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2013-02-21 11:35 | Report Abuse

minitrader , trying to show your authority again? why not say again like 'I DEMAND YOU ALL TO STOP THIS", yes DEMAND is the word and it's what you use. Try using it again will you? It does give you SHIOK SENDIRI?

News & Blogs

2013-02-21 11:14 | Report Abuse

Desmond Liew, I call you stupid by you saying people drive big cars, stay in big houses, got China dolls, etc, stupid because you think the common Malaysians can afford this? You say plenty play shares but how many have really big money like the sharks to play. Can the common Malaysians afford all these and please use your gray matter and ask yourself if there are still Malaysians living from day to day and some don't where the next meal is going to come from. You think everyone in Malaysia is that rich? BTW, how many Malaysians are make a bankrupt every year? why bankrupt ? on borrowed money, borrow to buy cars and read this...

Almost a quarter million Malaysians are bankrupt and 70,000 lost everything because they needed a car.

What pride is there when you are living on borrowed money? Only stupid fools & idiots like you Desmond Liew believed that are living in dreamland having this and that. BTW, can I safely ask you your house paid by borrowing from banks? the car you are driving on loan from financing to use it? You still want to talk nonsense. Want to buy a Toyota Camry 2.4 for more than $160K when American are buying it for 70K Malaysian Ringgit? You ant to pay fro a Proton car when you have to pay it more expensive than the foreigners in their countries?

So Desmond Liew , please don't talk stupidly and nobody will call you a idiotic fool...get this into your thick head please.

BTW, maybe next time in a few years from now I wouldn't be surprise IN seeing you selling toilet papers or tissues papers by the roadside & then you will be asking this.....WHY? WHY? WHY?

News & Blogs

2013-02-21 10:11 | Report Abuse

yes, Desmond Liew , I call you stupid or you rather close both eyes when you couldn't distinguish the corruption in our beloved country and the others BN nonsense & perhaps you still haven't woke up from your deep slumber. Be sensible & use your gray matter wisely which GOD had so kindly give you. I am no ORANG OPPOSITION as you so said, prove it on paper otherwise I call you a moroon. I am against BN because of corruption all round and we the innocent Malaysian have to bear the higher cost of living, Desmond Liew , so you still sleeping and in dreamland. Can I safely say that since your are so confident that I am a orang opposition, which you cannot prove on paper, then likewise I follow your footsteps by saying you are a stupid BN kaki?

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2013-02-21 01:28 | Report Abuse

'Are you ready for racism?' - No!

Harakahdaily, 20 February 2013

Feb 20: Several NGOs and civil society leaders will come together this weekend to state opposition to what they call were worrying incidents and statements "to stoke the flames of ethnic and sectarian sentiments".

Announcing the 'Say NO to Racism' event to be held this Saturday, 2 pm at the Kelab Golf Perkhidmatan Awam (KGPA) in Bukit Kiara, Islamic Renaissance Front's Dr Ahmad Farouk Musa lamented that more than half-a-century after independence, racism still appears in public in various forms, especially ahead of elections as is now.

"This has become all the more apparent in the lead up to the 13th General Elections, where questions about its results are often coupled with concerns about the state of community relations in the country, should there be drastic changes to the current balance of power," he told Harakahdaily.

Farouk reiterated the urgency for the government to ratify the United Nations' International Convention for the Elimination of Racism and Discrimination, saying it would pave the way in ensuring that public policies are inclusive regardless of culture, ethnicity or religion.

Besides him, the event will also be addressed by among others Bersih 2.0 co-chairman Ambiga Sreenevasan, activist Marina Mahathir, Islamic organisation IKRAM's Zaid Kamarudin, Bar Council's Lim Chee Wee and rights group SUARAM's Kua Kia Soong.

Farouk meanwhile warned that ignoring the rising tide of racism could result in Malaysia remaining as a country of "fragmented communities living in prolonged fear and suspicion towards one another".

"We urge all concerned citizens of Malaysia to join us on that day. It is time. Malaysia is ready to say NO TO RACISM!," he added.

More details of the event are available from

News & Blogs

2013-02-21 01:26 | Report Abuse

....more hope for our beloved Malaysia and it's people????.... read on please...

10 Rabi'ul Akhir 1434 H | 21 February 2013

Electoral 'upsets' await BN in Felda settlements?

Feb 20: An academician has added to the many doomsday predictions for Barisan Nasional at the coming polls. This time though, the coalition could be defeated even in seats which have depended heavily on votes from Felda settlements, long regarded as BN's vote bank.

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia's political science lecturer Dr Shaharuddin Badaruddin however said such a scenario would not be wholly unprecedented, saying BN had been defeated before in Felda settlements in the west coast.

“Jengka has been lost before. Maybe the issues during that time were different - low prices of commodities and so on.
"The same issues still exist, and coupled now with the listing (of Felda Global Venture Holding) and others,” he said.

Shaharuddin was responding to a question from the floor on support for Pakatan Rakyat from among Felda settlers during the forum organised by University of Malaya's Centre for Democracy and Elections (UMCEDEL) yesterday.

In 1999, Jengka, a Felda settlement state seat, saw six out of 10 ballot boxes going in favour of the PAS candidate.

News & Blogs

2013-02-21 01:14 | Report Abuse

yes, that's what UNNO MB of Pahang does. But when in every election or for that matter a by-election, these BN/UMNO leaders will try to put on a masked face showing the good of this....

...carry babies, kissing them but not their backsides, haa haa haa

....pretend to help out in demonstrating their cooking skills [ haa haa haa lousy cooks but damn good crooks] in warong stalls to show that they really care for them but do they really. Do you eat nasi bungus in warongs like MB of Kelantan Tok Guru? or rather they prefered eating and dining in 5 STARS restaurants?

....MOST IRONICAL OF ALL...THIS....visiting poor voters wooden houses here & there pretend that they care for their living standard but they themselves lives in multi-million dollars mansions but NOT OUR BELOVED AND HUMBLE MB OF KELANTAN, TOK GURU NIK AZIZ WHO STAYS & LIVE IN A WOODEN INSTEAD OF A BIG BUNGALOW. INCIDENTALLY TOKS GURUS'S HOUSE IS NUMBERED my friends Tok Guru's house with ex-MB Selangor Toyo multi-million ringgit mansion

so, can we safely say these UMNO/BN leaders are PURE HYPOCRITES, YES 101% FULL BLOODED HYPOCRITES, haa haa haa

News & Blogs

2013-02-21 00:59 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2013-02-21 00:26 | Report Abuse

and yes KHSB as Ooi Teik Bee had said just now is incidentally recommended to all members here by my SIFU chong when he was here & I remember that he said that KHSB will be privatized & his prediction came true and now everyone's happy but frankly I want to show my middle finger to all those damn rascals or idiots who hammered my SIFU chong and that's why he left i3investor & never came back and to those REAL IDIOTS & RASCALS who hammered chong on KHSB, may I ask them this is SIFU chong right and you the IDIOTS have shit in your mouth? haa haa haa

News & Blogs

2013-02-21 00:19 | Report Abuse

necro, most probably will be out in a week, maybe around the 28th of this month and I presume EPS should be around 4 cents and that will perhaps bring better pricing for Amedia. Good luck necro.

One more ting necro, buy whichever counter that you are comfortable with and not need to listen to too many pessimist of this counter. We had too many so call "experts" here but you do try to do some homework before you invest your money.

Best of luck to you necro.

News & Blogs

2013-02-21 00:08 | Report Abuse

Yes, members here, please do listen to Ooi Teik Bee brotherly advice, buy less in the present because of uncertainties. As Ooi Teik Bee had said, it's better for all to buy more after the General Elections. But for all , please remember this....which ever party wins the elections, Bursa or shares trading will still be on. Most probably, it will pick up in about 3 to 6 months after the dust had settled.

News & Blogs

2013-02-20 23:39 | Report Abuse

Desmond Liew, you still sleeping and saying that I am promoting opposition party. Ask you this...why are retired generals coming out and speaking against the BN/UMNO government, use your stupid head please and as I said earlier, then nobody can said that you are stupid or trying to be a smart idiot. Ask yourself why the ex generals are coming our and taking about stolen aircraft engines [incidentally happening in Malaysia ONLY, haa haa haa], bad Scorpene submarines deals, etc.

By me highlighting this, you call me as promoting opposition party and if that's the case can I safely say that your are a blind pro BN/UMNO supporter? I just want to highlight what bad our present BN/UMNO government is doing to the extend that the ex Generals are so very critical of the BN/UMNO government and trying to put everything right. I guess that these ex Generals are doing everything for the good of the country and not like you still sleeping and maybe hoping for more BR1M? Next time the BN/UMNO government may give you the BROOM? haa haa haa just like the ex MB Toyo of Selangor happily smiling when giving REAL BROOMS to the heads of department in front of so many people.

Desmond Liew, when I try to highlight what bad the BN/UMNO is doing , you already had in your mind that I am promoting the opposition. Desmond Liew, I dare you to sat it clear & precisely that I am the one and then we will see what happen next then. As I had said so many times, nobody will say you are stupid if you don't open your big smelly mouth.

Desmond Liew, if every concern citizen of a country is trying to correct the wrong in the country that they are living by speaking out, then you say everyone is PRO OPPOSITION? Can't these people speak out because they care for the good of it's beloved country and it's citizens? Do these people want their beloved country to masuk longkang and they too will sink with it too or may I ask you Desmond Liew, are you still sleeping and don't know what's really happening in this country and are you plain ignorant or stupid?

Desmond Liew, come on, wake up from your deep slumber and try to bring some good for your beloved country where you cari makan in , will you? And please, please, don't try to accuse people of being a promoter of Opposition party when they are trying to bring some correction for the good of our beloved country, will you? And Desmond Liew, one last word, this...and please don't talk like an idiot and nobody can say that you are really stupid, please us your grey matter that GOD had so kindly provide you, will you?

And Desmond Liew, as you buy shares in certain counters & express your thoughts to others, can I say that you are pro this Chairman or MD? or that you are a ball carrier of this or that Chairman or MD? That's why I ask you to use your common sense, that you wisely use your grey matter & you will NOT make to look stupid. Can you Desmond Liew?

Be good Desmond Liew & don't try to be a smart alec, will you?

News & Blogs

2013-02-20 18:07 | Report Abuse

even 4 ex Generals of the Malaysian Armed Forces are fed up with BN/UMNO, see the picture please. still supporting mamakutty & BN????

News & Blogs

2013-02-20 17:23 | Report Abuse

you all mostly hero worshipe mamakutty but look what 1 reader in another portal wrote....

I quote..

Anonymous #19098644: Dr Mahathir Mohamad is the natural successor to Joseph Goebbels, the minster of information during the Adolf Hitler government. Goebbels believed that if you tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.

In his autobiography 'A Doctor in The House', Mahathir even said that he had a meeting with Singapore's second president Benjamin Sheares on a particular date. The Singapore government subsequently refuted it and said it was not possible as Sheares had died before that date.

This is typical Mahathir for you, writing fiction instead of facts. For him, if what he testified under oath is different from the facts, it is not perjury because it is due to different assumptions.

He claimed to have been Malaysian finance minister but does not know the difference between cash price, special price and contract price.

His legacy is alive today in the son of MCA chief Chua Soi Lek who is supposedly an accountant but doesn't know the difference between debit and credit.

Sangat Teroh: That was why he gambled away billions of ringgit during Bank Negara's wild speculative days because he could not understand the word "cash".


Yes readers wrote about what mamakutty said in court today & they "give it properly to him" , so to say. ha haa haa

News & Blogs

2013-02-20 16:09 | Report Abuse

and at the bottom of the list is Singapore....

13. Singapore (新加坡) 1.20

One of the least corrupt nations on the world. Known for strictly constraint of its government officials.

News & Blogs

2013-02-20 16:07 | Report Abuse

Asia's 10 Most Corrupt Countries

& Malaysia is in the list on please..

News & Blogs

2013-02-20 15:23 | Report Abuse

minitrader , you cannot or read simple English or are you playing ignorant. We are all the while talking about corruption in the country and that's why I compare Singapore with Malaysia where there's little or NO CORRUPTION there in Singapore.The rest of the countries are all corrupted in 1 way or want to compare what? We all say that corruption or bad country wealth management will run down the country & I presume you just woke up from your sleep? you don't know what's happening in those countries all this while or are you plain stupid????

minitrader, don't think you are a smart idiot and DEMANDING FROM ALL OF US TO STOP WRITING. Come on , this is a open board or forum and members can talk as they please until the administrator of this site says otherwise. minitrader, you think you can show Your Authority by DEMANDING THIS & THAT FROM US MEMBERS HERE.YOU THE ADMINISTRATOR OR OWNER OF THIS BOARD? Wake up minitrader, don't try to play a smart idiot and please don't open your mouth simply and nobody can say you are stupid, get that into your thick head.

News & Blogs

2013-02-20 14:20 | Report Abuse

New Insight Sabah , any investor without doubt will invest in a country with little or NO CORRUPTION.Reason is very simple...this....less expenses and that means more profit for the investor or owners and possibly more benefits for the employees or workers too. So we can safely say everyone tends to gain if there's less corruption in a country.

Compare a worker in Singapore & Malaysia and see who gets the best salary & benefits? Definitely the worker in Singapore. Do you know that at 1 time Singapore CPF [ours EPF] contributions comes to around 50% of your salary, with more than half contributed by the employer. So in fact most of the Singapore employees are millionaires in CPF money after working for 20 years. That's why Singapore is No.1 in having the most millionaires in the world. Can we say of Malaysia?

Singapore No. 1 For Millionaires – Again

If we are govern in the same way as Singapore, I am confident many among us are already millionaires now, haa haa haaa

News & Blogs

2013-02-20 02:51 | Report Abuse

I know that there are many BN/UMNO/MCA supporters or kakis here but like it or not, these people got to FACE REALITY & DON'T PRETEND THAT YOU SEE NOT & HEAR NOT. Can these people HONESTLY say that they are NOT BLIND in what's really happening in our beloved country? ...or is that there are so many Mamakutty worshipers that they lost their SENSES OR DIRECTIONS?

We all may have different thinking but WE DEFINITELY CLOSE NOT BOTH EYES BUT EARS and pretend that here in beloved Malaysia 'everything is a ok".

Face it please my Malaysian friends, take concrete action where need and bring MALAYSIA to greater heights for yourself, your family, your children and your grandchildren too. Will you or are you just BLIND?

Or do you want to be rent seekers by simply pretending to play stupid and be a "BODEK KAKI" as Frank Soweto so cleverly & rightly put it in. Trying very hard to join the gravy train or just hoping for left overs or some crumbs of the cake?

Or do you want to do something good for your beloved country or for your children , grandchildren or loved one?

The choice is yours as you alone can decide. But beware too, GOD is watching too.

News & Blogs

2013-02-20 02:18 | Report Abuse

I have no political leanings & I don't belong to any political party. I am not an activist too. I don't belong to any NGOs. To put it plainly I am a freelancer and I do care what's going in our beloved country cause here is where I cari makan, stay , live & play & definitely I will have some interest whether I like it or not.

News & Blogs

2013-02-20 01:53 | Report Abuse

yes, andychucky28 , business & politics are interrelated & they go hand in hand, each depending on the other too. So who says that politics & business don't mix. Here we are talking about politics of our beloved Malaysia and so many simple minded people says that politics is out of investments here.

What if the government goes bankrupt and will it not affect investments & business? Will it not affect our living? Will business be running smoothly when the government is bankrupt or if there is mismanagement in the country's finance or wealth? And if the our beloved Malaysia's wealth or money is mismanaged, will you be sitting beside your computer and doing your trading? I bet by that time all you investments will ALL kaput, haa haa haa and yet so many so many self proclaim "experts in no politics but investments only" says 'LEAVE POLITICS ALONE, CONCENTRATE IN INVESTMENTS"

If you cannot discuss politics with investments, then what? Will there be any business going on if a country money masuk longkang? You all get very angry and demand, YES DEMAND, that politics be kept out of this investment, FOR WHAT?????? Can business survive without any political consideration?

To put it all in a nutshell, LIKE IT OR NOT, BUSINESS & POLITICS GO HAND IN HAND & as I said before that if any of you DEMANDING MEMBERS who may NOT LIKE A CERTAIN TOPIC, then my VERY SIMPLE & SINCERE ADVICE TO YOU ALL ARE "SO SMART & NOT WANTING BUSINESS TO MIX WITH POLITICS" is NEVER to look at this topic and move on...don't even peep into this topic but just go to any other topics here that you so's as simple as this and no more getting and demanding this that & keeping in mind too that this is NOT YOU OWN PERSONAL BOARD AND YOU CANNOT DEMAND THIS & THAT, SO GET IT INTO YOUR THICK HEAD.

Here, we are all discussing how politics will affect investments and there are so many experts here who demand this and that and may I ask you all no more money, no investments coming into the country, business closing down because of bad politic climate & you STILL CAN BUY SHARES OR NOT??????

Yes, politics is very very dirty an even in a single family, no 2 mind are of the same political ideology. Come on you all simple minded & demanding people, try to get this into your thick head...this....BUSINESS & POLITICS GO HAND IN HAD....GOT IT???

News & Blogs

2013-02-19 03:05 | Report Abuse

razmry , tptan45 & Frank Soweto, I fully support your statements without reservations. The best is that Frank Soweto gave a very clear picture of what's really happening.

From Frank Soweto's observation, then what's next for our fellow Malays? bumi Malay small business taken over by these illegal immigrants of Indonesia, Bangladesh as can be seen it happening in the KL Chow Kit area & the best part is that these Bangladeshi who steal the Malay girls to marry leaving our Malay brothers with less choice lah, haa haa haa. Soon in years to come these illegal immigrants of Indonesia, Bangladesh might, yes, might, replace Malays place in Malaysian society, don't believe? then wait and see but don't wait to long lah as time is not on your side.

So, can our Malay brothers & sisters really wake up before it's too late?

News & Blogs

2013-02-18 00:50 | Report Abuse

Amedia, here I come today at 9am


2013-02-18 00:48 | Report Abuse

yes ktrader , please members here don't play ignorant. If it really hits, then you cannot run and you money hangus. So be careful please.

News & Blogs

2013-02-18 00:39 | Report Abuse

saufi74, you call mine a rubbish post, you understand simple English when the topic says " Dr Mahathir: Malaysia's debt still healthy " & I had said this...

Posted by bingo > Feb 18, 2013 12:14 AM | Report Abuse X

This topic is about Dr Mahathir: Malaysia's debt still healthy

...and if you want to discuss shares and make more money, then go to the many relevant topics here and NO need to hammer me cause I understand English better than you. If you don't like this topic, then move on and no need to write or say anything at all, it's as simple as this. please saufi74, pick NO QUARREL PLEASE. You don't like this topic and it's title, then STOP LOOKING IN THIS TOPIC, JUST MOVE ON TO ANOTHER TOPIC PLEASE, IT'S AS SIMPLE AS THIS AND NO QUARREL WILL BEGIN.

Malaysia in debt, does it affect you an me and our families or are you ignorant an pretend that it doesn't happen in Malaysia.

News & Blogs

2013-02-18 00:22 | Report Abuse

this is an open discussion topic and how Malaysia's debt is going to hurt all Malaysians like you & me real hard. You want Malaysia is land somewhere near the region of Zimbabwe where inflation rate estimated at 79,600,000% per month & $1USD can get you $Z2,621,984, how much does a chicken cost?

So is our debt really healthy? or are we going to masuk longkang?

News & Blogs

2013-02-18 00:14 | Report Abuse

This topic is about Dr Mahathir: Malaysia's debt still healthy

...and if you want to discuss shares and make more money, then go to the many relevant topics here and NO need to hammer me cause I understand English better than you. If you don't like this topic, then move on and no need to write or say anything at all, it's as simple as this.

News & Blogs

2013-02-18 00:11 | Report Abuse

saufi74 , I am NOT picking a quarrel with you cause I am stating the bare facts & it hurts all Malaysians like you & me.

News & Blogs

2013-02-18 00:02 | Report Abuse

saufi74 , you think this is still the mamakutty era? You hero-worship him of some kind? Do you know you can have a better standard of living if not of mamakutty & cronies corruption? Negotiated tenders at very highly inflated prices & where does the money go...whose money?'s your money & mine, the Rakyat's money.

News & Blogs

2013-02-17 23:58 | Report Abuse

saufi74, what does the the title of this topic says?....this..

Dr Mahathir: Malaysia's debt still healthy you understand simple English? Politics & business does mix, ask around and you will know why.

News & Blogs

2013-02-17 20:46 | Report Abuse

if the BN government is gone, this counter will too suffer terrible all the consequences, so be very careful please. I already thrown away my a few weeks back. No more mamakuttyas as Adviser to Petronas, means no more Petronas contracts.

News & Blogs

2013-02-17 20:41 | Report Abuse

If this Makutty lands in jail, then all Malaysians including me will be celebrating just like we celebrate our Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Deepavali, Christmas , etc. Isn't it wonderful to have this feeling?


2013-02-17 20:37 | Report Abuse

martiniclub7, FYI, WCT doesn't depend on the government for survival but on those contracts in the Middle East.However with the elections coming, one has to be careful on all counters and not on WCT alone.


2013-02-17 20:35 | Report Abuse

already got my FREE warrants and make some good money on it and mother too a few rounds and still holding a lorry loads of it for further gain.


2013-02-17 20:31 | Report Abuse

it will come, patience!!


2013-02-17 20:29 | Report Abuse

my favorite counter as well as my SIFU chong as we all in his forum had make a few rounds on WCT before & after bonus and its warrants WB & WD too. yamseng to SIFU chong.


2013-02-17 20:26 | Report Abuse

tomorrow a new dawn begins for Amedia

News & Blogs

2013-02-17 20:20 | Report Abuse

New Insight Sabah FYI, this Mamakutty & UMNO & MCA had already make Malaysia n Islamic country long ago .

News & Blogs

2013-02-17 20:18 | Report Abuse

New Insight Sabah , it's not that I am for Islamic law after all during Mamakutty's rule he had change our sacred constitution so many times and now Malaysia is an Islamic country with the MCA fully supporting it & now MCA talk kok by simply shouting it everyday that it is opposing for a PAS Islamic state, sheer hypocrite this usless MCA indeed, what nonsense.

I am definitely NOT, repeat NOT, for a Islamic Hudud style of government but I REALLY LOVE & HAPPY TO SEE THIS DEVIL MAMAKUTTY IN JAIL.

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2013-02-17 14:42 | Report Abuse

Wy Lee ,I though that all Malaysian including new born own as much as $20,000 per head.OMG

News & Blogs

2013-02-16 17:04 | Report Abuse

Imagine that !!! Almost a quarter million Malaysians are bankrupt and 70,000 lost everything because they needed a car.