at home. Do you extend him your hospitality? What would you do if this intruder demands more material comforts and refuses to budge? Since when did we, as a nation, negotiate with invaders?

The rakyat first registered their alarm when uniformed and armed Sulu militants landed in Sabah. In a classic error of judgement, Najib refused to take a break from political campaigning, preferring instead to get a head start before officially announcing the date of GE13.

When will our ministers put themselves in the shoes of the farmers whose lives and livelihoods are at risk? Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein reportedly said that the men were neither terrorists, nor militants. The sultan of Sulu’s wife claimed that the men were on a “picnic”. Days later, several men are dead. On whose hands are their blood?

Today, Najib must bear responsibility for his humiliating retreat and for his refusal to take charge of a potentially explosive situation. Does he covet power above all else?

azlanAnother person who should bear some blame is former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad. He masterminded “Project M”, which gave citizenship to illegal immigrants. Like Najib, he was obsessed with power.

Ironically, the modus operandi which assured a win for Mahathir and his party will eventually cause the downfall of Umno. The foreigners who were issued with MyKads did not deserve them. The insurgents who died might have been their brothers. These MyKad holders will vote against BN.

Ministers have nothing useful to say

The Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman and his brother, the equally ineffective Foreign Minister Anifah Aman whose face dominated the publicity shots during Najib’s ill-advised Gaza trip recently, have little to say. Neither have we heard anything of value from Defence Minister Zahid Hamidi.

Army General Zulkifli Mat Zain praised the armed intruders in saying that they had combat experience and were skilled in insurgency tactics. The rakyat could have told him that, without any input from the intelligence services.

Mahathir acts under the illusion that he still rules Malaysia, he refuses to accept the role which he played in this recent bloodbath. He justifies the government’s ‘softly, softly’ approach because these intruders “have families and friends in Sabah” and were Muslims.

He ‘forgot’ that these Muslim invaders have their own agenda. How insensitive can he get? What about the Malaysian lives which were lost?

Meanwhile, Najib fails to grasp the severity of the incursion. Media coverage has been scant. His cabinet has shown its arrogance and ignorance. It is disconnected from the sentiments and sensitivities of the Sabahans and Malaysians in general. Najib’s incompetence has played into the hands of Sabah separatists – both internal and external.



News & Blogs

2013-03-05 02:13 | Report Abuse

...and again dirty UMNO at work, damn. I say we kick out totally UMNO for the good of all peaceful on..


BN supporters disrupt Teluk Intan DAP ceramah

Teluk Intan MP M Manogaran had to be escorted out of a DAP ceramah session in Teluk Intan town centre by police last night after a group of BN supporters disrupted the event.

Eyewitnesses said the intruders, numbering around 40, gatecrashed the function and hurled abuses at the Pakatan Rakyat leaders and supporters.

NONEFollowing this, the police urged both BN and Pakatan supporters to disperse, citing security concerns.

However, with some of the BN supporters lingering around the venue, the police escorted Manogaran (right) out and about 4km east from Teluk Intan town to ensure his safety.

When contacted today, Manogaran said the police could have handled the situation better and dealt firmly with the BN supporters, who were clearly the aggressors.

“We were there lawfully and the police should have handled the intruders, but they were outnumbered and unprepared,” Manogaran said.

However, he commended Hilir Perak district police chief Goh Kok Liang for being at the scene and being very proactive in engaging with both groups.

Racist taunts from the BN youths

Manogaran said that the BN supporters were mainly youths, some in their teens, who arrived in a lorry and carrying long bamboo poles with BN flags attached.

“They were very thuggish and made racist statements to provoke the mostly Chinese and Indian crowd.

“Among other things that they chanted was that Teluk Intan was ‘Malay land’ and that we should get out,” he said.

Manogaran said this was the first time that a DAP event in the area had been disrupted.

Pasir Pedamar assemblyperson Seah Leong Peng, who organised the ceramah, said the Pakatan supporters at the event – numbering at about 1,000 – were very angry with the disruption, but were well-behaved.

“They were also angry that the police had asked us to stop the ceramah and so they held a sit-in protest for about 30 minutes,” added Seah, who lodged a police report on the incident today.


..a part from what readers wrote...

Progressive The police must uphold the law and the spirit of the law. These UMNO gangsters shoud have been "escorted out" rather than Manogaran being escorted out. Police reinforcement should have been called in and these thugs arrested for disturbing the peace. The police is NOT neutral.

Anonymous_4056 Surely majority of Malays are not like this. What a DISGRACE TO THE MALAY RACE AND ITS RELIGION. WHERE are their good testimony of Islam being a religion of PEACE AND COMPASSION. Aren't the Malay a gentle race noted for its tolerance. UMNO MUST HAVE DESTROYED ALL THESE GREAT QUALITIES.

Anonymous_4056 So sending the UMNO thugs to disrupt opposition CERAMAH is Malaysian culture. Really fed up with the UMNO party for EVERYTIME I pass by an UMNO flag I curse it in God's Name. Let us all cursed UMNO in God's Name a Name above all other names and UMNO will surely wither along with its members. No point at all lodging Polis report the, bottom line is - You have to stop, UMNO with just 40 thugs won the day. The Polis did not lose they wanted the CERAMAH disrupted so EVIL TRIUMPH. Now, everywhere is TANAH Melayu. What say you Mahakutty? Malay culture, I don't think so, PAS Malays are not like this.

Milosevic This police strategy of not curtailing or punishing the brown shirts and UMNO SS youth is deliberate. UMNO needs to rule through intimidation and to provoke destabilizing conditions. The police lost their independence and professionalism a long time ago. UMNO does not want too see the development of good, competent institutions because it goes against their political and economic interests. Their rule requires the conversion of all institutions to UMNO servitude. They cover up their nation-destroying ways by pretending to defend race and religion, when indeed they have made a mockery of the religion and Malay society. No wonder many Malays have .

Hang Tuah PJ Hei Waythya of Hindraf, go ahead support BN; you see how they treat Indians like pariah. At least with PR you get some respect. You Tamils will never learn.

Anonnona Such is the type of political party that MCA and Gerakan have been sucking up to and asking us to support. Maybe they think that the ideal party is one who bullies others. Those minority of Chinese and Indians who blindly support BN, even aftey are being told to "get out", are fools of the highest order.

anonymousA what has this country become under BN???

Anonymous #29641466 DUMBNO youths are well trained to be the greatest street gangsters by Home Minister Hisapudin, Ibrahim Ali PERKASA, Ex- Army buttmen.


News & Blogs

2013-03-05 02:02 | Report Abuse

BN logo removed after truck knocked down grandma I copy some of the response from readers and you read the rest FREE.


Anonymous_4056 TAK Ada Case because UMNO is involved. Do you not know that UMNO is above the law, even the polis is scared of them. BOLEHLAND.
NaN/NaN/NaN NaN:NaN:NaNpm | Report

AnakBangsaMalaysia "...reporters saw several men tearing off the party logo from the vehicle before fleeing the scene without giving any assistance to the victim..." This is a graphic illustration of UMNO being too obsessed over its own well-being and image to care about the people of Malaysia.
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fantastic4 What can we expect from them? This has been their modus operandi - hit and run!
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Dappy What has Chua Soil Leg and the metallic man Zombie to say? That it is the fault of the poor grandma as she was riding too slowly? Why the need to remove the 1Msia and Dumno's stickers and running away from the scene? The public demand that they be put behind bars for killing the innocent grandma and not helping the victim.

arabungkus Can we imagine this country is being run by these cannibals and parasites? Can we accept this kind of immoral and inhumane act by the so called largest ruling party personals? Do you need Bala to come up with SD to prove this crime? ABU. Kick them out of parliament, let others serve the nation.

1Mockery Under BN banner u can do anything.Murder using C4,change statutory Declaration,taking bribe,taking Scorpanes commission,indulge in illicit sexual activities ,abuse power etc etc

kunta-kinte Yeah...from now on blame Anwar. Najib taught us this easy way out maaa !! Dont worry, as always Anwar will take this in his stride. Inevitably he will be helming Putrajaya. Big Mama...pls get ready to make way ok ?
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Doc I agree. Tomorrow Utusan will blame the incident on Anwar.

....more, more, read on

Posted by KC Loh > Mar 5, 2013 12:14 AM | Report Abuse

that should be the way. of course, most people will do crazy things when in panic.

NO, NO, this is definately NOT PANIC. When you are in a PANIC stage, you chabut kuat kuat but to take your time to remove the party logo and also 1Malaysia logo clearly shows that those persons still can think wisely because they are scared that people can see from the logo who is the culprit. Yes, you still have time to think to remove the evidence instead of run away kuat kuat. Is this PANICKY????

News & Blogs

2013-03-04 21:50 | Report Abuse

Bloody on...


BN logo removed after truck knocked down grandma’

After fatally knocking down a septuagenarian with their four-wheel drive, several men are alleged to have immediately set about removing stickers bearing a BN component party logo and a 1Malaysia flag from the vehicle, before leaving the scene without offering any help to the victim.

NONEAccording to China Press, the road accident happened yesterday morning at Lekir, Perak, along the main road from Lekir to Kamunting.

The 73-year-old woman was returning to her home together with her 78-year-old husband on two separate motorbikes after tapping rubber in a nearby estate.

“My grandfather was trailing my grandmother by about 6m when suddenly a Hilux truck (with BN and Umno logos visible all over the vehicle) passed by him at a very high speed and rammed into the back of my grandmother’s motorbike.

“She was thrown off her motorbike and fell head first onto the tarred road,” claimed the deceased’s granddaughter Joanne Lim in a posting on Facebook.

NONELim, in her posting, also included photographs of the alleged four-wheel drive vehicle involved, on which Umno and 1Malaysia logos were clearly visible.

According to her, after seeing the condition of her grandmother, the driver ran off while the two passengers removed the flag with the 1Malaysia logo from the vehicle before following suit.

China Press also reported that its own reporters saw several men tearing off the party logo from the vehicle before fleeing the scene without giving any assistance to the victim.

NONEThe daily said the four-wheel drive vehicle, believed to be a campaign vehicle, left a 300m-long breaking mark on the road before coming to a halt.

“My grandfather, who saw the whole accident, went to my grandmother’s aid but could not do anything to save her because she lost a lot of blood. She died on the spot,” claimed Lim.

Lim said the family has lodged a police report and hopes justice will be served.

Meanwhile, Manjung police told China Press that police will investigate the accident.

However, attempts by the daily to contact Perak Menteri Besar Zambry Abdul Kadir and his aide were unsuccessful.


...please read readers response too, thank you.

Now who says UMNO is good & caring, my foot, damn.

News & Blogs

2013-03-04 18:07 | Report Abuse

or perhaps list a car wash company, hee hee hee

News & Blogs

2013-03-04 18:06 | Report Abuse

Exclusive & Featured | MARCH 4, 2013, 3:11 PM
Police recommend charges in Xian Leng fraud case

The police commercial crime department has made a recommendation that charges be made in the RM87.5 million graft probe involving ornamental fish breeder Xian Leng Holdings and MCA president’s brother Chua Bah Bee @ Chua Chong Seng......

read more here...

BTW,bursa can list all sorts of lousy companies like this above which rears arowana time I am going to start a earth worm rearing farm and list it too, haa haa haa

News & Blogs

2013-03-04 18:01 | Report Abuse


'BN logo removed after knocking down grandmother'
5:41PM Mar 4, 2013
After fatally knocking down a septuagenarian with their four-wheel drive, several men are alleged to have immediately set about removing stickers bearing a BN component party logo and a 1Malaysia flag from the vehicle, before leaving the scene without offering any help to the victim.

News & Blogs

2013-03-04 15:24 | Report Abuse

MARCH 4, 2013


Any leader of any country must defend his nation’s sovereignty and the security of his people.

Failing to do so is a grave betrayal of the people’s trust in its government. Therefore, Pakatan Rakyat urges the present national leadership to do that which is required of them, to defend our land and never to compromise the safety of each and every Malaysian, and the test of those principles is ongoing in and around Sabah’s Lahad Datu and Semporna with the escalating violence brought by armed foreigners.

In Lahad Datu two of members of our security forces have lost their lives, while the latest acts in Semporna have claimed six of our men in uniform. We express our sincere condolences to these men’s families and may God bless them for they have given the highest sacrifice for a grateful nation.

Pakatan Rakyat calls on all Malaysians to show unreserved support to our security forces, both the police and military. And pray that they remain safe while defending our nation and its people from harm.

Pakatan realises the recent incidents in Sabah raise concern and fear, but we urge the public to remain calm and not to act rashly and hurt their fellow countrymen.

The coalition takes this opportunity to restate its confidence in the capacity and capability of our security forces to protect our country’s sovereignty.

We are disappointed with the weak leadership show by the federal government whose responsibility is to keep Malaysia’s security intact.

While we are convinced that national security transcends political divides and all citizens must support the security forces’ efforts, it does not abrogate the federal leadership for its lax treatment of the whole affair.

This leadership has failed to pass accurate information quickly so that the public is aware of what is happening, an error which has caused rumour-mongering to be rife.

We understand that the government is investigating the leader of opposition to over the armed intrusions in Sabah. We would like to state categorically that Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim is in no way involved with the escalation of violence in Sabah nor the cause of it.

The Sabah intrusion is now into its fourth week (Day 23) — fourth day of hostilities — and the federal leadership appears not to have a clear plan to overcome the violation of our sovereign territory, or to stop any further intrusions. Instead Putrajaya is irresponsibly trying to avert the eyes of the people from its own role.

It is time the federal government realises its jobs is to defend and protect Malaysia, its people and the warriors on the frontline.

Pakatan urges for an immediate meeting between the leadership of our coalition and the prime minister, home minister and defence minister, followed by a special sitting of Parliament to discuss the intrusion.

We strongly demand Putrajaya stops finger-pointing at others especially Pakatan Rakyat and never to betray the trust of the Malaysian people.

Leader of the Opposition


PAS President


DAP Adviser

News & Blogs

2013-03-04 14:19 | Report Abuse

Barisan perwira yang gugur dalam mempertahankan keamanan dan keselamatan negara.

News & Blogs

2013-03-04 13:54 | Report Abuse

well spoken brother canu63, yes, do it for your children & family & all out this useless UMNO/BN for good.

News & Blogs

2013-03-04 13:19 | Report Abuse

Lahad Datu: New twist, new threat
Iskandar Dzulkarnain
| March 4, 2013

Already hit by various scandals, the BN government cannot afford to drag its feet on resolving this crisis.

News & Blogs

2013-03-04 13:15 | Report Abuse


Bekas ahli Umno, Siti Aminah Mahmud, 63, berkata, beliau bersama kumpulannya pernah membantu pendaftaran setengah juta kad pengenalan (IC) kepada pendatang tanpa izin di Sabah untuk dijadikan pengundi BN.

Menurutnya, pendaftaran segera itu dibuat di bawah ‘projek IC Mahathir’ dari 1990 hingga 1994.

“Setiap kali dihantar berguni-guni (IC). Ia diproses dalam jangka masa sebulan. Katakan ( dibuat pada satu hari bulan, maka ia (IC) akan diserahkan pada tarikh yang sama pada bulan yang akan datang,” kata bekas ahli Umno Cawangan Skudai Kanan, Johor Bahru itu pada sidang media di ibu pejabat KEADILAN hari ini.


News & Blogs

2013-03-04 13:06 | Report Abuse

haa haa haa , brother Frank Soweto, good write, I love it.

News & Blogs

2013-03-04 13:05 | Report Abuse

Chua Jui Meng: Are You Ready To Support Pakatan Rakyat?

Published on Mar 2, 2013

Parit Jawa, Muar Johor 01/03/2013

News & Blogs

2013-03-04 13:01 | Report Abuse


4 MAC 2013


Setiap pimpinan mana-mana negara sekalipun bertanggungjawab mempertahan kedaulatan wilayah negara, keselamatan rakyat dan anggota pasukan keselamatan.

Kegagalan mempertahankan kedaulatan negara dan keselamatan rakyat merupakan satu pengkhianatan serta menodai amanah rakyat. Justeru Pakatan Rakyat berhasrat mengingatkan pimpinan negara agar tegas mempertahankan kedaulatan wilayah negara dan tidak alpa memastikan keselamatan setiap rakyat Malaysia, terutamanya di Sabah ekoran dari insiden pencerobohan sekumpulan bersenjata warga asing di sekitar Lahad Datu serta Semporna. Setiap inci tanah Sabah dan keselamatan rakyatnya wajib dipertahankan........



Presiden PAS

Penasihat DAP all FREE here please..

News & Blogs

2013-03-04 12:57 | Report Abuse

Najib breaks silence and trains guns on... Pakatan


..what readers say...

Starr: Prime Minister Najib Razak is so quick to react to any rumours linking the opposition to the armed intrusion in Lahad Datu, now spreading over to Semporna and Kunak.

When the intruders began their standoff with the police in Kampung Tanduo, Najib kept mum for weeks.

But now, he wasted no time in ordering an investigation into the allegations that opposition leaders met with Nur Misuari of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) a few months ago.

This really shows what's his motivation is - killing off the opposition at the first opportunity. Just how much spin, allegations and smear campaigns against Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim have been debunked in the end?

Meeting with Nur Misuri is only a matter of conjecture, nothing more. Haven't the government ministers and officials met up with Nur Misuari in the past when brokering the peace treaty between MNLF and the Philippines government?

SMC77: Najib, if you had concrete evidence, you would have arrested Anwar and those involved from Pakatan Rakyat weeks ago.

If you have no evidence, please keep your mouth shut as the more you talk about the involvement of Pakatan, the more we suspect the whole issue was engineered by you.

Unquote: more here FREE...

News & Blogs

2013-03-04 12:49 | Report Abuse

Fighting in Sabah rages

5 more Malaysians, 2 Filipinos killed
By Leila B. Salaverria
Philippine Daily Inquirer
12:00 am | Monday, March 4th, 2013 more here please..

..what now?

News & Blogs

2013-03-04 12:45 | Report Abuse

Brother Frank Soweto, these armed intruders are well trained and well equipt and you want to use your bare hands to dodge the bullets, haa haa haa.....cow sense isn't it.

News & Blogs

2013-03-04 12:42 | Report Abuse

brother Frank Soweto , these BN silat fellas talk big only as talk is cheap, so need capital lah. As they said "An Empty Barrel makes the most noise" is so true. haa, haa haa

If Najib wer to say he wants to send them , I think these BN silat fellas will shiver & urinate in their pants first, haa haa haa

News & Blogs

2013-03-04 11:04 | Report Abuse


Stop lying, Mahathir — Othman Wahab
Feb 26, 2013

FEB 26 — Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad does protest too much. He says all this talk by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and the opposition about him and nepotism is slander and that he is clean and his sons are self-made businessmen.

I can only imagine that mixing around with the likes of Datuk Ibrahim Ali has made the former prime minister believe that all Malaysians have the IQ of Ibrahim.

The simple reality is that we don’t need Anwar to tell us what we know about you. All we need to do is remember the crony capitalism which you promoted, bumped up IPP contracts for certain cronies, a sweetheart deal to take over the national airline by another crony (who incidentally had a string of legal suits against him by government entities miraculously settled because he knew too much about your dealings and promises to him), the bailout of Konsortium Perkapalan during the financial crisis by MISC.

Oh yes, we also remember your pathetic performance at the Royal Commission of Inquiry on the Lingam video where you suddenly had amnesia. But thankfully the commissioners saw through your act and named you and your friends (Lingam and Vincent Tan) as parties who subverted the course of justice.

Mahathir, you have never declared your assets to Malaysians. We still don’t know how you bought that nice home in the Mines or why is it that the likes of Syed Mokhtar and others love lending their private jets to you or taking you on six-star holidays jaunts.

You say that your children are self-made businessmen. Can you let us know how Mokhzani became a businessman in the first place, the Tongkah deals, etc. And what about Mirzan (congrats on becoming a shareholder of San Miguel... burp). And what about young Mukhriz. By all accounts, he is not a smart chap but he does own a palatial home in Bukit Tunku.

Yes, why don’t you pen the rags-to-riches story of your boys. I don’t even mind if they are sold in the fiction section.

Anwar Ibrahim and the opposition are not guilty of slander: they are only guilty of telling Malaysians what fools we have been to believe your lies all these years.

The true story of Mahathir and his boys can only be unearthed after Malaysia has a change of a political system. How about it, Malaysians?

Unquote: all here as well as readers comments too.

News & Blogs

2013-03-04 10:16 | Report Abuse times like this, UMNO still wants to play politics?


LittleGiant: While our army and police personnel are being killed by the armed intruders in Sabah, the government is making a mockery of itself by politicising it and accusing Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim of supporting the intrusion.

The mainstream media, as usual, has no shame but simply join in the attack. And what is wrong in Tian Chua, PKR vice-president, alleging that this whole thing is Umno's "sandiwara"?

And who would not think so, since it is the Umno-led BN government that has dragged its feet on this issue, did not have the determination to deal firmly with the intruders and has now made a mess of itself with so many loss of lives.

Isn't it the Umno-initiated Project IC in Sabah, which obviously started the free flow of illegal immigrants into Sabah, including people with illegal and subversive intentions.

Many of these intruders could be holding Malaysian ICs and travelled to Sabah many times to do their "homework" before embarking on their current mission.

Is this the time for the government to use this extremely serious security breach and the resultant loss of lives to politicise the issue?


Read all free here..

Focus on ending the bloodshed, not on Anwar

News & Blogs

2013-03-04 09:59 | Report Abuse

...see what people wrote about this ugly mamakutty on Sabah incident in response to what mamakutty said....


0 replies · active 13 minutes ago
aruna_51's avatar Follow

aruna_51 163p

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aruna_51 163p · 35 minutes ago
Mahathir has created a monster out of the Filipino community in Sabah. It is none other than Mahathir who issued thousands of IC to the Filipinos and made them INSTANT CITIZENS merely to increase BN's vote bank. Today we have more than half a million Filipinos who could easy wage war against Malaysia. Further the people of SULU are hardened fighters who could face any kind of chalenges. Mahathir should be blamed for this deadly crisis.
0 replies · active 35 minutes ago
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cubi1976's avatar - Go to profile

cubi1976 161p · 37 minutes ago
"After all, they are Muslims, and we are Muslims".............. and then this misguided mindset led to eight Royal Malaysian Police officers being killed. This is ridiculous!

Wrong is wrong! No matter who they are and what religion they profess! Do not mix religion with government!
0 replies · active 37 minutes ago
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Fungshui1's avatar - Go to profile

Fungshui1 138p · 37 minutes ago
thats the root problem , "we dont want to be hasty ,, they are muslim and we are muslim".. if the armed intruders are not muslim .. what would be the situation like... ? i cant imagine. how can this so call leader can quote this? no wonder ... but alas god has something for us to see.. this is what is happening... Now they have nothing but blame on the OPPOSITION ... Who created this mess?
0 replies · active 37 minutes ago
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borneolang 140p · 53 minutes ago
silly statements from a nyanyok former pm. MI should be the mouthpiece of such a pm and his party instead of for the people.
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stanleyteoh 153p · 54 minutes ago
You're an EX-PM ... so stay put there - an EX-PM ... go on your ' well-deserved' holidays please ... and don't come home ! We'll find you when we need to arrest you for TREASON ... never mind corruption...
0 replies · active 54 minutes ago
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borneolang 140p · 54 minutes ago
that is a silly statement from an ex-pm. if they are of the same religion, you can allow them to come in or out freely even if armed to the teeth? what sort of people would be running a government like this? no wonder there are millions of the same kind flooding sabah.


Read the full story an comments here please..

News & Blogs

2013-03-04 01:15 | Report Abuse

PR may recapture Perak: Analysts

(The Sun Daily) - Political analysts believe that apart from retaining Selangor, Kelantan, Penang and Kedah, Pakatan Rakyat (PR) has a good chance of recapturing Perak in the next general election (GE), Sin Chew Daily reported today.

The report said of the states it captured in the last GE, PR is expected to sail through in Penang but will have a tough fight in Selangor.

Political analysts said although PR regards Johor, Sabah and Sarawak as its frontline states, Barisan Nasional (BN) still has the upper hand in their so-called "fixed deposit" states.

However, they believe PR will still win a few more parliamentary seats in each of these states.

Political scientist Dr Ho Khai Leong said given the gap in the number of seats held by PR and BN in the PR-led states, BN needs to do extremely well to recapture them.

"Selangor is more urbanised than other states. The issues of crime, transport and spiralling property prices are plaguing the people who feel they have not benefited much from the present government."

Ho also predicts a fierce fight between the two coalitions in Perak.

Given that the Chinese are unhappy with the way BN wrested power from PR in Perak after the last GE, it would not be surprising for PR to take over the state again in GE13, he said.

Political analyst Dr Thock Kiah Wah shared Ho's view, saying the Chinese may cast protest votes to "punish" the BN.

On talk that the number of Kedah government policies that irked the Chinese in the last five years may cause PR the state, Ho said the small percentage of Chinese voters would not make much difference.

However, Thock cautioned that the influence of former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad in the state cannot be underestimated.

- See more at:

News & Blogs

2013-03-03 20:01 | Report Abuse

brother andychucky28 , that's how UMNO works lah.

News & Blogs

2013-03-03 20:00 | Report Abuse

And I remembered very well that this mamakutty said shoot the innocent Vietnamese boat refugees people but now with this present danger, he played ignorant.At that time when this mamakutty said "shoot" our dear and beloved the late Tun Hussein Onn had to apologize to the world.

News & Blogs

2013-03-03 19:47 | Report Abuse

Now,where's the big mouth mamakutty, elegant silence now?

....why?....guilty conscious of the Project MM?

News & Blogs

2013-03-03 19:21 | Report Abuse

...another talk cock?

Sabah Incursion: Hang the Traitors what the readers write..


Joe said...

Pleaselah why do you have to raise the issue of the race of the police or soldiers who died ? You are no better than any politician. I'm non-Malay and when i heard our policemen were killed, i dont check whether they are Malay, Chinese, Indian, Bumiputera or non Bumiputera ? I feel sad for them and their family ? Whats wrong with you ? If they were non Malay or non Bumiputera, would you have been less sympathetic or wouldnt have bothered ? It doesn't matter if you dont post this comment but my purpose here is to say that as a Malaysian, you failed.
3:46 PM
vinnan said...

The Chinese SB at great sacrifice stopped the movement of the Communist from the jungle to the urban areas. What did the Chinese get in return? We are now pendatang sons and daughters of prostitutes who has less rights than the Melayu wannabes from the Philippines who are at the moment killing your brave Melayu police. We do not wish to be like the Chinese SB or the two non-Malay policeman who were captured, tortured and killed by the AlMaunah bastards.

Unquote. everything here please...

Sabah Incursion: Hang the Traitors

Now, who should we hang first?

News & Blogs

2013-03-03 19:05 | Report Abuse

Please give generously like what YB Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng & the Penang government gave. Yes RM30k to each of family of those kill in action. Now let's do our part too. Thank you all.

News & Blogs

2013-03-03 18:36 | Report Abuse what 1 reader says....


Mahashitla: This is the beginning of the curse of former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad's Project IC and he lives long enough to see the consequences of his greed for power.

Instead of respecting the will of the natives of Sabah and its sovereignty as a state, Mahathir carried out what no PM in the democratic world has ever done - giving citizenship to unqualified illegal immigrants just to put Umno-BN in power.

And today, due to an indecisive PM and incompetent home and defence ministers, we lost two men and several were injured. The future stability of Sabah is now uncertain.

Unquote. more here..

Project IC's chickens coming home to roost

...1 last word...damn this mamakutty

..What's Next????

News & Blogs

2013-03-03 17:45 | Report Abuse

Posted by bingo > Mar 3, 2013 05:44 PM | Report Abuse X

Posted by andychucky28 > Mar 3, 2013 05:04 PM | Report Abuse

Hisaputin always talk cork only. maybe he can bring out his keris this time.

...I like it if he dares. haa haa haa

News & Blogs

2013-03-03 15:30 | Report Abuse

We reap what we sow in Sabah


YOURSAY 'Malaysia had been supplying arms and training for the MNLF for years, hoping to strengthen them in the name of Muslim brotherhood.'

Unquote.. more here please..