
bsngpg | Joined since 2013-08-04

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2015-04-14 19:52 | Report Abuse



2015-04-14 19:41 | Report Abuse

Wow, soooo optimistic. Gambette


2015-04-12 12:20 | Report Abuse
[转帖] AGM游记(2015) —— JCY - Easy Wong


2015-04-10 07:15 | Report Abuse

If PE is your criteria, Salcon is not meeting your criteria at all for the time being. There is a good reason that Salcon fails in PE if you read thru the history of the company earning of the last couple years where the main source of income has been disposed in exchange for plenty of cash on hand.


2015-04-08 21:10 | Report Abuse

I miss raymondtang and jctp2000 a lot. Where are you? I sincerely would like to buy you a cup of Starbucks.


2015-04-05 08:39 | Report Abuse

Mr Tornado: your info is more relevant to SMRT. Thks.

I have another a distance but related news for medical school which is :"Lim Liong Siek, ex-health minister commented weeks ago that our medical doctors are over flooded yet with very low quality."

I view it as threat and opportunity as well for SMRT.


2015-04-02 21:44 | Report Abuse

even if your lousily predicted earnings come true, you also will not know where will the smart money go, as you simply not them.


2015-04-02 21:40 | Report Abuse

Hahahahhahah. I know I have Great Luck on JCY.
Wishing you good luck in other counter.


2015-04-02 20:24 | Report Abuse

How about
Q1FY15=50187m profit,
Q2FY15=50187m profit
Q3FY15=50187m profit
Q4FY15=50187m profit

Eps=50187mx4=200748m/2billion shares=0.10


Seagate current PE ratio= 8.5

JCY undervalued ?


2015-04-01 13:04 | Report Abuse

I read the hidden message behind Ray’s comments and have quickly taken benefit by buying into JCY at low at that time. As at today, I am still right and making few % of paper gain. Will my interpretation on his intention still be right going forward? Let’s time tells.


2015-03-30 08:27 | Report Abuse

Bruce is telling what most of the people face.


2015-03-29 21:06 | Report Abuse

Not trying to be negative, but the real fact is that the fake hope such as "let's see the next day..." appeared too frequent and unfortunately it has never materialize, at least thus far.


2015-03-29 17:56 | Report Abuse

If you factor in the couple times of right and bonus issues in the last few years, the price appreciation is in fact not that bad.


2015-03-29 17:51 | Report Abuse

Not sarcastic,but the real fact is many are "rugi diam diam".


2015-03-24 22:10 | Report Abuse

Shareprofit has his logic behind if you follow the history of this screw up tion.


2015-03-24 21:49 | Report Abuse

TP=12.00 is possible, but it will take long long time. Do not need to hurry, can take own sweet time to bargain for best price.


2015-03-24 06:19 | Report Abuse

I started to like it about 5 years ago when one of its GM shared with me the great ambitious of Tauke Leong and his impressive mgt style. After that I follow its biz performance closely and so far it is on track in realizing his great ambitious.

One of the main reasons I buy into TurtleSing is that I buy into Tauke Leong.


2015-03-23 21:57 | Report Abuse

Ray is a good guy spending lot of time searching and sharing info about SSD. Although I cannot agree fully with him and his long slew of unfavorable comments on HDD had costed me few hundreds ringgit in a day, I still appreciate his efforts. Thks, Mr. Ray.


2015-03-23 21:33 | Report Abuse

Hi paper: nice to see you here. This TurtleSing is my favorite stock.


2015-03-23 18:26 | Report Abuse

Good news?
I speculate bonus issue to reward shareholders after 5-6 yrs from IPO.


2015-03-23 13:27 | Report Abuse

I "guess" there will be a good news on AGM on Wednesday.


2015-03-23 13:23 | Report Abuse

Chong: price was adjusted down for bonus 1:2 last week.


2015-03-23 12:31 | Report Abuse

My buy order at 0.690 was matched. Another 10k shares are still in buy q at 0.685.

Action is louder than words.

Shares investment is luck dependant along with calculated risk.


2015-03-22 14:37 | Report Abuse

I opine 3.80 is within reach at any time.


2015-03-22 14:17 | Report Abuse

I invest a lot in export related counters too such as MPI, inari, Gtronic besides jcy.


2015-03-22 13:54 | Report Abuse

Eps will increase significantly, so do dividend payout as jcy used to pay ~50% of its PAT when company made profit in the past. When investors realize that jcy deliver very high five, many will rush in.


2015-03-22 13:49 | Report Abuse

Longnian: you have a great mind. I did the same estimation on extra gain from forex. On top of that, I also perform a worst case reverse calculation that if RM starts to reverse(strengthen) from now on, it will take 6 months to go back to the day when jcy starts accumulating the rm16.6 mil, meaning rm25 mil end Mar15, rm16.6 mil again end Jun15. Thereafter, I do not know.


2015-03-22 12:19 | Report Abuse

Have exact same view as longnian that JCY will be great in 2015 and RM will not back to 3.3 in 2015. Beyond 15, I will not in JCY anymore.


2015-03-22 11:51 | Report Abuse

Weak RM is not purely due to oil price. There are many other factors such as 1MDB, inefficient government, debt level, Hudu, outflowing of foreign investment, talent drain, just to list a few.


2015-03-22 11:44 | Report Abuse

I learned one lesson from Notion, if camera on smart phone can kill biz of Nikol(camera biz of Notion) quickly, there is a chance that SSD kills HDD in the same rapid way. Therefore I cannot claim that my investment on JCY is safe. I am now taking risk betting on the big earning by jcy from the lousy weak rm.


2015-03-22 11:37 | Report Abuse

Contribution from camera segment has decreased significantly from the previous about 33%(early14) to 28%(q1fy15).

The reasonable operational profit was contributed mainly from the growing HDD on increased sale orders and higher selling price.


2015-03-22 11:19 | Report Abuse

Correction: The recent negative results posted by Notion was due to provision for forex. Its operation especially on HDD is positive and growing.


2015-03-22 10:28 | Report Abuse

Hi longnian: I would state that I have heavy position on JCY at the moment and certainly I want to see it to rise and bringing me profit. Nevertheless, I always alert myself with any potential threat.

Back to the above discussion, if you won't mind, I would like to hear your view on the negative result of jcy in fy13.


2015-03-22 09:57 | Report Abuse

My view is that both sides are talking facts. On one side SSD is rising rapidly and posting great threat to HDD, on the other side HDD is still holding its position well. All boil down to the advancement of technology and timing which no one can predict accurately.


2015-03-22 09:42 | Report Abuse

Hi Ray: yesterday you quoted Notion. Herewith I would supplement a point that revenue of Notion was rescued by HDD in the latest two qtrs, meaning HDD is still doing fine at least for the moment.


2015-03-22 09:38 | Report Abuse

Hi Ray: thks again. May I ask a question? Any listed company in Bursa has biz related to SSD? Must as well I invest into this rising industry as early as possible ?


2015-03-22 07:38 | Report Abuse

Longnian: a very good morning to you. I have confident that jcy will be fine for at least this year. Thanks a lot for giving booster to JCY.


2015-03-21 22:17 | Report Abuse

No matter how great we are in analysis on a particular industry, in this case HDD, we are still outsiders gathering info piece by piece from here and there. Whereas directors of JCY are proven entrepreneurs delving directly and deeply in the industry with their multimillion capital. If JCY is in catastrophic threat, they would be the first one to know far before any outsiders, those professional analysts included. Basic common sense would tell that no one would keep 75% shareholding of a company which is under imminent catastrophic threat.


2015-03-21 19:59 | Report Abuse

All back to personal judgement on Timing. You judge it will come very fast, whereas I judge JCY will be very safe for at the very minimum 12 months to come. Furthermore HDD is not a lame sitting duck waiting to be slaughtered. Technology advancement of HDD is moving very fast too. Who knows, the game may end up HDD kills SSD with some accidental breakthrough in technology. Let's time tells.


2015-03-21 18:22 | Report Abuse

Hi Ray: you are great and having my high respect.

I opine what Ray had said is very solid, I have the exact same worry with one exception which is "timing". I bet the required time for SSD to kill HDD would take much longer time than described, meaning jcy has good chance to glory again this year with the current reasonable good demand on HDD and strong extra earning from forex.

When there is a worry, why should I invest in jcy seeing tremendous other good counters out there for selection?

Ans: I treat jcy as a proxy which is taking big advantage from the unabated weakening RM. It is something like playing forex where an attractive bid is offered thru jcy. Furthermore it comes with high dividen as sweetener.
If excluding forex gain, frankly speaking, jcy's biz model is not my cup of tea. I trade jcy for short to mid term only. Once I sense RM is to rebound, I will jump ship.


2015-03-21 14:30 | Report Abuse

Why share price of those earn usd companies such as semi-con, furniture, gloves, condom etc shot up so high lately but not JCY especially it had shown 16.6 million extra earning in the latest qtr purely from the strong usd ?
To me, the reason was that investors discount its valuation for the uncertainty of the long term development of HDD in the face of the aggressive SSD.

All risks created by SSD toward Jcy as described by few forumers above undoubtedly hold water, but the hard core fact is that jcy is still earning good profit from both HDD and strong usd at least for the last(q1) and current qtrs(q2). Seeing the unabated weakening RM, the extra earning from strong usd will definitely flow over to q3, meaning JCY will deliver beautiful earning in May and Aug15. By then do you think investors will still resist to the temptation of the good earning?


2015-03-20 18:07 | Report Abuse

RM5/lot, 10 lots=rm50, I gave it.


2015-03-20 16:50 | Report Abuse

Put theory aside for awhile, action was that 10 lots has been bought at 0.705.

Ok, we can now continue our literature discussion again.


2015-03-20 07:40 | Report Abuse

I have not make profit from JCY. Now you are telling so much risk on HDD which I have to admit that I have the same view albeit it is not in the same magnitude and same speed as yours. You had made me nervous with facts.


2015-03-20 05:53 | Report Abuse

I like thread of JCY as most of its forumers are knowledgeable and sharing great info from multiple perspective. Thks


2015-03-19 22:12 | Report Abuse

Bo Ko Leng Jit Jit Kee lah. 10%, Jiau Beh Liao Loh!


2015-03-18 22:58 | Report Abuse

Why so quiet today?


2015-03-18 22:57 | Report Abuse

Special tanks to sense, ray and paper for the valuable info and discussion.


2015-03-18 22:55 | Report Abuse

How come it went 5% in a day?